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letsdothis3 ago

Do you know who is a Scottish Rite Mason? Will Draper - the financier of the 'Hampstead cult' and former husband of Ella Draper (Gareeva). Interestingly, she then said fairly recently he was not involved (long after he and his wife had been named and even listed in the police report)....maybe after all of the information and posts about him began to come out. The Tavistock/MI5 agent provocateurs get annoyed when we talk about him and his connections.

think- ago

she then said fairly recently he was not involved

What do you mean exactly? Ella Draper said he wasn't involved in Scottish Rite Masonry? looks a bit confused

Btw: 'Scottish Rite' you say....

letsdothis3 ago

She said he was not involved in the cult ... rolls eyes

I'll try to find where I saw that. Then I'll give you my theories about Hampstead.

think- ago

Err....what?! I mean, this is basically what she and her partner have been spreading all these times, no?

I think the children are legit, but Draper and her partner are also fishy in some way. Not like their enemies allege (torturing the children into making the allegations), but certainly fishy.

I'll try to find where I saw that. Then I'll give you my theories about Hampstead.


ASolo ago

Draper and her partner are also fishy in some way.

There WAS always something about those two I couldn't quite put my finger on as well other than their oddity from the cannabis and like you said it wasn't the 'torturing' aspect of the children, even though I do agree that Gabe could have taken a different approach filming and questioning the children. Although he wasn't a licensed psychologist he did what he had to do.

I think they both had some peripheral involvement and knowledge of some of those involved (other than Dearman of course) near the cult which made them so odd and paranoid that they themselves could have put on film but did not.

ASolo ago

I'm following along with this supposition that Draper, being a Mason, financed the Hampstead Children op as an MI6 operation but that really doesn't hold up in my own view. I doesn't make any sense that a mason, Tavistock and MI6 would compromise their own operation. They would obviously know about a child abuse ring operating out of one of London's most prestigious old churches, how could they NOT be part of it and/or running it entirely?

think- ago

I don't think it was MI6 who was behind publishing the video.

Maybe Ella and her new partner were connected to the group, as we assumed, but then left, and it was a revenge thing. Or they tried to blackmail them, and when they didn't get any money, they published the video.

Wasn't it her new partner's brother - a policeman - they went to?

Maybe we should look more closely at her partner's family.


ASolo ago

My point is that maybe even though Draper was the one who introduced everyone to each other in that circle to begin with because he is a mason it doesn't mean that Ella and Abe were IN the cult.. It follows through then that it could be quite possible the oddities we mentioned were due to their own shoulder bumping with real cult members.

OR, that feeling could be completely right and Abe was simply just trying to expose the cult without bringing Ella's past complicity into play and she very well could have been a willing participant at one time, which would explain the nervous oddities. These are things we might never know if this thing never flares up again. LOTS of unanswered questions in this saga.

think- ago

I tend to think the latter - that at least Ella was part of the cult as well.

Remember, he was violent. A man with this type of personality would never accept a partner who wouldn't be involved as well. These guys have control issues, and when she was part of the cult that would have been the best way to control her.


letsdothis3 ago

Do you know the story about how Ella and Will got together?

I don't want to say too much here because I have a lot to say about my own theories. But you touch on some of what I am thinking.

These are things we might never know

That's what 'they' were hoping for and why the mention of new information causes such agitation. However, I don't think 'they' can stop the truth from coming out. The operatives who were on the David Icke forum gave away (unknowingly and unintentionally) too much of their modus operandi.

ASolo ago

Interesting, yes, I would like to discuss this with you some more in a more appropriate thread, I'm sure you will keep me updated. DM me as well if you would like to discuss it in there.

think- ago

I think they both had some peripheral involvement and knowledge of some of those involved (other than Dearman of course) near the cult which made them so odd and paranoid that they themselves could have put on film but did not.

Yes, exactly. And tbh (but this is mere speculation) Draper's partner alerts my spider senses for having a possible violence issue. Not necessarily regarding children, but maybe a domestic violence issue. Women in abusive relationships often choose new partners who are also violent. Not sure in this case, though.

ASolo ago

I did sense that as well like maybe he came from a culture of religious oppression of woman, I can't remember if it was ever discussed or maybe they took a vacation there Idk but isn't he Moroccan? It does seem like he was of Arab descent.

think- ago

Yes, I think so.

letsdothis3 ago

I'll try to find where I saw that.

May be difficult as Google has clearly altered their algorithms re Hampstead to make such info very difficult, if not impossible to find in searches.

think- ago

Also, in the EU you can demand that content gets scrubbed 'for legal' reasons, which might be one of the reasons things completely disappear from the web.

letsdothis3 ago

Will Draper has had a number of things scrubbed.

think- ago

I don't doubt it. :-/

think- ago

Interesting. Thanks. Does this apply to other search engines as well?

letsdothis3 ago

Yes. Though you can get different results with search engines that you don't use frequently.

think- ago

I admit I always forget that, lol.

What I noticed when researching old cases in England recently is that google really pushed blog posts into oblivion. They are still there, but when you are too lazy to read more than ten pages of google results (like me, lol), it gets frustrating.

letsdothis3 ago

I've written a lot about Draper. I'll recap when I have time.

think- ago

Thanks! Appreciated.