darkknight111 ago


Found a list of scandals, including poisoning 5 rivers in Argentina, over 200 rapes in Papua New Guinia.

carmencita ago

Thank you for bringing this up. Their crimes are EPIC. Alleged rapes? But they paid out? Yeah, right. Alleged. These companies that are allowed to pillage and rape all over the globe. There is much of this going on especially within the Indigenous Areas in So. Am. countries that poison their land or just take it like Eminent Domain. Many people think that regulations don't matter. Deregulate everything. This allows these companies into these countries in the first place. They Must Be Stopped. Congress can do this. But they won't because they are all heavily invested. So are private citizens. Check who your Investment Firm has your stock in, that is if you are lucky to have this. We don't. We were not lucky enough to work at places that offered a plan. We are solely dependent on Soc. Security. Soc. Security is an Insurance Policy. Stand up for it.

plagueship ago

Read "Family of secrets" if you want good background on the Bushes.

darkknight111 ago


Looky looky here. Pay dirt.

Shout out to @TimesUp for finding this.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yeah for sure. It is a Canadian company and Canada, for anyone paying attention, always covers up child pedophilia. It is maybe the worst country in the world for coverups. Nothing gets exposed, no politicians, none of it. They make snuff films, sometimes with children but all you have to do is look into the Picton farm for conformation as to the coverups in place. Other countries even send their pedophiles here after they have been exposed in their own countries. Look into Peter Monk. he is scum

darkknight111 ago


Is this the guy?

Had trouble since I was looking for Peter Monk rather than Peter Munk.