HbMcNutt ago

Yall reading way hard into this but thats how you solve riddles. I have actualy ties to OG owners. Good christian fmaily. Newest ceo has bratty family tho

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not making accusations. We just dug up a lot of info on INO. Nothing conclusive, but a lot of interesting stuff. What is "FM"? Why would INO be looking to recruit Freemasons into higher management and how does one go about doing that? Recruiting from within?

HbMcNutt ago

Og innout execs were awesome. Genuinely nice christian people. Cared for employees, treated them as family. Those guys are dead or retired. New gen of leaders are freemasons (FM) and are promoting other fms. They approached some of the christians who wanted to move up and asked them to join. All they had to do was knock on club door saying "i am in darkness seeking light" . some see this as a denouncement of christian faith. Those that deneounce are becoming supervisors at corporate

Blacksmith21 ago

Very interesting. I love hearing inside info.

letsdothis3 ago

From this weird MSM In-N-Out Burger story which mentions JetBlue https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3386044/20231670

I forgot to add the connections from this post: From New York High Society to riots in Haiti - Podesta Group - Jet Blue and Spirit Airlines- and accusations of human trafficking

Wealthy Seagram heir Matthew Bronfman, 56, divorces his third wife...He has six children with his two previous partners and was once married to Lisa Belzberg. Clinton was once reportedly heard boasting to a friend at a Super Bowl party he threw that Miss Belzberg 'married a guy worth $6 billion, but she still likes to flirt with me'...

Lisa Belzberg is an adjunct professor at Columbia University and founder of education not for profit PENCIL. Ruth Cohen is adjunct assistant professor at NYU, Senior Director at American Museum of Natural History and president of PENCIL, here pictured with Bill Clinton https://imgur.com/a/rcU8atf

PENCIL Founder Lisa Belzberg Hands Reins to JetBlue CEO Dave Barger - https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/pencil-founder-lisa-belzberg-hands-reins-to-jetblue-ceo-dave-barger-123816914.html

Founded in 1995, PENCIL began with Principal For A Day®, an awareness program designed to provide leaders from all sectors with an opportunity to spend a day experiencing a New York City public school. Today, PENCIL's Partnership Program has helped to build relationships between private sector leaders and public school principals in hundreds of schools across the five boroughs, with affiliate programs now operating in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Rochester.

That's JetBlue finding an excuse to get into schools.

Other related posts :

Q Drop: Jet Blue Plane, Spike Lee(Friend Of Abramovich) Offers Cross Country Pizza on Jet Blue (Code for Human Trafficking(?)) - https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2527891

Looking into Jet Blue Airways a bit further, we find a Podesta Group connection: Emails show Podesta Group’s work for Pro Russia Ukrainian Political party- https://artvoice.com/2018/05/22/emails-show-podesta-groups-work-for-pro-russia-ukrainian-political-party/#.XCC7a1xKg2x

..Also, the new emails show then-Obama White House Counselor John Podesta, lobbying on behalf of the Podesta Group’s efforts to secure a maintenance facility from Jet Blue and Lufthansa for Puerto Rico....

letsdothis3 ago

Casa Pacifica was started ny Rachel Chandler's grandfather Otis. It was also the name of Richard Nixon's home.


It just keeps getting crazier!! Rachel Chandler is a descendant of Otis Chandler, News Paper tycoon. He started a charity called Casa Pacifica in Camarillo, Ca.

He was also targeted by Richard Nixon.

Nixon’s home in Santa Barbra where he retired, was named

La Casa Pacifica.

Blacksmith21 ago

Holy crap. Let me get this straight: ONe of INO 501s funds, in part, Casa Pacifica, which was founded by Ray Chandler's grandfather?

Now we know why Synder has said (paraphrase) "INO will never be a public company". The scrutiny may be too much.

letsdothis3 ago

13Buddha ago

Oh boy, this company really thinks they are slick. It is so in-your-face, that the stomach-turning is extremely unpleasant. Anyway...

with over 300 locations of In-N-Out Burgers out west along with numerous "pop-ups" all over the world, there is no indication for eastward or global expansion.


The 1 main reason for not opening on the East Coast is - frozen patties. They refuse to sell them, and that is why all In-N-Out locations are within 300 miles of their "patty-making facilities" which are located only in CA and TX.


AND, In-N-Out adamantly says they will not expand into the global arena either, BUT, they do these 1-day pop-ups continually all over the world. How in the hell do they do that with non-frozen patties?

They used the excuse of not expanding globally to not wanting to lose their trademark registrations which they have in Mexico, Canada, Europe, the Phillipines, Korea, and China, and there's probably more. Apparently, these registrations can run over $10,000 per country - chump change for a billion $ plus organization.



These global pop-ups have been part of their MO for years now and "a way to spread Goodwill to Double-Double (one of their 'mystery meat' selections) deprived locations. Previous pop-ups have included Shanghai, Guanazhon, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Beijing, not including the FREQUENT, countless others across Australia, the UK, and more.

Here is a small sampling. I did not provide the links to all of this. There are just too many, and they are easily found.

  • 3/2012 - Tokyo

  • 7/2012 - Singapore, 300 burgers sold out in under 5 minutes

  • 4/2016 - Auckland, NZ

  • 1/2018 - Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, burgers were snapped up before the event even had a chance to start

  • 3/2018 - Bangkok

  • 5/2019 - Taguig City, Manila, a pop-up occurred in 2013, 2015, and 2016 as well

  • 5/2019 - Gangnam, Seoul, 250 burgers sold out in 5 minutes, 3rd pop-up since 2012

  • 9/2016 - London, sold out in just 1 hr.

  • 3/2018 - Melbourne, sold out in 30 minutes. One disappointed customer reportedly began yelling, "I'll pay $50 for anyone's burger."

  • 9/2018 - Vancouver, Langley Good Times Cruise, a massive charity event for fans of retro cars

  • 2/2019 - Sydney

  • 5/2019 - Beijing, kick-off at 11 am and selling out less than a couple hours later

Blacksmith21 ago

Why couldn't they open a patty processing center on the East Coast? It makes no sense. Where did they get the fresh beef for the international locations?

