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letsdothis3 ago

ASTAR Air Cargo, Inc

STAR Air Cargo was an American cargo airline based in Miami, Florida, USA. It operated regularly scheduled cargo charter services to as many as 34 US airports and nine international airports on behalf of DHL, as well as worldwide charter freight services. It provided air freight services to six domestic and foreign locations for the United States Department of Defense. Its main base was Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport in Hebron, Kentucky, with hubs at Miami International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport.

ASTAR is currently owned by John Dasburg, Richard Blum and Michael Klein.

Voat related posts in pizzagate:

List of Names Provided by BA PATRIOT / Dr.'s ( Mayo Clinic incl. ), Politicians, Fortune 500 CEO's and Others by @Oh_Well_ian

BA PATRIOT filled in answers to most recent questions asked by Q ANON. 4-CHAN link here. He also provided a long list of individuals who vocations and positions appear to tie them to organ and/or human trafficking. Mayo Clinic Doctors, CEO's of major corporations, even Dick Cheney and Babs Bush made the list. ..

John H. Dasburg -- Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of ASTAR Air Cargo Holdings, LLC. Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Restaurant Brands International Inc. from April 2001 to January 6, 2003. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ASTAR Air Cargo, Inc. since April 1, 2003 and served as its President.