SearchVoatBot ago

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argosciv ago

Here's the "loop back to Steve Bing via Relativity Media" that I mentioned:

(April 29, 2011) - "Proposed Bill Would Raise Hawaii's Production Tax Credits by 20%":

The legislation, supported by Relativity Media and Steve Bing's Shangri-La business group, may move forward for a final vote Friday night.

It look like it will be surf’s up for Hollywood in Hawaii.

Legislation supported by the rapidly expanding Hollywood studio Relativity Media and Steve Bing’s Shangri-La business group is before a conference committee of the Hawaii state legislature and may be forwarded for a final vote as soon as tonight. The state House of Representatives and Senate are expected to approve it by the end of June and the governor has already promised to sign it into law.

The bill would raise film production tax credits for movies shot in Hawaii from the current 15 percent to 35 percent on Oahu, the island where Honolulu is located, and from 20 percent to 40 percent in the rest of the state.

It would make tax credits easier to sell or assign to others, and would remove a cap on how much the state will spend annually to support film production.

The bill would also exempt productions that shoot for a long period of time from hotel room taxes and provide an additional 5% bonus for special and visual effects and animation done in the islands.


I can also confirm that:

However, and this is by no means a defense of him, I find the Mnuchin -> Next / Brunel / Kates connection a bit strenuous and otherwise unconfirmed. Nonetheless, Mnuchin remains firmly on my radar as I recall his name coming up many times in other ongoing research of mine.

As an aside – and again not a defense of him – Mnuchin pledged, in 2019, to have Deustche Bank investigated "following a New York Times report alleging the bank failed to submit suspicious activity reports related to companies linked to President Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner":

Just for good measure, I'll stress this one last time: I am not at all defending Mnuchin (et al), he and others will be mentioned by me in the future.

cc: @think-

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @argosciv.

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argosciv ago

Further Epstein/Pedophile connections in Germany:

flyingcuttlefish ago

I don't think Maxwell is a "distraction". The possible loss of thousands of incriminating videos from the house in Venezuela puts her at a huge disadvantage. She may still have many more tapes at her disposal to use as blackmail for her court case but she may give u tapes of Andrew if threatened. My opinion is they will go into the same black hole Weiner's laptop.

As an aside, the state is showing details about some of Maxwell's hidden wealth in order to argue against bail -

MercurysBall2 ago

I'm not saying she is a distraction. I'm saying that it's possible that the reddit story that the user maxwellhill there is Ghislaine Maxwell is a distraction story.


It might have made the Daily Mail, but it's got "conspiracy theory conspiracy theory conspiracy theory" running right the way through it. The publishers know the average Daily Mail reader is conditioned to not believe anything that they use the trigger words conspiracy theory to describe.

flyingcuttlefish ago

oh, sorry. I misread the headline.

MercurysBall2 ago

No worries.

MercurysBall2 ago

Speaking of McCann...her father Gerry McCann is pictured here with Ernie Allen - Ernie Allen is one of the attendees at the Sedona Forum . The participant list shows he is part of the McCain Institute's Human Trafficking Advisory Council and also the president of NCMEC. I saw a few voat posts on Ernie Allen, so he could be another person looking into. - - -

That's interesting because Mnuchin >> Next Management Corp >> William Crowley >> McCain + Romney

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi MB2, could you remove the 2nd JPG from the end of this link, please?

MercurysBall2 ago

Done. It's a good thing you're here SWMBO, keeping us in line :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you. For everything. <3

MercurysBall2 ago

Why did Gerry McCann spend 5 whole days in the company of Ernie Allen of NCMEC & ICMEC in July 2007? Interesting new article: "Hiding in Plain Sight: NCMEC - Part 1"

Just spotted this article which raises serious questions about the two U.S., Washington-based Missing Children organisations, NCMEC and ICMEC, run by Ernie Allen, friend of Sir Richard Branson and 'Pedo Island' owner, Jeffrey Epstein.

MercurysBall2 ago

@think- see parent

think- ago


think- ago

Also, Mnuchin is tied to Jean-Luc Brunel, who procured children for Epstein.

MercurysBall2 ago

Ah yes, thanks.

Eukleides ago

Jean-Luc (Benchamoul) Brunel, "60 Minutes - American Girls in Paris" (1988).

think- ago

Thanks. Always meant to watch the video. I think it's still on Youtube.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

60 Minutes - American Girls in Paris -

think- ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are welcome.

