argosciv ago

Behemoth - No Sympathy for Fools (lyrics also display in video)

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no authorship/ownership of the music or lyrics(or accuracy thereof, as posted below/displayed above) or any other associated media/property, etc - nor the channel which posted the video)

FOOLS! I cast you all aside!

Your bullets harm me not

I am heresy, blazing hell

The embodiment ov all you fear

I am all which you can never be

A truth revealing hate machine

No longer will I tolerate

Lies from a kingdom built on dread

Yet what if naught exists above?

No shining glory and no god

You question not, blindly believe

Upon your ignorance I shall feast

Damn higher virtues, divine love

Your wooden idols and your law

Kneel before your god yet do not see

He doth feel you lies

Blinds you with fear

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

Your hearts I shall tear

With paws ov truth

With slashing jaws I rape

Your feeble womb

No god exists to save you from thy doom

You will never see the light!

Bound to always live by lies!

fogdryer ago

yes this has already been said.

argosciv ago

yes and now the pieces are here to start putting it together, hopefully within 48 hours

fogdryer ago

What's in 48?

argosciv ago

now ~24 hours, until Pell returns to court!

argosciv ago


(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

Again, I must stress that Cradle of Filth, et al, are NOT accused of facilitating corruption.

Nuclear Blast Records

Published on Aug 8, 2017

Official music video for "You Will Know The Lion By His Claw" from the CRADLE OF FILTH album, Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness of Decay, out worldwide via Nuclear Blast Records.

@Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink @ArtificalDuality @GothamGirl

carmencita ago

Holy Moly! What was that? It scared me to Death. I hope that is not what is coming. Just once I wish this stuff upon these groups that are doing this garbage. They put out this FILTH for our kids to see. They are mesmerized by it and think it is really nothing. If I am reading this wrong let me know.

argosciv ago

Hahaha, read it more directed at the worldfuckers.

You will know the lion by his claw

Now hear the growing thunder roar

The walls of blackish thorn have fallen batterfang and chaos

Quick to marshal, maul the fools

Who stand by shattered loss

Your shadow scatters westward

Toward the fleeing stars

As a new dawn feeds upon the skies

Heraldic, rampant, battle-scarred

Remember, sacred clowns - look past the "doom & gloom" presentation, though, it's a very laced message to those who fucked the world.

carmencita ago

I like the New Dawn part. It has some hope.

argosciv ago

Read between the lines, as always ;)

carmencita ago

OK :)

argosciv ago

[He] is scheduled to return to court on 6 October 2017 [George Pell]

My assertion is as follows:

I suspect that George Pell is either directly/indirectly involved with not only the covering-up and/or execution of cases of pedophilia within the (catholic/christian(?)) church, but, also is directly/indirectly involved in(or has knowledge pertinent to and/or is covering for and/or distracting from) "high level" global-scale corruption spanning a time period of at least 13000(-)BC - 2017(+)AD, including, but, not limited to:

  • Human(including parts and organs and blood) trafficking
  • Mass/serial/morbid/mysterious killings/indoctrination and other morbid distractions/trauma
  • Manipulation of the masses via media, religion and politics
  • Slavery and human-rights-abuses(including sexual) of both minors and adults alike, see trafficking
  • Bribery, lobbying, fixed-betting & monopoly/power consolidation; Corporate corruption
  • Numerous assassination attempts(some successful, others not) in connection with the above and investigations thereof

Note: All of the above and below relate directly(albeit very abstractly in some places - required as this is how subliminal communication is facilitated) to pizzagate.

Bards & 'prophets'/'magicians' under threat; Edgar Allan Poe: Victim of corruption; Richmond; Gambling

Root of Corruption - Part 7: I lied, one more; "Had to let go"; Vindicating the bards: Lewis Carroll

See also:

Shooter at Mandalay Bay - NEWS COVERAGE

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink @VictorSteinerDavion

argosciv ago

@axolotl__peyotl @jangles @Mr_Wolf @twee @ESOTERICshade - see parent for assertion about George Pell

argosciv ago

@13uddha @bopper @IShallNotFear @LA_Trump @Wolftrail7272 - see parent for assertion about George Pell

bopper ago

Appreciate the pings but I'm so busy w/ other stuff. Have to take a rain check for now.

argosciv ago

no worries, I mean no bother, this is just big huge and we have 48 hours until Pell is back in court.

argosciv ago

@srayzie @ArtificalDuality @fogdryer @Jem777 @kestrel9 - see parent for assertion about George Pell

carmencita ago

When I was researching the St. Louis Archdiocese I suspect that whoever they put in charge was privy to exactly what you have written. Those before Dolan and after all know and knew what was going on in that city at West Lake Landfill All the Bishops or Cardinals at the head of the Large Cities must know.

argosciv ago

@Crensch @GothamGirl @PuttItOut @Vindicator @exposethecriminals - see parent for assertion about George Pell

carmencita ago

I am thinking your Laughing is because the Scumbag pell has won the Grand Final. Does it ever end? I through out my Marriage for many years was upset because we were not married in church because of a former divorce. It worried be so. I wanted my Marriage Blessed. Now years later I don't care, for Jesus will understand my anger at the church. My anger at what a farce they have made of my religion. I will never go to Church again. I will continue to pray to God and Mary especially for the children. I don't believe that Pell prays for the children. His position and his life is a sham. Is there never to be any hope for these children? The poor Indigenous of every land and the poor black children are being hunted. Hunted and raped for their pleasure. It all makes me so very sick. And the sacrilege is that he is winning this award. As if he is being rewarded for his crimes. As if those crimes mean nothing. As if those children mean nothing. For to many in Australia and the world they do mean nothing. Scumbag pell and the Scumbag bergoglio I have said that I will no longer capitalize their names for they mean nothing to me. Thank you for the Post.

argosciv ago

  • *I even noticed a Richmond player of a particular faith, throw an opposing Adelaide player to the ground in a manner very much lacking in sportsmanship but strong in martial artistry - that Richmond player then soon proceeded to fail an easy goal kick(I'm on to that fucker) after Adelaide got an unexplained penalty kick.

