NotTooLate ago

WTF is this NWO plan. This is so disturbing I'm just providing some of the links. Our government is clearly run by the Council of Foreign Relations and not who we elect. I already knew this but seeing it in writing is devastating.

This guy is so deep state I'm surprised any allegations came out. AND, it makes we wonder if it was a false flag to avoid exposing what's really going on in our government with the millions and millions of our tax payer money.

Foreign affairs legislation sponsored Organization of American States Revitalization and Reform Act of 2013 (S. 793; 113th Congress) – Menendez introduced this bill on April 24, 2013.[99] The bill would require the Secretary of State to develop a multiyear strategy to bolster the Organization of American States (OAS) and improve the OAS’s processes for managing its budget and personnel.[100] The act would require the Secretary to provide quarterly briefings to the Congress on the progress of implementing that strategy.[100] For years, U.S. lawmakers have griped that the Organization of American States (OAS) — which is based in Washington and is largely funded by U.S. taxpayers — has become increasingly bureaucratic, unmanageable, irrelevant and even anti-American. This autumn, Congress finally did something about it. In early July, the Senate approved the Organization of American States Revitalization and Reform Act of 2013 by unanimous consent. On Sept. 17, the House of Representatives passed the bill by a 383-24 vote, and it was signed into law by President Obama two weeks later — thereby becoming the first piece of legislation to be signed by the president since Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), who introduced the bill, took over as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

OrwellKnew ago

Imagine my shock to read this from 2010...

Haiti Adoptions: Menendez Joined By Bipartisan Group Of 33 Senate Colleagues In Asking Feds To Take Additional Steps To Expedite Orphan Adoptions

33 Senate colleagues? You don't say. And wasn't it just alleged here recently that up to 33% of Govt is involved in pedophilia? Oh right, it certainly was

Forgetmenot ago

Oh wow!! This could be its own thread on its own what a good find. I am So glad the kids have you on their side.

Nana66 ago

He went down right before the primary...maybe he's the leaker....since pizzagate started coming out I thought about what reason they let him get taken in and is he really one of them or were they setting him up because he was a danger to them somehow. Assange said the leaker was a Dem and they would be embarrassed or whatever if they came forward...theres also Wiener though.

sore_ass_losers ago

Note that the countries Haiti and the Dominican Republic are two halves of the same island.

sore_ass_losers ago

In the big child trafficking bust that just happened in Haiti:

"Investigators believe the syndicate was preparing to take the children over the Dominican Republic border to then leave the island. Police and other public officials are also investigating possible sexual exploitation being that all the minors were female." 2 days after Clinton Cuts ties to Haiti, Huge Child Sex-trafficking bust takes place.

gosso920 ago

Being a Democrat means never having to say you're sorry.

Forgetmenot ago

The majority that signed that letter that orwellknew posted were democrats.

ThePuppetShow ago

Great example that none of this is "fake news".

You're also doing a great job on the wiki from everything I've seen, thank you.

AreWeSure ago

Actually this is false.

The Department of Justice is investigating Bob Menendez, United States Senator of New Jersey and close Hillary Clinton associate, for claims that he engaged in** illicit activities with underage girls** in the Dominican Republic.

The Justice Dept is not investigating Menedez for sex with underage girls. In fact, they investigated the allegations and closed that part of the investigation. They have charged him with corruption. That is because the child-sex allegations which first appeared a week before the 2012 election in the Daily Caller were shown to the work of his political opponents who paid escorts to lie about him. Many news organizations passed on this story because they doubted the women's credibility including ABC News, the NY Times and even the NY Post.

Woman Says She Was Paid to Lie About Claim of Sex With Senator Menendez

Allegations that Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, had sex with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic were a lie, according to a young woman who signed an affidavit saying she was paid to make the false claims in the week before last year's elections.

Last fall, Republican operatives, who insisted on anonymity, helped arrange the woman's appearance, along with two additional women, in back-to-back, on-line interviews with ABC News and a conservative news website, the Daily Caller.


ABC News did not broadcast or initially report on the claims because of doubts about the women's veracity and identity.

The woman, who was not present when her affidavit was revealed at a press conference by an attorney in the Dominican Republic Monday, said her performance last year was arranged by a Dominican lawyer who had her rehearse statements and promised to pay her well.

Early Tuesday the Daily Caller said the woman who said she was lying was not one of the women featured in their original report. However, the attorney who presented the affidavit Monday identified the woman to reporters in attendance as the female wearing a yellow shirt in a video on the Daily Caller website.

"I never slept with Mr. Menendez nor Mr. Melgin," the woman, Nexis de los Santos Santana, said in her sworn statement, adding she did not know the Senator or the doctor.

Nana66 ago

That is evidence for my theory....

nomorepepperoni ago

Can't prove it definitely, but it could be that someone suspected Menendez was engaged in these activities but couldn't come up with hard data to back it. So the buffoons tried to fabricate evidence instead, which drew in an investigation that brought evidence of other crimes. Somewhat like the Republicans stamping about Benghazi led to real troubles, like Hillary's private server and what it may have contained.

Just a theory though.

AreWeSure ago

It's hard to understand how you missed any of this if you are looking into Menedez. Wikipedia has this is in their section of "Federal Investigations" under his name.

