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carmencita ago

Arrested: Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. His Ties to Las Vegas

This is the same Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal who, together with Bill Gates, owns the Four Seasons Hotel that is located within the 5 top floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas.

I remember the story of the Lyft with the cage in the back seat. I relayed this to someone that tried to get me into a Lyft car for a short ride. She's OK but another non believer. Another one that makes excuses to serve their purpose. It spoke so loud and clear to me. Lyft and Uber and other ride sharing cos. have been started for one reason. They are another way for traffickers to transport the trafficked. Just like Amazon, Walmart and Fed Ex. There is no way I will EVER use ride share. Bus, train, walking or call a friend.

Lyft and Disney? A Toxic Solution for Our Children. This could only spell DANGER for them. UGH. So frightening. Ugh.

sore_ass_losers ago

Just to state the obvious, a chemistry professor should be making a good salary. This part time driving seems to be a ‘hobby’.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, thanks. I should have stated in the post. That's why it's suspicious that he's driving for these companies.

Vindicator ago

Wow...good catch on this guy's links to the Swamp. Is there a TL;DR you can pull out of the stuff you posted in the comments? My head is spinning.

letsdothis3 ago

I'll do that tomorrow.

Vindicator ago

'RNA fragments that agree to cooperate'... Been planning for a long time now to do a post on the science of cooperation which imo, is about transhumanism and eventually engineering humans to be more compliant and not fight back against the establishment

What the hell is this? I've never heard of it. Do tell more.

think- ago

Here's an Amazing Polly video that explains it a bit more - she's basically talking about the same stuff @letsdothis3 did in their OP, but goes a little bit further, and speculates whether Epstein might have provided (or still does) people for genome experiments.

letsdothis3 ago


Postmates was founded in 2011 by Bastian Lehmann, Sean Plaice, and Sam Street and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.[3] Postmates was part of Angelpad's first accelerator cohort.

In January 2019 Postmates raised $100 million investment by BlackRock together with Spark Capital, Founders Fund, Uncork Capital and Slow Ventures. Thus, the total valuation of the company reached $1.85 billion.

Voat Post : What's up w/ this new "Q" name Rizvi Traverse Management? by@bopper

Rizvi Traverse Indian billionaire. What, is this guy CIA intermediary? (High level compartmentalization? A few degrees removed?) He's propped up Playboy, Twitter, and works w/ Richard Branson and big Hollywood celebs.

Here he is below, he digs anonymity. ...

(As has been noted here, Twitter is some sort of black hole. "Twitter has lost $2 billion since 2011." "Twitter has never turned a profit.")

Traverse is involved (investments) in all these things including film biz and Snapchat. Private global jet charters. SpaceX (rockets and space travel). This guy's got his fingers in everything.

"The friends successfully pitched JPMorgan Chase & Co on a deal to buy more than $400 million worth of Twitter shares in 2011. Months later, Rizvi recruited Kingdom Holding Co, Saudi Prince Alwaleed’s investment company, to buy an additional $300 million in stock in a separate vehicle. JPMorgan Chase and representatives for Alwaleed did not respond to requests for comment on the deal." Also, "Rizvi maintains an elusive Web presence. The only readily found picture of Rizvi is a snapshot of him sitting with Twitter CEO Dick Costolo and Alwaleed in a New York hotel after the prince bought Twitter shares." But from all accounts, no one made out better than Rizvi Traverse and its principal, who pulled in more than what even the founders and CEOs (Evan Williams and Jack Dorsey) and initial investors (Spark Capital, Benchmark Capital etc.,) made.

Spark Capital

Bijan Sabet, partner at Spark Capital, invested in Twitter's second (Series B) round in June 2008, along with Jeff Bezos and additional investments from past investors such as Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures, and Sabet also accepted a board seat at Twitter.[14] According to Hatching Twitter, Sabet and Wilson played a crucial role in facilitating smooth leadership changes at Twitter in October 2008 and later October 2010—ousting Jack Dorsey to install Evan Williams in 2008, and ousting Williams to install Dick Costolo in 2010.

In December 2016, Spark Capital led a series B funding round for Pendo, a platform driven by data[clarification needed] that helps companies deliver experiences with respect to software.[clarification needed] This was in collaboration with Salesforce Ventures, Core Capital Partners, Battery Ventures, IDEA Fund Partners, and Contour Venture Partners. The company's General Partner Megan Quinn joined the board of directors.

letsdothis3 ago

Interesting video

The Truth About

letsdothis3 ago

Suhail Rizvi

Suhail R. Rizvi is co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Rizvi Traverse Management LLC.[1] He has a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and sits on the Wharton Undergraduate Executive Board.[2] A venture capitalist, his investments include Twitter, Facebook, Flipboard and Square.

