”...I wasn’t one of the young women in Manhattan whom Epstein and his friends approached for relationships, one-night stands, or abuse. But I was surrounded by a lot of them. They were always the most beautiful girls in the room, usually models or former models, with a slightly aloof Stepford Wives aura that masked a deeper vulnerability. Several names came up when they were around: Epstein, supermarket magnate Ron Burkle, film financier Steve Bing, and former president Bill Clinton, then in the prime of his postpresidential career and flying around on Epstein’s jet, dubbed the Lolita Express, or Burkle’s jet, dubbed Air Fuck One.”
RON BURKLE’s son also died this year, in January. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/andrew-burkle-dead-ron-burkles-producer-son-was-27-report-1267535
So 3 out of the 4 people mentioned in this article are dead or dead adjacent.
SearchVoatBot ago
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darkknight111 ago
Theory: Involved in sex trafficking crimes in Asia?
millennial_vulcan ago
...and beyond
YogSoggoth ago
Not a Theory: Big donor to Clinton Foundation.
Truthseeker3000 ago
Have you checked out Ms Guggenheims “ballroom dancing”!! She trains avidly and can almost do the splits at 70. This broad thinks she’s the Queen of Sheba floating down the Nile in a gold barge. Her husband is almost senile now.
Steve Bing was sacrificed during a summer solstice ritual no way he was depressed and threw himself out a window as they want u to believe. He sure dated an awful lot of mind controlled moronic celebrities and they are all coming out with various sob stories of him. Liz Hurley is one that is laughable. Have you their poor son Damian, hes literally the male clone of her and he’s got predators pawing at him all over his social media imagine what he’s had to do since childhood. These people are beyond evil.
MolochHunter ago
do i presume correctly that Bing is behind that annoying search engine Microsoft always wants to push on you when you buy a Microsoft laptop ?
argosciv ago
Haven't seen anything to that effect at all in my digging.
Origins of "Bing" (search engine) make no mention of the Bing family: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bing_(search_engine)
ASolo ago
Blind Item #7
The producer who died yesterday was also one of the innovators of award shows for kids and teens and websites that focus on teen celebrities to make it easier for producers to find the most malleable ones to groom.
MercurysBall2 ago
Just ran across the James and Paula Coburn Foundation which you seem quite knowledgeable about. Via the Giving Pledge, Bing donated a lot of money to the Motion Picture and Television Fund.. https://jamesandpaulacoburnfoundation.org/beneficiary/motion-picture-and-television-fund/
Our posts on Operation Smile: https://searchvoat.co/?t=%22operation+smile%22&b=on
Some of your comments here: https://searchvoat.co/?st=comments&t=James+and+Paula+Coburn+&b=on
ASolo ago
Thank you for this bit of information. There is another rabbit hole here noone has caught on to yet, but it is coming.
ASolo ago
I apologize for my tardiness on this post, in voat pizzagate in general. I just got so burned out but I see now our efforts have yielded results. I'm quite proud of everyone here that has worked so hard and we have pushed this all out into the open.
The ball is rolling and the elite are panicking. We are directly over target and have been for a while and that is why we're seeing so much tumult, they know they have limited time now.
MercurysBall2 ago
That has been my motivation. Thank you.
millennial_vulcan ago
Eileen Guggenheim=Barbara Guggenheim=Bert Fields=Anthony Pellicano=Steve Bing (who didn’t kill himself)
Who knew world No. 1 celebrity superlawyer and most feared person in LA Bert Fields was married to a Guggenheim? Not many, I bet...
Pellicano was just released from prison last year. Eileen G (+Dershowitz) currently feature in Epstein’s ’Filthy Rich’ on NFlix.
@MercurysBall2 @Darkknight111 @argosciv @vindicator @think-
ASolo ago
☝️Right here☝️
argosciv ago
Cheers for the ping to this. News about Bing's death would have slipped by me otherwise.
Will come back to this in a couple of hours.
darkknight111 ago
Anthony Pellicano is that Clinton linked private investigator.
Nasty piece of work. Would not be surprised if he’s involved in various Arkancides.
Maybe this one.
millennial_vulcan ago
No surprise at all ;-) Would give anything to hear those MJ tapes. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8686719/michael-jackson-feared-anthony-sin-pellicano/
Given what else he knows and what he’s done, expect his own Arkancide any day now.
millennial_vulcan ago
SteveBingDidn’tKillHimself is trending. Also comments under Bill C’s tribute on Twitter are glorious.
Feel free to repost anything pertinent here. Here’s where Bing lived: https://www.highrises.com/los-angeles/the-century/ (same building as creepy CANDY SPELLING) 1 Century Drive, Century City, LA
What’s the bet none of the $multimillion security cameras were working?
