Lansing-Michigan ago

Lot of mafia in Ohio.......very important state for g bush to steal the 2000 election. Since pedophilia is systemic in the catholic church.....mafia are the foot soldiers for the vatican........let's start making the connections.Place as well as people.

letsdothis3 ago

More on Weizmann Institute:

Head, Department of Neurobiology

Weizmann Institute of Science

Prof. Noam Sobel was born in Haifa, Israel. After completing his undergraduate education at Tel Aviv University, he joined the prestigious PhD neuroscience program at Stanford University, from which he graduated with high honors, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech, Pasadena). Prior to joining the Weizmann Institute of Science, Noam was an Associate Professor at the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at the University of California at Berkeley. He became head of the Department of Neurobiology in the summer of 2013.

Prof. Sobel’s research focuses on unveiling the complex nature and brain mechanisms of the human olfactory system, which plays a key role not only in smelling, but also in our most basic social interactions, emotions, and recollections. Faulty functions of this system may indicate early signs of neurological and cognitive deteriorations, for example, in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. His group pioneered the development and construction of olfactometers—devices that precisely generate odors—and contributed to the development of “electronic noses”—devices that mimic the animal nose in its ability to transform molecules to percepts. Using these devices, his group discovered several key concepts in the neurobiology of olfaction, for instance, they have developed a metric that allows measuring smells and predicting the brain response that they will induce; they have discovered that human tears contain a chemical that once smelled induces a host of effects such as drop in testosterone; and they have developed technology that enables severely disabled people to communicate and steer a wheelchair by simply sniffing. ..

'Brain on a chip' reveals how the brain folds -

Being born with a "tabula rasa" - a clean slate - in the case of the brain is something of a curse. Our brains are already wrinkled like walnuts by the time we are born. Babies born without these wrinkles - smooth brain syndrome - suffer from severe developmental deficiencies and their life expectancy is markedly reduced. The gene that causes this syndrome recently helped Weizmann Institute of Science researchers to probe the physical forces that cause the brain's wrinkles to form. In their findings, reported today in Nature Physics, the researchers describe a method they developed for growing tiny "brains on chips" from human cells that enabled them to track the physical and biological mechanisms underlying the wrinkling process....

letsdothis3 ago

We need to dig on Twilio

Twilio was founded in 2008 by Jeff Lawson, Evan Cooke, and John Wolthuis[4] and was originally based in both Seattle, Washington, and San Francisco, California

Twilio raised approximately $103 million in venture capital growth funding. Twilio received its first round of seed funding in March 2009 for an undisclosed amount, rumored to be around $250,000,[10] from Mitch Kapor, THE FOUNDERS FUND, Dave McClure, David G. Cohen, Chris Sacca, Manu Kumar, from K9 Ventures and Jeff Fluhr

Founders Fund is Nicole Junkermann !!!

Related posts:

What do the letter Q, VOAT DDoS, Flynn, Barak, Epstein, Junkerman, Google Whistleblower, FBI, and everyone of us with a phone have in common?: CARBYNE / RapidSOS / NSO Group spyware!!! by @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS

Founders Fund, the VC that has backed the likes of Facebook and Airbnb, but also startups that have made strong inroads into working with government and other public sector organizations on data-based services, such as Palantir, Anduril and Deep Mind (now a part of Google)...Previous backers of Carbyne have included the former prime minister of Israel, Ehud Barak, who is also the company’s chairman, and the company has now raised about $24 million, with a valuation that I understand to be in the region of $100 million, although the company is not commenting on the number.

Nicole then led us to The Serpentine which then led to The NSO Group from OSY Technologies: a "Hacking Company" worth $1B+, who is definitely ARMED for a voat crash and potentially digging/doxxing all of us.

PSU Chemistry Professor who faces 35 Counts Of CHILD PORN drives for Lyft, DoorDash and Postmates and has links with Jeffrey Epstein

Lyft was valued at US$15.1 billion as of summer 2018.[65] Prior to January 2016, Lyft had raised more than US$2 billion from investors such as General Motors (US$500M), Alibaba Group, Andreessen Horowitz, Coatue Management, DiDi, fbFund, Floodgate Fund, Fontinalis Group, Fortress, Founders Fund, GSV Capital, Icahn Enterprises, Janus Capital Management, K9 Ventures, Mayfield Fund, Prince Alwaleed's Kingdom Holdings Company, Rakuten, Tencent, and Third Point Ventures

In February 2016, Prince al-Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia made an investment in Lyft which included the purchase of $148 million worth of existing stock from Andreessen Horowitz and Founders Fund. In December 2017, Lyft raised $500 million from Fidelity Management & Research Company and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Fund.

