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letsdothis2 ago

The Round Table is coordinated from the Tavistock Institute and the Ditchley Foundation, both of which are psychological warfare departments

The Ditchley Foundation and ARK:

Mr Adam Grodecki
Founder and Executive Director, Forward Institute, London (2015-); Steering Group, Advanced Development Programme, British Army (2017-); Governor, Ark Academy (2016-). Formerly: Consultant, The Boston Consulting Group (2011-17); London Curator, World Economic Forum Global Shapers (2013-14); Co-Founder and Chairman, Student Hubs (2007-14).

More about Adam G:

Adam is a consultant at BCG. He is also co-Founder of Student Hubs, a charity working in universities to build the next generation of socially aware and active leaders. He is an Advisory Board member of the Emerge Lab and of the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability.

Adam has been recognized by the World Economic Forum as a ‘Global Shaper’, and leads the community of Global Shapers in London. In January 2014 he was invited to speak at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. He graduated from St Peter’s College, Oxford in 2010 with a 1st class degree in Theology.