ESOTERICshade ago

These are the tentacles of the Israeli master pointed sex tourism

Assi Mosh, expelled from the country for Migration Colombia, and entuteló to return.

"I have powerful attorneys. I bet you do not arrive or return to Spain and Colombia you first. They will remember me, I know where their families live and I will see your face again. "

That was what the Israeli Assi Mosh shouting while a squad of agents Migration Colombia climbed it on a plane last Sunday to expel the country, considering that threatens national security and public order.

Man, 43 years old and born in Kiryat Ata (Israel), he is investigated for driving a sex tourism in Taganga, Magdalena (called 'little Israel'), including drugs, prostitution of girls and branches in four countries and in three cities: Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena.

TIME reported this case in 2012, but nothing ever happened. Until Migration decided to send him to Tel Aviv nine days ago , through Avianca flights with a stopover in Madrid. But man, burly, tattooed and handcuffed, filled with insults, threats and shouts the cabin, forcing the captain to turn it down.

For instruction Christian Krüger, director of Migration, I had to get by Panama, where, by local standards, could be sedated and sent home by Iberia, with a doctor and two guards who ensured their safety. One of the officers had to be relieved by the threats he received and already denounced.

Government sources say high, the decision to expel was notified to the embassy of Israel, which knows that its citizens is an old acquaintance of international justice and was captured in 2003 in Amsterdam.

At that time, he was accused of running a network of traffickers of ecstasy, cocaine, hashish and LSD. Even the Israel Police had to go to their counterparts in Thailand, New Zealand, Brazil, Spain, India, France and Japan to dismantle the gang, linked to the Yakuza mafia. Who is the Israeli expelled from the country for national security Prontuario and exmilitares

Mosh already had a small handbook in Tokyo, where he was a street vendor and from which now imports merchandise, including an expensive car business in Dubai for $ 35,000 and brought by boat to Colombia.

Also it has high - powered motorcycles and two megalotes in Santa Marta and Cartagena, where he raised his B after investing 3,000 million pesos . In addition, it appears Noam negotiating House, a hotel in El Laguito, owned Israeli citizen Moshe Noam.

Since 2009, the DAS opened an investigation into the alleged involvement of Mosh in sexual tourism network including drugs, under heavy rumba , exclusively for foreigners, especially former members of Israel.

But the case was unsuccessful, the DAS was settled and -quieto record in Fiscalía- began to be dusted off only a few months ago when allegations of offers' tours for orgies and Bacchanalia aboard yachts and catamarans were received.

"The initial network business were the electronic parties, all - inclusive, three local Taganga, spa near Santa Marta. They offer drink, drugs and prostitutes, including minors. The epicenter is the hostel Benjamin, but they have satellites in Cartagena, Medellin and Bogota , "reads one of the complaints.

Currently, it asks whether Ifta House, located in the La Candelaria Bogota is linked to Mosh. In papers it appears as a foundation Evyatar head Hadary, who bought it in 2012 to Gabriel Kenigsberger. This had an extradition request from France for drug trafficking apparently never executed.

In the investigations two companies appear through which would handle the dividends of the hostels and foundations: Assi SAS and Hadary SAS

also mentioned Itay Senior, manager and legal representative of the hostel Casa Benjamin in Cartagena, expelled for Migration Colombia and now administrator Benjamin Hotel in Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Mexico. That has been the fate Mosh six trips between 2014 and 2015.

Another of its destinations is Brazil has six times since 2009. He even asked to be sent there with his three Colombian children, saying it has a property.

" It is believed that its tentacles reach Peru, where he traveled in December 2015, and Ecuador, its recent destination at least five times , " he told this newspaper an officer stationed at an embassy. The officer also mentioned Zohar Mor, who is listed as partner Mosh.

Both are credited with great powers of penetration authorities Taganga and Santa Marta, where considered 'untouchables'.

In fact, Mosh just establish a conservatorship, through a Colombian lawyer, to return it immediately to Colombia, arguing that it has everything in order . If that happens, the case will be in the hands of the Prosecutor and his authorities, who already have in their sights. Israeli lawyer speaks Mosh

Mosh Assi's lawyer said Israel has the right to be in the country for being Dad 3 Colombian children. "It's enough to not be expelled. He was also abused in Migration "he said.

On allegations he added: " It is false that is 'king' of sex tourism. Have permits in order and immigration card, in force until 2020, it was approved knowing their history ".

On the phone Ifta House said no one was there. Mails were sent to the hostel Itay Senior and Benjamin, but no answer.

Investigative Unit [email protected] @uinvestigativa