TrumpEpsteinAcosta ago

What about Alex Acosta. Trump appointed him Labor Secretary. He's the one who gave Epstein a real sweetheart deal. Why don't you guys discuss that hmm?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Here, why don't you read something instead of being a snarky twat.

auralsects ago


You should talk dirty like that more.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I will if you don't.

ASolo ago

Jeffrey Epstein got the land for his palatial house in New Mexico from former New Mexico Governor Bruce King. JOHNNY GOSCH; CHABAD - Reportedly, Timothy Wyllie of the Satanist Process Church lives on a compound in Mountainair in New Mexico similar as Epstein's.


ASolo ago

Governor King lived next to Epstein's ranch, in Stanley.

Governor King presided over a police force who were allegedly 'drug runners, murderers, blackmailers and participants in various sex clubs.

Bill Richardson, a former Governor of New Mexico, and a member of Bilderberg, was a frequent visitor to Stanley.

Alan Dershowitz reportedly visited Stanley

Reportedly human traffickers use New Mexico when they bring sex slaves into the USA from such places as Eastern Europe, Mexico and Africa.

The CIA are suspected of being involved. The sex trade is closely linked to the drugs trade.

Reportedly, Timothy Wyllie of the Satanist Process Church lives on a compound in Mountainair in New Mexico similar as Epstein's. Wyllie is said to be linked to the CIA and MI6.

Tara Calico, aged 19, disappeared on 20 September, 1988, near Belen, in New Mexico.

In 1989, in Port St. Joe, in Florida, a woman found THIS photo outside a Junior Food Store

Jeffrey Epstein has a palatial home in STANLEY, which is near BELEN.

Jeffrey Epstein also has a home in Florida.

letsdothis3 ago

Reportedly, Timothy Wyllie of the Satanist Process Church lives on a compound in Mountainair in New Mexico similar as Epstein's. Wyllie is said to be linked to the CIA and MI6.

Jimmy Savile > the Process Church of the Final Judgement > the House of Rothschild > Alefantis and David Brock's ex boyfriend William Grey > Ed Buck

think- ago

Reportedly human traffickers use New Mexico when they bring sex slaves into the USA from such places as Eastern Europe, Mexico and Africa.

I always wondered how they got the Eastern European women Epstein reportedly held in his New York property into the country.

think- ago

Good post, thank you.

letsdothis3 ago

@Mammy Thanks to you I've finally found an important piece of the puzzle I've been looking for. The architect of the Scottish Rite Masonic Center is also the architect of the Froebel Institute:

Hunt adopted the Mission Revival style for the Froebel Institute, also known as Casa de Rosas (1893)

Casa de Rosas, also known as the Froebel Institute and the Sunshine Mission, is a historic building in the West Adams district of Los Angeles. It is the oldest women's shelter in Los Angeles.

The building was designed by Sumner P. Hunt and built in 1893.[3] It was originally an experimental kindergarten and has also been used over the years as a prestigious college preparatory school for girls, an inn and restaurant, a military barracks in World War II, the headquarters of L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics Foundation, and a shelter for homeless women.

This makes a lot of sense to me and has huge implications. I feel another post coming on (one day).

letsdothis3 ago


santafescottishrite Architectural inspiration for the @santafescottishrite comes from the Alhambra palace and fortress in Granada, Andalusia, Spain that traces its origins to 889, and was rebuilt in mid-13th century. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons, Jebulon "Dawn on Charles V palace in Alhambra, Granada, Spain," 2014.


a palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain. It was originally constructed as a small fortress in AD 889 on the remains of Roman fortifications, and then largely ignored until its ruins were renovated and rebuilt in the mid-13th century by the Nasrid emir Mohammed ben Al-Ahmar of the Emirate of Granada

Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn Nasr (1195 – 22 January 1273), also known as Ibn al-Aḥmar (Arabic: ابن الأحمر‎) and by his epithet al-Ghalib billah ("The Victor by the Grace of God"),[2][3] was the first ruler of the Emirate of Granada, the last independent Muslim state on the Iberian Peninsula, and the founder of its ruling Nasrid dynasty.

Alhambra's last flowering of Islamic palaces were built for the last Muslim emirs in Spain during the decline of the Nasrid dynasty, who were increasingly subject to the Christian Kings of Castile. After being allowed to fall into disrepair for centuries, the buildings occupied by squatters, Alhambra was rediscovered following the defeat of Napoleon, who had conducted retaliatory destruction of the site. The rediscoverers were first British intellectuals and then other north European Romantic travelers.


