Andre Dimitri Hurst runs an EB-5 visa business like Hillary's brother Tony did before the govt shut it down. (This is where a rich foreigner, usually Chinese, can pay $1m for a green card if he provides ten new jobs worth of investment.)
He seems like a spook though:
Getting an award from Hillary
Encinitas, CA, July 26, 2016 ( - Andre Hurst of Encinitas, California has been awarded the excellence in healthcare award. Andre Hurst is responsible for developing an new state of the art skilled nursing facility in Hilo, Hawaii. The facility is the newest facility to serve the people of Hilo in over 25 years. Andre Hurst is working on developing 14 new facilities that will bring state of the art technology to elderly people located throughout Southern California. Those areas include Carlsbad, San Diego, Encinitas, Temecula, Oceanside, and Vista. Mr. Hurst is receiving this award based on his continued and tireless effort in serving the elderly population.
Couple months prior there was a news report of his arrest for ostensibly trying to brownstone someone.
The victims stated they discovered the camera concealed within a carbon monoxide detector that they had not placed inside their room. The camera was capable of transmitting video via WiFi signal.
Detectives conducted an investigation and identified a suspect which resulted in the issuance of a search warrant of the suspect’s residence.
During the service of the search warrant, the suspect was observed driving past his residence and he appeared to see the police activity occurring. He was stopped in the 800 block of Neptune Avenue in the city of Encinitas.
There happens to be a pizza place a stone's throw away from the 800 block of Neptune Ave and it happens to have a Greek mythology name and happens to protest too much by identifying itself as "kid-friendly."
Also he had a realty group with a blank website called Pegasus, a recycled CIA front name:
His LinkedIn profile suggested I look at Wade Turnbull who's a Broadway producer and runs the (gay-art themed?) site Cargo Collective which has published photos of Alefantis as an "ILLUMINARY" (from a v/PG thread on AHEPA) and stuff like this.
Turnbull also tweeted publicly that Trump's modeling agency was trafficking European girls "and everyone knew it" yet he also seems to hate Hillary so perhaps he showed up under "People Also Viewed..." from prior browsing (his Trump story) and isn't related to Hurst?
QElle ago
I have some concerns about this guy as well, from the Hilo side.