fogdryer ago

The Black Nobility of Rome are leading in this scientific terrorism and they have full access to these evil technologies. ... The Department of Defense and various universities have these brain tech.

YogSoggoth ago

England is the relatively recent keystone. I am going through these one at a time. watch this.



Tales of the Unexpected - The Flypaper ep 026

The Haunted Manor House

Vindicator ago

The electronic grid has been weaponized and programmed with the General Neural Simulation System also called Genesis to enable frequencies to hack into the brain and physiology.

@letsdothis3, for the time being, I am going to flair this "Possible Disinfo". The comment you cited -- which has an anonymized name so it's impossible to vet -- is using as a source a submission by the highly questionable user @Silverlining from the subverse v/WebbWatch (If I am not mistaken, Silverlining was banned from here for spreading disinfo and ignoring submission rules). George Webb is most certainly disinfo, and has been behind much fuckery here in v/pizzagate, as well as having admitted to being Mossad.

Let's not get all loosey-goosey and lose our hard-won research chops, here. This stuff belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever.

letsdothis3 ago

Currently having issues submitting the post to pizzagatewhatever. I'll try again later.

YogSoggoth ago

Creepy is not what I want to do with my life. Tales of the Unexpected - Taste - ep 016 - YouTube

letsdothis3 ago

I've linked this post to pizzagatewhatever. You'll have to delete this if you don't want it here. If I delete it the content with all the links will be lost.

Vindicator ago

Thank you LDT. I will leave it up with the flair so that folks realize this may be a disinfo vector to be aware of -- possibly to investigate further, possibly to avoid wasting time on, depending on personal inclination.

80087355 ago

Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown.

Fully sourced and credited. Released 2018.

think- ago

When you click 'source' under the bottom of your post, it should open a window with the source of the text, so that you can copy it.

If this doesn't work, you can click 'edit', in order to get the source.

letsdothis3 ago

That's true. I like to keep the comments too as there's generally more interaction here.

think- ago

@Vindicator can delete the post, this way it will be preserved in 'deleted submissions', and people will still be able to read the comments - as you suggested.

letsdothis3 ago

I've also linked it to pizzagatehwhatever so that 'preservesi'mit as well.

think- ago


letsdothis3 ago

Oops, don't know what happened there..

letsdothis3 ago

I see. I'll move the post. Though we know that Junkermann married into the Italian aristocracy, the group known as the Black Nobility and Epstein targeted neuroscientists. Also it has been speculated that the ICE station OTTO could be part of a HAARP grid. Something to keep in mind perhaps.

fogdryer ago

It is

Vindicator ago

I agree. These tendrils are definitely worth exploring.

YogSoggoth ago

Any chance you guys can marry me into the Jacksons? Cant dance for crap, but I can pick a string or two. Worth a try.

septimasexta ago

Great research LDT. We need more eyes on this. A lot of digging, but well worth it.

The U.S. is a part of this project as well. It was initiated under President Obama:

"President Obama's Announcement of the BRAIN Initiative" (2013)

President Obama lauds Pitt’s neuroprosthetics: “This is what science does!"

"First on President Barack Obama’s tour of scientific marvels in Pitt’s Alumni Hall at this month’s White House Frontiers Conference was a stop to shake Nathan Copeland’s hand. Or rather, the robotic hand that Copeland controls through two tiny brain implants in his motor cortex. A second pair, implanted in his sensory cortex, allowed Copeland to feel the squeeze."

"A large part of the Brain Institute's mission is to promote basic research in new and expanding areas of neuroscience. These include Developmental Neurobiology (including the roots of schizophrenia, autism, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities and aggression); Brain-Body Connections (for instance, the brain's role in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, stress and obesity), Neurotechnology (including tools for motor, sensory and cognitive rehabilitation) and Neurodegenerative Diseases (such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, and traumatic brain injury)."

Many health issues on their list match vaccine tables of injuries....a self perpetuating business.

80087355 ago

  • Do not forget working hi-res aura cameras that can track... auras

  • And implants are real

  • Monitors also work well as MRI devices, per CIA patents showing they could pull soft images from a tube-tv, in the 80s

  • And Monitors, as it relates to their Psychic teams (or retirees / elder/dynastic families)

YogSoggoth ago

Always the opposite of the truth. You can count on that.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, thanks for chiming in. Obama's Brain Initiative certainly warrants looking into.

think- ago

The Black Nobility of Rome are leading in this scientific terrorism and have full access to these technologies.....

@letdsdothis3 - have you clicked through the links to the YT video where the remarks about the Roman Black Nobility were posted - the author is this Zeus guy who has written lots of stuff about the Black Nobility, unfortunately about half of it is disinfo .

I once spent five hours factchecking his texts when I was a mod. :-/

letsdothis3 ago

have you clicked through the links to the YT video where the remarks about the Roman Black Nobility were posted

The remarks on the Webb video were deleted. Of course, because no links were given with the text I thought about disinfo, At the same time, this was posted long before Epstein-Junkermann.

the author is this Zeus guy who has written lots of stuff about the Black Nobility, unfortunately about half of it is disinfo.

Have you got any links?

think- ago

This was the mod comment I wrote at the time -

Hope this helps.

think- ago

I'm about to leave for today, will look for it tomorrow. All I can say is that I really got annoyed when I checked what he wrote.

letsdothis3 ago

Don't worry. I'm moving the post to pizzagatewhatever.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for chiming in about this. :-) I just flaired the submission.

darkknight111 ago

Good luck finding anything regarding the Black Nobility. They are VERY well hidden and super hard to find any information on.

Known about them (and their family names) for years. Most of them are Italian and Spanish families.

They are the absolute top of the global satanic power structure.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice dig. I've said for a long time that "hacking the human brain" has long been a sought goal of the Deep State. In modern context, this started with Freud and his contemporaries, continued on with the Nazis, and was taken over by the CIA (Dr. Gottleib) and eventually merged in with the tech industry.

Don't have a TV in your bedroom. Don't keep your cell phone near the bed.