23214244? ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever comment by @MercurysBall2.

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23208733? ago

go to Coreys digs and look for branson and Clinton

23208493? ago

This brings back a memory from shortly after Al Gore lost his election against Bush. It was reported in a short article in the newspaper that Al had bought an island in the Caribbean. I remember wondering at the time why on Earth would he want a Caribbean Island. Haven't seen a word about it since then, but now it makes more sense why he would want one.

23201798? ago

God I love Corey!!

This is what I'm using to redpill people. I think in most cases, the redpilling will come from disclosing what's happened to all those kids you see on the back of milk cartons and in the weekly ad flyers.

OK - SO --- "Pray for our Children" is the way I'm sending this out to friends who are on the fence and not completely destroyed by TDS.

On my cell phone, so just in case, can one of you magnificent faggots please archive the following for me? I'll try and get to it after work, but I wanted to share my resources as well;

This - https://www.europol.europa.eu/newsroom/news/90-suspects-identified-in-major-online-child-sexual-abuse-operation









https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiAgOuVbask Haitian Official on the Clinton Foundation


Drug Traffickers and Child traffickers along 20-island route in Caribbean -- https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1245502890204114944.html

Blessings and prayers for all!


23201805? ago

this is FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS FOR POSTING THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23202357? ago

You are welcome! Been collecting for awhile. The one from australia is huge. I want to make sure none of this disappears!

23201635? ago

love her work and her YT channel

23201664? ago

just discovered her because of this post :) loving what i've read so far. thank you!!!

23201758? ago


23201268? ago

JayZ and Beyonce just bought an Island home in the Caribbean

23200624? ago

Fly Eagles Fly

(Bill Clinton = Iron Eagle (USSS code name)

23206491? ago

Huh, just watched that movie!

23200451? ago

Incredible research and conclusions.

Parallels galore, well worth reading!

23199210? ago

Great! Arrests or GTFO.

23202441? ago

Um - did you see the post near the top with more than 15 links? Those are ALL ARRESTS, FAGGOT! Do you not understand how this works? you take out the lower ranks, they give up info on the ranks above them, they get arrested, those higher up are compromised. Do you live in a gamers world or the real world? This stuff doesn't just happen all at once like an NCIS episode that neatly ties up after an hour. Geez, grow the fuck up, dude

23204840? ago

It could neatly be tied up in an hour if you gave the job to the USMC.

23200482? ago

I wish you would take your own advice.

You made zero arrests (or anything else for that matter)

Other than cause dissension in the ranks.

So that would mean GTFO.

By your own 4th grade logic.

23200982? ago

Well said sir!

23198756? ago

almost a who's who of jews

23198091? ago

If you're wondering why Jews are at the center of most child trafficking networks, it's because Judaism claims Christians are disposable slaves, chattel to be owned, sold, rape and butchered for shekels.

It's because Jews are proud of how disgusting they are.

23205275? ago

link to sources please

23208235? ago

The image contains all the sources.

Would you like me to read them to you?

23214214? ago

It's an image with words that can be easily photshopped. this would not be accepted in a college, or court of law, why should it be accepted here.

23202532? ago

Anyone of the faith want to pop in their 2 cents? How much truth is there to this?

23208277? ago

What he said is true. The Jewish Talmud literally refers to non-Jews as "cattle", promotes lying, stealing, committing evil and being sneaky about it and destroying Christianity and destroying the New Testament.

That's the reason you'll get immediately banned on most online platforms if you even speak the word "Talmud"... because Jews don't want you to know.

23201438? ago

the citation you provided did not link to "primary" source, if you would enjoy the benefit that comes with "being taken seriously", please link directly to a "primary" source, (the torah)

23208297? ago

The Talmud is the primary source for the Talmud.

You're trying to SHUT. THIS. DOWN. so hard right now.

23201137? ago

100% truth. excellent meme.

23200905? ago

also because they are vampires,sucking the life blood out of us, literally.

23198695? ago

Downvoted because you confused people of Jewish descent with the evil ones.

23199221? ago

A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. All Jews belong in the oven.