SearchVoatBot ago
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MercurysBall2 ago
Steve Bing's family and Rachel Chandler's family go way back.. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/3889063
new_ruiner777 ago
"Chandler" "Bing"?
Can this BE any weirder?
Blacksmith21 ago
Rachel was Anniston's name also. Hope Anniston isn't a dude. That would be a big disappointment.
millennial_vulcan ago
WOW. What a great read. Thank you MB2. The In N Out connection is bombshell.
The notorious private In n Out family are total fuck ups. Current heiress’ Lynsi Snyder (35) THREE ex-husbands must be pissing their $$$settlements away every night, lol. The dad (original heir, Guy Synder) died young of blah blah yawn drugs n alcohol.
“In addition to the Child Abuse Foundation, In-n-Out Burger created the Slave2Nothing Foundation, which funds solutions to human trafficking and substance abuse and appears to be an increasingly active piece of the organization’s philanthropic puzzle.”
Nothing to see here, as usual!
Blacksmith21 ago
In-And-Out Burger: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3386044
millennial_vulcan ago
On the money as always BS21, thank you! i did not see this original thread and always thought it strange no one had ever discussed this fucked up family who always fly under the radar.
I loved what you wrote here:
”-Insular family-Addiction issues-Airplane deaths-4 marriages-Parents' divorce-Africa charity-Human trafficking non-profit-Christian "cult" associations-Uncle issues”
...and the fact that her name is Lynsi (such a whore way of spelling “Lindsey”.) Sad thing is, if she’s ever arkancided, folks would just believe it was her own doing as she’s such a Screw Up. I’m going to try and dig into the Slave2 foundation when i get a moment.
Blacksmith21 ago
I was just re-reading the comments on that post. The connections INO has to questionable charities and shady people is pretty incredible. Another thought, which didn't occur to me at the time - why would all of these Hollywood types, who generally recoil at the mere mention of Christianity, much less food packaging with Bible verses, extol INO as being the greatest food on the planet. For example - Bourdain and his photos with bloody animal parts (satanic symbolism) be such a huge fanboy of INO. If anything, one would think the elite would be boycotting INO. Maybe they know something we don't.
millennial_vulcan ago
100% agree. First however, I want to solve the mystery of G Maxwell’s staged pose of choice. WHY INO ? And why the chosen location in the San Fernando Valley? Trying to find direct link to Synder. All I got so far is palm trees (INO’s logo) and palm trees on an ‘Island?’
What was up with that random In n Out burger found on a NYC street last year? Symbology?
Truthseeker3000 ago
Okay just had a good lmfao at her IG pics. Preaches about god but there’s so much more lurking underneath one can’t help but find it a front. Almost projectile vomited at the attempt to look powerful in the Burger meeting bigwig photo where she’s standing in the middle of all the suited men wearing a t shirt barely covering her nether region and knee high black boots with her jiggly thighs overexposed. Hey, wasn’t this the burger place that had their meat patties premade and we thought there was contamination with human flesh and DNA? I’m pretty sure this is the place. I’ll have to go back and double check. It was something about their processing plant. All the celebs were featured hyping the burgers up how great they were everyone needs to try them, etc. Absolutely nauseating with the two money laundering child recruitment “foundations”.
Also, she reminds me somewhat of Lola Bute. Ever heard of this aristocratic hot mess?
millennial_vulcan ago
LMFAO!! Thanks for this! Had such a good laugh too! Total meth face trailer trash. Why is she not using her burger cash on those expensive ‘Botched’ doctors in Beverly Hills?
Something is super UP with their foundations; the Ghislaine pose, everything. FUCK them. Let’s expose the shit out of it. Picture of STEVEN TYLER on her IG, dated Jan 18 (this year) highlighting his foundation “Janies Fund.” So sick of these cornholes and their rip off cover up foundations. Interesting that she has restricted comments on her account meaning that each pic has only 1 or 2 comments when you would think someone of In and Out fame would have comments in the 1000s. Have not heard of Human DNA scandal or Lola Bute. Is Lola British. I just looked at her pics and she is the roughest looking 20 yr old Ive seen. 45 more like it. She sounds like Elon M’s 3some partner/coke dealer, Cara Delevigne.