The more precise characterization and specific definition of Romanticism has been the subject of debate in the fields of intellectual history and literary history throughout the 20th century, without any great measure of consensus emerging. That it was part of the Counter-Enlightenment, a reaction against the Age of Enlightenment, is generally accepted in current scholarship.

In philosophy and the history of ideas, Romanticism was seen by Isaiah Berlin as disrupting for over a century the classic Western traditions of rationality and the idea of moral absolutes and agreed values, leading "to something like the melting away of the very notion of objective truth",[32] and hence not only to nationalism, but also fascism and totalitarianism, with a gradual recovery coming only after World War II.


Cardiff University professor Graeme Garrard claims that historian William R. Everdell was the first to situate Rousseau as the "founder of the Counter-Enlightenment" ... But similar to McMahon, Garrard traces the beginning of Counter-Enlightenment thought back to France and prior to the German Sturm und Drang movement of the 1770s.

AKA the Storm is here

Isaiah Berlin

Sir Isaiah Berlin OM CBE FBA (1909–1997) was a Russian-British social and political theorist, philosopher and historian of ideas.

Think Blavatsky

H. P. Blavatsky’s Theosophy in Context: The Construction of Meaning in Modern Western Esotericism -

Submitted by Tim Rudbøg to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Western Esotericism In December 2012

In addition to an overview of Blavatsky research this thesis will map and analyse Blavatsky’s use of the concept ‘Theosophy’ as well as Blavatsky’s primary discourses, identified as: (1) discourse for ancient knowledge, (2) discourse against Christian dogmatism, (3) discourse against the modern natural sciences and materialism, (4) discourse against modern spiritualism, (5) discourse for system and (7) discourse for universal brotherhood.

... Yet, some thinkers continued the attempt to bridge the spiritual and material domains, as it had earlier been done in magia naturalis, 927 and fought for their continued interrelation under the pressure of the new intellectual and cultural conditions. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century this spiritual bridging, in an increasingly secular and naturalistic milieu, formed part of the counter-Enlightenment current of Romanticism and Naturphilosophie, and from the middle of the nineteenth century continued in the modern spiritualist and occultist movements.928

928See Isaiah Berlin, ‘The Counter-Enlightenment’, in Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. by Philip Weiner, 5 vols (New York: Charles Scribner and Sons, 1973), II, 100-12; Isaiah Berlin's Counter-Enlightenment, ed. by Joseph Mali and Robert Wokler (Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society, 2003); see also articles on Naturphilosophie in Epochen der Naturmystik: Hermetische Tradition in wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt, ed. by Antoine Faivre and Rolf Christian Zimmermann (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1979); Wouter J. Hanegraaff, ‘Romanticism and the Esoteric Connection’, in Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times, ed. by Roelof van den Broek and Wo

think- ago

4) discourse against modern spiritualism

I don't understand that part. I thought she was an example of 'modern spiritualism'? looks confused

letsdothis3 ago

Just a few excerpts from the first few pages of the thesis re 'modern spiritualism'. I will read it through when I have time:

Olcott’s first encounter with Blavatsky, documented by himself, not only came to have a bearing influence on the development of Theosophy and later accounts of it, but also captured some of the early distinctions between Theosophy and modern spiritualism. Especially, the idea that modern spiritualism was somewhat ‘materialistic’ and even dangerous became a common argument among many theosophists as well as the notion of latent powers in man that can be awakened to control spirits—rather than man being controlled by them in order to produce psychical phenomena.

..From 1848 and onwards the reformulated esotericism of Swedenborg and Mesmer combined into modern spiritualism.941 Spiritualism itself was a diverse modern religious movement, which, in the light of the increasing materialistic scientific climate, became popular by claiming scientific proof for its seance phenomena. Again religion, including the domain of the transempirical or spiritual, was linked to the realm of the empirical or material at a time when the distance between the two domains seemed wider apart than ever.943 The spiritualist movement was at the origins of modern occultism in the eighteen-seventies, around the formation of the Theosophical Society (1875) and to some extent it was the constituent paradigm for the emergence of the occultism that Blavatsky and others developed.