In November 2012, the conservative political news and opinion website Daily Caller published allegations that Menendez had contact with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.[126][127] The allegations were promoted by Republican Party operatives, who arranged interviews for two women accusing Menendez of patronizing prostitutes with ABC News and the Daily Caller.[128] However, ABC News News and other news organizations such as the New York Times, and the New York Post declined to publish the allegations, viewing them as unsubstantiated and lacking credibility.[127][128][129] One of the women who had accused Menendez stated that she had been paid to falsely implicate the Senator and had never met him.[128][130] The Daily Caller says this woman was not interviewed for their story.[131] Menendez's office described the allegations as "manufactured" by a "right-wing blog" as a politically motivated smear.[132] On March 18, 2013 police in the Dominican Republic announced that three women had said they had been paid $300–425 each to lie about having had sex with Menendez.[133]

It's been four years since the women admitted they were paid to lie. This isn't hidden or obscure.

Forgetmenot ago

Haiti and Dominican Republic are front and center with the Clinton foundation too. The sources you cite are not the most credible either. And have been part obfuscating and changing public record especially Wikipedia. MSM is useless at this point.these are all 3rd party sources.

ThePuppetShow ago

You forget who runs the Dominican Republic now and how corrupt the police are.

You also seem to forget that your sources are "fake news" and shouldn't be trusted.

AreWeSure ago

The one source of a fake story in this case was the daily caller. ABC the NY and the NJ peppers all passed on the story because the accusers didn't seem credible

JrSlimss ago

Because information he's citing came out in 2015. They just never updated the Wikipedia page (shock/not shocked.).

RebelSkum ago

You're right that they aren't actively prosecuting Menendez for sex with underage girls, but the probe itself admits there was "corroborating evidence" to this claim and thus they have not been entirely dismissed. This may, unfortunately, just be another case like Hastert and Cunningham where he will be found guilty of corruption and bribery instead.

I did note this in OP, however, because I'm sure others will have similar views on the subject.

AreWeSure ago

"the probe itself admits there was "corroborating evidence" to this claim (sex with underage girls)"
Did you read the actual documents? I think you are misreading the corroborating evidence, it does not corroborate a claim of sex with underage girls, but it's enough to justify investigating the main claim. The FBI was not able to corroborate the claim itself and thus the DOJ brought no charges on that claim. During their investigation they uncovered things they were able substantiate and charged him with those.

In the court filing from the article you cite, the DOJ is defending themselves from the accusations of misconduct. Menedez was trying to get the corruption charges thrown out and the case dismissed by saying the entire investigation is tainted because of this earlier political hitjob. The FBI is saying, no someone came forward with allegations and we rightfully looked into them. We were able to corroborate parts of these allegations. The FBI clearly refers to them as "unproven allegations" in the court filing and also clearly refers to "young women."

By my read the corroborating evidence is as follows.

Witness place Menedez's friend Melgen at a party involving prostitutes. This was in a town where Melgen had a house and Menedez often visited. Melgen has flown numerous young women from the United States and from other countries on his private jet to the Dominican Republic, some of whom he paid. A pilot described “young girls” who “look[ed] like escorts” on Melgen’s private jet Menedez lied about how many times he was on Melgen's plane.

That's the corroborating evidence that is cited. Do you notice what is missing?

RebelSkum ago

It's important to argue both sides and I see where you're coming from, but that last paragraph describes Menendez deliberately lying about how many times he flew on a private jet used by his close associate to traffic "young girls". While it's true there wasn't enough evidence at the time to escalate these charges, do you really have to wonder why Menendez would lie about or downplay his connection to Salomon Melgen?

Dennis Hastert and Randy "Duke" Cunningham set an excellent precedent for this exact kind of scenario.

AreWeSure ago

Corruption would be enough to lie, wouldn't it? Also was Cunningham a pedo. And my notice what's missing question? They don't have corroborated evidence that Menedez was even in that town when the party was held

Dressage2 ago

I agree and being that he is a Democrat I am not surprised that main stream media would not pick it up. They are very selective in who they write about. Great post, RebelSkum

RebelSkum ago

Thank you kindly

JrSlimss ago

Keep reading the page. That subject is fully covered. Also, it's nice to see you again - shilling as always, I see.

RebelSkum ago

Thank you kindly

atheist4thecause ago

Interestingly lead.

cakeoflightylight ago

Robert Menendez is one of the worst Senators of all time. I fought that guy several years back for years in a row before Obama handed him what he wanted. He is in the pocket of basically everyone and they are in his pocket. I hope he does go down and fast.

ThePuppetShow ago

What do you mean by "I fought that guy for years"? Were you in politics?

cakeoflightylight ago

I fought him at the grassroots level, started a petition against some of his federal legislation, led a coalition of other groups and went lobbying against a bill of his for a few years and then we lost via Obamacare. I am just a mom but I ended up causing a lot of media because they freaked out when my petition went viral and then they attacked us for years and got even more publicity for our side. I hate that guy with a passion. Eventually I was interviewed in TIME. That was a long time ago.

vintagedaisy ago

Now this is what REAL activism looks like.

ThePuppetShow ago

Keep up the good fight. Thank you.

RebelSkum ago

Wow, great work!

RebelSkum ago

He and Salomon are sketchy as fuck

cakeoflightylight ago

Political favors for their favorite pedos. More money and underage girls to go get some pizza.

RexAxisMundi ago

Nothing surprises me anymore. What a joke. String em up.