@Plancktonne @ASolo I know you’ll like this thread lol
argosciv ago
Extra source regarding Anna H. Bing Arnold and Leo S. Bing: https://www.famechain.com/family-tree/22782/aerol-arnold/anna-bing-arnold
Extra source confirming Camilla Chandler Frost is a member of the notable Chandler family: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-mar-14-mn-8697-story.html
MercurysBall2 ago
Steven Mnuchin and Steve Bing at Kaleidoscope Ball 2013: https://imgur.com/a/XlMtt5SImgur Album
US Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin apparently had ties to Jeffrey Epstein's fellow trafficker Jean-Luc Brunel. He has also been closely connected to George Soros. by @think-
https://imgur.com/a/QF92jkIImgur Album Steve Bing at Young Hollywood Reception with Senator Hilary Clinton hosted by Brett Ratner
millennial_vulcan ago
Thank MB2! ALL ties in.
M Markle screwed both Mnuchin and Ratner. https://harrymarkle.wordpress.com/2018/04/23/blind-rumors/
I hope the Ginger Prince stays clear of high rises during his time in LA :/
3141592653 ago
Megan markle did?
millennial_vulcan ago
It would be more shocking if she didn’t :)
She totally did during her Deal or No Deal days.
Mnuchin’s Hollywood productions: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6518391/
“Entourage” LOL.
argosciv ago
Put a pin in this one, there's a loopback to Bing through Relativity Media.
@MercurysBall2 @darkknight111 @Vindicator
(comment reposted due to ping error, was meant to ping MB2, not m_v)
SearchVoatBot ago
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MercurysBall2 ago
millennial_vulcan ago
LOL! “Falling from a high rise” is the new “car crash in a tunnel”
@think- ;-)
MercurysBall2 ago
Intergenerational pedophilic families behind Child Mind Institute
Blacksmith21 ago
I've been getting Child Mind Institute ads in my Yahoo email. Odd.
Yuke ago
The kid he had with Liz Hurley (Damian Hurley) is also a trannie...thing, now too. Possible sign of abuse in younger days?
MercurysBall2 ago
Steve Bing and Brian Grazer https://imgur.com/a/uSraITaImgur Album
argosciv ago
Put a pin in this too...
pagesix.com - (May 22, 2017) "RFK III dating Starz mogul’s beautiful ex-wife": https://archive.is/el55p
@darkknight111 @Vindicator @millennial_vulcan @think- @kestrel9
Deliberately dud links added to article quote for highlighting purposes.
Note to self and others in the know:
argosciv ago
cc: @MolochHunter @MadWorld
MolochHunter ago
argosciv ago
Yep. I do believe we have another piece of the puzzle that is the Epstein+ network.
millennial_vulcan ago
Mobster, money launderer, drug runner. Tentacles far and wide. https://www.vibe.com/2014/12/suge-knight-and-rick-fox-linked-sam-nazarian-drug-scandal
MercurysBall2 ago
SerialChiller ago
Clement Freud is friends with the Podesta brothers.
He has a house at the location of Madelene McCann's disappearance.
The McCann parents had dinner at Clement Freud's house just a couple of days after their daughter went missing. (possible payoff to silence them?)
"In June 2016 Operation Grange officers interviewed an alleged victim of the deceased broadcaster Clement Freud, who was accused that year of having a history of child sexual abuse.[283] Freud had had a home in Praia da Luz, and had befriended the McCanns in July 2007, weeks after the disappearance.[284] His family said he was in the UK when Madeleine went missing.[285]"
plancktonne ago
My favorite Clement Freud story (which I think I've posted here before, but can't find now):
"... Clement was incredibly warm, funny and instantly likeable. He prepared a watercress and egg salad followed by a chicken and mushroom risotto Kate [McCann] described as "the best risotto we've ever tasted before or since."
It doesn't say if Freud served the risotto, "... with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." It is the kind of thing (if true) that Freud and the Podesta brothers would relate to friends, who would reply, "How droll."
SerialChiller ago
I would have been suspicious of that "chicken" - it might be a different kind of tender meat.
millennial_vulcan ago
LOL. My favorite was when he straight up called her a “nymphomaniac”....
MercurysBall2 ago
Why dental floss? Remember all those past posts about dental surgeries and Epstein's dental chairs? I believe that there may be a connection to dentistry via Bonder's father Seth.
ThrowMeAVoat ago
Also from his wiki
I wonder what charity he "donated" his wealth to...
MercurysBall2 ago
Good eye.
Steve Bing Pledges $30 Million for Motion Picture and Television Fund
Hmm.. I have to come back to this later.
YogSoggoth ago
Wassernan? Jodie Foster? This is not a rabbit hole, but instead a giant toilet bowl. I seriously doubt Bing jumped out the window by himself.
millennial_vulcan ago
Always reminds me that Jordy Chandler’s dad (who also threw himself off a high rise) EVAN CHANDLER was a Beverly Hills celebrity DENTIST.