Elon Musk and Human Brain Chipping - Transhumanism in action. Are their Jeffrey Epstein and Junkermann connections? Hell, yeah....

letsdothis3 ago

Mitch Kapor

He left Lotus in 1986. In 1990 with John Perry Barlow and John Gilmore, he co-founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and served as its chairman until 1994. In 2003, Kapor became the founding chair of the Mozilla Foundation, creator of the open source web browser Firefox.

Kapor serves on the advisory board of the Sunlight Foundation.

Related Voat post:

On the Sunlight Foundation, the Open Source and Open Government movements and the co-option of Counter Culture

How the 'open government' movement was co-opted before it even got started...

Today, a coalition of organizations — including the Sunlight Foundation, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Greenpeace and the Tenth Amendment Center — launched the Stand Against Spying website. Its goal: to inform voters how well their members of Congress are working to rein in the government’s secret surveillance.

..The Sunlight Foundation's donors include the Open Society Foundations, The Pew Charitable Trusts, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Omidyar Network, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation

Michael R Klein..served on the board of directors of SRA International, Inc..Mr. Klein is also a director of ASTAR Air Cargo, Inc (organ and/or human trafficking? See:

SRA International is now CSRA Inc is owned by CSRA

ASTAR is currently owned by John Dasburg, Richard Blum (Diane Feinstein's husband) and Michael Klein.

letsdothis3 ago

@ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS get in here! Please see parent and rest of thread.

letsdothis3 ago

More about

Eric Klien created a 170-point questionnaire, covering users’ horoscopes, their preferred mode of transport, taste in music, etc. He called it the “Electronic Matchmaker” and uploaded to his private Internet database just after Christmas 1992. In 1993, Klien sold his questionnaire and the domain name so he could focus on a new mission.’s buyer was Gary Kremen. He purchased for $2,500 and launched it as a dating service on the open Internet in 1995. In 1998, he argued with his board and the company was sold. Its current owner, IAC

IAC (InterActiveCorp) is an American holding company, that owns brands across 100 countries, mostly in media and Internet.[2][better source needed] The company is headquartered in New York City.[3] Joey Levin, who previously led the company's search & applications segment,[4] has served as Chief Executive Officer since June 2015...IAC was established in 1986 as Silver King Broadcasting Company, as part of a plan to increase viewership of the Home Shopping Network (HSN) by purchasing local television stations.[6][7] By 1988, Silver King had bought 11 stations for about $220 million.[7] The company was later renamed as HSN Communications, Inc., and then Silver King Communications, Inc.[6] In 1992, Silver King was spun off to HSN shareholders as a separately traded public company.[8] In August 1995, Barry Diller acquired control of Silver King, in a deal backed by the company's largest shareholder, Liberty Media.[9][10] Diller, who had led the creation of the Fox network, reportedly hoped to use Silver King's stations as the foundation for a new broadcast network

Match Group

Match Group, Inc. is an American Internet company that owns and operates several online dating web sites including OkCupid, PlentyOfFish, Tinder, and


On November 10, 2005, a class action was filed by Matthew Evans against in federal court in Los Angeles alleging that "secretly employs people as 'date bait' to send bogus enticing E-mails and to go on as many as 100 dates a month – or three a day – to keep customers ponying up." The suit has been repudiated by IAC as baseless. The suit was dismissed by the United States District Court for the Central District of California on April 25, 2007

letsdothis3 ago

Related : Human Brain Project | EBC - European Brain Council

The Consortium consists of the EBC membership, the Network of European funding for Neuroscience research (NEURON), Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) and the Human Brain Project (HBP).

On July 11th the much anticipated Human Brain Project Museum Exhibition was formally opened at the Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem in a ribbon cutting ceremony. The ribbon was cut by Human Brain Project Executive Director Dr Christian Fauteux, accompanied by exhibition curator Varda Gur Ben Shitrit and Chrystelle Lucas, a member of the European Commission Delegation to Israel.

Students were then delivered a keynote address about recent discoveries in Brain Research by Hebrew University Professor of Computational Neuroscience Idan Segev, a leading Human Brain Project researcher who was recently awarded the Casella Prize for Neuroscience in Italy.