No surprise they wouldn't want to go public....scrutiny.

letsdothis3 ago

About Tick Tok LLC https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lgGc7yf5ctMJ:https://twitter.com/theaagabriel/status/987549388540002304+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ch [Dissolved]

Owned by Ash R Shah http://archive.is/yW4Ye

With over 70 movies to his name, Danny Trejo is one of Hollywood’s most prolific actors and his films have taken over $2.7 billion at the box office worldwide. What you might not be aware of is that he’s also one-third of the team behind one the biggest success stories in the Los Angeles restaurant scene in recent years...As I found out when I sat down with Trejo and one of his business partners, Jeff Georgino, plans are already afoot to take Trejo’s Tacos nationwide as part of a bid to become a $100 million company

The restaurant has been a dream of my Mom’s forever and when I was growing up we would always talk about. When I was making a film with Ash Shah, he was producing it, we started talking about food, we’d go to different restaurants and he suggested we open one so I jokingly suggested the name Trejo’s Tacos. A few years later we were working together again, he and Jeff Georgino brought a business plan to me to check out so I took it to my agent and my secretary and they said it was great.

..Ash and I are partners, we were roommates at USC, so we’ve known each other for around 30 years. We’re the only two partners with Danny and we’re the major funders of the business. Ash and I both got to a point in our careers where we wanted a change. The film business was changing and shifting, something I don’t think Ash was particularly happy with,..

We saw this as a bigger opportunity than just a restaurant. We’re now at a point where we have a have someone brew our own beer and we’re looking at having a brewery of our own, a Mexican microbrewery but here in LA. We manufacture our own hot sauce, we pick our own coffee beans and have them roasted for us so we see a retail play, a restaurant play and our coffee and donuts place, Trejo's Coffee & Donuts, is due is another twist. You’ll also notice that everything we do is about 10 to 15 minutes away from each other so that we can move around and keep an eye on things every day.

letsdothis3 ago

That'll get the sheeple to the restaurants. It's all a big Hollywood movie..and we're not in it.

think- ago

Interesting thread about the ring she is wearing when she was photographed -

https://www. reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/cs3r41/ghislaine_maxwells_mysterious_innout_ring_photo/

letsdothis3 ago

From this post : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3386044/20235268

Right down the street is a little innocuous looking storefront. The bottom is a trendy clothing/hipster store that sells pre-torn jeans and musical instruments. The upstairs is a psychotherapist office. The address is 12268 Ventura Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91604.

The business license is under the name "Tick Tock LLC."

That boutique is SOTO Lifestyle http://www.mydailyfind.com/2010/12/08/soto-lifestyle-affordable-creative-upscale-and-eclectic-gifts/

Longtime friends Jodi Perlman and Pamela Sutton Frank are partners in Soto Boutique.

Inside the All Ways Up Foundation https://chronicleofsocialchange.org/subscriber-content/inside-ways-foundation/25779

Gregory and Jodi Perlman launched the All Ways Up Foundation (known then as the Perlman Foundation) in 2009.

And here's the link with Casa Pacifica : https://www.allwaysup.org/about-us/our-story/

In addition to ALL WAYS UP and its focus on education, Greg and Jodi engage in a number of philanthropic activities through the Perlman Family Foundation. The Perlman Family Foundation has partnered with several Los Angeles based organizations to help individuals struggling to overcome life's obstacles by providing targeted interventions....

Casa Pacifica Centers help children find joy in daily living, and improve families' chances at making a better life through short-term treatment programs, residential treatment programs, adolescent treatment programs, teen and youth services, and child and family services. Through a partnership with the Perlman Family Foundation, Casa Pacifica provides grants to meet the emergency needs of their clients. These grants are providing a safety net for dozens of transition-age youth.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

What are "transition-age youth"?

letsdothis3 ago

letsdothis3 ago


In N Out also runs the In N Out Burger Child Abuse Foundation, which is through Casa Pacifica. Their main goal is to “provide hope and healing to vulnerable youth”


Archie the Dog Therapy https://www.casapacifica.org/about/archie_the_dog

Ipodally ago

I was digging on the casa Pacifica site and a former Board director was Bettina Chandler. Possible grandparent of Ray chandler

letsdothis3 ago

Brilliant. You are absolutely right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otis_Chandler

Otis Chandler (November 23, 1927 – February 27, 2006) was the publisher of the Los Angeles Times between 1960 and 1980, leading a large expansion of the newspaper and its ambitions. He was the fourth and final member of the Chandler family to hold the paper's top position

Spouse: Bettina Chandler

Chandler's family owned a stake in the newspaper since his great-grandfather Harrison Gray Otis joined the company in 1882, the year after the Los Angeles Daily Times began publication.[1] He was the son of Norman Chandler, his predecessor as publisher, and Dorothy Buffum Chandler, a patron of the arts and a Regent of the University of California. His grandfather, Charles Abel Buffum was a businessman that founded Buffum's a department store chain, with his brother, Edwin A. Buffum, and a politician, who served as Mayor of Long Beach, California.

From: History of Rachel Chandler's family, building of the Port in Long beach, Epstein Connections, Celebrity pedogate and a secret service agent

..What do you suppose Acosta was already privy to? Just wondering as there is an interesting port there in Florida And it was the Chandler's that were integral in the port in CA...

Harry Chandler - In Los Angeles, while working in the fruit fields, he started a small delivery company that soon became responsible for also delivering many of the city's morning newspapers, which put him in contact with The Los Angeles Times publisher Harrison Gray Otis....Harry married Otis’s daughter, Marian Otis, in 1894 (two years after the death of his first wife). ..Upon Otis’s death in 1917, Harry took over the reins as publisher of the Times, transforming it into the leading newspaper in the West and at times the most successful.

..Much of his boundless energy and dreams were however directed to transforming Los Angeles. As a community builder and large-scale real estate speculator, he became arguably the leading citizen of Los Angeles in the first half of the 20th century.....Chandler helped in creating,

the San Pedro Harbor..

