volunteerwork2020 ago

Frankfurt School

darkknight111 ago


Connecting our suspects in the Green Party to the Clintons via the Bosnia War.

Aslanisonthemove ago

Green party ,Evergreen hmmmm?

MercurysBall2 ago

The Berggruen Institute - https://voat.co/v/pizzagateTNT/3680511

NICOLAS BERGGRUEN is Founder and Chairman of the Berggruen Institute, the 21st Century Council; the Council for the Future of Europe, the Think Long Committee for California, the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy & Culture, and the Berggruen Fellowship Program. He sits on the boards of the Museum Berggruen and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and is a member of the International Councils for the J. Paul Getty Trust, Tate Museum and the Museum of Modern Art.

He is listed on the guest list here: Guest List - Maria Abramovic Satanic Celebrity Cannibal Party / Kreëmart at the MoCA Annual Gala 11-12-11 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1495670

SumerBreeze ago


every. single. time.

fuckin child raping jews.

volunteerwork2020 ago

WWI and WWII were massive sacrifices to demons by the ((elite)).