ghost_marauder ago

That might just be something I picked up from the old guys where I grew up. Firearms were normal (like go in your backyard and shoot stuff normal). I just figured firearms were the farthest thing from rocket science. Especially given they would teach children at ages of 4+ in the late 1800s.

But, I can see your point on that. I've moved from the country side and (besides hating having to go to a range) it would be the only source of combat knowledge for most of the kids out here.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

I think we are doing a great job and can all agree that even if this is a distraction for something more sinister, the more evidence found, the better. Analyze what you see from more than just 1 or 2 angles.

We have been victimized in a similar aspect for years and are lucky that we live in a time where the average citizen, can become an enlightened citizen, by plugging their ears, opening there eyes, and thinking about the most important thing that Grandma ever taught them. We all remember the Benjamin Franklin quote, " Believe NONE of what you hear, and only HALF of what you see." Brainwashing is a real thing, and has been practiced for centuries. Too many of us have been marching to the cadence of a voice that cannot be paired with a face, because you heard voices mention that the destination was paradise. WAKE UP!!!!! Do not be the one that obediently walks into the gas chamber. Take off the tin hat, hand Jim Jones his kool-aid right back, for you are walking into a trap.

"If you see a little, then you see alot. If you see alot, then you see nothing."

flyingcuttlefish ago

I was trying to be as concise as possible .... I would re-phrase "product" but I couldn't think of a better word. Yes, it could have a better title...

I also think mass unemployment is a made up stresser to disable the populace. There's no reason to not have a 3 or 4 day workweek and full employment given the mechanization of the work world.

flyingcuttlefish ago

The only trouble I see with this paper, which, I think is quite good, is with the SCHILLER INSTITUTE. It seems they are hooked up with nutty, Lyndon Larouche (names at the bottom of the page). He's as bad as Bertrand Russell in my opinion.

flyingcuttlefish ago

And here's another thing that relates to pizzagate, at least it relates to Jimmy Saville --

FROM - From Cybernetics to Littleton -- Techniques in Mind Control - 1/2 way down the page, (just before Erich Fromm headline) it says

"In his 1948 work on The Philosophy of Modern Music, Frankfurt School leader Theodor Adorno argued that the purpose of modern music is to literally drive the listener insane. He justified this by asserting that modern society was a hotbed of evil, authoritarianism, and potential fascism, and that, only by first destroying civilization, through the spread of all forms of cultural pessimism and perversity, could liberation occur. On the role of modern music, he wrote, "It is not that schizophrenia is directly expressed therein; but the music imprints upon itself an attitude similar to that of the mentally ill. The individual brings about his own disintegration.... He imagines the fulfillment of the promise through magic, but nonetheless within the realm of immediate actuality.... Its concern is to dominate schizophrenic traits through the aesthetic consciousness. In so doing, it would hope to vindicate insanity as true health.'' Necrophilia, he added, is the ultimate expression of ``true health'' in this sick society."

ghost_marauder ago

This paper explores Erich Fromm’s concept of necrophilia, as discussed in his 1963 pamphlet War Within Man. There Fromm contrasts the healthy “biophilic” character orientation, which is open to growth, change, and the future, with the unhealthy "necrophilic” character, which is characterized by sentimentality, dwelling upon the past, and an attempt to render the world static, fixed, predictable, and dead. While the former is future-oriented, like Fromm’s messianic hope, the latter attempts to flee the burdens of personal responsibility, freedom, and individuality through psychological regression into the
past. I conclude by exploring Fromm’s concepts of necrophilia and biophilia in light of his longtime correspondence with Thomas Merton.

Too easy to take out of context. But, the choice of words may underlay some type of freudian slip (he was a freudian), or as the simpsons puts it "Super Bliminal". Still not denying the guy was a shithead.

flyingcuttlefish ago

no, not at all fake. But perhaps the high up protection these pedo ring leaders enjoy in England and the US and other countries has to do with this science dictatorship idea of Bertrand Russell's. Maybe the public is getting experimented on ... having their creativity stomped out of them, having high rewards for go-along mentality for wars of aggression and other government crimes etc. etc. And now this mass terror - really, pizzagate crimes are a form of terrorism - that the public (us) is unable to stop, stem or speak about.

