SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @darkknight111.

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aimeejamey ago

Yeah that guy came back to Twitter a few days ago implying I use a fake name just because he has my complete life history on his computer and he calls me by my ex's last name. Then he says to sue us all. I was laughing my ass off. He's been butthurt about us for a pretty long time. He's a moron to think anyone will listen to a pedo about pizzagate being fake. He could have thought about that before writing two articles on it but he's too I'll to see it.

Vindicator ago

Really? What's his twitter handle?

I wonder if he's got an alt on Voat, or was responsible for the hentai spamming waves I used to have to stay up all night deleting.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Here's the thread It started in 2017 and then someone came online accusing him of being Ben Najarian which he quickly claimed wasn't true and he wants to stick with the handle 'Kamil Beylant' then he accuses "journalists" i.e. me, the topic of the thread someone was replying to, of using fake names to hide, and says he's going to refer to me by my "real name." See replies

@Securityconcern "Kamil Beylant ‏

@Securityconcern Oct 5 More Journalists like Bernie Najarian never d0x people -- newsmakers are only referred to by name, age and town of residence. People who are publicly engaging in politics under false names that they publicly connect to their real names are of course referred to under the later." Amy James ‏

@amyphilo Oct 5 More "Are you trying to refer to me? My real name is Amy James. I've had this twitter since I was Amy Philo. I'm not using a fake name like you do. Have a good night on YouTube streams of little boys doing the ice bucket challenge, Kamil."

Pretty much everyone who has ever looked at my account was quickly able to figure out Philo used to be my name and it isn't any more. I am sure he is just trying to gaslight me because he knows how much I can't stand my rapist ex husband.

aimeejamey ago

I think it's securityconcern or trackresponse

darkknight111 ago

Look at his long winded writing style, quote methods, lefty viewpoints, and constant defending of lefty elites.

Looks very similar in writing style to one of the shills over here. Could this be the identity of AreWeSure? He is on the record not saying that merely being a pedophile is a crime as @BlackSmith21 has pulled out of him.

Blacksmith21 ago

Pizza Pizza:

Little Caesar's + Antinious.

Signing off.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Being a pedophile in lust only ISN'T a crime. If you don't view child porn or molest kids, you've technically committed no crimes, this is true. But there's man's law (flawed) and God's law (perfection). And you're sinning against all that is good, pure, holy, and right when you lust after a child. Yes, that's right, you can do evil just by fantasizing, because you're feeding it and letting it grow. You wanna be virtuous, get help. Do whatever it takes to beat your perversion and that does NOT mean being Todd Nickerson and defending your perversion, or attempting to normalize it by writing articles for NYT. That's the only way to be virtuous, FIGHT it.

aimeejamey ago

I said the same thing a few weeks ago.

darkknight111 ago

Link? I’d like to see that.

If we’re right, there’s all sorts of fun we all can have at AWS’s expense. Phuhuhu. I’m drooling with all the ideas.

aimeejamey ago

I am on mobile and I'm really sick today. You can search duckduckgo for my EffYouJohnPodesta comments and AreWeSure. Let me know if you can't find it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Still looking for the convo I had with him regarding woodworking and advanced finishing techniques.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I noticed the resemblance, as well. Could just be because they are both brainwashed liberal "intellectuals".

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

But not a shill right? Lmao...pedo pedeo pedo mod.

WTFChuck ago

Ummmm. What in the fuck is this "boywiki"? I thought I'd seen enough to not be surprised by anything anymore, but what in the actual fuck here? I'm looking at the archive link you provided and don't have time to dig right now because I have to go to work (though I will do so when I get home tonight). Could you take a moment for a short explanation of what it is I'm looking at here? I would greatly appreciate it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It is an archive of the link provided by @Vindicator in the body of this post.

Some people (myself included) will not click on a link they don't know is secure, if it is archived they can read info without worry.

WTFChuck ago

Thank you. You pointed out (kindly) that I've misdirected my question and also drew the attention of @Vindicator to whom I SHOULD HAVE directed this question. Again, thank you. Much appreciated.

