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PGIsDumbd3 ago

Oh you poor fuck...

PGIsDumbd3 ago


madhatter67 ago

Was he still shilling here? Hadn't noticed him for a long long time

darkknight111 ago

Disappered around fall of 2017.

madhatter67 ago

thanks...I thought that was the case

Factfinder2 ago

Phenomenal achievement on your part, darkknight. Thank you for your service to humanity.

MolochHunter ago

grats DarkKnight lol, keep em coming

TippyHome ago

Did anyone else see Diana Jenkins is back in November's blind item rehash/Enty/CDAN with Macron being very involved in the child trafficking in Europe using Malta? It has to be the reason Macron made that evil comment about Nationalism not being patriotic. Macron using his dog whistle to his handlers that he will continue to help with the trafficking.

mathemagician33 ago

Asking because I haven't been terribly active on here in the last few months, though I've had many conversations and dealings with that PGisDumb shill. I do remember seeing something on here about how he was suspected to be Robert Robinson, but just out of curiosity, how do we actually know that's him?

kazza64 ago

he was an absolute piece of shit

anotherhero ago

This is a great first step, but unfortunately stopping peons is like putting a bandaid on a tumor: It may temporarily stop the suffering but if the root cause is not removed, the symptoms will return.

Hopefully, we can go after more high-profile criminals in the future but getting ANY proven pedophile off the streets is definitely a cause for celebration.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Hellz yes!!! Y'all know he was doxxing people here, right? Just a reminder. Also, he is a possible cannibal as well. Some creepy ass videos from that guy. Didn't he go by Burgerson or something?

Hey, where's AreWeSure's stupid ass on this?

dundundunnnnn ago

You're doing God's work.

I think we might send him some letters.

Angelis_Solaris ago

I've never seen people in v/pizzagate act like this. You guys need to consider the fact that 1. This guy wasn't charged for SRA 2. Pedophiles are still human beings. It's important for us not to become like them in our quest to protect children. Children deserve protection but only God can take revenge, the best thing for pedophiles is life imprisonment as that is what they have chosen...but they should still be able to live life as long as they aren't around children (i.e. locked in prison for life). I'm hoping this guy is never around children again as he has lost that privilege and honor. We should throw away revenge and get back to saving more kids.

notdivided ago

yeah and serial killers should be "free to live life" as long as they aren't around humans? Rationalizing evil is never a good place to start. They deserve 0 pleasure in life, including interacting with other adults.

Killing the enemy is protecting the innocent, not becoming the enemy. Stopping a force requires a stronger force to combat it. If that makes us monsters to the monsters so it must be. You aren't going to win them over with a morality story and being merciful. Life is short and brutal. You need to wrap your head around what real evil is.

Deterrence is sending a message to all his friends. If you don't have the stomach for justice at least stay out of the way. Predators don't just stalk little girls and take photos. Whatever can be dished to him he deserves it and his victims deserve to know they have a community of people that stand up for them in reality, not just in theory behind a computer screen.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Maybe you're right, I'm just trying to work it out. From what I have seen most of these "people" are so infuriatingly unashamed about their lust for children that I do think death is the only valid option for them. I would certainly want someone to kill me if I ever got like that.

Factfinder2 ago

Not a chastisement I have whiplash from reading your comment. It went from don't be so mean to pedophiles to we might have to take it upon ourselves to kill less than 30 seconds!

Really, I get where you're coming from, just couldn't resist a little teasing.

Angelis_Solaris ago

+Factfinder2 Thanks for your great comment, lol. I don't understand my brain either. I was less stating an opinion, then just trying to find out what I believe. Trying to reason it out I guess. I most certainly could have worded it better but I won't edit it now.

Factfinder2 ago

Your comment was actually a refreshingly honest thought process that I think many of us have had in one form or other.

The incurability of pedophilia often makes even those who are against the death penalty think twice.

Clearly a lifetime in prison is a waste for all concerned and not enjoyable for the pedophile, who is usually bullied in prison and often meets his maker violently at the hands of fellow inmates.

I have suggested a life sentence but with the pedophile being given the option to choose the death penalty instead, which I think many would do.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Yes, that sounds right. But today I was pondering this further and I discovered there may be both points of return and points of no return for the guilty one. "Pedophile" is a very broad term, and the individual offenses should be fairly weighed in the balance. A pornography addicted man or woman who starts into child porn (due to desensitization) is still an addict and still curable, though they will have to dedicate their life to doing the exact opposite of what they were consumed with in their addiction.