As the Richmond player lined up his goal kick attempt, the commentators said something in regards to said player, along the lines of, "his discussion with the Prime Minister this week[sic], hasn't helped much", I couldn't properly make it out, but caught the important bit, I think.

argosciv ago

No, I'm laughing at how blatantly they used black magic - regardless of pell's involvement, though, it is very on-the-nose - to sway things in favor of Richmond - incidentally, around the time Pell is preparing to face court; 2 things, some fuckers are making money on Richmond's 'predictable' win*, Victoria will be in 'party mode' for Richmond(distraction after reality seeding), during the time which Pell will appear in court.

  • *I even noticed a Richmond player of a particular faith, throw an opposing Adelaide player to the ground in a manner very much lacking in sportsmanship but strong in martial artistry - that Richmond player then soon proceeded to fail an easy goal kick(I'm on to that fucker) after Adelaide got an unexplained penalty kick.

The poor Indigenous of every land and the poor black children are being hunted. Hunted and raped for their pleasure. It all makes me so very sick.

Now that you mention, interestingly, an Indigenous Australian(?) Richmond player severely hurt his leg while attempting a rather artsy scissor kick, after skillfully rolling out of a tackle attempt.

10657669? ago

Catholic Abuse Tracker:

The Abuse Tracker top left is something to behold if you click it.

copy. @VictorSteinerDavion

10657738? ago

Yes. Already looked at that masterpiece. wow good.

argosciv ago

It's a collaborative effort, many thanks should be directed to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, @Commoner, @carmencita, @srayzie, @cantsleepawink & a great deal of others.

argosciv ago

Hello, stranger, welcome to our rabbit hole xD

Thanks for the handy resource <3

Feel free to dig around with us.

10657691? ago

Thank you!

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Pell was also in charge of the "database" of which priest molested who and the silence payout.

By database it was essentially a basic spreadsheet, but he was (is) the one that tracked the money and hid the expenditure.

I strongly suspect his transfer to the vatican treasury coincides with yet to be released testimony at the royal commission and getting him out of the country was crucial to the protection of the Australian clergy.
Also, his financial acumen and ability to 'manage' money surrounding priest pedophilia payouts puts him in good stead as the cloth unravels in the coming revelations. When he's out of the country it's much much harder to use "investigative techniques" that would otherwise be used to get him to trip up on a detail or reveal the network by face to face meetings inside the country.

The australian churches are extremely closely aligned and associated with social services working with children, and Pell's particular flavor of church was directly responsible for the forced and violent removal of many native australian children from their homes.
The ensuing coverup, alongside the open secret of clergy abusing children is mirrored in many other areas of the world.

The social service organizations in australia are well known to harbor pedophiles and children do have a habit of "vanishing" when the for profit private social services are involved. The direct involvement of clergy in social programs has historically provided fertile ground for finding and grooming victims. __

I personally don't think Pell is a particularly involved pedo, most likely he was co-opted as part of a blackmail entrapment, but he is at the center of the attempts by the catholic church worldwide to coverup their organized network of pedophiles.

Why I called it a curious case is that the timings of various events surrounding him are to consistent to be coincidental, and the complete lack of media attention about the issue raises more questions about the entertainment industry.
Which in turn mirrors the issues with the BBC covering up pedo cases for decades.
The link between these is the social circles these people moved in and the frequency with which they "got together" at public events.

This is but a shallow scratch on the murky surface, but it is all linked to the parent topic, pizzagate, via the wealthy elites who connect all these public faces over many, many decades.

argosciv ago

You've been itching to drop this one, haven't you? xD

Many thanks!

I personally don't think Pell is a particularly involved pedo, most likely he was co-opted as part of a blackmail entrapment, but he is at the center of the attempts by the catholic church worldwide to coverup their organized network of pedophiles.

Interesting... could be planned that way, ie, if no sex crimes can be tied directly to him, it will somewhat discredit the investigation and thus any insinuation of sex crimes by others beyond him?

argosciv ago

Behemoth - As Above So Below, Paris 2008 (+ Lyrics)

BEHEMOTH@As Above So Below-live in Cracow 2014 (Drum Cam)

"As Above So Below"

I've seen strange signs on my way

Silent shadows

Dancing shapes

And angels fallen on the earth

Face up

And look there

When the root ov thy being cannot reach

Art thou Nephilim child?

Are ye looking for thy Elysium?

Here among the living trees?

Among the fading stars, variablility ov forms?

Sometimes love, Sometimes sadness ov things

Sometimes rapture, and wine o sabbath

Sometimes hatred, divine rage

And 93 rears, no limit, beyond the sin - gilgolem

Ye taught me the secret words:


Protect thy Daimon

Why why whisper thoughts

But might is raised

When conjurer of seasons

Hums the song...sorrowful, joyful

Night is eternal

And day is eternal

With runes ov life

And runes ov death

As above, so below

Now it's time ov the Beast