.San Pedro is a community within the city of Los Angeles, California. Formerly a separate city, it consolidated with Los Angeles in 1909. The Port of Los Angeles, a major international seaport, is partially located within San Pedro....San Pedro, Wilmington, and Terminal Island are the locations of the Port of Los Angeles.

From Casa Pacifica https://www.casapacifica.org/about/archie_the_dog

The Therapy Dogs..Otis Chandler Bing Also, following in his Uncle Archie’s footsteps is nephew Otis!

Ipodally ago

Great work! Wow, nice dot connecting

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see comment

think- ago


Ipodally ago

Not sure if this is of

Any significance but the podesta emails mention In-N-Out burgers...,https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/34338

Blacksmith21 ago

Hell yes this is relevant. I'm wrapped up at the moment, but Erin Sepp had some role in Pizzagate a ways back. Don't recall off the top of my head though. @Vindicator?

13Buddha ago

Eryn Sepp is mentioned in this post:


Blacksmith21 ago

Oh yeah....OG PG stuff. She was at the party where the pizza-related map was found. Sepp was cc'd on the emails. Sick fuckers.

Ipodally ago

Eryn Sepp was CC’d to the podesta email regarding a pizza relented handkerchief

letsdothis3 ago

More on CMA CGM and their CONTAINERS OF HOPE https://www.cmacgm-group.com/en/foundation/containers-of-hope

A map of all the places they are in .. https://imgur.com/a/s0ZMQKM

Notice they work with action contre la faim (Action Against Hunger) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Against_Hunger

Action Against Hunger (or Action Contre La Faim (ACF) in French) is a global humanitarian organization which originated in France and is committed to ending world hunger. The organization helps malnourished children and provides communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger.

Action Against Hunger partners with leaders from the food and beverage industry to bring attention to global hunger. Each year, several campaigns are ran by the network to raise funds and support the organisation's programs : Restaurants Against Hunger and Love Food Give Food..

..The Network has 5 headquarters in the world: France, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. Action Against Hunger has also a West Africa Regional Office (WARO) located in Dakar, a Training center in Nairobi and 5 logistic platforms (Lyon, Paris, Barcelona, Dubai, Panama).

leadership https://web.archive.org/web/20190208155313/https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/about/leadership ...long list of names, thought I'd start here: Yves-André Istel, Rothschild, Inc.


Memberships include: Chair of the HealthpointCapital Business Advisory Board, and member of HealthpointCapital’s Board of Managers; Chairman, Center for French Civilization and Culture and The Fondation Saint-John Perse; Co-Chairman, The European Institute at New York University; Member, Board of Directors of The French-American Foundation; Member, the Council on Foreign Relations

letsdothis3 ago

I looked briefly into In-N-Out Shipping in Houston, Texas. Here's what I found... Address: 11807 Westheimer Rd 550 Houston, TX 77077


"In-N-Out Shipping is a FedEx Authorized ShipCenter, an Approved Shipper for The US Postal Service and a DHL Authorized Shipping Center. We also accept drop-offs for UPS....NeighborhoodsCamden Park at Royal Oaks, Westside, Westchase

INO Shipping https://imgur.com/a/0XrvVZI

Directly behind that complex is Camden Royak Oaks https://imgur.com/a/DWS5gwg ...Houston’s only 55+ independent apartment living community. https://www.camdenroyaloaks.com/

Richard J Campo is the CEO. He's also the Chairman of Port of Houston Authority https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/1417204

I'll just park that there for now..

At that same address #550 is another company Rapid Inter-Trading Inc https://www.manta.com/c/mhq7rjs/rapid-inter-trading-inc

Jianping Bai is the manager

Categorized under Tires, Used. Our records show it was established in 2017 and incorporated in TX. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 133143 and employs a staff of approximately 3.

This is a pattern I have seen before (and really needs it own post). Stay with me here...

Searching for that address brings up a number of links, including: https://www.datamyne.com/supplier/10803438/zhucheng-sinoroad-rubber-co-ltd



Also, from that link: https://imgur.com/a/B3kj5m4 Cma-cgm

NOTICE THE BIG C and the LITTLE C... I believe this is a code that is used.. I have written about this before in connection with Raniere and Epstein's businesses... The links to that will be attached below... I am researching C2c businesses connected to yachting and shipping container companies.. so I looked further into CMA cgm...


CMA CGM S.A. is a French container transportation and shipping company.[3] It is a leading worldwide shipping group,[4] using 200 shipping routes between 420 ports in 150 different countries,[5] ranking fourth behind Maersk Line, MSC and COSCO.[6] Its headquarters are in Marseille,[7] and its North American headquarters are in Norfolk, Virginia, United States.

..As a result of CMA CGM's involvement in Iranian weapons smuggling, US congressmen have called on CMA CGM to be investigated and urged the US Treasury Department to consider levying sanctions against the shipper.[17] The company has since implemented tighter procedures for accepting shipments bound for Iran,[18] including scanning all containers destined the country.[19] CMA CGM also ceased exporting from Iran in November 2011. ..In December 2015, CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin called at the Port of Los Angeles and thus became the largest vessel ever to call the United States.[20] The container-ship, 1,300 ft (400 m) long and 177 ft (54 m) wide, was inaugurated in Port of Long Beach on February 19

.>#CMA CGM Corporate Foundation for Children

Now look at this! CMA CGM and their CONTAINERS OF HOPE https://www.cmacgm-group.com/en/foundation/containers-of-hope


A map of all the places they are in (shudders)..https://imgur.com/a/s0ZMQKM

More about them here: https://www.cma-cgm-blog.com/containers-of-hope-the-logistical-expertise-of-cma-cgm-group-placed-at-the-service-of-humanitarian-aid/

Probably deserves its own post.

