letsdothis3 ago

Barrick Gold, Peru and Clinton Foundation - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1434187

"Beyond Borders"is the name of the children's charity place next to Comet Ping Pong

Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation, Barrick Gold, Gold Corp, Bush CIA, Clinton, Giustra, and Jewish Hungarian mafisos - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2439009

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2144149 Barrick Gold and its trafficking @darkknight111

Using the influence of this political faction, Barrick acquired important interests, first in the United States, then in Canada and South America. In South America, as Barrick boasts in its 1995 annual report, the company has an aggressive, long-term approach, with mines and projects established in strategic locations in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil.

Peter Munk and Barrick director Andrew Sarlos are very close associates of international speculator George Soros, in a grouping of Hungarian Jewish emigres. A personal investment director for Britain's Queen Elizabeth, Soros is the world's leading promoter of the legitimization of criminal enterprises, particularly narcotics

USNS Comfort ; USNS Spearhead

Arson at Guatemala shelter kills 22 girls and a strange tip about a US Navy ship : 6 Degrees of Separation - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1706532

Hmmm. Another strange coincidence. NYT says all the dead in this fire in a children's shelter (in Guatemala) were girls, but that may not be the whole story. USNS Spearhead was sitting off the coast of Guatemala again when it happened. The shelter is inland, but accessible by helicopter.

letsdothis3 ago


Foundations are : assi sas and hadary sas

Hadaray SAS https://www.paginasamarillas.com.co/empresas/hadary-sas/santa-marta-25011181

Address: Cl 14 1B - 02 Sec Taganga Santa Marta - Magdalena

That address also gives us : http://www.reef-shepherd.com/en/home/

and this: http://www.hoteloceantaganga.com/

and this may also be of interest : https://www.casadmer.com/en/location


It also has high-capacity motorcycles and two megalotes in Santa Marta and Cartagena, where it raised its hostels after investing 3,000 million pesos. In addition, he appears negotiating Casa Noam, a hotel in El Laguito, owned by Israeli citizen Noam Moshe.

Ah, I see we've already been here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2662232/13481950 @think- @shewhomustbeobeyed

think- ago

He didn't do that by himself.

No, I think he is Mossad. Didn't we discuss him in a previous thread?

letsdothis3 ago

I must have missed that.

think- ago

Maybe I'm wrong - I always wanted to do a post about him, so I collected some info, maybe nobody hasn't done a post yet. I don't have time now, but will look for it later today, and put it in a comment reply to you.

letsdothis3 ago

And the third hotel from the Telegraph article on hotels in Cartagena is : Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/south-america/colombia/cartagena/hotels/Sofitel-Legend-Santa-Clara-Cartagena-hotel/

The building was originally built in 1621, as a convent for the Nuns of the Order of St. Claire, known otherwise as the “Clarisas”.

I immediately googled that and.. this blog post came up : http://leftatthefork.net/new-skete-nuns-cambridge-ny/

It goes into details about the different flavours of cheescakes and all about the freezer and the 24/7 service. Uh huh...

The writer Bruce Blimes didn't really pop up on quick searches so may be an assumed named.. the Facebook page was interesting: https://www.facebook.com/LeftAtTheFork.net/

Left at the Fork October 19, 2017 ·

CampWashingtonChili grinds their own beef and shreds their own Wisconsin cheddar, befitting the only Cincinnati chili parlor honored by the James Beard Foundation. #LeftAtTheFork http://wp .me/p5582f-6QQ

James Beard Foundation - https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2902168 by @Maurice

New Leads - James Alefantis Owned The Strand Art Gallery. Sexually Perverted "art performances" and Secret Society link. This Needs More Research! - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1465954 by @apparatchik1488

When you read the review of the restaurant Reviewer V from Colorado Springs, CO


You'll notice something very unsettling about these secret dinner parties and look who else it links to, that's right James Alefantis.

"The group was apparently co-founded by a James Beard award-nominated chef (we have reason to believe its Carole Greenwood, of Buck's Fishing and Camping fame)"

letsdothis3 ago

From the Telegraph article, the second Cartagena hotel listed is Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/south-america/colombia/cartagena/hotels/casa-san-agustin-hotel/


Last night, and for the fifth consecutive year, Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa hosted an annual dinner in benefit of Fundación Granitos de Paz (Grains of Peace Foundation), an organization that works with the residents of some of the most marginalized areas of Cartagena. The event was attended by personalities of national and international stature, including First Lady of Colombia Maria Clemencia Rodríguez and American celebrity Martha Stewart.

Martha Stewart, Patricia de Ardila and Mauricio Gómez President and CEO Hoteles Charleston in image


At the end of the 90s, Gómez sold the chain to the French firm Pierson Capital Group, and Mauricio Gómez continued as head of the organization.