This post IS OPINION. ** I am suggesting "From Cybernetics to Littleton - Techniques in Mind Control" paper may relate to the powers that be offering wide protection to pizzagate actors as part of the "scientific dictatorship" experiment. This is just my idea - it isn't from the author of the paper, Jeffrey Steinberg.

But I find the paper and other info very interesting in relation to pizzagate. Others here may also find it interesting.

ghost_marauder ago

Could this be a social experiment

Yes, given the amount of money that is being pumped into censorship technology this very well could be. Given the amount of historic knowledge that is being dredged from the deep though, I doubt it.

Is the reason the D.C. pedo ring, the Franklin cover-up was smothered because they were a product of of this "hypnotism and conditioned reflex" experiment?

Probably not, you have rich people in power covering shit on a regular basis. The Franklin case also involved the reputation of a credit union which would not liked to be talked about negatively (because a lot of people are concerned for good reason about image). So, I just don't think so.

hypnotism and conditioned reflex

That part is where I see smaller tests going on. Creepy Clowns on social media & that type of stuff seems to be in line. Doing a large scale hoax usually seems to fail (I know Sandy Hooks failed with at least 50% of the country).

Did control masters who attended the 1942 conference lay the groundwork for today's pizzagate

Only if they were having pizza parties

And did they lay the groundwork for Epstein's freedom of movement to commit so many crimes and Saville's obscenities and the Hempstead group and other covens?

No, that perv has CIA runner written all over him. Moving on.

Is the apparent immunity enjoyed by the Podesta brothers and James Alefantis because of some association with a think tank?

Or is it because they're the fucking shadow government? Seriously, they have too much shit and too many connections. They're like a capstone. You bust them and the whole thing comes tumbling down.

ghost_marauder ago

I have, and it's fairly loosely tied shit. "We're going to train soldiers through video games."

That premise is dumb as fuck. You take a person who has played video games and put them on the battle field with a soldier and you'll have a fairly obvious outcome. You put a person playing strategy video games against a general and have them both in charge of a battle, you'll have a fairly obvious outcome. The best I've seen for combative training in video games is a general idea of how to sabotage shit, and I know very few people who could make their own thermite.

The trend owes its health to an odd array of influences: the youthful fervor and firm dis-Establishmentarianism of the freaks who design computer science; an astonishingly enlightened research program from the very top of the Defense Department; an unexpected market-flanking movement by the manufacturers of small calculating machines; and an irrepressible midnight phenomenon known as Spacewar.

Guess what, it wasn't nice for geeks in the early days. It's a movement of their own design because they found it interesting. Some jackass writing a paper on the subject does not mean they run the show. Quite literally from the 80's until the mid 90's computing was the wild west of technology. Maybe the big boys were running the show in the corporations, but the little guys were the ones that really made up the movement.

And yes, there are three factors that gave rise to the popular and current form of the internet. Video games, Universities, and Porn.

For the rest of it. Nepotism - this paper just describes nepotism and a desire to lower the common man. All to likely yes, and in line with the frankfort school of thought. Cultural marxists have swarmed the computer science world, they've also been there in the beginning (just not as much). But, the CMs have been ramping up all over the place lately. I'm more interested in what's bringing about their current furvor than where it came from (because I already know).

The rest is just "Men who stare at goats"

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I have wondered if it's all to legalize pedophilia. The contagion of behavior. The first few original "pushers" go uncharged. Woodstock - drugs were handed out for free. The first taste is free. Tony fat frog Podesta is so pleased with himself that his house is full of killing children. So. Pleased. With. Himself. Sleeps like a baby, probably. Why is that? There's a book about the history of children's lives. Historically, children have been treated very badly. I'll find it. Hold on a sec. Here:

It's a text book, too. It points out how horrible life has always been for children. I think the elites thought that was better, and served them, so they want that back.