MercurysBall2 ago

StandUp for Kids

StandUp For Kids is a US 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1990. Its stated mission is to "End the Cycle of Youth Homelessness". StandUp For Kids is run almost entirely by volunteers and has established 18 outreach programs over the United States. It is dedicated to making a difference to at-risk or homeless kids.[

Founder Richard Koca

2013 article, Richard Koca, co-founder of StandUp for Children, convicted on 22 counts of sex assault

Richard Koca traveled the world as a military officer and do-gooder who co-founded StandUp for Kids, a non-profit homeless-youth charity. But what, exactly, did he do?

Last Friday, 71-year-old Koca was convicted on 22 counts of sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust. The trial was in Arapahoe County; Koca was arrested last September 15 on allegations that he'd repeatedly assaulted a boy under his supervision in Aurora, and that victim made a convincing witness at trial.

As Deputy DA Cara Moran, who tried the case, said in a statement:..

'For more than three years, the victim kept silent regarding the repeated and ongoing sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of the defendant. The strength and courage this child demonstrated in not only coming forward and reporting the abuse, but in facing his abuser during trial is remarkable. He and his family placed their faith in the system to achieve justice and hold the Defendant responsible for his actions, and the verdict today is proof that justice has prevailed.'

Prior to his StandUp For Kids work, Koca spent thirty years in the military, where he was stationed in or visited a wide array of locations in the U.S., plus Panama, Venezuela, Italy and England. In this country, he was a Scout Master for a Boy Scouts of America program, and he volunteered in an orphanage while spending time in England. He was also part of Explorer scout programs in San Diego.

So although Koca's arrest on September 15 came as a surprise -- the investigation had started just a month before -- the Aurora Police Department's announcement that it was looking for additional victims, given Koca's "extensive contact over the past several decades with persons under the age of eighteen through his work with several nonprofit organizations that primarily serve children," was not.

StandUp For Kids, founded in 1990, sends outreach counselors into the street in an effort to assist homeless youth. Koca was on the board of the organization until two days after his arrest last September; at the time, the Atlanta-based StandUp for Kids had branches in 37 cities. Here's the story on the group's founding that was on the StandUp for Kids website last fall:

Mr. Koca is a retired naval officer. Rick joined the Navy at the age of 17, and during the next 30 years was promoted 13 times through 17 pay grades. A highly decorated naval officer, Rick was awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, two Joint Service Commendation Medals, two Navy Commendation Medals, three Navy Achievement Medals, as well as numerous service awards and commendations.

In 1990, with the help of several friends, STANDUP FOR KIDS outreach counselors began walking the streets touching base with the street kids. Now, more than twelve years later, STANDUP FOR KIDS has grown to more than twenty-eight programs in thirteen states.

Now, after more than thirteen years of walking the streets, he can't think of a place that he would rather be. There have been many times when he just wanted to turn his back on it all. He thought it would help relieve the pain he was seeing in the kids on the streets. The pain of his first street kid who said he was HIV positive, the first 12-year-old living in a dumpster, his first youth heroin addict, a 13-year-old prostitute, the first baby living in a cave, and his first 17-year-old who died as a result of AIDS.

Rick said, "this isn't about money, it's about caring!" "What we've accomplished has no price tag. We know we've made the difference in the lives of thousands of kids, I would have paid that price for one"!

Now, this nationally acclaimed program has been recognized on three separate occasions by the White House, the U.S. Justice Department, American Express, the Governor's Office in Arizona twice, the Secretary of State of Colorado, and awarded the prestigious JCPenney Golden Rule Award. Rick has been awarded the George Washington Honor Award for his work with homeless and street kids; the Channel 10 Leadership Award, and was recognized as a finalist for the Edward A. Smith Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership. Rick lives in San Diego and has 3 children and 7 grandchildren in Denver, Colorado.

Today you won't find any reference to Koca on the StandUp for Kids website, but you'll find plenty about Koca on the web.

MercurysBall2 ago

Relativity Media

Relativity Media is an American media company headquartered in Beverly Hills, California, founded in 2004 by Lynwood Spinks and Ryan Kavanaugh. The studio was the third largest mini-major globally until bankruptcy on July 30, 2015. Its full-scale film studio acquires, develops, produces and distributes films. The company's partners and financial institutions have invested $20 billion as of 2012 in entertainment investments with partners such as Citibank, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank and others.

On July 30, 2015, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York after lawsuits and missing loan payments.[5][6][7][8] The company emerged from the bankruptcy in March 2016,[9] but in May 2018 it filed for bankruptcy once again.[10] The studio remains open for business and is now being operated by its new parent company UltraV Holdings.