Along with social media, Rizvi has invested in telecommunications and entertainment.[5] In April 2007, Rizvi Traverse acquired an equity ownership stake in Summit Entertainment, the studio behind the successful “Twilight” series. In January 2012, Lions Gate [Frank Giustra] announced that it had acquired Summit Entertainment for $412.5 million

letsdothis3 ago


Apparently used by COMET PING PONG

DoorDash turned up in this post too:

Andre Dimitri Hurst runs an EB-5 visa business like Hillary's brother Tony did before the govt shut it down...He seems like a spook though..Couple months prior there was a news report of his arrest for ostensibly trying to brownstone someone...The victims stated they discovered the camera concealed within a carbon monoxide detector that they had not placed inside their room. The camera was capable of transmitting video via WiFi signal....During the service of the search warrant, the suspect was observed driving past his residence and he appeared to see the police activity occurring. He was stopped in the 800 block of Neptune Avenue in the city of happens to be a pizza place a stone's throw away from the 800 block of Neptune Ave and it happens to have a Greek mythology name and happens to protest too much by identifying itself as "kid-friendly."

DoorDash Inc. is an on-demand food delivery service[1] founded in 2013 by Stanford students Andy Fang, Stanley Tang, Tony Xu and Evan Moore.[2] A Y Combinator-backed company, DoorDash is one of several technology companies that uses logistics services to offer food delivery from restaurants on-demand.

DoorDash has raised more than $700 million[5] over several financing rounds from investors including SV Angel, Khosla Ventures, Sequoia Capital, SoftBank, GIC,[6] and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers...

In March 2018, DoorDash raised $535 million in a Series D round led by the SoftBank Group with participation from existing investors Sequoia Capital, GIC and Wellcome Trust...In April 2018, DoorDash ventured into grocery delivery through a partnership with Walmart in Atlanta.

Voat post re Sequoia Capital

..In 2000, an article in the Independent announced that the CIA was looking to invest in a search engine for managing, sorting and analyzing the ever-expanding information on the world wide web. Around the same time, Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, two Silicon Valley VCs, invested $25 million in the brand new startup Google Inc. Sequoia and Kleiner Perkins are literally neighbors of In-Q-Tel in Menlo Park, and co-invested in numerous projects...

letsdothis3 ago

Lyft says that through partnerships with organizations like International Human Trafficking Institute and Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking (BEST)

Just take a look at the partners of the International Human Trafficking Institute - should make you shudder...

letsdothis3 ago

Lyft Drivers And Delta Airlines Personnel Are Now Trained To Spot Human Trafficking

According to Anka Rising, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to combat and eradicate modern-day slavery, that is the estimated number of men, women, and children who daily find themselves exploited sexually for the commercial benefit of others.

Lyft says that through partnerships with organizations like International Human Trafficking Institute and Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking (BEST), they are educating drivers and employees on how to spot potential trafficking and how to take action.

Okay, let's take a look...

Anka Rising

Banu Demiralp is the Co-Founder of Anka Rising (“Anka”)....Previously, Ms. Demiralp served as the Vice President of Operations and Global Membership Liaison of the World Future Society (“WFS”)..Ms. Demiralp is also the founder and CEO of a consulting company offering research analysis services to public and private enterprises.

The World Future Society (WFS), founded in 1966, is a community of futurists and future thinkers.[1] Through publications, global summits, and advisory roles to world leaders in business and government, WFS members are credited with establishing the foundations of futures studies. Notable members and authors have included Buckminster Fuller, Herman Kahn, Gene Roddenberry, and Margaret Mead.

By 1970, the organization had 4,000 members representing a variety of different backgrounds and industries, with chapters and committees in 56 cities across the globe. Prominent members and contributors have included Ray Kurzweil, Peter Drucker, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

This is just getting too easy now:

Judge in case against DuPont Hospital for Children connected to Nova Bank fraud case, Scott Rothstein, Epstein and Clinton

in comments the following :

Podesta lives very close to Woodrow Wilson High School, which has tunnels

Deadline Extended for Tunnel Mural Designs - Calling All Athletes and Artists - We need your help painting the tunnel between the A Wing and the field. Artists-- submit colorful, school-spirited designs on 9"x15" paper to Ms. Barnes in room C-110 by Friday, March 29. Twelve designs will be selected, and the winning artists will be recognized with plaques. Athletes-- this is your tunnel! Contact Margaret Kellogg at [email protected] if you want to help paint. Community service hours will be given.