4 Blavatsky’s dislike of ‘materialism’, under which she often included positivism, naturalism and agnosticism,1035 furthermore originated from the evasive influence of naturalists such as Huxley and Tyndall.1036 Her major concern was that, if something were not done soon on behalf of the spiritual dimension in man and cosmos, materialism and material interest would become the master of all human endeavours and thereby destroy the last sense of spirituality—just still present in her time.

I have begun to think that Blavatsky might have been a Russian psyop.. Lol.

letsdothis3 ago

Scottish Rite Temple (Santa Fe, New Mexico),_New_Mexico)

The Scottish Rite Temple, also known as Scottish Rite Cathedral or Santa Fe Lodge of Perfection, in Santa Fe, New Mexico was begun in 1911 and completed in 1912. It was a filming location for the 2016 Tina Fey film Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

It was designed by the Los Angeles architectural firm of Hunt and Burns.

In 1899, Hunt went into partnership with A. Wesley Eager. Hunt & Eager lasted until 1908, at which point Silas Reese Burns joined the firm, which became Hunt, Eager & Burns. In 1910 Eager retired, and the firm became known as Hunt & Burns, a partnership that lasted until 1930.

In her essay on Hunt's early work, Karen J. Weitze notes that he may have been involved in the design of Sidney Haas's Moorish- and Mission-revival designs for the California Building at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Hunt adopted the Mission Revival style for the Froebel Institute, also known as Casa de Rosas (1893), and “became a leading proponent of Hispanicism, a fact that was clearly reflected in his Southern California Building at the California Midwinter Exhibition” in 1894.

The connection with the Froebel Institute takes us straight into Theosophical Society territory. That leads to the Lucis Trust and the whole New Age movement, Tavistock, the UN, Sustainability agenda, the TRANSgender agenda :


Theosophy and the Architecture of the New World Order

On the art world, occult groups and military links: SHAEF, Biltmore Estate, Monument's Men, and Psyop Units

I need to take a closer look at the Santa Fe Institute...

think- ago

The connection with the Froebel Institute takes us straight into Theosophical Society territory. That leads to the Lucis Trust and the whole New Age movement, Tavistock, the UN, Sustainability agenda, the TRANSgender agenda


PGIsDumbdd2 ago

Hey you undisputed champions of extreme irrationality. So where are all the incoming pizzagate arrests you were rambling about the past 2 years? Quote:

"Tick Tock, Asswipe, you are going to look real stupid, real soon."

"Tick Tock Tick Tock Mr Brock."

"The entire thing is coming down Alefantis."

"OH YES! It is real!!! Ready to dance in the streets when Clinton and cronies are arrested! BEST DAY EVER!"

"Ha! Yes, let's start in Washington!!! Oh, I can see the podestas scurrying into those tunnels now!!!!!!"


Did I tell you back then the obvious fact that reality will go on independent of your delusions and ridiculous beliefs?

letsdothis3 ago

See what I mean about agitated agent provocateurs ? See parent. @think- @vindicator @Mammy

PGIsDumbdd2 ago

The Tavistock/MI5 agent provocateurs

So besides being Alefantis, Podesta, Robert and whatever the fuck else I was called by you immorally irrational fucktards, now I'm MI5 =))

This place is like a bottomless pit of ridiculous delusion.

letsdothis3 ago

Nah..I'd wager Tavistock.. The MI5 spooks have a different tone. These your mates? (NSFW) ELLA dRAPER CHILD ABUSE CULT............ THE BEGINNING

PGIsDumbdd2 ago

What you're doing is nothing new to me. The fact of assuming some ridiculous false accusation with zero evidence to back them up, then holding that delusion religiously while being completely immune to any evidence proving the contrary is a common practice here. I can give you dozens of examples.

letsdothis3 ago

What you're doing is nothing new to me.

I know. I learnt from you guys.

think- ago

P.S. - I noticed you didn't answer my question.

He answered it by not answering it.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @MolochHunter

PGIsDumbdd2 ago

So, are we in agreement? next time someone calls me(and is religiously convinced that I'm) Robert, Podesta, Alefantis or whatever, you'll back me up claiming I'm actually Tavistock?

letsdothis3 ago

You probably have a number of alters so who are you today?

PGIsDumbdd2 ago

Oh really? So the next time I'll point out to this brain dead monkey that I'm not Robert, will you back me up claiming I'm Tavistock(whatever the fuck that is)?