Vindicator ago

I believe Boywiki is the site where "MAPs" discuss their proclivities. NAMBLA related. It's real.

carmencita ago

A pedophile's view of Our Children and what he thinks our view is of Our Children

Americans, at least those of European ethnic background, are more-or-less divided between what I call romanticists and ironics. Romanticists tend to see the world in black-and-white terms, a confrontation between angels and demons. Children, to them, are among the angels, at least in theory (in real life, the brats may get it, but in theory they’re beyond precious). Proper décor in the household is all about niceness, or in religious homes, inspiration. For ironics, events like the holocaust made sentimental fervor and passionate locals-first politics suspect. They may be moved by the cuteness and innocent sincerity of a child, but feel compelled to make worldly and ironic remarks to show they’re not going over to the sentimental side. Their home décor may include elements that acknowledge human cruelty or sexuality, even if children are present – they think of this material as a needed reality check and a defense against woolly jingoism.

YES Children are they angels. I make no apologies for thinking that they are. Brats? Of course someone that wants to defile an Angel Child would call them Brats. Moved by Innocent Sincerity of a Child? Exactly, Why Not? I can tell you what else I may be moved by. By the Guilt of a Narcissistic Pedophile Raper of Angelic Children. These are the Disgusting Views of a Demonic Mind that resorts to calling me and others of European Ethnic Background wrong for trying to protect Our Angelic Children from his Sick Perverted wants and needs that will suck the Life from Their Souls. Anyone with a Real Brain can pick out his Hatred for Our Children. The True and Deep Down Evil that makes him act on his Sick Crimes.

We see the world in black and white? Between angels and demons? YES. Evil and Good is Black and White to us. But not to you. To You it is Fuzzy. That's what makes you reconcile your Evil Deeds. Angels and Demons? YES. Again Good and Evil. Shut up you Perverted Pedo. We will not fall for your veiled lies.

Narcissism ago

The brutal 60's architecture was likely designed by Ironics. The young inexperienced Japanese architect who designed the Twin Towers and a load of C$A buildings shared a "common philosophy" with the people who hired him according to the author of the book "Divided They Stand". I believe that brutalism in their design work mirrors the inner landscape of these people.

carmencita ago

Be that as it may, this perverted moron has a sick view of our Love for Our Children 👶. I propose he has sick thoughts of them. He is trying to twist what people think of him and his kind. Vile and D-evil.

Podge512 ago

A pederast is trying to debunk PG? Bless his heart!

letsdothis2 ago

The level of detail? There's very little as far as I could see having quickly scanned that wall of text. Example:

At first, many sleuths were eager to connect Hillary Clinton to anything linking her to a scandal about child abductions in Haiti ( A Baptist church organization from Idaho had sent missionaries to earthquake-stricken Haiti, promising a better life in the U.S. or the Dominican Republic for children who’d lost their parents. The main organizer, Laura Silsby, ignored Haitian law and attempted to smuggle 33 kids across the Dominican border without papers. Many of them, it turned out, had perfectly good Haitian families, who had been persuaded the kids would be better off in a new life ( The missionaries were taken into custody at the border. Ultimately, Silsby served four months in a Haitian prison, and probably would have been there much longer had Bill Clinton not flown to Haiti to intervene on her behalf. The Reddit, 4chan and Twitter think-tanks burned with ambition to link Hillary Clinton or her charitable Clinton Foundation, heavily involved in Haitian earthquake relief, with ‘child trafficking.’ This line of pursuit, however, literally wasn’t very sexy, since there seemed little doubt that Silsby’s ambition was to satisfy the intense Baptist demand for adoptable future Christians, not to provide bodies for sexual exploitation.

What about Silsby going on to Amber Alert? And the connections with the Maccoby's. The obvious CIA connections of that whole ring of people? Their generational links with third world 'adoption agencies' and other child related institutions? The Podesta Group's involvement with Amber Alert? With the boards that Heather Podesta sits on, like the Washington DC Police Foundation. The tales of corruption of the DC police chiefs, including the support of one chief for Alefantis when he himself has been accused of corruption in the case of the rape of an 11 year old?

I could go on. Just seems like a bog standard article on 'debunking' to me.