Why is Mnuchin wearing a pizza lapel pin? (zerohedge.com)
submitted 8 years ago by 911bodysnatchers322
carmencita 8 years ago
This could mean anything. We cannot see what is on it. We will have to wait, perhaps the answer will come in short time.
Redcone 8 years ago
Different colors, for different days. Question people with the wrong color pin.
Haldelos 8 years ago
Literally 30 seconds of google research will tell you that it's not pizza. The pins are simply a way for Trump’s secret service agents to identify important staffers, so as to allow them access to restricted areas. http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2016/04/06/noticed-triangle-pins-trumps/
LA_Trump 8 years ago
He's warning us to wait until confirmations are finished...
carmencita ago
This could mean anything. We cannot see what is on it. We will have to wait, perhaps the answer will come in short time.
Redcone ago
Different colors, for different days. Question people with the wrong color pin.
Haldelos ago
Literally 30 seconds of google research will tell you that it's not pizza. The pins are simply a way for Trump’s secret service agents to identify important staffers, so as to allow them access to restricted areas. http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2016/04/06/noticed-triangle-pins-trumps/
LA_Trump ago
He's warning us to wait until confirmations are finished...