The C2c links I've already posted re Rainere and Epstein:





and also referred to here; https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1802267/8823364

13Buddha ago

@letsdothis3, re: CMA, CGM, and Containers of Hope - will research later this morning

letsdothis3 ago

Shipping burgers round the world? Really? and via Amazon https://borderoo.com/pages/buy-from-in-n-out-burgers-usa-online-store-international-shipping/

If you have tried to order from In-N-Out Burger in the USA then you know that In-N-Out Burger doesn’t offer international shipping to every country. In this post we’ll show you a simple process to get any item from In-N-Out Burger or any other American store shipped to your location, in any country worldwide. Before proceeding, start by checking if In-N-Out Burger ships to your country.

If you have tried to order from In-N-Out Burger in the USA then you know that In-N-Out Burger doesn’t offer international shipping to every country. In this post we’ll show you a simple process to get any item from In-N-Out Burger or any other American store shipped to your location, in any country worldwide. Before proceeding, start by checking if In-N-Out Burger ships to your country.


Victoria's Secret, Etsy, EBay, Amazon, Ralph Lauren, Walmart, Nordstrom, Forever 21, Disney, etc..

All my company culprits are there..

13Buddha ago

The scope of this is inconceivable. Where do we truly go from here other than feeling more ill and disgust than we do already? Our info is getting to the right people, yes? Somebody please say yes.

letsdothis3 ago

@13Buddha @think- @Vindicator please see comment

13Buddha ago

What are these photos of Ghislaine Maxwell REALLY trying to tell us and where are they trying to lead us?

13Buddha ago

Ha! Here we go. They need something else to support their "Mystery Meat" burgers.


"The In-N-Out Burger Foundation’s purpose is to assist children who have been victims of child abuse, and to prevent others from suffering a similar fate.

Since 1984, IN-N-OUT BURGER has underwritten all of the administrative costs of the Foundation."



(to the tune of $2.77 million in 2018)

"Every penny raised goes directly to help abused and neglected children!"


And, there's also...


Founded by the billionaire 30-something heiress of In-N-Out, Lynsi Snyder

"The Army of Love began with a vision given by the Holy Spirit to Lynsi, who is co-founder with her husband Sean, in 2013. Going through a difficult time in her life, she cried out to God and asked to be used by him. In this time, she also saw the body of Christ coming together in unity from different walks of life with diverse gifts and skills to help those who were in need. She then began to envision how to create the beginnings of an atmosphere where believers are encouraged to use their gifts and talents to become an Army of Love that ministers to a hurting and dark world."

We have been commissioned by God to enlist, train and equip an ARMY OF LOVE to help people from all walks of life that are in need of support, prayer, encouragement, healing, direction, and free


Blacksmith21 ago

Who else does this sound like? Marianne Williamson. Snyder certainly seems to associate with cult-like fringe Christian ideology.

"Army of Love that ministers to a hurting and dark world"

letsdothis3 ago

We do have more than we know. Why was Ghislaine Maxwell at that particular In-N-Out?

The address to that In-N-Out is 3640 Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90068.

Then there's the link with the Humpty Dumpty Institute: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3381191/20228862 ; https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3381191/20230444

Right down the street is a little innocuous looking storefront. The bottom is a trendy clothing/hipster store that sells pre-torn jeans and musical instruments. The upstairs is a psychotherapist office. The address is 12268 Ventura Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91604.

The business license is under the name "Tick Tock LLC."

Now that you know that, go back and read Q post 1203 again.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Vindicator ago

@Blacksmith21 @letsdothis3, I think I'm going to give this a Potential Lead flair. Red shoes. The entire pedoverse promoting the franchise...I think you guys are onto something.

thewebofslime ago

A lot of evidence exists for these photos to be photo shopped. The ad is the wrong date, the appearance of a great age difference between some of the photographs.


It looks to be a message, but one based on some manipulated photographs.

If this woman is found, she is set to be served with multiple lawsuits. She is avoiding service.

letsdothis3 ago

I think that photo was taken in July.

Blacksmith21 ago

I hope someone lurks here who has 75k followers on Twitter. Please repost this giant crumb.

One wonders what they are doing with the food supply and to what end. I'm not going to speculate, but let's say it rhymes with soylent green.

Blacksmith21 ago

I posted that in the comments. I remember when it happened. I figured it was a PR stunt - maybe an INO moving to NYC.

letsdothis3 ago

According to this thread the Standard Hotel and Disneyland are promoters of this franchise : https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1163170851891613696.html

Blacksmith21 ago

Teigen, Gomez, Bourdain, Hanks...

letsdothis3 ago

@darkknight111 @think- @Vindicator please see parent

darkknight111 ago

Of note are the Hollywood regulars. Bourdain, Tom Hanks, etc.

Blacksmith21 ago

@letsdothis3 @vindicator @13buddha @think-

Good Lord. It keeps getting deeper.

"The Occult gematria of INNOUT is 93, which is the number identified with warlock Aleister Crowley's popular Thelema."


"Sunday, July 19, 2015

IN-N-OUT BURGER and the XO MOB T-shirt and Poster

Updated: 8/29/15

Here's a poster advertising a promotional t-shirt design for a popular west burger franchise. (Thanks Tony) It's everything I noted in this post from May of 2011, and more!

Part 31 - See, it's the "i" of Horus! The IN-N-OUT (B)URGE(R)

The crossed palm trees are set against the circular disk of the sun. XO MOB. Above the word, quality, you see the crossed trees under the arc formed by the words, IN-N-OUT, so the poster adds another instance of XO to the one on the t-shirt. Also on the top of the poster, because the trunks of both trees that cross are bowed, the trunks are arcs that represent circles, crossing. Triple redundancy.

The X is the mark of the sun god, and with his mark being superimposed over the sun, there's no ambiguity here about what, or WHO, is meant. The designer knows what's going on. In and Out ~ I and O, IO, the Greek spelling of the word for, sun. The yellow arrow is the phallus of Osiris, with the sharp angle signaling the Pythagorean triangle and 47th problem of Euclid. Osiris union Isis producing Horus.