[Wonder if Alefantis is involved.]

Rainbow flags, brightly colored signs, and hundreds of loud, cheering counter-protesters met at least 10 anti-gay protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church on the streets surrounding Wilson early this morning. The counter-protesters, organized by Wilson’s Student Government Association and Gender and Sexuality Aligned organization, included representatives from the Wilson community, surrounding neighborhoods, other schools in the area, the D.C. government, Wilson alumni, and local churches and organizations. Both the protest and counter-protest remained peaceful throughout.

The movements on both sides gained momentum and relevance after Principal Pete Cahall came out as gay during Wilson’s LGBTQ+ Pride Day on June 4.

"We are just trying to show that Wilson is a safe place for everyone,” said current junior class president and upcoming senior class vice president Margaret Kellogg.

Change within Wilson has occurred even within the last few years. Obermeyer, who is finishing his third year at Wilson, said “My first year, I heard a lot of anti-LGBT language, but now I don’t hear it anymore.” Kellogg, who identifies as bisexual, said “I feel really blessed and fortunate to live today.”

More on Kellogg:

That's a page from this website:

Since it’s small grass roots beginning, the Global Issues Network has grown rapidly to become a region-strong global network of empowered GIN student changemakers, spanning the globe across Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North America, South and Central America. GIN continues to support and grow sustainable youth-led empowerment that now includes an active body of alumni in universities and beyond. Our GIN students grow to become lifelong learners who understand the imperative of staying involved and taking action.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, (global) citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

― Margaret Mead

In 2013 GIN won fiscal sponsorship from Buckminster Fuller Institute. GIN is currently fiscally sponsored by the Social Good Fund.

GIN Board of Trustees :

Jean-Francois Rischard - He was served as World Bank Vice President and chief spokesman from 1998-2005. His charge led him to work closely with individual European nation-states and intergovernmental bodies such as the European Union.

Michael Furdyck - Michael Furdyk is the Co-founder of TakingITGlobal (, which provides innovative global education programs that empower youth to understand and act on the world’s greatest challenges.

Taking ITGlobal collaborates with The One World Youth Project

Margaret Mead posts:


Is Pizzagate a product engineered by Cybernetics experts?

TrustTheTruth ago

Boy Scouts, Demolay, Knights of Malta, Knights of Pythias, NASA, FLDS, Scientology, Kabbalah, Jesuit, Sikh,Unitarian, Bahá'í, Society of Jesus,, and so many other groups are all inter-related.

John Podesta > Tom DeLonge > Peter Lavenda > Jack Parsons > Aleister Crowley > L Ron Hubbard > Kristin Bauer van Straten > Hillary Clinton > Demi Moore > Chris Kutcher > Guy Oseary > Ron Burkle > Peter Thiel > Donald Trump > Space Force

There are so many more connections through various networks.

Racine is the Root of All Evil and The Model for Smart Cities and the Real Agenda.

Only the Elite know the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Hillary's Model for Community Policing.

Where were the Podestas, Emanuels, Schumer, Weiner, Byrd and so many others involved "Made"?

What do They Fear?

What is Project Blue Beam?

What is CERN?

Who are the Sons of Norway, Dutch Brotherhood, and Club of Rome?

What is the purpose of Rotary, United Way, Brookings Institution, and Aspen Institute?

Who are the Atlantic Council, CFR, World Bank, Council of 13, and others in the chain?

Who are the Majestic 12?

Who are the real Pilgrims?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

What is the "8th Wonder of the World"?

Where is it?

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders?

We are the reason for the Tarmac Meeting.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others suddenly resigned.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q and other Fakes were created.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

We are the reason why Trump closed "The Deal" from The Public for the 8th Wonder of the World.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

think- ago

funding of religious scholars by NASA & Templeton to investigate how the religious community would respond to the discovery of life in outer space

Err...what LOL

letsdothis3 ago

That's Epstein's way of gathering 'thought leaders' from both the atheist and religious communities... (via the Templeton Foundation)

See this blog (author doesn't understand what's going on but you can see the connections)

Vindicator ago

That's Epstein's way of gathering 'thought leaders'

Hmm...great observation. This sort of adds to the Brownstone Operation Theory about Epstein. Create these consortiums roping in "thought leaders", flatter the crap out of them, lull them into a sense of being elite "insiders", then gradually lure them into tempting perversities that can be used to leverage them.

I wonder how many of the dozen or so "climate scientists" who've tampered with surface temperature data belong to one of these groups?

letsdothis3 ago

That's Epstein's way of gathering 'thought leaders' from both the atheist and religious communities...