Pierre Falcone is the Chairman of Pierson Capital Group : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Falcone

He is listed in Corruption Watch : https://www.cw-uk.org/key-players

Co-owner of Abalone Investments

Pierre Falcone was born in Algeria in 1954. When he was aged eight, Falcone’s parents moved to France, following Algeria’s declaration of independence. In his early twenties Falcone moved to Brazil, where he started his business life as an agricultural entrepreneur. Together with his Bolivian wife, Falcone established himself as a signifi cant socialite in the US in the 1990s. In 2009 Falcone was convicted of various crimes relating to Angolagate, receiving a six year sentence. He had attempted to claim diplomatic immunity as he was then the Angolan ambassador to UNESCO – a position that confirmed his closeness to the Angolan political elite. Some of his convictions were overturned and his sentence was reduced on appeal in 2011. He remains active in Angola.

U.S. Ties Israeli Billionaire With Chinese Intelligence - https://www.haaretz.com/1.5091133

The Admiralty complex is one of the trademarks of Hong Kong's urban landscape. Overlooking the port, the complex used to house the soldiers of the British army and the headquarters of the Royal Navy in the region. Today it is part of the city's business center. One building there houses a group of companies nicknamed the 88 Queensway Group (the address of the building), which the U.S. administration suspects is nothing more than a cover for activity conducted by the People's Republic of China's foreign intelligence. Wu Yang, one of the group's senior directors, provided the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong with an address that matches the address of Chinese foreign intelligence.

The suspicions were spelled out in a report recently compiled by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, which was established by Congress in 2000 in order to "monitor, investigate and submit to Congress an annual report on the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China, and to provide recommendations, where appropriate, to Congress for legislative and administrative action." The report noted, among other things, that the group of Chinese corporations has business ties with Israeli businessman and diamond magnate Lev Leviev.

Using the group, Chinese intelligence acquires oil and energy companies and other important assets in countries in Africa, Latin American, Southeast Asia, as well as in the United States. In this way it promotes Chinese national interests, increases its influence and guarantees the supply of raw materials - first and foremost oil - necessary for its economy.

The Chinese companies are assisted in some of their international activities by the Angolan government, a rising economic power in Africa, and particularly its national oil company Sonangol. The report mentions three international businessmen connected to the Angolan-Chinese cooperation, with the help of a company called China-Sonangol, which is registered in Hong Kong. China-Sonangol is part of the 88 Queensway Group.

One is Helder Battaglia, a Portuguese businessman with close ties to Angolan President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, as well as Chavez and Kirchner. Battaglia has varied investments in Angola, Congo and Latin America. The second is Pierre Falcone, a French businessman who was Arcadi Gaydamak's partner, and together with Gaydamak was involved in supplying arms to the tune of about $800 million to Angola in the 1990s. Falcone, Gaydamak and others were recently convicted in a French court for illegal arms trade conducted in the '90s. In recent years, Falcone moved the main center of his business to Beijing, and has become the person who opens Angola's doors to China (for huge fees). Gaydamak is not mentioned at all in the report; it is known that he is at odds with Falcone and the two are embroiled in legal proceedings over the profits of the arms deal.

The third businessman mentioned in the American report is Lev Leviev, who was Gaydamak's partner and who according to the report continues to have a strong standing in Angola, where he has mines, diamond polishing plants and a diamond trade company.

letsdothis3 ago

Cartagena :UNESCO World Heritage site https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/285

Situated in a bay in the Caribbean Sea, Cartagena has the most extensive fortifications in South America. A system of zones divides the city into three neighbourhoods: San Pedro, with the cathedral and many Andalusian-style palaces; San Diego, where merchants and the middle class lived; and Gethsemani, the 'popular quarter'.

Cartagena was for several centuries a focal point of confrontation among the principal European powers vying for control of the “New World.”

Cartagena is an eminent example of the military architecture of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, the most extensive of the New World and one of the most complete. Cartagena, together with Havana and San Juan, Puerto Rico (already inscribed in the World Heritage List), was an essential link in the route of the West Indies. The property fits within the general theme of world exploration and the great commercial maritime routes.

The ownership of the Port, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena, is shared among private individuals, institutions, the Roman Catholic Church and national and local government authorities.

letsdothis3 ago

Hostal Artun de San Agustín, here promoted in the Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/south-america/colombia/cartagena/hotels/casa-san-agustin-hotel/

website: https://www.hotelcasasanagustin.com/

works with Hamak Hotels : https://www.hamakhotels.com/what-we-do


Luxury hotelier veterans and Esencia developers Alberto Remirez, Nicolas Dominguez and Federico Carstens have joined forces to form HAMAK

With seven restaurants and bars, three pools, a 17,000-square-foot spa and fitness center, and interior designs by David Rockwell


David Rockwell (born 1956)[1] is an American architect and designer. He is the founder and president of Rockwell Group, a 250-person award-winning, cross-disciplinary architecture and design practice based in New York City with satellite offices in Madrid and Shanghai.

