racmo ago

This reads like a book and should be

think- ago

@kestrel9: Thank you for presenting all these dots! Impressive.

May I ask you to add a short paragraph at the top of your post, with a short summary what the post is about?

I'm afraid otherwise readers might be a bit lost. Thank you! :-)

I'm flairing this 'Edit Warning' per Rule 2.

Rule 2: If you present opinion/argument, connect your dots

Please edit within 24 hours, otherwise we will unfortunately have to take the post down.

kestrel9 ago

Sure np

think- ago

Thank you! :-)

Vindicator ago

You forgot to remove the flair. Or maybe Voat being down prevented it. Removing now.

think- ago

I haven't been able to access Voat until 5 minutes ago.

Vindicator ago

Traffic is really heavy. Q mentioned Abramovich. Plus everyone in the USA is live streaming the Trump rally. :-)

think- ago

What I don't understand is why other people have been able to access Voat again for hours.

I thought it was a DDOS attack due to the Lithuanian post or the post about the HRC videos.... ;-)

Vindicator ago

This Q stuff has kept me busy today...but somewhere I saw Putt saying he was doing maintenance.

kestrel9 ago

Response to criticisms of Barrick Gold regarding quality of water. No date on document but newer than 2012

Report on Barrick Gold's water treatment for one area of preexisting contamination http://barrick.q4cdn.com/808035602/files/pueblo-viejo/Pueblo-Viejo-Environment-Water-Fact-Sheet.pdf

* The previous operator of Pueblo Viejo closed the operation in 1999 without proper environmental remediation, leaving a legacy of polluted soil and water. After acquiring control of Pueblo Viejo, PVDC assumed responsibility for environmental remediation of areas within the mine development boundary

 * While Barrick monitors downstream water quality in the Margajita together with local communities, the company is not responsible for treating downstream water or the tributaries that feed this section of the river, as these areas fall well outside the mine development boundary

  •  Today, the Margajita has returned to its natural color and its pH level has increased significantly, measuring in the 7.0-8.5 range at the point where treated water is discharged into the river
  •  Since acquiring control of Pueblo Viejo, PVDC has re-vegetated 3,500 hectares of land, built a large water treatment plant to treat water on site before discharging it into the Margajita River and, acting as an agent of the government, removed 180,000 cubic meters of contaminated soil left from prior operations.

 * PVDC also agreed to provide $75 million to fund the clean-up of historical liabilities that are the responsibility of the Dominican government. The management plan for the clean-up phase is currently awaiting government approval.

  • Cyanide use at Pueblo Viejo:Barrick did not begin using cyanide at Pueblo Viejo until the summer of 2012.  All cyanide used in processing goes through a cyanide destruction circuit before tailings are deposited in the mine’s tailings storage facility.  Pueblo Viejo is designed to comply with the International Cyanide Management Code and is in the process of being certified. The code sets out stringent environmental and employee best practices for all aspects of the cyanide life-cycle, including manufacturing, transportation, use and disposal. Companies that adopt the code commit to having their operations audited by an independent third party and meeting all code requirements.

kestrel9 ago



So much is open source.

So much left to be connected.

Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?

How are they smuggled out?

‘Adoption’ process.

Local ‘staging’ ports friendly to CF?

Track donations.

Cross against location relative to Haiti.

Think logically.

The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.




“Following this week’s planning meeting, President Clinton will officially launch the Action Network on April 3 at the University of Miami, bringing together leaders from government, business and civil society,” according to a statement issued by the Clinton Foundation Monday.

The Clinton Foundation is part of the Clinton Global Initiative, established in 2005 to address a series of global challenges. Another CGI affiliate, Direct Relief International, appeared on St. Thomas Monday.

Representatives brought four cases of hospital supplies to the Schneider Regional Medical Center as a charitable donation. Donated items included infectious-waste bags, disposable gloves, hygiene products, syringes for use by diabetics, topical and oral antibiotics.

It’s the fourth time since the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria DRI dropped by with gifts of supplies, said Shanique Boschulte, assistant to Schneider Regional Medical Center Chief Executive Officer Bernard Wheatley.

Affected island nations and territories included in the relief initiative include Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Antigua and Barbuda and Dominica. Barbuda suffered an estimated 95 percent structural damage in the wake of Hurricane Irma.

Area targeted for long term recovery through the action network include health care, energy, education and (((economic development))). Getting there will not be easy, Clinton said. He based that comment on the eight years already spent in Haiti, trying to help the nation recovery from a catastrophic earthquake in 2010.

“And everyone who cares about this, needs to be prepared to work for a few years on this,” he said. “In April, I’m going to have a conference in Miami, bringing in other people who know this is so, and we’re going to try and make a long term commitment across health care, education, economics, you name it.

Gothamgirl ago

Probably unrelated but Pueblo Viejo is also a chain of restaurants in Florida.


kestrel9 ago

Barrick Gold is happy to claim their place under the UN sustainable development goals,

This is what sustainable global justice is all about