A pedophile who murders children has become something worse than just a pedophile, same thing with torture. I'm too tired to write a proper post on this but I am showing that these varying degrees should be taken into consideration when judging an individual. There are some "pedophiles" who are progressive porn addicts, and some of them surely believe what they are doing is reprehensible. They should be shown mercy. I'll leave that ambiguous for now. Well, I actually think everyone should be shown mercy, it's just that mercy for the innocent may require justice for the guilty. Also, mercy for the innocent trumps mercy for the guilty if they come into conflict. A man or woman who has tortured or killed children should under no circumstances be left the choice of life, because there is always the possibility that they will be let out of prison early by a corrupt government system if they were given life imprisonment. The Law of the Harvest (you reap what you sow) shows us that our broad term is insufficient for judging individual cases, though useful for speaking about the lust after children as a general subject.

There are varying degrees of pedophilia and keep in mind, the elite satanist pedophiles are working tirelessly (it would appear) to break down the public's morality, especially concerning: the sanctity of human life, the pricelessness of the human soul and the complete innocence and infinite worth of children. There must be a way for those who've fallen for these lies to, if not cured, be changed into people who put children's lives above all else and who sincerely seek God's assistance in that new life purpose. The longer you ignore a brain pathway, and choose against it, the weaker that pathway becomes. The problem is it requires a complete change in the person, something only God can bring about (in my experience).

The different types of pedophiles are numerous and I can't list them all, and I'm not sure where the punishment should start and what that punishment would be. Age of consent isn't too much of a problem in my estimation, it would seem that 18 is the perfect age when all things are considered, the development of a child into an adult is a long and arduous and life-changing process and that requires great lengths of time and thus protection against manipulation by malevolent adults.

darkknight111 ago

There is a very high probability those CP photos and creep shots were being distributed given how he was posting and sharing them on some of his social media.

The perp has raped a 13 year old before. During that year of that video in question, he WAS actively harrassing children (he seems to especially have a fetish for underage asian girls).

Don’t forget, this is the very first “confirmed takedown” v/pizzagate has ever inflicted in the war against pedophilia. We’re rightfully reveling in our triumph. It took nearly two years, but we have a takedown linked to our work. Cheers!!!!

This thread has lifted people’s spirits and their morale.

Angelis_Solaris ago

It's really amazing that you guys were able to do this! (I'm too new to have seen any of that guy's posts). It's kind of like a citizen science website I used to participate in, finding extra-solar planet candidates all on their own. Although this is way more important. I really hope this guy doesn't die in jail, rather, I hope he is somehow never around children again, like a life sentence. It's probably unrealistic to think he will reform since he didn't the first time around. I feel sorry for pedophiles, especially if they were once abuse victims, and want them to recover somehow. But the safety and innocence of children ALWAYS comes first. Children are innocent and pure because they lack accountability, and they deserve every protection and proper raising that can be afforded to them. Even if it means the pedophile needs to die in order to keep just one child safe. I think our sexualized culture is one of the largest affronts to children because it is essentially a sexual deviant factory. It's so sad what we've come to. It's completely evil.

The-Lorax007 ago

So good. First happy news I've seen for ages.

ASolo ago

...And how come this fucker isn't pined (stickied) instead of that lame fucking thread by that whiney bitch Crensch

ASolo ago

Pretty heavy. Phenomenal work. The entire incident is psychologically fascinating, from how intensely Robertson injected himself into the Comet Pizza scene to the reactions and comments from his subsequent arrest. This one has some deep ramifications for the entire Pizzagate saga. This incident produces a broad spectrum of interesting possibilities, correlation and corroboration.

