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letsdothis3 ago

Barrick Gold, Peru and Clinton Foundation -

"Beyond Borders"is the name of the children's charity place next to Comet Ping Pong

Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation, Barrick Gold, Gold Corp, Bush CIA, Clinton, Giustra, and Jewish Hungarian mafisos - Barrick Gold and its trafficking @darkknight111

Using the influence of this political faction, Barrick acquired important interests, first in the United States, then in Canada and South America. In South America, as Barrick boasts in its 1995 annual report, the company has an aggressive, long-term approach, with mines and projects established in strategic locations in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil.

Peter Munk and Barrick director Andrew Sarlos are very close associates of international speculator George Soros, in a grouping of Hungarian Jewish emigres. A personal investment director for Britain's Queen Elizabeth, Soros is the world's leading promoter of the legitimization of criminal enterprises, particularly narcotics

USNS Comfort ; USNS Spearhead

Arson at Guatemala shelter kills 22 girls and a strange tip about a US Navy ship : 6 Degrees of Separation -

Hmmm. Another strange coincidence. NYT says all the dead in this fire in a children's shelter (in Guatemala) were girls, but that may not be the whole story. USNS Spearhead was sitting off the coast of Guatemala again when it happened. The shelter is inland, but accessible by helicopter.