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think- ago

@tobletbomb: I am going to flair this post 'Possible Disinformation'.

The texts you linked are full of false claims and mere speculation.

Here's but a short list:


"The Massimo family of Rome are the owners of the Clerkenwell crime syndicate in London also known as the Adams Family or A-Team for its founders Terry, Tommy, and Patrick Adams."


The Massimo family and the Adams family are not related. Prince Stefano Massimo's mother, the late actress Dawn Addams, has English ancestors, while the Adams crime family is of Irish origin. Please also note the different spelling. (!)

"Prince Stefano's mother Dawn Addams remarried to Jimmy White the name White similar to her name Addams relating to the Adams crime family. Alfred Henry White was at one point an enforcer for Charles Sabini an English-Italian gangster located in Clerkenwell."

I couldn't find any proof that her husband and Alfred Henry White are related. White is a very generic name.

"Don Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is the top owner of the Vatican"

Where's the proof for this claim?

"The Massimos use violence, threats, terrorism, extortion, and blackmail as their primary tools for control."


"Amancio Ortega is from Galicia and works as a Court Factor and money launderer for Spanish nobility including the House of Osorio."


" Fox was covertly named for Foxwell."

Mere speculation, no evidence at all

"I believe the term Black in Black Nobility refers to the Black Sea along the eastern coast of Bulgaria."

Wrong. See Wikipedia for the origin of the 'black' in 'Black Nobility':

"The Massimo family are at the foundations of the global crime syndicate"


"and were one of the families behind the neo-fascist group Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari headed up by their agent Massimo Carminati."



"They likely have a portion of Maximus ancestry. The Pope is titled the Pontifex Maximus."

The Maximus ancestry is pure speculation. Plus, the Latin name of the Pope has nothing to do with the Massimo family.


Instituto Massimiliano Massimo

The Jesuits run this school. It was named after Massimiliano Massimo a long time ago, because he gave the building to the Jesuits, this doesn't mean that the Massimos have any influence over the school today.


"Barack Obama sacrificed a woman named Miriam Carey using electronic weaponry and witchcraft."


"The police that shot her were also under electromagnetic mind altering influences directed by Freemasons."


"Most untimely deaths are sacrifices carried out by secret societies using witchcraft and electronic weaponry."

Mere speculation.

"The Bush family were German nobility that descended from the Bussche family."


The Bush family is not related to the noble family from the Bussche.

They seem to have British ancestors called 'Bush', a very generic name.

"Adolphus Busch was an ancestor of the former Bussche family of Westphalia"


Also, he isn't a relative of the Bush family, as suggested in the blog.

"working as princes under the authority of the House of Windsor"

Mere speculation.

"Yale and Harvard along with several other prestigious universities are owned by the British Crown."

Are they?

"Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City"

Trump has known mob connections, but it is unverified whether he is a 'front man for the Five Families' of NYC.

"King Juan Carlos of Spain spent Thanksgiving at the Bush ranch several years ago as a cover for a business deal involving organized crime."

No evidence.

"The House of Bourbon and Spanish Nobility like the House of Alba de Tormes control the Mexican Mafia and drug cartels."


"The former Navy Seal Ryan Zinke who is the current US Secretary of Interior in the Trump Administration is an agent of the House of Bernadotte."


"The Black Military Helicopters people mention are Navy Seals and involved in using covert electronic and microwave weaponry on United States civilians."


"The Ruspoli family is one of the most wicked criminal bloodlines and they are top owners of the Vatican"


"Arnold Schwarzenegger who is of Austrian descent is really a Schwarzenberg"


"The Zionist Sanhedrin are the mathematical or geometrical programmers of society."


"The Wind-sors are Wind Sorcerers and they also enhance weather fronts and tornadoes to oppress society."


" Out of fear Tupac Shakur faked his death and has been hiding out in Cuba."

This is only a rumour.

"They add slow acting poisons into their candy as a form of chemical warfare on society."


"The Crescenzi family run the Wiccan Lunar cult which is also known as the Cult of Isis named for the Egyptian deity originally depicted with a crescent moon on her head. Historians and archeologists have broken off the crescent on statues of Isis to cover this up."


"Prince Moroello Diaz Della Vittoria Pallavicini. He thinks he is king of the world and has been threatening to start WWIII as a defense for getting exposed"


"Debbie Schultz is likely a relative of the Jewish gangster Dutch Schultz."


"article Accelerators are generating a dense vibration into the air which is used for oppressing society. "


I'm running out of space....

Several of your links are quoting each other / are copypastes of each other.

@Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Honeybee_ @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Damn, think-. I am changing this flair to "Debunked" based on this vetting.

think- ago

Ok. :-)

Kalibr7 ago

Very bad debunked. I m not agree with you Vindicator and this informations are good and precious . Great work of Mister AhuwaZeus! There's a need to archive the links.

think- ago

Well, I spent five hours vetting the links. They are full of speculation, errors, and disinfo.

ben_matlock ago

I stand by my saying how amazing you are.

think- ago

Oh thank you! :-)