fogdryer ago

Schl/ hlthcare being linked to corporate power :

the impact of marketing on public health goes deep. Marketing textbooks lionise the consumer: our complete satisfaction is the essence of successful business (provided we can afford to pay). The result is an unstinting hunt for new needs and wants (or, increasingly, whims) to satisfy, and a population that has a burgeoning sense of entitlement. The damaging effect of this favouritism is shown in the pharmaceutical business, which pays more attention to the trivial complaints of the rich than the life threatening sicknesses of the poor.
Find out what is up and coming , satisfy a need , make money

MercurysBall2 ago

It's about creating new industries so that the billionaires can become trillionaires.

fogdryer ago

Governments simply want the ability to trace every single transaction at the drop of a hat. All in the name of 'national security' of course.

TheTruthIsNotABanker ago

What business are the Johnsons also involved in? What are the largest private banks in Wisconsin? Why is Arizona the other state they have banks in?

Who is John Jeffry Louis and how is he connected to John McCain, the Pilgrims Society and Racine, Wisconsin?

Who were the large donors from Racine to McCain, the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton Global Health Initiative?

What did Sam say before he “died” about how he would have just focused on banking his entire life instead? Why?

What is the CHIP program in Racine and what is the new Community Cares program for? What numbers represent “CC”?

Why is Racine a model for Smart Cities and why are they redesigning the entire city with roundabouts and giant obelisks?

Where is the founder of Rotary International from, and how is Rotary connected to Bill Gales and the Clintons health initiatives?

Why did Mark Zuckerberg sacrifice baby goats, and what is the partnership between him and his wife?

What is the I-94 Project and who are the main sponsors?

Why are schools and healthcare being directly linked with corporate powers?

MercurysBall2 ago

Seattle’s first banker: Dexter Horton

Dexter Horton, a local general store owner, was the first banker in Seattle before the city even had a bank. After realizing his affinity for banking, Horton got the proper training and opened Seattle’s first official bank, Bank of America’s oldest heritage bank in that region.

Seattle was rapidly growing and so was the demand for capital. Bankers realized they would have to consolidate to meet the demand, so by 1929, Seattle saw the formation of what the Seattle Post-Intelligencer called a "Giant New Superbank." The superbank consolidated three of Seattle's four major banks at the time: Dexter Horton, Seattle National and First National into what they called First Seattle Dexter Horton National Bank. The unwieldy name was eventually changed to First National Bank of Seattle and then later to Seafirst Bank, Bank of America's oldest heritage bank in Seattle.

Seafirst Bank

The Bank of Dexter Horton & Co., First South and Washington in Seattle's Pioneer Square neighborhood, 1900. As of 2009 the building is still in use as the Maynard Building.

The Maynard Building was constructed on the site of a previous building also known as the Dexter Horton Building. During the Seattle riot of 1886 Governor Watson Squire's martial law decree was read from the steps of that building to "yells and howls of defiance" from the assembled mob.

Seattle riot of 1886

The Seattle riot of 1886 occurred on February 6–9, 1886, in Seattle, Washington, amidst rising anti-Chinese sentiment caused by intense labor competition and in the context of an ongoing struggle between labor and capital in the Western United States. The dispute arose when a mob affiliated with a local Knights of Labor chapter formed small committees to carry out a forcible expulsion of all Chinese from the city. Violence erupted between the Knights of Labor rioters and federal troops ordered in by President Grover Cleveland. The incident resulted in the removal of over 200 Chinese civilians from Seattle and left two militia men and three rioters seriously injured.

By the late 1930s, Chinatown was re-established in Seattle as a distinct and proud neighborhood. Many Chinese prospered despite lingering tensions. However, relations again soured after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan. Many Japanese Americans were rounded up in the spring of 1942 for "internment" camps throughout World War II. In response, many Chinese Americans in Seattle were forced to wear badges declaring that they were not Japanese.

Knights of Labor

In 1869, Uriah Smith Stephens, James L. Wright, and a small group of Philadelphia tailors founded a secret organization known as the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor. The collapse of the National Labor Union in 1873 left a vacuum for workers looking for organization. .. The Knights of Labor attracted many Catholics, who were a large part of the membership, perhaps a majority. Powderly was also a Catholic. However, the Knights's use of secrecy, similar to the Masons, during its early years concerned many bishops of the church.

MercurysBall2 ago

Internment of Japanese Americans

Executive Order 9066 authorized the removal of all persons of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast; however, it was signed before there were any facilities completed to house the displaced Japanese Americans. After the voluntary evacuation program failed to result in many families leaving the exclusion zone, the military took charge of the now-mandatory evacuation. On April 9, 1942, the Wartime Civilian Control Administration (WCCA)[99] was established by the Western Defense Command to coordinate the forced removal of Japanese Americans to inland concentration camps.

Justice Department detention camps (These camps often held German-American and Italian-American detainees in addition to Japanese Americans):

Crystal City, Texas[108]

Fort Lincoln Internment Camp

Fort Missoula, Montana

Fort Stanton, New Mexico

Kenedy, Texas

Kooskia, Idaho

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Seagoville, Texas

Forest Park, Georgia

Citizen Isolation Centers :

Leupp, Arizona

Moab, Utah (AKA Dalton Wells)

Fort Stanton, New Mexico (AKA Old Raton Ranch)