pizzahthrowaway ago

Shiller, no shilling.

SpikyAube ago

Well I'm sure their restaurant reviews are alright. It's mainly the bits where they ignore paedophile rings and the political stuff that has no credibility.

Scoundrel ago

I claimed WaPo was a credible source? Please show me. I merely linked to what Reviewer V. was talking about in their review of the underground secret restaurants. Hello McFly- see here

Gorillion ago

Member for 4 hours and already prolapsing.

You guys make me laugh sometimes.

Really, because you make us sick. Always.

banthepingpong ago

Yeah they deleted the site and replaced it with Japanese stuff

Princeofcats ago

Art can be disturbing without it bein an indictment. At least in theory. So we are better off focusing in specific criminality and evidence thereof; and using the morality and general weirdness just to generate leads. That is: art is art, not crime.

apparatchik1488 ago

Sure; this is just a large new area to research. No smoking guns here but a lot of leads.

laml ago

Damnit. Sweeney Todd got in my head. Not then, but now!

MeatballPizza ago

A play called TERMINUS - about a serial killer - opened there.

srayzie ago

Dang, how many things does Alefantis own or co-own? The list keeps growing!

banthepingpong ago

We need a master list of this actually

Scoundrel ago

"Thanks to Carol Greenwood and James Alefantis"

Searched her on Wikileaks and found her in an xls with dates of show - Carroll Greenwood and the Beatin's. This lead me to this article -

Here is where it gets interesting:

From the article:

Greenwood’s career path, on the other hand, has wound through an almost absurd number of successful positions. Off to a decidedly different start from most musicians, she earned her bachelor’s degree in Political Science and went on to work for a variety of different political campaigns. After, she attended culinary school in Paris and went on to own two highly successful restaurants. As if that wasn’t fulfilling enough, she sold the restaurants and created the Orange Arrow, an anti-restaurant invitation-only underground dinner club whose location remains hidden until you’ve been invited (you can sign up for the opportunity on their website)

When you read the review of the restaurant Reviewer V from Colorado Springs, CO

You'll notice something very unsettling about these secret dinner parties and look who else it links to, that's right James Alefantis.

"The group was apparently co-founded by a James Beard award-nominated chef (we have reason to believe its Carole Greenwood, of Buck's Fishing and Camping fame)"

Here is an article from the FAKENEWS Washinton Post on this new fad... - notice anything eerie when layered over the backdrop of Pizzagate?

I personally thought this was interesting:

"Because the DNA of the magical dinner is unmapped, these events will evolve, month to month, season to season, place to place & plate to plate."


apparatchik1488 ago

which will host as many as 150 select "hungry, hedonistic gypsies"

apparatchik1488 ago

Nice, nice. Yeah, there are so many directions to go from here.

With the help of James Alefantis, veteran chef Carole Greenwood has redecorated her restaurant to resemble a fishing camp, has lowered prices, and now offers a menu of updated comfort food. Moderate.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Art is a great way to launder money. No one asks what the artist does with the millions he gets. Perhaps there is a money laundering element going on here as well.

pizzahthrowaway ago

The ARTS are in general, the same lack of value and paper trail applies to films and music as well...and who was involved in "film" making? Our friend Mr. Alefantis with Antinous on his instagram! How strange he's making movies about "secret pizza", it couldnt be that those movies were ALSO being used for money laundering does it? Hmmm I wonder

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Laundering money via film? i never thought to do that, but that makes a lot of sense.

The question is why? Are they laundering the money for child sex trafficking, or are they laundering campaign contributions?

The Clinton foundation is also near by, so this could be a great way to launder non-profit money into political contributions, without anyone noticing.

"oh they just catered pizza, or hot dogs" No one asks questions.

Has that been investigated?

banthepingpong ago

Wayback machine shows really strange photography. NSFW

whatonearth ago

Congratulations, you just discovered art. Did u know? At an art school near you there are probably classrooms where people pose with no clothes on and other people make pictures of them. Even their boobies and everything! Maybe you can blow the lid off this scandal too!

jealoushe ago

Well the one photo is similar to that sculpter that was hanging in the one guys place. Disturbing.

apparatchik1488 ago

Wow yeah, Great addition, I'll add to main thread.

whatonearth ago

Typical pizzagate idiocy. "The guy had an art gallery that exhibited photos of people with stuff written on their faces, obviously he MUST be a child molester!"

banthepingpong ago

Errmmm, yeah no, there are weird photos here.

Scoundrel ago

Whatonearth thinks pedo art is normal

Scoundrel ago

Retarded, they're called leads, if they're dead ends we remove. Need me to explain anything else to your dumb ass?

whatonearth ago

An art gallery hosting an exhibit that wouldn't have even been controversial 50 years ago, let alone today, is not a "lead". A lead would be, say, finding actual evidence of something illegal.

Scoundrel ago

You're clueless.

llm2016 ago

That's called suspicion. Are you expecting conclusive evidence? Dumbass.

CosmicSponge ago

@whatonearth tell me how you really feel....

Scoundrel ago

He likes little kiddos in sexual poses.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Blake Gopnik, a jewish degenerate

I don't see the relevance of his ethnicity. This is the sort of thing media and shills will use to discredit us as "alt-right" nazis.

whatonearth ago

Dude, you're in a thread posted by a guy with "1488" in his name who has repeatedly referred to himself as a "/pol/ Nazi" in other threads.

apparatchik1488 ago

I am an alt-right Nazi. Problem? I think it is relevant.

derram ago :

Illicit Encounters at Strand on Volta

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