That's a prime example of the same flawed patter of thinking that you use. You know which I previously talked about, of pulling ridiculous false accusation out of your ass then holding them religiously while being completely immune to reality?

letsdothis3 ago

I think you need to take your meds along with a chill pill.

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

I think you need to use more than 0.5 neurons in your brain. However, didn't expect any other kind of response from someone like you when faced with reason and arguments.

letsdothis3 ago

reason and arguments

Thanks for the chuckle.

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

reason and arguments

Thanks for the chuckle.

No problem, I can also prove that I used reason and arguments, but that's completely useless when dealing with individuals like you.

letsdothis3 ago

I can also prove that I used reason and arguments

Really? Convince me..

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

Convince me..

First of all, there's more chances at convincing a brick wall of anything than a pizzagater by using reason and arguments. I always cringe when you pizzagaters use words like reason and evidence and pretend that you're opened to be convinced of anything. I had nightmares in the past on this site trying to use logic, so I mostly stick to trolling.

I spent my time in the past arguing with all sorts of religious people, conspiracy nutjobs and people believing all sorts of wacky things. I have never seen anything that came close to the level of detachment from reason and reality and that brought me the same level of disgust and indignation that this whole pizzagate shit and this forum has brought me.

Second, regarding the reason and arguments that I used as a response to you accusing me and being convinced that I'm MI5 or whatever. First of all, I pointed out that pulling out accusation out of your ass then holding them religiously while being completely immune to anything that proves the contrary is a flawed way of thinking, and a common practice here.

In the courtroom you're innocent till proven guilty.

From a backwards thinking perspective you're guilty till proven innocent.

From a pizzagater perspective(including you with your MI5 bullshit) you're guilty(of whatever the pizzagater feels like it) while the pizzagater is completely immune to any evidence that proves the contrary. That's backwards thinking with an extra step.

I also stated that I can provide dozens of examples of this, and provided one of someone using the same flawed pattern of thinking, accusing me and being convinced that I'm someone I'm not, strutting around like I actually am and claiming that thanks to him I'm in jail. All the while being completely shut to any form of evidence that shows the contrary.

Long story short:

X here claims and is convinced that I'm Robert. Y here claims and is convinced that I'm Alefantis. Z here claims and is convinced that I'm Podesta etc. Obviously you can't all be right. Only one of you can be right, or all of you can be wrong.

So, if X is pulling out accusations out of his ass, is convinced of them while not being open to any evidence to the contrary...and is wrong,

and If Y iss pulling out accusations out of his ass, is convinced of them while not being open to any evidence to the contrary...and is wrong,

maybe you shouldn't use the same flawed pattern of thinking.

Now I bet all of my effort in exaplining this was in vain. You will probably glance at this then come up again with something that has nothing to do with the reality we live in.

letsdothis3 ago

Now I bet all of my effort in exaplining this was in vain.

Spelling mistake there. Anyhoo, your effort was not in vain. Reading through your text , looking at your speech patterns and the points you concern yourself with, has confirmed in my mind who you are.

Thank you.

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

has confirmed in my mind who you are.

=)) "You will probably glance at this then come up again with something that has nothing to do with the reality we live in."

You people are sick.

letsdothis3 ago

You going to keep coming back for more? Lol. What time do you clock off?

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

Back for more what? Delusion and perverse irrationality? No thanks. Have fun waiting for real world arrests based on the retarded conspiracy theories you believe in.

letsdothis3 ago

Okay. I'm done playing with you (for now) as this conversation (can I call it that?) is cluttering up my account. Just want you to know that some of us who understand where you originated from are watching.

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

What did I say regarding your "Convince me?" That I'll have a better shot at convincing a wall of anything? That using reason and arguments is completely pointless with people like you? I said that didn't I?

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

can I call it that?

No you can't, me trying to be as reasonable as possible, and you being and insanse delusional conspiretard. You can't call that a conversation.

some of us who understand where you originated from are watching

=)) I know you're an insane conspiretard dude, stop trying to prove this over and over.

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

Convince me..

First of all, there's more chances at convincing a brick wall of anything than a pizzagater by using reason and arguments. I always cringe when you pizzagaters use words like reason and evidence and pretend that you're opened to be convinced of anything. I had nightmares in the past on this site trying to use logic, so I mostly stick to trolling.

