bdiminishedminor7 ago

Can't help but think of an old Monty Python sketch, in which John Cleese is playing a merchant banker who is asked to donate a pound for the benefit of an orphanage. "Ha, yes, an orphanage! We here at Slater-Nazi are quite keen to get into orphans. Developing market, you see?"

BeezleyBillyBub ago

Or, the movie Airplane.

3141592653 ago

What are you referring to? Haven't seen that movie in decades. Thanks

carmencita ago

This is frightening and why we must expose these crazies. Who in the hell do they think they are? Sheeple are asleep at the wheel. They are exactly where these crazies want them. Staring at their screens be it MSM or Netflix or their Phones. Glazed over donuts. We need to wake them up to explode the horrible disgusting news about what they have been up to and how we have been lied to about so many things in order for them to stay in power. For what? So they can live longer? So we die when our time is up and they get to keep on going just to feed their sick pedophelia while defiling people's children. Time to turn the tables.