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letsdothis3 ago

United Way scandal - CEO William Aramony

William Aramony (July 27, 1927 – November 11, 2011) was CEO of United Way of America for more than twenty years and helped build the organization into the largest charity in the United States.[1] He retired in 1992 amid criminal charges of fraud and financial mismanagement, for which he was subsequently convicted and sentenced to prison.

Uhm, I hear there was a scandal with a yacht and underaged girls?

William J. Aramony was born in Jewett City, Connecticut. His parents, Russell & Nazley Farrah Aramony, emigrated to the United States from Lebanon, and he was the youngest of their five children...Aramony married the former Bebe Ann Nojeim, and the union produced three children, William, Susan and Robert.[5] Son Robert was at one time president of Sales Service/America Inc., a for-profit subsidiary of UWA.

He was hired as CEO of the national governing body, the United Community Funds and Council of America (UCFCA)[8] in 1970.[4] He began an organizational makeover and the group was renamed, United Way of America (UWA), and moved from New York City to Alexandria, Virginia in 1971. A common stated purpose and standard name (United Way of ...) was established for local affiliates....Next, he formed a partnership with the National Football League in 1973, whereby "players and coaches made public service announcements about their involvement with United Way chapters"[9] which were broadcast during NFL games at no charge.

That explains a lot..

Aramony was awarded the Silver Buffalo Award in 1988 by the National council of the Boy Scouts of America

Uh huh..

Scandal begins - Aramony and his wife, Bebe were separated in 1988.[5] In 1990, there were UWA office rumors about Aramony's liaisons with a teenage girlfriend on vacations in Paris, London and Cairo. An anonymous note on UWA letterhead was sent in late 1990 to UWA's chairman, Edward A. Brennan, who was the chairman of Sears, Roebuck & Company. The letter alleged that the charity was being looted by its president, who was romancing a young woman...

Putting the Clinton Foundation in Context: Corruption Plain on the Face of It

Politifact asserted that the Clinton Foundation is “doing the same thing” through a training school for youth in Cartagena, Colombia. Actually, I’m going to give our friends at Politifact “4 Pinocchios” for that, since the Colombia “benefits” from the Clinton Foundation are likely much less than those received by residents of Malawi or Haiti.

Colombia is a center for action with Bill Clinton and Frank Giustra and their Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership. American Exceptionalists likely think of Colombia as a poor, backward South American country that was the heart of massive drug trafficking in prior decades.

I covered the Accesso Training Center in Cartagena in my first article about the Clinton Foundation...

... I’ve never heard of anything quite like it before. It makes the 1980s United Way scandal look like nothing. I started out my career working for the United Way and after meeting jailed, disgraced former United Way of America founder William Aramony and being forced to buy his book by way of keeping my job, I knew there was “something wrong” so I left to do what I considered “real charitable work” actually helping people.

The United Way did survive that scandal, which merely consisted of Aramony mis-using a couple of $million to fund his sexual affairs with underage girls, pay for a yacht on the Potomac, etc.

Voat post Cartagena related:

Israeli busted for child prostitution ring in Portugal was active in Cartagena

The Benjamin Hostel became known to locals as “little Israel”, and acted as a base from which Ben-Mosh ran similar clubs exploiting children in Cartagena, Medellín and the Colombian capital Bogotá. His empire is also thought to have extended to Ecuador, Mexico and Brazil.

we discussed Cartagena and in the comments section I linked back to our friends in DC and NY :

I believe we may have some more pieces to the trafficking network puzzle which includes the John of God and Wisconsin posts: ..

The Racine company SC Johnson has been in Brazil for many decades...

And certain yacht clubs will also be included when I've completed another post...

South America Luxury Yachting Guide | Northrop & Johnson -

C2C is a known entity to the major management companies such as Fraser, YCO, IYC, Edmiston, Watkins, Dohle, Northrop Johnson, Burgess, Camper Nicholsons and more. Our clients are typically over 300 gross tons and include some of the largest yachts in the world up to 10,000 gross tons.

Mondomarine, The Italian shipyard and the prestigious US player have signed a global partnership agreement covering the whole globe excluding just Middle East, Central Europe and Spain markets.

TrustTheTruth ago

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Who designed it?

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What is Teen Mania, and how is it connected to George Bush, Pat Robertson and Racine, Wisconsin?

What are the Racine Interfaith Coalition and the Volunteer Center of Racine, and where is it located?

Who are the Knights of Malta, Knights of Pythias, Royal Order of Jesters, Independent Order of Odd Fellow, Loyal Order of the Moose, Order of the Red Men, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Dutch Brotherhood, and Sons of Norway?

What symbol does Wingspread resemble?

Who controls the Racine Yacht Club?

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What crimes were committed in the process of renaming the park and building a new stage to push the change through in time for the 100 year anniversary of Rotary?

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Where are their other global locations?

Who are their global partners?

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Who were the first two Corporate Nations?

The Root of all Evil, the hub for the global interfaith alliance, and the model for The Great Deception is in Racine, Wisconsin.

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What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders?

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How is he connected to The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

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What did an MIT computer predict in the 1970s?

What is The Beast?

What is Satan's Ability?

What is The Truth they cannot allow the World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.