23199405? ago

Funny how you cunts from v/whatever never submit threads like the OP has here...

Just low-effort, boiler plate garbage.

I hate Israel. I want them nuked for 9/11 and other crimes.

Your path is a dead end, mine will achieve victory over Zion.

23199417? ago

Yawn. To achieve victory, we just need to round up all the Jews and eliminate them from the planet.

23199469? ago

It's not lost on anyone that your Hero Hitler never attempted to eliminate Jews and Jews lied about Holocaust to gain control of International institutions.

Shills like you continue the myth of the 'oppressed Jew' which gives them their needed victimhood, an umbrella to commit more crimes.

23199599? ago

First, I don't even like Hilter so you're barking up the wrong tree.

Second, once you eliminate ALL the Jews, there are no more "oppressed Jews" to bitch about it.

23199895? ago

run for President, faggot.

23198300? ago

I think we'll focus on Killary, Branson and Soros ( he's a Jew ) first.

This thread is packed with real information. Stuff I can show to blue pilled sleepers.

Ranting about Jews to these normies is a dead end.

23201840? ago

Amen - that will come in due time. Not saying the posters are wrong about the Zionists, but it's amazing when you line up the names how quickly people (even my Jewish friends who are Q followers) say, "Oh, my god..." No need to beat a dead horse. Q said "saving Israel for last." Again there are Jews on our side and there are historical differences in Jewish populations.

I've always thought the Zionists and Jihadists are cut from the same cloth.

23199692? ago

There's probably a lot to dig. Do some research into Branson's "Space Port America" project in New Mexico, and the NM governor that allowed it to be funded with taxpayer dollars. Despite it sitting in the desert empty for several years, the taxpayers are still funding its upkeep and maintenance costs. No consider the shady purchase of Epstein's ranch purchase in New Mexico.

I'm sure there are some gems in there, I just haven't had the time to research it in depth.

23201867? ago

I agree. New Mexico has always been shady ... for awhile there they had a really good governor, not so sure now. We always talk about the AZ Mex border and the Tex Mex border, but lots of silence on NM and Mex. That's where that training camp was that seemed to fade away from the news after discovery

23199869? ago

Branson's wealth simply does not add up if you look into his businesses of choice > Music Stores - Airlines - Space Tourism

He's a human trafficker that launders money in seemingly legitimate business and has the media fawn all over him. Just like Gates.

23201414? ago

They're similar to all of the Consortium Monopolistic Companies in the U.S. today in that they dabble in all sectors of all markets.

Virgin Mobile, Radio, etc are big ones too. https://www.virgin.com/company. They are definitely financed by some entity linked to the global banks in order to achieve their status today.

Who is financing them and using what source money?

23198864? ago

Hillary is basically a jew at this point.

23201945? ago

I don't think she's fully human. Aleister Crowley claims to have called her out of the depths of hell. One thing Miles Mathis keeps pointing out is how many of these people were born the same year as the C_A. 1947. So many of the spooks have that as their birth year. So many possibilities here. They were "created" by the C_A or they faked their birth year or it's a signal... who knows? But personally I think she's a succubus.

From old notes from some forum (Not my OC)

[–] Invicta 2 points (+2|-0) 1.5 hours ago 

I have always thought of her as a modern day Lady Macbeth. From Wiki:

Some literary critics and historians argue that not only does Lady Macbeth represent an anti-mother figure in general, she also embodies a specific type of anti-mother: the witch. Modern day critic Joanna Levin defines a witch as a woman who succumbs to Satanic force, a lust for the devil, and who, either for this reason or the desire to obtain supernatural powers, invokes (evil) spirits."

23200938? ago

worse, she is a race traitor, a stain on the white race.

23198750? ago

Say it again

23198324? ago

Ranting about Jews to these normies is a dead end.

You are wrong because we were all normies once.

23198030? ago

Is there any verifiable sauce on Branson?

23206376? ago

Yeah -- he names his things "virgin"

23206629? ago

Yes. Back in the early 70's naming a record shop Virgin was an edgy thing to do in whichever English town he lived in at the time. And, IIRC, from my past research on Branson, the suggestion to name the shop that came from a female employee.