I spent my time in the past arguing with all sorts of religious people, conspiracy nutjobs and people believing all sorts of wacky things. I have never seen anything that came close to the level of detachment from reason and reality and that brought me the same level of disgust and indignation that this whole pizzagate shit and this forum has brought me.

Second, regarding the reason and arguments that I used as a response to you accusing me and being convinced that I'm MI5 or whatever. First of all, I pointed out that pulling out accusation out of your ass then holding them religiously while being completely immune to anything that proves the contrary is a flawed way of thinking, and a common practice here.

In the courtroom you're innocent till proven guilty.

From a backwards thinking perspective you're guilty till proven innocent.

From a pizzagater perspective(including you with your MI5 bullshit) you're guilty(of whatever the pizzagater feels like it) while the pizzagater is completely immune to any evidence that proves the contrary. That's backwards thinking with an extra step.

I also stated that I can provide dozens of examples of this, and provided one of someone using the same flawed pattern of thinking, accusing me and being convinced that I'm someone I'm not, strutting around like I actually am and claiming that thanks to him I'm in jail. All the while being completely shut to any form of evidence that shows the contrary.

Long story short:

X here claims and is convinced that I'm Robert. Y here claims and is convinced that I'm Alefantis. Z here claims and is convinced that I'm Podesta etc. Obviously you can't all be right. Only one of you can be right, or all of you can be wrong.

So, if X is pulling out accusations out of his ass, is convinced of them while not being open to any evidence to the contrary...and is wrong,

and If Y iss pulling out accusations out of his ass, is convinced of them while not being open to any evidence to the contrary...and is wrong,

maybe you shouldn't use the same flawed pattern of thinking.

Now I bet all of my effort in exaplining this was in vain. You will probably glance at this then come up again with something that has nothing to do with the reality we live in.

think- ago

that I'm not Robert

So what's your name, when you're not Robert?

think- ago

letsdothis3 ago


letsdothis3 ago

Do you know who is a Scottish Rite Mason? Will Draper - the financier of the 'Hampstead cult' and former husband of Ella Draper (Gareeva). Interestingly, she then said fairly recently he was not involved (long after he and his wife had been named and even listed in the police report)....maybe after all of the information and posts about him began to come out. The Tavistock/MI5 agent provocateurs get annoyed when we talk about him and his connections.

think- ago

she then said fairly recently he was not involved

What do you mean exactly? Ella Draper said he wasn't involved in Scottish Rite Masonry? looks a bit confused

Btw: 'Scottish Rite' you say....

letsdothis3 ago

She said he was not involved in the cult ... rolls eyes

I'll try to find where I saw that. Then I'll give you my theories about Hampstead.

think- ago

Err....what?! I mean, this is basically what she and her partner have been spreading all these times, no?

I think the children are legit, but Draper and her partner are also fishy in some way. Not like their enemies allege (torturing the children into making the allegations), but certainly fishy.

I'll try to find where I saw that. Then I'll give you my theories about Hampstead.


ASolo ago

Draper and her partner are also fishy in some way.

There WAS always something about those two I couldn't quite put my finger on as well other than their oddity from the cannabis and like you said it wasn't the 'torturing' aspect of the children, even though I do agree that Gabe could have taken a different approach filming and questioning the children. Although he wasn't a licensed psychologist he did what he had to do.

I think they both had some peripheral involvement and knowledge of some of those involved (other than Dearman of course) near the cult which made them so odd and paranoid that they themselves could have put on film but did not.

ASolo ago

I'm following along with this supposition that Draper, being a Mason, financed the Hampstead Children op as an MI6 operation but that really doesn't hold up in my own view. I doesn't make any sense that a mason, Tavistock and MI6 would compromise their own operation. They would obviously know about a child abuse ring operating out of one of London's most prestigious old churches, how could they NOT be part of it and/or running it entirely?

think- ago

I don't think it was MI6 who was behind publishing the video.

Maybe Ella and her new partner were connected to the group, as we assumed, but then left, and it was a revenge thing. Or they tried to blackmail them, and when they didn't get any money, they published the video.

Wasn't it her new partner's brother - a policeman - they went to?

Maybe we should look more closely at her partner's family.


ASolo ago

My point is that maybe even though Draper was the one who introduced everyone to each other in that circle to begin with because he is a mason it doesn't mean that Ella and Abe were IN the cult.. It follows through then that it could be quite possible the oddities we mentioned were due to their own shoulder bumping with real cult members.