Rockwell currently serves as Chair Emeritus of the Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA) and as a board member of the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum, Citymeals-on-Wheels, and New York Restoration Project.[4] Rockwell also conceived and developed Imagination Playground pro-bono, a play space designed to encourage children to work together to create their own worlds of play. After five years of research on children and play, the first site-specific location opened in collaboration with the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation at Burling Slip in Manhattan in 2010. Rockwell Group developed portable, scalable models that can transform smaller, unused areas into play spaces. Through the U.N.I.C.E.F. P.L.A.Y. Project, in partnership with Disney, the blocks have been distributed to more than 13,000 children in Bangladesh and Haiti.

Rockwell and Nobu https://www.yellowtrace.com.au/nobu-downtown-new-york-city-david-rockwell/

Rockwell and club Tao https://www.rockwellgroup.com/projects/tao-downtown

Interesting because I'm planning to do a post including Jason Strauss, co-founder of Marquee, TAO, Avenue and LAVO clubs which expands on the whole Standard Hotel network.

letsdothis3 ago

250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their 'owners'

A child prostitution ring where more than 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their 'owners' has been broken up after dramatic raids.

Police arrested 18 people after the girls were lured into coming the Colombian resort of Cartagena under the pretence of working as models there.

Among those detained was the alleged 'Madame' of the operation - Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello - and several unnamed Israelis who are believed to be the network's ringleaders.

They allegedly raped and tattooed all their victims, who were aged between 14 and 17.

Campos Puello was allegedly responsible for finding the girls from the poor neighbourhoods in Colombia and Venezuela.

They were allegedly showcased in catalogues and forced to attend sex parties on luxury yachts and hotels.

Whose yachts ?

Lord_Voldevoat ago

I highly doubt this will be revealed.

letsdothis3 ago

I think we'll find them.. we have enough information here on voat now ;-) No need for anyone to reveal it for us... :-)

letsdothis3 ago


Further down the page : A network of pimping that left more than 250 victims in Cartagena

Among the occupied buildings are the headquarters of Casa Benjamin, Hostal Artun de San Agustín and Hotel Central Los Tropicales.

Hotel Central Los Tropicales. https://hotelestropical-inn.com/hotel/contacto/

The Tropical Inn is located on the picturesque white sand coast of Tierrabomba Island, a 10-minute boat ride from Cartagena.

Terra Bomba Island https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tierra_Bomba_Island

On January 2014, it was announced that Tierra Bomba Island will house the new Caribbean Naval Base of the Colombian Navy.[1] The naval base will be within the locality of Bocagrande and be 33.4 hectares in size.

letsdothis3 ago

Who is the Israeli expelled from the country for national security

In his country he had a file for the crimes of trafficking in persons and drug trafficking . Assi Moosh or Ben Mush was expelled this Sunday from Colombia because his stay in the country, according to a Migration Colombia document, represented a danger to national security.

The inquiries relate Assi Moosh to an organization that offered Israeli citizens sex tourism in Colombia . Several of his clients, says the file, were ex-military men who had just been compensated by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

In hotels and lodgings run by this man in Cartagena, Medellín and Bogotá, only nationals of that country were lodged, who first had to submit to the filling of a form in a page of Internet. And all customers had to be recommended by a previous client.

According to the investigation, Assi Moosh is involved with a foundation that recruited low-income youths under the promise of aid and studies, but ended up being subjected to prostitution . With the support of this foundation, the network managed to shield for almost 10 years to false social clubs that, in addition, they did the remove to the restrictions of schedules.

This organization, dedicated to sex tourism in Colombia, has in the sector of La Candelaria, Bogota, two hostels, a hotel in Medellin, another in Cartagena and the main headquarters - called the 'bunker' - in Santa Marta.

The two hotels on the Costa have the same name: El Benjamín, located in Bocagrande, Cartagena, and Taganga, Santa Marta.


Now which foundation would that be?

letsdothis3 ago

I had to use Google translator, but it looks like Assi Moosh even used his own 3 children in the ring: https://www.eltiempo.com/justicia/investigacion/assi-moosh-pide-revocar-expulsion-de-colombia-158416

thewebofslime ago

Eliminating the competition.

QueuTard ago

provided Israeli tourists with “tourism packages”

It takes a special kind of Jew to make coupons for child rape. It's that keen business sense.