First I find it particularly interesting and mind boggling how a mentally ill sex offender living on social security can afford to travel 500 miles away from his home town of Augusta, Maine and is able to spend so much time at an alleged simple old pizza shop on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC, but it's true, we had video of him hanging out at Comet Pizza and defending himself and Comet Pizza from the initial allegations. It makes me really wonder what else he did there while he was hanging out considering the allegations against him, it is probably within a high degree of truth to suggest that he engaged in illicit and illegal activity while he was there, following or oggling the clientele in a manner indicative of his current charges, with or without any of the activity happening as part of the real Pizzagate allegations. So, there we have a VERY real, provable event AT Comet Pizza and Ping Pong, there DEFINITELY WAS a sex offender ON THE PREMISES of COMET PING PONG AND PIZZA that was engaged in illicit and illegal activity as proven by his charges. Now whether or not he committed crimes there is another matter but it is surely within speculation. This just goes to show that Mr. Robertson was not 'defending' Comet Pizza so much from these allegations (that goes without saying) but INSTEAD feeding and trying to exacerbate the energy of child sex crimes AT Comet Ping Pong and Pizza. So not only did he believe it he made it part of his fantasy land. I find that quite interesting for the aura of James Alefantis' Comet Ping Pong and Pizza.

This still doesn't explain how and why he was able to afford being at Comet Pizza to begin with coming all the way from Augusta Maine on an SSDI income, but it is mighty interesting that he hails FROM Maine, a snakes den of New England witch and old country luciferians not to mention safe haven for everyone from movie stars to politicians.

With that being said , Robert Robertson is OBVIOUSLY VERY mentally ill considering the laundry list of illicit activities he engaged in, that is not a call for empathy, it is a wake up call for the kind of demon we are dealing with. These are the kinds of people that breed at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza who have become so desensitized to their proclivities that they cannot see past their own disgusting self absorbed licentiousness. He was probably horribly abused himself as a child or had some kind of serious traumatization to make him the way he is today, once again this is not a call for sympathy (although inevitably that conclusion must be reached) but we must all realize that we have all been under constant attack and mk-ultra style trauma conditioning through our environment, education and entertainment which makes MOST sublimate and escape through some form of abuse whether it be sex, drugs or some other kind of vice. These people are CREATED by the kind of environments we are suggesting happens at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza.

When ANY 'artist' like Marina Abramovic, Heavy Breathing, Debbie Harry, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Robert Indiana or Andy Warhol are doing when they introduce you into their brand of "art" what they are essentially doing is inculcating you into the cult and ALCHEMICALLY transforming MEN into BEASTS.

We should all be vigilant of the predators in our environment and it was phenomenal work getting an obviously very disturbed individual off the street so he can get the help that he needs so he can no longer be a threat to the safety of the community he is in but within this broad range of psychological possibilities that Pizzagate seriously presents we must be much more vigilant of the beasts that lurk within ourselves to prevent a similar fate. I'm afraid that realization has come much to late considering the kind of people that comprises organizations like Antifa, where we truly are looking at The Walking Dead.

Babylon5 ago

I've not come across this! Have you got a link for the Robinson-CPP stuff?

Mommyplayer571 ago

If he knows something about CPP then he will be silenced.


"Robert L. Robertson III" makes me also think it's intergenerational abuse that led him down this path.

I think his dad owned a WRECKING YARD was a Fire Chief, Sheriff, Merchant Marine, Freemason, & Shriner (if this is indeed his father):

ASolo ago

Interesting. Yeah he's pretty messed up and indicates that there's a good possibility he's suffered intergenerational abuse.

Good effort but this family seems to stem from the midwest but hey ya never know maybe a branch came back out east.

3141592653 ago

What What!

Piscina ago

Wow, you're a champion. I hope his prison homies know what he's in for.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Good job everyone. That creep deserved to be locked away from the world.

Gothamgirl ago

Great job! He used to taunt us on here! The majority of the downvotes I have dealt out went to him.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

Well done darkknight111. Great work!

mrohm ago

I wonder if AreWeShill is one, or just a Brock employee.

darkknight111 ago

Look at contents of thread. Compare with AWS’s writing style. Does it look like a match to you?

If so, we may have a new lead.

mrohm ago

Wow. I have no words. It definitely looks like Aee We Shill. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if it were.

It appears that this Kamil Beylant, who harassed EffYouJohnPodesta is the same person.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No sticky mods? Mods?

eyeswideopennow ago


stealthninjataliban ago

OP is a bundle of sticks. Dumb to brag about being a pedo on youtube though...

pizzaequalspedo ago

AWESOME!!! Way to F'ing go man!

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Let's do better than that.. we need to mail the prison inmates this story. They will take care of the rest. In prison, you HAVE to engage in violence with pedo's or you will get shanked or lose credibility.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Um, no. That does not typically happen.

Criticalthinker615 ago

We should print out his post history from coat and send it to his new friends.

dundundunnnnn ago


toutedesuite ago

Respect !

