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cantsleepawink ago

I just found this website which is a firm of environmental design consultants and building services engineers that worked on Equinox. Guess what? Sandy Hook Elementary School is also listed

neverobey ago

and the WWF! Something on the WWF if you didn't know already.

equineluvr ago

Pretty good; I give it a B.

There is no global eugenics program targeting black or brown people. There is an all-out war on WHITES, however. Africans are specifically targeted for destruction because the African continent is mineral-rich, and the people are "in the way."

ArthurEdens ago

fuck. i mean it's everything. everything. the world is a hoax. thanks for post.

TaosDeiopW ago

Great find.

cantsleepawink ago

Connections to Hampstead too!

That website also mentions South Hampstead High School for Girls:

Edit: and Westminster School

This article mentions a pedophile ring connection ! . Archived:

neverobey ago

oh my! What a connection. Great find!

GeorgeT ago

Amazing find! Save everything.