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2impendingdoom ago

It was in the emails that Diane Reynolds talked about being on the Comfort while in Haiti (that would be Chelsea, of course)

new4now ago

Thanks, my connection to Voat getting hit hard, but will look

I can't believe help right there and only small amount of people there

Did see an article that a baby was born there, Ship's Master of Comfort named one of the two small boat tenders after the little girl

So Comfort has a helicopter and 2 boats, and they can't get people to the ship?

carmencita ago

“We wanted to do something special, the crew has taken to the baby as one of our own,” said Gwinn. “As she goes forward in life, we hope she carries Comfort with her.” THINK carefully. "has taken to the baby as one of our own" Very strange words.

new4now ago

Thanks, missed that thinking of the boats, If I was Trump heads would be rolling.

What, Is the Comfort gonna sit there and say, yes we were there, we helped people?

worthless just sitting there, damn expsensive too,

What red tape is holding these people. Doesnt Governor have the weight to bench that mayor for reasons of sanity?

carmencita ago

Also, the explanation I heard on the news is that even if one of our states was to offer the help of their National Guard or to send 100 men and women, Puerto Rico would have to request the help first, only then could we send them. They must be requested first.

new4now ago

Wonder who was picked to come aboard, maybe those Docs need to go to the people,I would, grab some of those guys down there and say lets go.

If they are doing this to spite Trump, Intro for PR mayor to demon worship, make booku money, kill off population, well then they can't go to hell fast enough for me