truthdemon ago

The weak link in the investigation of entities owning shipping containers connected to childrens charities ...and them to the coverup of satanic pedovore culture Besta pizza... The besta pizza ..had a pakistani connection...very likely leading to aga khans network... The vidoe where an investogtor calls besta pizza to order a podesta special..and where the employee admits it has a pedo symbol...clearly points to a british pakistani accent...

Aga khans are the main operativr network for the satanic british underground intelligence network...

They r the persian protocol of the ismaili network ...their ancient mkultra techniques r the core of the satanic undergrouund system

Oil tankers holding children were caught in the regional home of the aga khans..

Why is besta pizza and shipping links not investigated..the characters r very likely a few degrees away from aga khan shipping.concerns... The panama papers could be dawood ibrahim and big bollywood star related to nehru..mountbattens fuckbuddy.. Google : bollywood dawood money laundering..

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

british pakistani accent...

That may also tie into the Hampstead case and what is going on right now with the Tommy Robinson situation. Yes, needs further investigation...

truthdemon ago

There is a network.of pakistani inside and outside of.prisons... This hand held by the intelligence agencies..for its.drug.and human trafficking When they r required to take part in false flags the culprits or patsys are recruited from this network.. ISIS they get us to call it..

Rotschild controlled and so is aga khan...

truthdemon ago

It could be british bangladeshi or british arabic as well....but its definitely british.. ..aga khan and his connections to war zones five star hotel used by diplomats etc...chikdrens foundatiins, connection to canadian pm, private islands and private jets... His connection to opium hubs in pakistan and well as iran... Shipojng companies...i havent studied his connection to the art world or red cross.. The man is a british dirty works agent...or is he the one in control.. His ancestor controlled the movemeng to set up pakistan..for britain that then set up the drugs network to continue via a kashmir war zone.. All.cloaks and daggers with this swine Study his speech to the canadian parliament where he sneers with the canadian parliament when he talks about children

letsdothis3 ago

Well, he's certainly close to Prince Charles

and I've just written a post about the Prince's Trust connection to PIE

Thanks for the tips. Certainly need to look more into him.

truthdemon ago

Thanks for the info... Do u work in law enforcement? Dont u think NSA knows all this ..

fogdryer ago

hillbot mentioned that if you own or do a business in the Caribbean it is in your favor. Other countries find you less suspect.....why would the poorest countries in asia want anything to do with her/her goals? There is a culture difference etc Lambi is in Haiti

fogdryer ago

She’s currently on the board of School the World and has spearheaded efforts to build schools in rural communities in Guatemala and Cambodia...

primary nonprofit endeavors focus on eliminating extreme poverty

at the very least this makes her suspect

letsdothis3 ago

Ned Sahin received an NIH training grant to be a Fellow in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Salk Institute and the Institute for Neural Computation... his secondary supervisor was Terry Sejnowski, PhD of the Salk Institute

In 1957, Jonas Salk, developer of the first safe and effective polio vaccine, began his quest to fulfill his second dream: create a collaborative environment where researchers could explore the basic principles of life and contemplate the wider implications of their discoveries for the future of humanity.

Gifted with 27 acres overlooking the Pacific Ocean by the City of San Diego in 1960, Salk partnered with architect Louis Kahn to design such a research center. He summarized his aesthetic objectives by telling Kahn to “create a facility worthy of a visit by Picasso.”

With financial support from the National Foundation/March of Dimes, the Salk Institute for Biological Studies opened its doors in 1963. In addition to Salk, the first Resident Fellows were Jacob Bronowski, Melvin Cohn, Renato Dulbecco, Edwin Lennox and Leslie Orgel. The Nonresident Fellows were Leo Szilard, Francis Crick, Salvador Luria, Jacques Monod and Warren Weaver.

..As its first director, Salk said of his eponymous institute: “The Salk Institute is a curious place, not easily understood, and the reason for it is that this is a place in the process of creation. It is being created and is engaged in studies of creation. We cannot be certain what will happen here, but we can be certain it will contribute to the welfare and understanding of man.”

Related: VACCINE WARS: Colorado's Mandatory Vaccine Bill HB1312 Would Require Aborted Fetuses! by @septimasexta

"SV40 was the 40th virus found in rhesus monkey kidney cells when these cells were used to make the polio vaccine. This virus contaminated both the Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) created by Dr. Jonas Salk and the Oral or “Live” Polio Vaccine (OPV) created by Dr. Albert Sabin.

In 1961, SV40 was discovered by Dr. Bernice Eddy of the National Institute of Health, Division of Biologics when she took the material used to grow polio vaccines and injected it into hamsters. Tumors grew in the hamsters. Her discovery was subsequently validated by Drs. Maurice Hilliman and Benjamin Sweet of Merck.

Upon the discovery that SV40 was an animal carcinogen that had found its way into the polio vaccines, a new federal law was passed in 1961 that required that no vaccines contain this virus. However, this law did not require that SV40 contaminated vaccines be thrown away or that the contaminated seed material (used to make all polio vaccines for the next four decades) be discarded. As a result, known SV40 contaminated vaccines were injected into children up until 1963. In addition, it has been alleged that there have been SV40-contaminated batches of oral polio vaccine administered to some children until the end of the 1990’s."

fogdryer ago

I feel quite angry about the continued use of SV40 but when you think of agenda 2030 it makes sense.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for the link. I was relatively unaware of the controversy surrounding the polio vaccine and Jonas Salk. Quite a bit for me to look at. These people definitely are sick.