Crossed palm trees are found at most or all of the franchise locations. Trees are lineage symbols like family trees. Crossed trees are crossed bloodlines, cross breeding, hybridized. The mark of the Beast, when it arrives, will be a genetic synthesis of Nephilim, the bodily uniting of man with a god.

X marks the spot on the horizon. As Above, So Below, the Hermetic Maxim.

It's not uncommon to see the brand's bumper stickers modified to remove the B and R. They read, IN-N-OUT URGE, and the obvious meaning has to do with procreation. This is consistent with what we read from Genesis 6 (and also what happened in the Garden of Eden with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil).

6:1 Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. ~ Genesis 6:1-2

The palm tree is one of their most recognizable brand images. Palm trees decorated the walls and doors of the Most Holy Place according to 1 Kings 6, however, when this kind of imagery is made when the second commandment clearly says to do nothing of the kind, it's not going to produce good results.

“PALM TREE. In its secondary sense the palm tree is a symbol of victory; but in its primary signification it is a symbol of the victory over death, that is, immortality.”

The Symbolism of Freemasonry - by Albert G. Mackey

That's how it plays here.

Space and Time

In the imagery on the T-shirt, we can observe how sunset and sunrise are special transitional times, thus, the featuring of XO ~ space-time, and water as time - and the sands of time cover the shoreline.

The bent arrow of In-N-Out Burger signals something very special about time. Time flies like an arrow. Being bent at a sharp angle speaks of changing the time vector. In-N-Out - OF TIME!

The In-N-Out Burger arrow resembles a compass, which is for drawing circles - of time. When you recognize the arrow as a compass, see it tracing out a circle. The T in, OUT, is a Tau cross, and the arrow-as-compass drawn circle with the Tau cross at the edge presents a cross circle MOB symbol!

The Occult gematria of INNOUT is 93, which is the number identified with warlock Aleister Crowley's popular Thelema.

The number very often signaling TIME is 12, and there are exactly 12 letters in the full name, In-N-Out Burger.

The arrow goes through the letter N in both variants of the sign, which has the value of 13 in the mirrored gematria where Z=1. That's a TIME CONTROL number, and a composite signal of the rebel lord beast. Manipulating space-time ushers in the hybrid beast who will reproduce after his kind."

letsdothis3 ago

According to this thread Disneyland and the Standard Hotel are promoters of this fast food franchise https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1163170851891613696.html

Blacksmith21 ago

letsdothis3 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Vindicator ago

Can't make this shit up.

13Buddha ago

Contact profiles from In-N-Out Burger


13Buddha ago

The Hollywood degenerates absolutely LOVE these burgers, and that's a clear indication that something is very, very wrong.

  • Vanessa and Kobe Bryant, "celebrating this year's Oscar winners"

  • Julia Roberts after the Golden Globes, "Fun Night W My Fella"

  • Iskira Lawrence after the SAG Awards, "yeah, you serve buns, me too!"

  • Aziz Ansari and Eric Wareheim after the Golden Globes

  • Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks after the Golden Globes, "#dontjudge"

  • Halston Sage after the Vanity Fare Oscar party

  • Reese Witherspoon after an Oscar's after-party

  • Priyanka Chopra after the Oscars for a late-night snack, "#oscarweekend!! my tweet"

  • Chef Thomas Keller, chef of the Vanity Fare Oscar party, "Gotta end with an innout #VFOscarParty"

  • Diane Kruger while attending Vanity Fare Oscar party, "Pure grace and elegance"

  • Brie Larson at the Vanity Fare after-party

  • Adele after the Grammy Awards, 'I'm treating myself to an in n out"

  • Brie Larson (again) after the Golden Globes, "My favorite moment was after I went back to my table after winning a Golden Globe, Katy Perry had a round of In-n-Out Burgers for everybody – hot and fresh. I’ve been feeling like I’ve been in a dream.”

  • Priyanka Chopra (again), "Red carpet prep!!! Yummmmmm! #PCAS tonight #BurgersAreTheBest"

  • Padma Lakshmi, confessed to fantasizing about burgers throughout the 2015 Emmys

  • Nina Dobrev, at an Academy Awards after-party, "This is how we glam"

  • Kylie Minogue and Minnie Driver, at Vanity Fare's 2015 after-party

  • Larin Spencer and Robin Roberts, fueling-up on burgers for their morning-after broadcast of the 2015 Oscars

  • Kyle Maclachlen, turned 56 the same day as Oscars 2015, his wife stuck a few candles in his birthday burger

  • Karlie Kloss, hitting the burger chain after being crowned Model of the Year at the People Magazine Awards

  • Sam Smith, "What do you do after a magical night after the American Music Awards? You know the answer."

  • Miley Cyrus, treated her date to some dinner at the 2014 Video Music Awards

  • Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikas, hitting up the drive-thru after the 2014 Oscars

  • Emma Roberts, fueling-up for the 2014 Golden Globes

  • Anna Kendrick, "There was an In-N-Out at the Vanity Fare party"

  • Ang Lee, standing on the street with his Oscar in one hand and a burger in the other

  • Beyonce, spend an ordinary day at the office working on 3 laptops, you build up an appetite




Its always been a post Oscar/Golden Globes awards ceremony ritual.

It may be a thing for athletes to announce, "I'm going to Disney World!" after the completion of a championship game, but in Hollywood, the first stop post-red carpet victory is often In-N-Out Burger. (And, to be honest, as In-N-Out-starved East Coasters, we'd take their burgers over Mickey Mouse any day.) We first began noticing this unlikely trend a few years ago, and since then, as People exhaustively notes, everyone from Aziz Ansari to Brie Larson to Iskra Lawrence to Priyanka Chopra has dined on some variation of burgers and fries, formalwear and all, in the aftermath of an award show. Following last night's Golden Globe awards, for example, both Rachel Brosnahan and Julia Roberts separately decamped to the chain — and, of course, made headlines for doing so. It's become such a thing, in fact, that Vanity Fair has begun serving up the burgers at their legendary post-Oscar party. According to a spokesperson for the publication, last year they handed out 1,538 of them.