OR, that feeling could be completely right and Abe was simply just trying to expose the cult without bringing Ella's past complicity into play and she very well could have been a willing participant at one time, which would explain the nervous oddities. These are things we might never know if this thing never flares up again. LOTS of unanswered questions in this saga.

think- ago

I tend to think the latter - that at least Ella was part of the cult as well.

Remember, he was violent. A man with this type of personality would never accept a partner who wouldn't be involved as well. These guys have control issues, and when she was part of the cult that would have been the best way to control her.


letsdothis3 ago

Do you know the story about how Ella and Will got together?

I don't want to say too much here because I have a lot to say about my own theories. But you touch on some of what I am thinking.

These are things we might never know

That's what 'they' were hoping for and why the mention of new information causes such agitation. However, I don't think 'they' can stop the truth from coming out. The operatives who were on the David Icke forum gave away (unknowingly and unintentionally) too much of their modus operandi.

ASolo ago

Interesting, yes, I would like to discuss this with you some more in a more appropriate thread, I'm sure you will keep me updated. DM me as well if you would like to discuss it in there.

think- ago

I think they both had some peripheral involvement and knowledge of some of those involved (other than Dearman of course) near the cult which made them so odd and paranoid that they themselves could have put on film but did not.

Yes, exactly. And tbh (but this is mere speculation) Draper's partner alerts my spider senses for having a possible violence issue. Not necessarily regarding children, but maybe a domestic violence issue. Women in abusive relationships often choose new partners who are also violent. Not sure in this case, though.

ASolo ago

I did sense that as well like maybe he came from a culture of religious oppression of woman, I can't remember if it was ever discussed or maybe they took a vacation there Idk but isn't he Moroccan? It does seem like he was of Arab descent.

think- ago

Yes, I think so.

letsdothis3 ago

I'll try to find where I saw that.

May be difficult as Google has clearly altered their algorithms re Hampstead to make such info very difficult, if not impossible to find in searches.

think- ago

Also, in the EU you can demand that content gets scrubbed 'for legal' reasons, which might be one of the reasons things completely disappear from the web.

letsdothis3 ago

Will Draper has had a number of things scrubbed.

think- ago

I don't doubt it. :-/

think- ago

Interesting. Thanks. Does this apply to other search engines as well?

letsdothis3 ago

Yes. Though you can get different results with search engines that you don't use frequently.

think- ago

I admit I always forget that, lol.

What I noticed when researching old cases in England recently is that google really pushed blog posts into oblivion. They are still there, but when you are too lazy to read more than ten pages of google results (like me, lol), it gets frustrating.

letsdothis3 ago

I've written a lot about Draper. I'll recap when I have time.

think- ago

Thanks! Appreciated.

letsdothis3 ago

Good post. I was looking into Santa Fe a while back, to do a post for @think- 's pizzagateart subverse. I started here: The American Friends of The Royal Foundation Host First Dinner on the East Coast

Prince Harry joined 190 New York philanthropists at a dinner at the Four Seasons restaurant in support of the American Friends of The Royal Foundation.

Here's a picture of Harry with John Studinski - link mentions the Four Seasons

We know Studinski well on this forum- see: Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead

About the Four Seasons:

The Four Seasons is a New American cuisine restaurant in New York City located at 42 East 49th Street[1][2] in Midtown Manhattan. Until 2016, it was located at 99 East 52nd Street, in the Seagram Building in Midtown Manhattan.[3] The restaurant is owned by the Bronfman family, Alex von Bidder, and Julian Niccolini.

In June 2015, Aby Rosen, owner of the Seagram Building, announced that the restaurant's lease would not be extended.[7] The Seagram Building location closed after dinner service on July 16, 2016.[8] In August 2018, The Four Seasons opened at a new, smaller midtown location at 42 East 49th Street.

The artist Mark Rothko was engaged to paint a series of works for the restaurant in 1958. Accepting the commission, he secretly resolved to create "something that will ruin the appetite of every son-of-a-bitch who ever eats in that room." [And that's another post in itself but I digress.. back to the restaurant...]

Disgraced Julian Niccolini Forced Out of Four Seasons Restaurant -

Influential but disgraced restaurateur Julian Niccolini has been kicked out of his role at the Four Seasons Restaurant..... A public liquor license notes that von Bidder, Niccolini, and Classic Restaurant Corp. are owners.

