Lansing-Michigan ago

The human genome to try and change behavior? Polly now shows why the US govt. backed Jim Jones and David Koresh in WACO....and why under bill clinton, the US govt. tried to kill all the people in that weird compound. My neighbors in the Appalachian mountains of NC had children, nieces and nephews there. David Koresh recruited from the seventh day adventists church, pretty women. One of them said they all slept in one building. Koresh occupied the 2nd floor. When little girls turned 12 the parents allowed them to go down and be raped. One of the brothers was murdered by US federal agents. His body was kept for 2 years, unrefrigerated before it was returned to the family......never knew what was going on with those two mass murders ..thank you for your courage and knowledge Polly.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I think they recruit from cults like the seventh day adventist church because the people have been proven to be suggestible to programming. FBI also recruits from a cult. Mormons.

3141592653 ago

Never heard this idea but it makes sense

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derram ago :

Pedo Prof Connection and NXIVM Human Experiments - YouTube

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