Another rabbit hole...
MercurysBall2 ago
More dental theme connections- Steve Bing and Operation Smile https://www.operationsmile.org/content/smile-gala-la-2016
MercurysBall2 ago
Re: Kirk Kerkorian
MGM Resorts and MGM Studios - Hollywood and Vegas connections, hospitality industry ratlines....
wonderfuldonut ago
He was clearly wanting flying lessons and forgot to strap on his bird wings, or was he pushed to stop him singing like a bird
millennial_vulcan ago
LOL. I’m betting on the latter :)
wonderfuldonut ago
Somehow, I believe you are probably correct
Vindicator ago
I'm giving this the Potential Lead flair, since we've only got 12 submissions in the archives mentioning Steve Bing. We need to dig into this guy more.
millennial_vulcan ago
Thanks Vindi! XO We’ve been talking about Bing on here since the subreddit started :)
3141592653 ago
Vindi :)
millennial_vulcan ago
Vindicator ago
Truthfully, I didn't check the SearchVoat Comments tab where most of that discussion undoubtedly happened. :-)
millennial_vulcan ago
BOSTON, July 28, 2004 — As Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards arrived in Boston today for the Democratic National Convention, so did the California man who is their single biggest contributor.......
“.....Bing is perhaps best known for sparking a tabloid frenzy when he publicly expressed doubt that he was the father of actress Elizabeth Hurley's baby. (A paternity test proved he was indeed the father.) He repeatedly has refused to say why he is funneling millions of dollars to the Democrats.
Lewis thinks it is cause for concern.
"We can identify who the big donors are, but how much do we really know about any of them?" he said.
In fact, Democratic Party officials said they knew nothing about the man who law enforcement officials tell ABC News is Bing's friend and business partner — Dominic Montemarano, a New York Mafia figure currently in federal prison on racketeering charges.
Montemarano has a long criminal record and is known to organized crime investigators by his street name, Donnie Shacks.
"Donnie Shacks' main activity was murder. No question about it. That was his main function for the Colombo family and for organized crime in general. He was one of the top hit men in the New York area," said Joe Coffey, a former NYPD investigator.
ASolo ago
CDAN contends that Hurley is a rampant nymphomaniac and is engaging in an incestuous relationship with her nephew.
millennial_vulcan ago
Any 50+ woman who gyrates herself all over social media is capable of anything! I totally believe it.
See also “Madonna” rolls eyes
millennial_vulcan ago
On November 12, 2015, Steve Bing emailed Podesta about introducing Clinton to developer Rick Caruso. "Also, saw Bob Iger on Sat., who said he's had good talks with you. Miss seeing you."
millennial_vulcan ago
August 5, 2009
Hollywood mogul Steve Bing didn't just lend Bill Clinton his private plane for the former president's trip to North Korea -- he's footing the cost of the whole flight.
Bing, a real estate heir and the owner of Shangri-La Entertainment, will pay an estimated $200,000 for the round-trip flight, said Marc Foulkrod, the chairman and CEO of Avjet, the charter company that operates Bing's plane, a Boeing 737.
Clinton used the plane on his trip to secure the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee, two American journalists held by North Korea on allegations that the two illegally entered the country.
SoonerJJ ago
I forgot about Laura Ling and Euna Lee (Al Gore owned)’Current TV’ reporters. There is so much more to all of this shIt, it’s ridiculous.
millennial_vulcan ago
Much more. Skippy (Podesta) was on that plane too (behind BC in the photo)
Vindi, were you talking about this above pic? @Vindicator
Vindicator ago
No. I was think of the one with the Asian woman and young woman/girl eating pizza from the Podesta or HRC emails on Wikileaks.
Vindicator ago
Those two were in a photo attached to a Wikileaks email, weren't they?
3141592653 ago
Actually... Now im strongly doubting that is her...
millennial_vulcan ago
Thank you you beat me to it!
Vindicator ago
Yep, that's the pic I was thinking of.
jangles ago
This reddit thread
3141592653 ago
Vindicator ago
Damn! That was from ThomasBernPaine, who disappeared and no one ever heard from him again!
If you follow the link to his Twitter thread given in the comments at bodybuilding, someone replies to him with an archive of the original 4chan thread: http://archive.is/Zb9H4
jangles ago
he and others were on track for sure.
Who is John Galt?
jangles ago
STEGO in the original
Vindicator ago
Was that ever confirmed? The comments in those threads say the file size isn't big enough to hide steganographic data.
jangles ago
probably a txt menu
racmo ago
I know they were in a photo with some very young girls and of course pizza