Octoclops ago

Hopefully first of thousands. (Way to earn your name btw)

darkknight111 ago

Thats him.


Do you think this might be his father/relative?

active in the volunteer fire [& sherriff] departments, becoming chief in both departments respectively. He was one of the first instructors of emergency medical technician training of the volunteer rescue units in surrounding towns. He was a former member of the Thurston County special deputies under then County Sheriff, Clyde Storie.

During World War II, he was a member of the Merchant Marines. He also was a member of Olive Branch Lodge 274 A.F. & A.M. in Walthill. He was a member of the American Legion Post 55 of Pender and the Abu Bekr Shrine Temple in Sioux City. He was an active member of the Shrine Camping Unit. He was a former member of the Shrine Sahibs Unit and the Rat Patrol Unit."

gamepwn ago

HAHA karma has been served! Trust me Auralsects "Donkey" pedo Muslims ass will be next.

auralsects ago

Lol remember when I dropped JewAnons biggest "lead" 6 months before him

You retarded little faggot. OP has threatened me so many times, including that he already has my info from some "cyber vigilante group" lol

Clearly he's a pathetic bluffing homo incapable of finding someone unless they literally confess on camera with their real name.


Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Good work.

UberAngler ago

Amazing work!

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Please continue to follow this. I have always wondered why these guys never stay in jail. I am suspecting that part of it is a corrupt legal system. If he gets a light sentence, we should look into the judge and the prosecutor next.

there is a reason he thought he could get away with it. I am hoping that reason is stupidity and not connections.

bakindabacon ago

Well done sir. Here, have a keg.

carmencita ago

BUSH Country

There are 74.47 miles from Kennebunk to Augusta in northeast direction and 81 miles (130.36 kilometers) by car, following the I-295 N route.

LostandFound ago

Holy shit good work. Actually this renews the reason I came here, I guess I had forgotten that the change I want to see is within my grasp.

Thank you

everlastingphelps ago

Not sure if this counts against rules against doxing voaters. Not worried about him, don't want the sub to end up in trouble. (Of course, we all know (((who))) would be the ones demanding a takedown.)

Octoclops ago

Pedos aren't voaters

everlastingphelps ago

Go read the OP, moron.

darkknight111 ago

Public information does not count.

We at v/pizzagate have known for over a year that PgIsDumb was Robert L Robinson. That is nothing new.

What is new to us is the arrest for CP.

akashicfarmer ago

You should get a flair for that. that should be a thing.

HbMcNutt ago


greenthumb1776 ago

Amazing work!!

Joe10jo ago


Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Hahahaahahahhahahahahahahaaaahhahhahahhahahhahhaa. Ha. This is fucking fantastic. I hope he gets bufu’d to death in prison. Also proof positive we have insiders trying to take us down.

darkknight111 ago

I’m hoping he gets the “Goosh Goosh” treatment myself. Phuhuhu.

Do NOT look that up if you want to preserve your sanity. I regret finding out what it meant.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago



His username was tied to his social media accounts with his real name?

Criticalthinker615 ago

Yes he originally posted under a username that would lead to a creepy flickr page if u googled the name. On the flickr there was hundreds of vids of him stalking little girls in public and even some that appeared to be him masturbating into what appeared to be a very young girls hair. Besides that, he often posted creepy stuff here and cursed/threatened eveyone as well

darkknight111 ago

No. Got some information that PGIsDumb and Robert Robinson were the same person via some graphology specialists.

When I made a REAL old thread regarding RR, PGIsDumb went nuclear, which was a huge confirming tip off.

His youtube accounts DID use his real name.

This guy was a total moron. Actually bragged about getting away with creep shots on youtube, telling how he did it.

He didn’t know that I was tracking his social media for days.

Scroobius ago

Pretty cool. Was RR a registered sex offender? Are there sites where I can find if there are sex offenders/pedos in my area? I want to catch one of these bastards too.

Questionable_1 ago

darkknight111 ago

Yes. He raped and impreganted a 13 year old Filipino girl.

Such sex offender registries exist by city or county I believe.

mathemagician33 ago

unfortunately age of consent in the Phillippines is 12, which would mean it wasn't illegal. I remember seeing a youtube video where he literally bragged about this though. it was absolutely ridiculous, he went as far as describing what items are "useful" to entice child prostitutes in said country (Toblerone chocolate bars), and to "make sure they are hidden in [your] luggage because customs knows what's up".

