Researchers funded by NLink and Musk released this proposal for HUMAN brain injections/implantations containing neural RECORDING and STIMULATION devices!!!! Seems they are normalizing MK brain electrode style procedures within Biology/Medical Journal for peer review, and they even have a device, not just an implantation needle- a fucking sewing machine : https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/578542v1.full

A SEWING MACHINE is essentially a mechanized needle, able to cover a large swath, rapidly penetrate many consecutive holes, controlled by one common thread. Priming the biologists, doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, and medical industries for mass robotic implantation of a mind reading/contrlling chip, under the guise of evolved health care?

We present a system for scalable and customizable recording and stimulation of neural activity. In large animals and humans, the current benchmark for high spatial and temporal resolution neural interfaces are fixed arrays of wire or silicon electrodes inserted into the parenchyma of the brain. However, probes that are large and stiff enough to penetrate the brain have been shown to cause acute and chronic damage and inflammation, which limits their longevity, stability, and yield.

tech-adm ago

Whenever a major Corporation or a Government announces advances in a technology, you can assume they're actually 5-10 years (if not further) further down the road in their private labs. I wouldn't put it past them to have already implanted the chips in live human subjects (homeless people who wouldn't be missed) who are disposed of afterwards.

fogdryer ago

you also know cps was doing experiements on foster kids.....

letsdothis3 ago

More Lyft posts:::


Who owns Camelot, the National Lottery operators? - https://metro.co.uk/2018/06/02/owns-camelot-national-lottery-operators-7598853/

Camelot began as a consortium which had to fight many rivals to win the role of being the National Lottery controller. The groups making up the consortium were International Computers Limited (ICL), Racal, Cadbury Schweppes , De La Rue and GTECH Corporation. After they won the original bid in 1994, the year the National Lottery started, Camelot executives were criticised by Labour for their desire for big salaries and bonuses.

Camelot has been operating it for 24 years. However, serious challenges have been made by Richard Branson, in 2000, and in 2017 media mogul Richard Desmond was planning a takeover bid too. As of 2010, Camelot has been owned by Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan from Canada who bought it for £389m.

Related voat posts re Ontario:

Another name from Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book with connections to BlackRock and the Clinton Foundation

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3092071/17329378 In 2000, Shoppers Drug Mart was sold to a consortium of institutional investors including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), Bain Capital, Inc., DLJ Merchant Banking Partners, Charlesbank Capital Partners, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, CIBC Capital Partners, and Shoppers Drug Mart's senior management and pharmacist/owners...

Father of Adam and Logan Koffler was a Canadian pharmacist, businessman, and philanthropist. He was best known for creating the Canadian pharmacy retailer Shoppers Drug Mart, establishing the Koffler Centre of the Arts, Toronto Outdoor Art Fair, and an initial investor in the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts....

Logan Koffler.... vice President of BlackRock

(see : Ronald Bernard "BlackRock Inc owns the largest share in the biggest 299 companies in the world") and other voat posts where both Epstein and BlackRock are mentioned here.

PSU Chemistry Professor who faces 35 Counts Of CHILD PORN drives for Lyft, DoorDash and Postmates and has links with Jeffrey Epstein

Lyft, Inc. is a transportation network company (TNC) based in San Francisco, California and operating in 640 cities in the United States and 9 cities in Canada ..In July 2017, the company announced that the Walt Disney World Resort "Minnie Van" service will be powered by Lyft....

..In February 2016, Prince al-Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia made an investment in Lyft which included the purchase of $148 million worth of existing stock from Andreessen Horowitz and Founders Fund. In December 2017, Lyft raised $500 million from Fidelity Management & Research Company and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Fund.

..The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), whose worldwide investments also include the UK's Busy Bees nursery chain, indicated it was looking to expand the business.

..Among the many voat posts on Prince Alwaleed and his Kingdom Holdings Company we have:.. Possible Corridor Through the Western US for Human Trafficking Sanctioned by Government by @lamplight

letsdothis3 ago

Deep Mind posts:

DeepMind is staying silent on who sits on Google's AI ethics board

On Shamrock Capital Advisors an LA private equity firm founded by Roy DISNEY

'Comet Trust' + DeepMind https://voat.co/v/news/3366098/20016337

The Google-owned AI operation DeepMind is currently collaborating with the Royal Free NHS Trust to help medical professionals deal with patients, but new information on the deal has led to some privacy concerns. - https://www.siliconrepublic.com/enterprise/google-deepmind-nhs

and from : Another look at international child care organisation Bright Horizons and its Disney connections. Let's check for Epstein connections...

Bright Horizons UK https://solutions.brighthorizons.co.uk/about-us/leadership-team James Tugendhat, Managing Director, International

His father was knighted and is a member of the House of Lords...and the chairman of Abbey National, Blue Circle Industries, the European Advisory Board of Lehman Brothers, and the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. He was also a director of Rio Tinto and Eurotunnel, among other companies.


WARNING: slightly off topic. This is such important research I'd hate to derail people from the corps and influencers for a lowly CGI director, but his 360vr video collab with g00gledeepdre4m is a perfect example of Hollyweird, Deep/\I and (speculation) Pizzaphiles. Is this what Chipped Dreams might be like?

A meditation on imagination and the unknown, DREAMTIME is the first cinematic use of deep dream to achieve a VR experience, placing you within a dream that is half human and half machine.


With pizza slice at your feet, a mon eye at your back, a shadow being approaching, and a road sign displaying things like:





-AND another video on his ewetoob page joking about child kidnapping and lewd torturous acts with a coke bottle, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whcj3oFPXOM

-it was at least worth putting this up for others discernment, potential degrees of separation and symbolism...