SearchVoatBot ago

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Thank you for the deeper dig on the Q Group and Q Cyber. I simply was pointing out another letter "q" found in some of the corporate backing research as it seems to reoccur in intel circles, black hat or white.


More on how Pegasus works:

The WhatsApp breach was a notable example of a “zero click zero day,” in that it was able to infect a targeted device simply by sending a link to it that didn’t even need to be clicked to deliver its malware payload. NSO Group did not deny that it was behind the attack and the Department of Justice is investigating, according to the Times.

NSO Group has consistently denied that it sells its products to governments for the purpose of anything but legitimate law enforcement and intelligence operations. However, researchers at the Toronto-based Citizen Lab have identified its tools in use in dozens of countries, including to target Omar Abdulaziz, a Saudi dissident living in Canada as part of an asylum program. Abdulaziz was in contact with fellow dissent Jamal Khashoggi before the latter was lured to the Saudi consulate in Turkey, tortured, and murdered last year.

Citizen Lab and Mexican NGOs have also reported that the Mexican government has used Pegasus to illegally spy on journalists, lawyers, and activists, and NSO Group has reportedly sold its tools to a number of autocratic regimes. Its founder and CEO, Shalev Hulio, has justified targeting lawyers and journalists. The company is facing multiple lawsuits in Israel and Cyprus over alleged abuse of its spy tools.


NSO Group says it is "a leader in the field of cyber warfare" that utilizes its proprietary monitoring tool it calls "Pegasus," which can monitor and extract all data from a target ...

There was a compelling theory posted on the Q boards several months ago, about this Pegasus software potentially being the "keystone" referred to by Q.


I'd imagine it would be Key to win (or regain control) of this information war. Do you have a specific link we could check out? Thanks

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, at the moment the network is strengthening (especially cyber) and that's what people need to understand.


Thank you @letsdothis3. It seems its the best way to regain control of anons, the age of transparency, and weaponize our data/services. Especially with the FBI's new interest in conspiracy therrorists, and companies like g00gle trying so hard to control the narrative.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Please fix the last line of your submission. The huffpo link is printed twice.

Thank you for this.


Thanks for the catch and your work @shewhomustbeobeyed. It took me several internet connections, vpns, copy paste/ recompose sessions, to get this across- surprised there arent more double ups.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you.

think- ago

Since the DDOS attacks continue, it must be someone with lots of money, that's for sure.


I agree, but this technology and scope implies something larger than someONE, rather it is an all encompassing move to regain control of mass thought, surveillance, and emergency services. This tech is replacing 'antiquated' first responder location services, data, and security camera footage, that our justice system relies on. If this data is biased, we end up like the Google Whistleblower, flagged as suicidal threat and a danger, weaponizing the police and their protocols against an individual (without needing any of them to be crooked). Or if suddenly the security camera feed from Epstein's cell 'malfunctions', it can be blamed on technical difficulties, as there was no need for someone to sneak in and erase the tape, they can do it remotely. This is the information that we rely on so heavily, and its now easier for the hidden hand to manipulate it towards their agenda.

vanievilgenius ago

Could this also be the source for Q?


Parent group "Q Cyber Technologies" got me thinking that way...

letsdothis3 ago

Interesting duality. I see it all the time with Luciferians. I don't see any serious analysis of the so-call white hat Q group. I'd be suspicious.

vanievilgenius ago

Nice digging. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm....


@Vindicator first time hitting Discuss. Any edits siting or clarifications? If not, can I get a help flair? This is above my pay grade and I believe has to do with VOAT and our online in/security.

Vindicator ago



Thank you!

think- ago

Thank you.