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Good job.

fartyshorts ago

Remember how he had a bunch of photos from Comet Ping Pong from before Pizzagate? That was a weird coincidence.

Sackajahweeda ago

This guy was so brazen and due to his disabled status was free to terrorize people all day online just hoping to antagonize people to get a reaction out of them. PG may be dumb in his eyes but the people working to fight it arent and now he is incarcerated because of one and his vile acts! WAY TO GO much love from New England!!

carmencita ago

Shills on the board. How do many feel? Have most of the shills on here either been guilty of some type of sexual abuse of a minor or dabbling in CP? Or even worse? Imo, It's a possibility. Thank God we now have one less. Thanks @darkknight111 for all your hard work and sending this pervert to the slammer.

MrShekelstein ago

congrats v/pizzagate

keep em coming.

stirstick ago

Thank you for doing what you are. I hope you find many more. I have a feeling the most vile of these predators are in Hollywood, the government and MSM.

The punishment these people receive is an insult to anyone who has been abused by people like this. 1 or 2 years in jail is what they get for destroying and stealing a young persons innocence and trust. It makes me sick. People who get caught with pot can receive more time then these dirt bags. It really makes me think there is no justice in America.

sodePllAlliK ago

Don't forget churches, synagogues, and mosques!

stirstick ago

Yes, they are definitely doing their fair share of abuse. I know many are not believers, but I am, and they will stand in judgement. Even if America does not bring it. And, anyone who stood by and let it happen is just as guilty.

darkknight111 ago

You’d be absolutely right.

Currently investigating some of Hollywood’s most henious acts of pedophilia, including a 30 year cold murder case that they were involved in and covered up. Heather O’Rourke Judith Barsi

stirstick ago

I am glad you are doing it. This has been going on in one form or another since the beginning of time.


God bless you!

Bottled_Tears ago

This is awesome. Keep it up.

PGIsDumbdd3 ago

Yep, pulling out disgusting fake accusations out of your ass, be religiously convinced of them and strutt around it's as if they're actually real while being completely shut to any evidence that shows the contrary. That's awesome indeed, after all is you pizzagater's bread and butter.

carmencita ago

Congrats. This guy is a real piece of work

Robert A. Robinson Jr., 50, was brought from the Maine State Prison for an arraignment Wednesday at the Capital Judicial Center in Augusta.

He had been indicted in February 2017 on a charge of domestic violence terrorizing that occurred in the period of July 1 to Aug. 1, 2016, in Vassalboro.

“It was terrorizing over the phone,” said the prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Carie James.

During the two-day beating, Maloney said, Robinson struck Ruiz so heavily with a broomstick that it broke and then continued to hit her with it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Two different guys, looks like 16 yr. age difference.

Convicted sex offender Robert L. Robinson III, 34, of Augusta


Robert A. Robinson Jr., 50, of Chelsea

carmencita ago

Not doubting you, you're pretty smart! How is it the 34 yr. old when it has the other guy in the article? Confused. It also has his pic. Please explain.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I see @darkknight111 gave you the answer for me.

Thx, dk111.

darkknight111 ago

Its a different article, but related to the one in this thread (this article does have links to the Robert A Robinson article you mentioned).

Robert L Robinson (subject of this thread) was sentenced in 2006. Robert A Robinson was convicted in 2002.

It could be possible that the two people are related? Maybe cousins?

carmencita ago

Maybe. I think it's still kind of wonky that they had his pic in there. Cornfusing. May be connected since they are both into extreme violence.

Found this. He was outed by people on this site

why are you allowed to live around the block from a daycare center?

So...does your parole officer know about your Flickr feed? It's sort of off-putting having pics of little girls all over the place when you're a FUCKING SEX OFFENDER. I'd imagine something like that might violate the terms of your parole (or so I'd hope).

maurice ago

Many of the sex offenders end up living in low income areas around day cares, schools, churches, parks, etc. I'm not sure if parole officers are allowed to monitor online activity. Even if they are, there are not enough of them and many of the ones out there couldn't care less. They have massive work loads. Sex offenders are allowed to use any and all social media sites, "so long as they ain't breaking the law"................

Who actually monitors them to insure they ain't on flickr, instagram, snapchat, kik, etc..........trying to prey upon kids still?