Classic Restaurant Corp.

Tom G. Margittai

Address of the Tom G Margittai Foundation : 31 San Juan Ranch Rd Santa Fe, New Mexico 87506

So, like you I thought Santa Fe Ranch... Jeffrey Epstein... I got out Google maps and had a look around and came across some interesting characters nearby... on POLARIS Road.. like the Kirkpatrick family..

They own Inn and Spa at Loretto Santa Fe . The infamous Loretto Chapel is part of that portfolio.. famous for its spiral staircase

Former Santa Fe Opera board of directors member Dubin founded the investment firm Dubin Clark & Company, based in tony Greenwich, Conn. He also was a director of CompUSA. Despite the blue-blood cred, Dubin has a foothold here. A former caretaker of his Santa Fe estate—whose duties are to care for “the art collection, manage vendors, maintain budgets and supervise staff”—described it as “three residences on 8.5 acres,” according to The Santa Fe New Mexican. Dubin’s daughter, a People magazine staff writer, was married at Loretto Chapel in 2001.

DUBIN--Maria E. de Bourbon. Princess Ana Margarita Maria Elvira de Bourbon Dubin, daughter of the late Prince and Princess Filiberto de Bourbon of Paterson, NY, died Thursday, August 14, at Norwalk Hospital in Norwalk, CT. She was 61 years old and had been ill with cancer for several months. She was descended from the Bourbon dynasties of both France and Spain and was related to the Austrian Royal House of Hapsburg.

Bourbon Dynasty you say? voat posts:

Eyes Wide Shut Are Open; Antony and Nicole Kidman, Kravitz, Zampolli and MK-Ultra Sex Slavery; Maccoby, Comet Ping Pong

Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio - Godfather III - Corleonis Legitimized? - Mafia Made in America?

So, that Spa belongs to a group of hotels: Heritage Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (I just noticed the logo of another place there called the Lodge...) ... within that group of hotels is a subset for Taos

voat post: Isaac Kappy 'live trolling' David Brock or is David Brock trolling us? A look into the Kappy family

For 17 years, DreamTree Project has provided a safe haven for homeless teens and young adults in northern New Mexico....

ALSO ON POLARIS ROAD is Jacqueline West, PhD a Jungian psychoanalyst who is married to Geoffrey West

Geoffrey West, Ph.D, was named to Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World" in 2007, with his work selected as a “breakthrough idea” by Harvard Business Review in 2006. He is a theoretical physicist and Distinguished Professor and former President of the Santa Fe Institute, with primary interests in fundamental questions ranging from elemental particles to universal scaling laws in biology, while developing a quantitative science of cities, companies and global sustainability.

Here he is : Why Don’t Humans Live for More than 100 Years? | Physicist Geoffrey West Basically he's another nutter transhumanist.

Do you know who else is involved with the Santa Fe Institute? Jeffrey Epstein:

So, yup, your hunch about looking into the Santa Fe area is spot on.

carmencita ago

There was something shady about her husband too

think- ago

Do you know who else is a transhumanist and is involved with the Santa Fe Institute? Jeffrey Epstein

Epstein is also a transhumanist? Wow.

@letsdothis3: We really need to find someone who puts your finds into some kind of info graphics, so that all the connections can be understand more easily for people who are not familiar with your posts, and for redpilling normies.

@Vindicator @srayzie: Any idea who might be able to help out with that?

Mammy ago

Wow @letsdothis3. You are quite the digger! Yes, I also think looking into the board of directors of the Santa Fe Institute might lead to more leads. Follow the money, as they say. I'm not very good at that, or else I wouldn't be working two jobs. ; ) Thank you for connecting some major dots!

letsdothis3 ago

Look at Joshua Epstein. He's very interesting. So, interesting I'm planning a post about him.

goatboy ago

Luke AFB

Also, as Q says you're over the target.

Mammy ago

Interesting...also, scrolling over the land of Zorro Ranch via Google Maps can be seen two small airplanes on the ground.

derram ago :

Every Property Owned by Sleazy Financier Jeffrey Epstein - Curbed

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Mammy ago

Thank you very much!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My pleasure.

Mammy ago

Thank you. Could you please also archive that Fantome Blanc Halloween Party page?