The studio was founded by Ryan Kavanaugh and Lynwood Spinks in 2004 as a middleman company arranging multi-film slate deals with studios then arranging financial support through banks. Relativity Media would receive film equity, producer's credit and a fee. Initially, Stark Investments, a Wisconsin-based hedge fund, funded the company's single-picture business. By 2007, these investors stopped making movie-finance deals. Elliott Management, a $16 billion New York–based hedge fund run by Paul Singer, then took a minority share of the company plus access to around $1 billion in capital and a revolving credit line.

In 2010, Relativity Media ventured into India with the help of Asian billionaire Keyur Patel who also owns two major TV Networks and has major investments in India in satellite, theatre chain and media productions...

On January 6, 2016, Relativity Media acquired Trigger Street Productions. Owners Kevin Spacey and Dana Brunetti were given the roles chairman and president of Relativity Studios, respectively.[35] That March, Spacey announced that he would not accept Relativity's offer; Brunetti's position is still in place.

Keyur Patel

He is a Chairman and founder of Fuse Global one of Asia’s leading multi-billion dollar media and entertainment funds focussed on developing organizations that are focussed on innovation, technology, media and social change holistically.

..Unreasonable at Sea is an experiment in the power of entrepreneurship to solve seemingly intractable social & environmental challenges. We are an accelerator program for entrepreneurs who desire to take their ventures into new international markets. ..

..A Grand Partnership - The founder of the Unreasonable Group + Unreasonable Institute, and the co-founder of Stanford's have teamed up with Semester at Sea (a study abroad program run on a ship as it sails around the world) to run the first program of its kind. Ever.

The following is a personal reflection by Daniel Epstein, founder and director of Unreasonable at Sea…..

..We welcomed 20 mentors to sail with us for stints as long as a month– from the Prince of Saudi Arabia, to the Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the founder of WordPress, and TIME Magazine Heroes. We collaborated with executives from some of the largest multinationals on earth, including Microsoft’s Innovation Studios and the Innovations team at SAP. And most notably for me, we set sail with a mix of over 630 undergraduate students from over 250 universities.

MercurysBall2 ago

Re Desmond Tutu : Another name from Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book with connections to BlackRock and the Clinton Foundation

Adam's brother is Logan Koffler.... vice President of 2007 Logan was at the Institute for Shipboard Education where he 'circumnavigated the globe studying in 12 countries with guest professor Archbishop Desmond Tutu'...

..FBIAnon said that Muhammad Yunus needs to be looked into .. Yunus was a Clinton Foundation donor, and one of his charities, Yunus Social Business GmbH, teamed up with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti to "solve social and environmental issues in Haiti by bringing sustainable, productive, and socially responsible forests to the country" via the Haiti Forest initiative. …

"These days, Professor Yunus spends a lot of his time travelling. Since stepping down in 2007 from the 'Elders' – the elite group of elder statesman and world leaders that includes Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu

MercurysBall2 ago

Daniel Epstein at the Singularity University

By the time he received his undergraduate degree in philosophy, he’d already started three companies. In 2012 he was recognized by Inc. Magazine as a “30 under 30 entrepreneur” and by Forbes as one of the “top 30 most impactful entrepreneurs” of the year.In 2013, he received the prestigious “Entrepreneur of the World” award along with Richard Branson & the President of Liberia at the Global Entrepreneurship Forum. Today, this passion for entrepreneurship and startups has led to the creation of Unreasonable Group ( ). The vision of Unreasonable Group is to create a collective family of companies that will, together, put a dent on the seemingly intractable social and environmental challenges of this century.Daniel is proudly the founder of many Unreasonable companies including the Unreasonable Institute, Unreasonable Adventures,, Unreasonable at Sea, Unreasonable Capital, Unreasonable Media and the Girl Effect Accelerator. Daniel believes in militant transparency and truthfulness in his everyday life and in all of the projects he is part of. He also has an overt love for his hometown of Boulder Colorado and for his dog, Kaya.

Re Singularity University:

It was founded in 2008 by Peter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil at the NASA Research Park in California, United States. CEO, Rob Nail.. Peter Diamandis is also co-founder and vice-chairman of Human Longevity, Inc., (HCI), a genomics and cell therapy-based diagnostic and therapeutic company focused on extending the human life span... HLI purchased Lifebank USA in 2016, located in New Jersey, "a leader in placental and cord blood banking along with its high-yield method for extracting placental stem cells." Cord and placental blood tissue provide high quality DNA from mother and newborn for genome sequencing. HLI plans to start offering its newborn genome sequencing product along with stem cell banking. It may already be doing so.

Rob Nail discusses Sophie the Robot

Voat post: Jeffrey Epstein told a journalist he funded Sophia the robot, who he claimed would have 'more empathy than a woman'