The question of "why In-N-Out?" seems, on its face, as simple as the fact that it's both undeniably delicious and now an iconic California commodity, right up there with the Hollywood sign and the Chateau Marmont. But is there more to it? Is dining on In-N-Out some kind of secret celebrity right of passage? Is In-N-Out somehow quietly sponsoring these celebs and their burger habits? Is In-N-Out involved in the Illuminati? And how come nobody's scared of dripping grease and Animal Sauce all over their borrowed gowns?


Blacksmith21 ago

Do all of them have degenerate pedigrees?

13Buddha ago

Ha! Want to place a bet?

Blacksmith21 ago

This is so fucked up.

Blacksmith21 ago

@letsdothis2 @vindicator @13buddha @think-

More: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7367943/The-tantalising-mystery-Ghislaine-Maxwells-burger-bar-makeover.html

"The socialite is seen in front of a poster for Good Boys, a film that opened in the US on Friday.

But when The Mail on Sunday visited the area on Friday, the bus stop was displaying an advert for a local hospital.

Advertising agency Outfront Media said the hospital ad had been there since July 28 – with Ms Maxwell said to have been photographed on August 12.

Spokeswoman Carly Zipp said: 'We think the poster in the Maxwell picture was photoshopped in."

Pcpoet09 ago

I had to walk out of this movie....it is a will made movie but I felt that the use of children under the age of 12 to make jokes of a very sexual nature just wrong. I would of had no problem if the jokes were told as part of a stand up comedians routine or skits done by adults pretending to be kids but to see this very adult humor using children just felt wrong...the reason being that it educated the children who worked on the set to things that might of been better for them to find out 4-6 years later then they did..... my bet is that in 2-3 years we will start hearing about abuse happening big time with the children who were on the set of this movie.

letsdothis3 ago

I just watched the first minute of the trailer. What have they done to the children of America? Why do people think that children using language like that is okay?

Pcpoet09 ago

I saw the trailer in the theater... I knew there were one or two jokes. I did not think the film would be exclusively jokes about sex.

Blacksmith21 ago

The pedophiles have seeped into everything.

Blacksmith21 ago

@letsdothis2 @vindicator @13buddha @think-

I forgot to add this, from Wiki. I did a little digging and the non-profit has minimal assets. There was a 5 year anniversary event with a few thumbnail photos. Not much there. The domain is parked at GoDaddy and has some formatting based. Interesting:



Christian Ministries

Massage Therapy

Christian Health Ministries

Depression Therapy

Depression Help

Heartland Series

Depression Quotes


Chinese Massage



"Snyder funds Healing Hearts & Nations (HHN), a non-profit corporation that builds training centers in Africa and India and trains local community leaders for the purpose of providing different forms of counseling to the underprivileged local population.[22] She is also actively involved with the In-N-Out Burger Foundation, which supports abused and neglected children.[23]"

Note: Area of focus was Africa

think- ago

Massage therapy....

@letsdothis3 @new4now

Blacksmith21 ago

I think she was a product of abuse. Just a hunch.

13Buddha ago

letsdothis3 ago

Me too.

Blacksmith21 ago

  • Insular family
  • Addiction issues
  • Airplane deaths
  • 4 marriages
  • Parents' divorce
  • Uncle issues

Seems to be a pattern.

Blacksmith21 ago

@letsdothis2 @vindicator @13buddha @think-

And shit gets weirder:

Lynsi Snyder is the granddaughter of INO and the sole owner - 100%. She is 37 years old.

Lynsi's drug & relationship problems: https://people.com/food/in-n-out-heiress-lynsi-snyder-divorce/

Her father, former INO CEO, dies of an OD: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-jan-26-fi-57815-story.html

Her uncle, also a former INO CEO, dies in the crash of the corporate jet: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-12-17-mn-2813-story.html

Lots of addicts, divorces, and a plane crash inside this very small family. Evangelicals. I'm getting more and more suspicious.

Vindicator ago

You think once they got successful, the Cabal put the squeeze on them?

Truthseeker3000 ago

That people magazine article is filled with double speak and number 6s throughout. Her comment about God and the lightening bolt obviously means Lucifer. She gives off witch vibes, very likely occult upbringing, lot of sacrifices in the family. Also, no way the one fast food chain made her a Billionaire, that money is coming in from other sources than just the food revenue. It’s not like McDonalds located virtually everywhere every state.

Blacksmith21 ago

That may just be the way People writes article.

Blacksmith21 ago

@letsdothis2 @vindicator @13buddha @think-

Here are some more interesting tidbits:

https://www.slave2nothing.org/human-trafficking [INO foundation]

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ghislaine-maxwell-was-reading-my-book-at-in-n-out-burger-then-it-sold-out-on-amazon/2019/08/16/954511da-c05b-11e9-a5c6-1e74f7ec4a93_story.html [paywall]




https://nypost.com/2019/07/24/how-mystery-in-n-out-burger-wound-up-on-a-queens-street/ [very bizarre story. Note the inclusion of the person riding the Q44 bus]


I'm not sure to make of all of this. Either INO is truly a good org with a real non-profit actually trying to stop trafficking. In which case Maxwell's lunch choice seems to me to be a forced/staged photo to send a message to the Deep State.

Or, INO has the best possible cover for trafficking. Which given the tied to Bourdain, Maxwell, etc. is a very real possibility.

Time to dig on management...

Vindicator ago


13Buddha ago

Found info about where In-N-Out Burgers obtain their product.

They make their own meat.

"We have always made our hamburger patties ourselves using only fresh, 100% USDA ground chuck — free of additives, fillers and preservatives. We deliver them to our stores direct from our own patty-making facilities in Baldwin Park, California; Lathrop, California; and Dallas, Texas. We control the whole process, so we can be certain of the quality and freshness of every patty we make."




ChimpStenographer ago

who's chuck?

Blacksmith21 ago

Among other things, In-N-Out translates to "hamberders" in English gematria. Go figure.

sore_ass_losers ago

What do you mean, translates to in gematria?

They might both translate to the same number, that doesn’t mean anything.