Maybe he is dirty. I don't know.

But Branson's backstory far cleaner than anyone else in this mix.

23199309? ago

Look up Branson and Hussein they are BFFs.

23200951? ago

BFF? Butt Fucking Faggots?

23201987? ago

kek - almost spit out my covfefe

23202363? ago

sorry, but I think I nailed it.

23199571? ago

I'm aware of Branson's connections.

And to be fair, POTUS has had a few scumbags visit Mar-A-Lago, too. But that alone doesn't impugn Trump's character. Not for me.

I'll give Branson the same courtesy. And be willing to change my mind if / when evidence supports that change.

23198285? ago

did you read through the article ?

Branson is a known Elite Pedo, at this point. Has been for YEARS.

23198922? ago

Branson is a fucking alien. Look at that fucker. Really look at him. He ain't from here. I've said it since the first time I saw him. Friggin space trash.lol

23198703? ago

And Branson did his utmost to foil Brexit, which puts him firmly in the same camp as Tony B Liar.

23198347? ago

Yes. I saw conjecture and circumstantial evidence. Nothing a Grand Jury would true bill.

I'm looking for real sauce.

23198359? ago

sorry concern troll shill

we see you just like we see Branson

23198627? ago

Asking for sources and evidence isn't "concern troll shilling". It is just smart. It is Anons like that- people that keep digging on something until they get to the truth- that are helping.

Hysterical little girls like you that spaz out at the first sign of promise tend to do stupid shit.

Like upvote an audio file of kids being rescued in Central Park.

On April Fool's Day.

For you, it is more about YOU being right and vindication of your ideas than it is about America, God, or Freedom. You hope that kids are being abused and killed just so you can tell others that you werw right.

Pretty sick.

23198784? ago

shut up, shitbag

you sound like that Pedo's Jew attorney

23198844? ago

Cool and thoughtful reply.

How can what you read "sound" like anything? Synesthesia?

23198877? ago

PAIN incoming for pedos

23198386? ago

Wrong again thoughtless child.

I'll applaud convictions based on solid evidence.

You obviously don't grasp the concept.

23198487? ago

No.. you're a shill and a concern trolling cuntbag clown, faggot.

we see you

23198605? ago

No. I'm thinking as would a prosecutor who wants a conviction.

Not like some immature nirvana fan who needs his diaper changed again.

If you are not a bot, you have a great deal yet to learn.

23199427? ago

spoiler alert >> Branson is going to a military tribunal with no jury, no civilian prosecutor.

The US Military knows how to handle your fantasies about how this will play out.

23199624? ago

We'll see.

But snotty responses from underdeveloped minds won'y sway my opinion. Evidence will.

23199878? ago

nobody gives a fuck about your opinion, you fucking faggot

23201702? ago

I do, and the poster is correct.

We need evidence, and not a cult.

23201773? ago

lol Branson is in the Cult, you fucking retard.

you fucking clowns are hilarious right now LMFAO

23200596? ago

Nor do they of yours, little boy. Or is it bot?

23200783? ago

bots don't target Elites, dipshit lol

bots defend them, faggot

23200965? ago

Branson has not been convicted of anything yet.

Perhaps he will be. Perhaps not.

Unlike hillary, who I am convinced is guilty of treason (at the least).

If Branson is convicted, I will support any sentence he is given.

And since you've made it perfectly clear that I am dealing with a double digit IQ child, I won't respond to you any more here.

23200980? ago


does this mean you will fuck off now ?

23197996? ago

Ep$t3in$ bitch Max3e11 was an island boating submarine freak. Her fake ocean charity was under the Kl1nt0n Foundation umbrella.

23198179? ago

I like her. She's quite attractive, nice body - probably with a libido to match.

23198774? ago

From a pervert point of view I agree. I bet she's ferocious in the sack. But she needs to hang after I've had her once

23202822? ago

Just don't think about the things shes shoved up there during her rituals.

23207839? ago


23198446? ago

She gropes girls.