Science Committee: Katrin Amunts, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany; Idan Segev, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Javier DeFelipe, The Technical University of Madrid, Spain; Alois Saria, The Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria; Jeanette Hellgren-Kotaleski, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Professor Idan Segev has connections with Marina Abramovic, Lynn Rothschild, Norman Foster :

See voat posts:

The Child Mind Institute, Edmond Safra, Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences at the Hebrew University, Marina Abramovic, Aaron Swartz and Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard.

Wellcome Trust, Marina Abramovic, Hans Wyss and biotech industry AND THAT PODESTA HANDKERCHIEF EMAIL

WWF, Toys R Us, Bain ebay, the Hampstead case, Prince Philip, 1001 Club

The Oxford Foundation for Theoretical Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence and the Hampstead Case - Six Degrees of Separation

Marina Abramovic Institute, Google Cultural Insitute, and the Campus Biotech, Geneva - Six Degrees of Separation

wyss > gates > link harvard > Epstein > PP ! PG related via abramovich wikileaks emails > doesnt hide depopulation agenda: sells it as "sustainability" by @grantedrights


letsdothis3 ago

From the video:

That event was partnered with Hotel President Wilson, Geneva

The Hotel President Wilson is located in Geneva, Switzerland, near the United Nations building on Lake Geneva...The hotel is named for the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, in honor of his dedication to the creation of the League of Nations

The hotel opened its doors on May 18, 1962. In 1980, it was acquired by a Swissair–Nestlé joint venture.

[Funny, I was looking at the Nestle connections yesterday when my computer crashed.

In 1989, the Tamman family became the owner of the palace. The family invested 190 million CHF in its renovation and reopened it in 1996 as the "New Hotel President Wilson"....In November 2016, a Geneva hotel's computer equipment was infected by spy viruses, and sensitive talks among prominent leaders were recorded. This hotel was believed to be the Hotel President Wilson

Uh huh..

The Royal Penthouse Suite at the Hotel President Wilson is believed to be the world's most expensive hotel suite, billed at CHF60,000 ($62,000 at mid-2017 rates) per night.[4] The 12-bedroom suite takes up the entire eighth floor of the hotel, and has hosted heads of state from Bill Clinton to Mikhail Gorbachev

..Charles Tamman, owner and chairman...

Voat posts re Starwood:

Q posts and dots connects. A very suspect hotel chain with top tier connections from New York to Washington to London... connections with the Standard Hotel and Epstein

Smollett case, Child Trafficking Agent Greg Wing, TOCK LLC's restaurant mobile app and a Standard Hotel mobile app for ordering tables, hotel rooms and maybe, something else?... the Tock App and the Standard Hotel and..


Airbnb and POLARIS (creator of the National Human Trafficking Hotline) have teamed up to fight against traffickers before they turn rentals into "pop-up brothels". Uh Oh........

...Polaris started its text hotline in March, through a philanthropic partnership with San Francisco-based cloud company Twilio, which powers text and voice customer service communications for clients such as Uber, Hulu, eHarmony and CocaCola. pairs potential lovebirds without revealing phone numbers, Airbnb sends rental notifications and the American Red Cross deploys volunteers, all through Twilio. ING, the European banking giant, recently announced it was yanking out 17 hardware and software systems across its global call centers and replacing all of it with Twilio. Its largest customer, WhatsApp, uses Twilio to verify customer accounts and logins was developed by Eric Klien who then went on to run the Lifeboat Foundation.. Jeffrey Epstein is closely affiliated.. this is huge.. See: Jeffrey Epstein on the Advisory Board of the Lifeboat Foundation and their connections to the Alliance to Rescue Civilization (ARC) - Eric Klien -

It started out as the pet project of a cryogenics enthusiast and grew into the granddaddy of a billion dollar industry. Sarah Rainey visits to find out what the 20-year-old online dating behemoth has learned about love.....In 1993, Klien sold his questionnaire and the domain name so he could focus on a new mission. It was called the Atlantis Project and it aimed to build an independent city called Oceania in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

..Officially called “Synapse”, but known by insiders as the “magic sauce” Album President (title) at Lifeboat Foundation; Works at Singularity Network; Numerous jobs for KurzweilAI at Kurzweil Educational Systems; Worked at Humanity Plus; Engaged to Genevieve O'Hagan

Genevieve member of Space Settlement Board

letsdothis3 ago

@blacksmith21 @darkknight111 please see parent

Vindicator ago

Hmmmm... dating and cryogenics and an independent city in the Caribbean. ????

What could go wrong?

letsdothis3 ago

@think- @Vindicator see parent