ChimpStenographer ago

Study coincidences and standard deviation. There is a better chance than not, that it does mean something.

sore_ass_losers ago

How so standard deviation? I’ve been exposed to statistics a bit, didn’t think there was anything especially mystical about it.

It seems apparent a lot of the cabal is into numerology, so @Blacksmith21 had a valid point and I was too harsh. It doesn’t matter what I think about numerology/gematria.

Blacksmith21 ago

sore_ass_losers ago

Yeah, to a chimp stenographer!

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Well, I’ve had a few synchronicities that make me think the world is not quite what we think it is.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's what I mean - they have the same number value. It's not a lock, but I've test run a lot of words and similar sized/character words often times come back with no equivalent. Other words return very specific equivalents.

sore_ass_losers ago

I guess the whole idea is that the number you get is the essence of the concept of the word, so two words with the same number value would be related. So this would indeed mean a lot to a numerologist.

(The rational mind boggles; how could this work? We're all living in some sort of Philip K. Dick simulation world.)

I missed this whole thing: "hamberders" was in a Trump tweet in January.

13Buddha ago

Okay, may be a coincidence, but here is President Trump back in January tweeting about "hamberders" but soon. correcting the spelling.



Blacksmith21 ago

That's why I pointed it out.

13Buddha ago

We can't let this post slide into Neverland.

Blacksmith21 ago

Keep digging and keep posting. The Christian thing throws me. It would be like finding out that Chik-Fil-A is dirty. But then again, we are talking the perverse reverse.

13Buddha ago

Going out tonight for some fun. Will get back to it tomorrow.

Blacksmith21 ago

Go have some fun. I'm doing same but in my backyard with family.

13Buddha ago

I have searched numerous entities to obtain info on In-N-Out Shipping in Houston, TX, to NO avail. It's as if this company does not exist except for their website. How can you not put 2+2 together and get 4 on this one - "In-N-Out Burgers" (with over 300 stores) and "In-N-Out" Shipping with 1 location?


Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah, I forgot about that. Did you check the county business licenses?

I forgot about the burger shipping thing. Also saw this on the news last month: https://people.com/food/mystery-in-n-out-burger-queens-new-york/

13Buddha ago

I checked - nada.

13Buddha ago

Again, I will say, this is seriously f'd-up.

Blacksmith21 ago

Most definitely.

Truthseeker3000 ago

So it is highly plausible that these children’s and trafficking charities In N Out is involved in are very possibly where one could link together bodies and hamburger meat patties for the restaurant where they serve it across the country to us. It sounds so far fetched and morbid but also very likely. Why else are these sick elite into this restaurant and pushing it. I recall seeing the video a while back with rabbis discussing McDonald’s burgers and children. I’m starting to wonder. So beyond sick.

bibigirl_ ago

After having read your comment incorrectly and the comment about how if you eat one its not that good but over time it gets better...one could only wonder if its human meat

13Buddha ago

I truly believe it is plausible.

13Buddha ago

@Blacksmith21, check this out. Coincidence?


Blacksmith21 ago

Looks just like a pack and ship store. I don't see anything out of the ordinary. You?

13Buddha ago

It's the EXACT same lettering, capitalization, and punctuation as "In-N-Out" as the 300+ burger places. Yes, I believe there is something to this.

13Buddha ago

@Blacksmith, I may be way off base, but I think this burger business may be part of the most sickening thing one can ever think of. A few years ago, this thought would have NEVER been entertained by me, but I now know way, way too much, but this is one topic that I am unable to say or write the word, and I am unable to do a separate post about it.

Here are several links that made me suspicious and made me feel very ill.








Blacksmith21 ago

What do you think they are up to? One of the articles pointed out that cups, plates, etc. have bible verses imprinted on them. That's a little atypical.

MetalThatMatters ago

Soylent Green comes to mind ... Katy Perry been endorsing INO?

13Buddha ago

Maybe it's not real meat from cattle?

Blacksmith21 ago

That's kinda what I was thinking. It may be 99% cow and 1% ???. I don't really want to think about it, but something tells me we will find out some day there's a little (unintentional) cannibal in many of us. Yuck.

flyingcuttlefish ago

kazza64 ago

yep i agree they're all connected to in n out and that photo of her had to be staged that bitch isnt getting arrested any time soon

GritD2 ago

Anthony Bourdain reportedly said that In-N-Out was his favorite fast food meal;

Didn't Anthony look like Epstein? Wasn't there a theory the body was bordaine and not Epstein?

Blacksmith21 ago

Holy shit. You are correct: https://www.eater.com/2015/1/8/7518215/watch-anthony-bourdain-extoll-the-virtues-of-in-n-out-burger

I think we may be onto something real here.


Vascodegecko ago

Nose looks closer to Bourdain than Epstein. A little post mortum bloating and the pic is closer to Bourdain. Curved nose and more similar ear. Wish I could link but mostly lurked and 8ch.

Vindicator ago

Yeah...I think Bourdain is probably disinfo. Maybe part of the same disinfo campaign Maxwell is using in that obviously staged photo.

Blacksmith21 ago

Does your gut tell you this was a staged pic?

Vindicator ago

My eyes tell me, LOL. She's looking straight at the camera and reading the CIA book. My gut says so, too. They outted her at the apartment where people saw someone walking her dog, and so they released this. That's what my gut tells me.

carmencita ago

The title of that book was a stunner. Couldn’t believe it. She is spotted the first time and she just happens to be reading THAT? Sure. The Badge of Honor. That alone would be laughable if all of this wasn’t so disgusting.

Blacksmith21 ago

I like taking pictures. I know the difference between candid, surprise, and posed. This wasn't candid or surprise.

Anyone feel like ordering "The Book of Honor" and giving a report?

eyeswideopennow ago

Go to amazon. Look up the book. Look at reviews, G. Maxwell has a review, it is how deep state cabal communicate. Next click on her name/profile and read her reviews going back years. Now consider all the blatant photos of people like Assange, Weinstein, Obama etc holding books where we can read the titles. I think it is how they communicate

Blacksmith21 ago

I would definitely agree w you. The G. Maxwell review had to have been a joke, but maybe not? Assange was carrying "The State of National Security" by Gore Vidal. I read it. Useless book.

redwing41 ago

She was pointing out to the elite that she knew epstein was murdered. She won't rat them out.

