kestrel9 ago

Bain & Company Emmanual Faber: Graduated from HEC Paris in 1986, began his career at Bain & Company. He then worked for the investment bank Barings before joining Legris Industries Following the encounter of Franck Riboud and Muhammad Yunus, he initiates the social business joint venture Grameen-Danone Foods, Ltd in Bangladesh. also see

Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank (note to self, see Apple Campus in Cupertino, California Photo

Foster and Partners must see list of projects

Peter Tennant (found this, not attesting the entire site, there's been accusations against it in the past) Scroll down to name

see also David Faber from the membership list. Site format does not allow for cut and paste. Site is so chock full of references it's not exactly practical to use for any easy summaries.

I'd like to be of some help if you'd like a hand in finding info on a particular lead, person, event etc.

letsdothis3 ago

I'd like to be of some help if you'd like a hand in finding info on a particular lead, person, event etc.

That's great. Thank you.

letsdothis3 ago

@kestrel9 didn't think I'd take you up ob your offer of help so soon, but here it is:

I'm currently researching for a post I'm going to do later which involves the Savile Club of Mayfair when I found another post of yours:

the Savile Club, which has a history of links to pedophilia

Have you got anything close at hand further to that statement? It would be great if you have any further info. Thanks.

kestrel9 ago

That link I quoted is dead (as I'm sure you checked) as is the link to the article the author cites. He did state that the ties were not strong, I'm assuming he's making the call after having read the original article. Offhand I don't didn't have anything to add, but can look around to see if something comes up. (see below lol) The Savile Mayfair Club (formerly The New Club) received the name change because of location. They did have, however, on heck of a membership list.

I did see this:

The final and current site, at 69 and 71 Brooke Street, about three blocks east of the soon to-be-moved US Embassy, was purchased from the daughter of “Lou-lou” Lewis Harcourt, 1st Viscount Harcourt. He was a Liberal Secretary of State for the Colonies who had committed suicide when his paedophilia was about to be publicly exposed. The house had been lavishly redecorated and renovated in two waves between 1892 and 1920 by the owners, who were linked to the famous Morgan banking family of the USA.

Distinguished members have included actors Ralph Richardson and Edward Fox, illustrator Max Beerbohm, broadcast personalities Stephen Fry and Sir Huw Wheldon, film star Charlie Chaplin, military and intelligence historian M.R.D. Foot, composers Edward Elgar and Andrew Lloyd Webber, Prime Minister Arthur Balfour, the “father of nuclear physics” Ernest Rutherford, scientist Lord Kelvin, and writers Richard Adams, John le Carre, William Golding, Winston Graham, Thomas Hardy, H. Rider Haggard, Henry James, Rudyard Kipling, A.A. Milne, J. B. Priestley, Robert Louis Stephenson, Evelyn Waugh, H.G. Wells and W. B. Yeats. T.E. Lawrence “of Arabia” was a temporary member in 1919. What a list!

letsdothis3 ago

No worries. Thanks. You're going to be interested in my post on the Middletons :-)

kestrel9 ago

Great work! You're really digging up a can of worms. another excerpt from Permindex link:

the “assassination cabal” behind the JFK killing was never dismantled. Many of the culprits caught in Garrison’s investigation, as well as parallel 1960s assassination probes by French and Italian authorities, later surfaced as members of a shadowy organization called the “1001 Club,” founded by Prince Philip Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburgh, and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1971. Prominent Canadians who played a key role in the forming of this club include Peter Munk, of the Munk School of Global Affairs and CEO of Barrick Gold, Lord Conrad Black, Maurice Strong, and Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is heavily involved in implementing the plan for a New World Order. He is linked with the Bilderberg Group, has advocated widespread population reduction- Genocide of People of Color; and helped start the World Wildlife Fund with Nazi SS Officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

WWF building and Obama's shadow gov: "Obama regularly has meetings with top political leaders in Washington from his office in the World Wildlife Fund building in northwest DC." CNN also Political What exactly was he and others really doing? If pre-inauguration behavior is any indication, I think we can infer that it was DS business

The meetings, which were first reported by Politico, are part of a number of conversations Obama regularly had with top political leaders in Washington from his office in the World Wildlife Fund building in northwest DC.

This next report may stray from the immediate discussion here (need about 5 posts to cover it) but for anyone interested, it discusses WWF and Club of the Isles, British Crown and brutal globalist military operations. link

an informal association of predominantly European-based royal households and princely families, the Club of the Isles commands an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets not merely in the pursuit of wealth, but as resources at the disposal of its geopolitical agenda.

Hansjoerg Wyss and Podesta ties... Wyss and illegal experiments

The federal judge who heard the case said the company's "pattern of deception is unparalleled.” ...Podesta, who was White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton, and Wyss have been financially linked for years. Among the Swiss billionaire's largest gifts in recent years have been those made to the Center for American Progress. see also voat link

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you @kestrel9. I'm not familiar with the Club of the Isles, so I'll add a few notes here:

The very coronation of the British monarch reveals the true background to the Windsors and their predecessors. When the Queen was crowned Elizabeth II on June 2nd 1953, all the regalia of the ceremony, the crowns, sceptres, gowns, orb and bracelets, were taken from the Tower of London and kept overnight in the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster Abbey. This chamber is where the scholars met to translate the King James ‘authorised version’ of the Bible under the overall supervision of Sir Francis Bacon and Robert Fludd, the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.

1 The British Royal family still hold the copyright for this! The Jerusalem Chamber is panelled with cedar wood brought from the Lebanon because that was the wood said to be used to build Solomon’s Temple. The tapestry in the chamber depicts the Judgment of Solomon. Westminster Abbey, the ‘Christian cathedral’, is in fact a Pagan temple. Even the floor is made of black and white squares like a Freemasonic temple.

Through the central organization of the Club of the Isles comes the fantastic web of interlocking directorships which hold apparently independent’ companies in a network of common control and common agenda. Some of this web include:

*The Bank of England *Anglo-American Corp of South Africa *Rio Tinto *Minorco Minerals and Resources Corp *De Beers Consolidated Mines and De Beers Centenary AG *N.M. Rothchild Bank *Barclays Bank *Lloyds Bank *Lloyds Insurance Market *Midland Bank *National Westminster Bank *Barings Bank *Schroders Bank *Standard Chartered Bank *Hambros Bank *S. G. Warburg *Toronto Dominion Bank *Johnson Matthey *Klienwort Benson Group *Lazard Brothers *Lonrho *J. P. Morgan and Co *Morgan Grenfell Group *British Petroleum *Shell and Royal Dutch Petroleum *Cadbury-Schweppes *BAT Industries *Assicurazioni Generali SpA, (Venice) Italy *Courtaulds *General Electric *Cazeenove and Co *Grand Metropolitan *Hanson plc *HSBS Holdings (Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank) *Imperial Chemical Industries *Inchscape plc *Inco Ltd *ING Group *Jardine Matheson *Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (P & 0) *Pilkington Glass *Reuters Holdings *Glaxo Wellcome *SmithKline Beecham *Unilever and Unilever NV *Vickers plc

And that is just a few of them! Each of these corporations have staggering lists of subsidiaries going on for page after page. Lonrho alone at the time of writing has 640 subsidiaries.

think- ago

mining and bulk shipping

Mining and bulk shipping, huh? Also, let's not forget to always look into companies specialized into waste disposal.Remember the 'noble anon' who leaked info about Bellinoza, Switzerland recently?

derram ago :

Exposed WWF & Prince Philip The World Wildlife Fund - YouTube

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