Answer: No one.

carmencita ago

I agree there are not enough of them for they have been cutting back on everything that weakens protection for Our Children. CPS, cutbacks on mental health, you name it. /We know about the payoffs for placing Children in foster homes and those workers that really want to help them, well as you say the workload is massive. Many of the sex offenders move to warm climates and many priests have moved to Palm Beach and Boca Raton. Msgr. Thomas J. Benestad lives down there. I get frightened every time I think about it. Yes, no one is watching them and they have become emboldened because of it.

maurice ago

Neighborhood watch needs to be formed online. I know some groups try now, but many of those with good hearts and good intentions, will never figure out where to look for these sickos. It's great that people try to watch the online games, but snapchat, kik, etc, need heavy monitoring. Even then, finding an in spot is difficult and flushing the groups out does little. There are LE that indulge and tip them off. Nasty sites get reported. The FBI investigate. Clean them up. A few months go by and the sites are just as before.

carmencita ago

So if they clean them up, they must not be locking them up. This may be the problem slap slap and that's it. People dont get together like they use to. Mothers and Grandmas are not around to keep eye on the hood anymore. They are all working. This may have been part of the plan.


Strong families are the only solution. Protect your families and your communities. Talk to your neighbors, always make eye contact, and maintain your strength and health.

carmencita ago

We do that. We speak to our neighbors and interact with them. I keep track of the girl next door. They help us. This is so important, you are right. We also attend events at the school near us. People need to get involved.


<3 lead by example

carmencita ago

I don't know why people don't make time for this. Some really can't but others, they could give a movie once in a while or their binge watching. It is so rewarding.

carmencita ago

Possibly send his cellmate a broom.

Syndicalism ago

Such uplifting news! Great doing, good samaritan.

Wobblegong ago

Good work my dude. This is what the internet is about.

SandHog ago

Nice work!

Blacksmith21 ago

I would hug and kiss you if I could (no homo). I hated that fucking piece of shit.

We should send him a "care" package:

You need some special flair.

darkknight111 ago


Vindicator ago

While I personally take pleasure in this idea, darkknight, I have to veto it. While this Rob Robinson example did not involve what Voat would call doxing, as I understand it, we don't want to incentivize people to do what Voat DOES consider doxing.

I am glad you turned that shithead in. He can't hurt any kids for a while, anyway. I spent so many late, late nights on here deleting his shit, banning his hundreds of alts and dealing with irate users. Well done!

Criticalthinker615 ago

Any possibility of digging up some of his kindest statements on here that we could print and mail into his new friends ? I'm sure they would like to know how their new roommate thinks and all of his feelings shared here

Vindicator ago

The way to find that is to look in our ban log, pick any of his 300 alt names (they're pretty obvious), and then do a SearchVoat of submissions by that username. That will usually turn up Removed Submissions that are beyond the 19 pages Voat currently gives easy access to in the Removed Submissions area. He made a bunch of stupid memes he liked to spam us with. He also occasionally posted his creepy videos.

You can also look at the comment history for any of those banned usernames; he did occasionally comment. I don't think he ever actually deleted any of his accounts.

Is he being held in a normal prison, or one for sex offenders. You might end up sending them care packages they'd enjoy if the latter is the case.

dundundunnnnn ago

Is he being held in a normal prison, or one for sex offenders? You might end up sending them care packages they'd enjoy if the latter is the case.

Sick and true.

Blacksmith21 ago

Can we set up a GoFundMe bounty for inmates to "harass" specific pedophiles in jail when identified? Funds donated directly to their BOP inmate # canteen account.

The CCTV can probably be hacked. Charge for livestreams of pedos getting shanked in jail. Shit, make it like Trafficland and sell advertising. Figure out a way to work in offshore gambling too.

I bet I know some cats over at GTMOLIVE who would sponsor it.

darkknight111 ago

I have an even more spiteful idea.

Send him a letter. In it we tell him that some of the people who sent tips to police to get a warrant on his stuff were his “friends” at v/pizzagate.

The despair, rage, and butthurt he’ll get will be unbearable, especially when the cruel irony sets in.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's an easy one:

Robert Robinson

Maine State Prison

807 Cushing Road

Warren ME 04864-4600

Blacksmith21 ago

And I thought I've watched strange shit...


Does Swamp-Takedown only apply for elite figures/politicians?