Vindicator ago

You'll notice the NYP told us the title of the book. They didn't show any actual proof that is what she was reading.


In-N-Out heiress was subject of multiple cartel connected kidnapping attempts...I wonder if there is a In-N-Out cartel connection

they only have restaurants off of freeways all along the western US so I could see it being a good cover for drug trafficking, a-la breaking bad locos hermanos


Blacksmith21 ago

You may be onto something. Hollywood got the idea for it from somewhere.

letsdothis3 ago

This is the video of Bourdain recommending In-N-Out. He's not very convincing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4J1seTHAMU

This comment bothers me:

The first time I had one, I was underwhelmed. It seemed like just a normal hamburger. I think the effect of In-N-Out grows on you over time. I'm somewhat obsessed with In-N-Out now like most people in California. Honestly, if you just have one hamburger from there, it won't be as great as if you had one weekly or something. I've been eating there for years and I swear, I love it more and more with time.

And here's an article about the ingredients: https://foodbabe.com/dissecting-in-n-out-burger-gross-or-healthy-you-decide/


YogiPokes ago

Does this ever stop? All the revelations of existing evil is just... daunting.

NinaSparrow ago

No, sadly I dont think it does.

& I'm kinda extra pissed about this one. In-N-Out & El Pollo Loco is the only fast food I'll eat. They ruin everything, dammit.

jealoushe ago

Maybe GM is Q and working on the inside lol

Vindicator ago

Thanks Blacksmith

think- ago

Please see @letsdothis3 comment -

Operatives, when they want to send a message, tend to choose their locations carefully. I think y'all need to look into In-N-Out Burger (and the foundations they support). I'd do it myself but I got too many other rabbit holes I'm looking into.. but a quick scan tells me there's juice here... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-N-Out_Burger

The chain also has fans in a number of renowned chefs including Gordon Ramsay, Thomas Keller, Julia Child, Anthony Bourdain, Ina Garten, and Mario Batali.[18] Famous London chef/restaurateur Ramsay ate In-N-Out for the first time when taping Hell's Kitchen in Los Angeles, and it soon became one of his favorite spots for take-out.[68]

Ramsay was quoted, saying about the experience: "In-N-Out burgers were extraordinary. I was so bad, I sat in the restaurant, had my double cheeseburger then minutes later I drove back round and got the same thing again to take away."[68]

Thomas Keller, a fan of In-N-Out, celebrated with In-N-Out burgers at the anniversary party of his restaurant, The French Laundry.[69] Keller also plans on opening his own burger restaurant inspired by his Los Angeles experience of In-N-Out.[70]

Julia Child, one of the first celebrities to champion the chain, admitted to knowing every location of the restaurant between Santa Barbara and San Francisco.[71] Child also had the burgers delivered to her during a hospital stay.[69] Anthony Bourdain reportedly said that In-N-Out was his favorite fast food meal;[69] later naming the restaurant as "the best restaurant in Los Angeles".[72][73]

Ina Garten at an interview at Today show divulges "I have to say, I don't eat fast food at all, with one exception. When we're in California doing book tours, we always have to go to In-N-Out Burger. It's so good and I know it was Julia Child's favorite too, so it's okay." [74]

In-N-Out was one of the very few restaurant chains given a positive mention in the book Fast Food Nation. The book commended the chain for using natural and fresh ingredients and for looking after the interests of employees regarding pay and benefits.[75] An In-N-Out food truck catered Vanity Fair's 2012 Academy Awards after party

In-N-Out Burger founded the Slave 2 Nothing Foundation in 2016 to "improve the lives of individuals and families affected by substance abuse and/or human trafficking


Snyder funds Healing Hearts & Nations (HHN), a non-profit corporation that builds training centers in Africa and India and trains local community leaders for the purpose of providing different forms of counseling to the underprivileged local population.[22] She is also actively involved with the In-N-Out Burger Foundation, which supports abused and neglected children


You might want to use searchvoat.co to find old pizzagate posts about the people mentioned above.



sunshine702 ago

There was tape of the private dining room. I believe Batali raped several women including employees.

Blacksmith21 ago

There were accusations from female wait staff at his NY restaurant too. Not just Eataly.

Professional grade creep. Maybe would have got away from it if he wasn't such a gross excuse for a human: https://www.delish.com/restaurants/g20884247/timeline-of-mario-batali-sexual-assault-allegations/

Blacksmith21 ago

"The chain also has fans in a number of renowned chefs including Gordon Ramsay, Thomas Keller, Julia Child, Anthony Bourdain, Ina Garten, and Mario Batali."

Julia Child - OSS

Bourdain - Dead by hanging w a red scarf

Ina Garten - Husband is a Harvard prof

Batali - Accused groper+

Ramsey - Asshole

letsdothis3 ago


Great. Someone needs to start digging then. Who's on the leadership team, for example?

OpakapakaCaca ago

Lynsi was president, then her 4th hubby, Sean Ellingson, for Slave 2 Nothing. From (ugh) wikipedia: Snyder funds Healing Hearts & Nations (HHN), a non-profit corporation that builds training centers in Africa and India and trains local community leaders for the purpose of providing different forms of counseling to the underprivileged local population.[22] She is also actively involved with the In-N-Out Burger Foundation, which supports abused and neglected children. The In-N-Out Found. is run by CFO Roger Kotch. From what I could dig up, she seems legit and above board (merely tax write-offs?), so maybe the In N Out location has significance for some other reason. Like Ghislane is in and out and on the run?

letsdothis3 ago

From what I could dig up, she seems legit and above board

She met her latest husband (fourth) on Tinder. I think he's her handler. Read her story again..

Blacksmith21 ago

I dunno how I missed this subthread. Yeah...she's a trainwreck.