SpikyAube ago

Along with all the child/human trafficking and the drug trafficking and the illegal weapons sales etc, I expect that many governments and banks are working together to basically defraud citizens and steal enormous sums of money from the public. Some guy did a lot of research into this in the UK, with UK politicians basically setting up shell companies that win fraudulent mining, oil and gas contracts and then basically pocket billions, stashing it in off shore accounts. Perhaps the way this Malaysian fraud has operated could provide information on what to look for with other similar scams. This kind of thing could be another way to raise awareness of just how criminal most governments are and is easier for most to believe than the child abuse/trafficking rings, but once they accept that their governments are operating as organised criminal enterprises, it will be much easier to then accept the other more horrific crimes they are guilty of.

One thing that has always stuck with me is when a British Lord stood up int he House of Lords in 2012 and said he had found a huge scandal involving the Federal Reserve and British banks, whereby the Federal reserve had transferred $15 TRILLION to UK banks (HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland) in 2009. The money came from government bonds held by someone called Johannes Riyadh, and was supposedly backed by 700,00 tons of gold in Riyadh's possession, but it turned out that not even close to that amount of gold has ever even been mined in human history, so it was a complete lie and therefore the money was not real. Yet HSBC and RBS signed it off and the 'money' was therefore in the European banking system, making someone enormous untaxed profits and risking the stability of the entire international monetary system.

Lord Blackheath revealing this in the House of Lords: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm4z98QzWlg

Something relating to this is mentioned in the Stratfor Wikileaks emails, where they discuss an incident in 2009 when two Japanese men were found to be carrying billions worth of US govt bonds hidden in the bottom of their suitcases, when they were travelling in Italy. In the emails the Stratfor staff are sharing information about whether the bonds are forgeries or not, and talk about how strange a case it is. Yohannes Riyadi is also mentioned in these emails: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/16/1676519_re-ct-eastasia-u-s-says-treasury-bonds-seized-in-italy-are.html

I don't really understand it all, and none of it was ever mentioned again in the MSM (quell surprise). That amount of money could save the debt problems of several countries if it's real, and if it's fake it could crash the global economy apparently, so it seems like it should have been important to follow up on.

I know this is a bit tangential, but given the talk about financial crimes related to all this, I thought I'd mention it in case anyone can look into it and get a handle on what's going on and who's involved.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Financial shenanigans is what brought the Franklin scandal to light. So it may be the key here too. This financial scandal is on a much larger scale than the illegal finances involved in the Franklin Scandal.

Jem777 ago

This is a direct pay for play from the Oval Office by a sitting president. Involving exchanging connections through family, position,fame, for an obvious "play" trip to Malaysia and money involved.


derram ago

https://archive.is/UfVQg :

1MDB: The inside story of the world’s biggest financial scandal | Randeep Ramesh | World news | The Guardian

https://archive.is/yB98Y :

Leonardo DiCaprio's foundation allegedly benefited from his relationship with Jho Low | Daily Mail Online

https://archive.is/q0NZL :

Trump Should Drop 1MDB Corruption Bombshell, Which Linked Obama & Clinton

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