sore_ass_losers ago

Some follow-up at the Haiti Sentinel:

Owner of Kaliko Beach Hotel is "uncooperative, defiant, and boastful".

Number of arrests of involved adults went from 18 to 12 to 9. Original post said arrests included missionaries and foreigners. Girls talked of 'blans' luring them (could mean 'whites' or 'foreigners').

Police issued departure bans on Monday, hoping those individuals were still in the country.

Police found marijuana and cocaine, not used much in Haiti since pricey.

'The commissioner also said that a laptop was seized at the scene. He said there are photos and videos of adults participating in what he described as “abuse” and sexual acts with minors, not of the some 31 who rescued at the hotel. He says he is more certain than ever that the “child-trafficking”, as he called it, that was thwarted at Kaliko Beach Club, includes sex-trafficking and the sex-trade. For his assistant, Madame Prévost, findings in the laptop, drugs and currencies at the scene hint to a “large network”, she said.'


Yuser_Manuel ago

Here it says 33, but this is the recent bust, not the laura silsby one.

Pay attention to 33...

atheist4thecause ago

This is the most interesting bust of all the busts to me. You have a situation that was almost identical to the Laura Silsby situation, an American journalist (Glenn Beck) predicting the arrests, and that means that there was likely American investigative agencies involved. The importance of that is my understanding is that American investigative agencies can't get involved unless there is American involvement in some way. Trafficking is extremely common on Hispaniola, and I think the key to tackling trafficking in the USA is by tackling trafficking in Central America and the Carribean.

sore_ass_losers ago

"Among the arrested were 9 adults, foreigners, including missionaries among them."

quantokitty ago

This is following the pattern of TPTB getting rid of competition so the elites can have more of the global sex trafficking pie.

sore_ass_losers ago

Another thread here based on the Jamaica Observer story:

Haiti police rescue dozens, arrest 12 in human trafficking ring. Funny these arrests are happening just after CF closes shop in Haiti

sore_ass_losers ago

Linked from that page:

Trump Towards the Rise of a Haitian Narco-State

'Mr. Trump wants to dismantle the “failed foreign policy” of former U.S. President Barack Obama, a foreign policy fashioned by the Clintons. No where, but in Haiti, are the Clintons’ fingerprints so muddied the landscape. The Obama-Clinton support for the rise of criminal elements in the 2010 elections and throughout the years since, is no longer. This means the incoming administration of Jovenel Moise, the hand-picked continuation of the regime, holding no political legitimacy, already roiled in scandals of drug-trafficking and money-laundering, will not have that safety net.

Furthermore, Mr. Trump has shown an inclination to pull support from the United Nations. Its peacekeepers in Haiti have led to deaths, sexual assault, and been embroiled in scandals for politicizing the electoral process and supporting the despotic power holders who have a quasi-totalitarian inclination. Before Mr. Moïse has even taken office he’s impressed on the judiciary, regulatory and oversight institutions, and has a Parliament of heinous, some convicted, criminals to accept his bribes. The scene is set.

All these signs, including the history of U.S. Republican administrations towards Haiti, suggest President Trump will not be into playing games, equivocating or extending the soft bigotry of low expectations characterized by the Democrat foreign policy towards Haiti. Haitian politicians, seen by their arrogance in carousing with crime syndicates, seem to not see it coming.


The political party in power in Haiti was backed by the Clinton State Department in 2010 in spectacular fashion, including riots funded by USAID and election results “changed”, according to the chief election official, by Cheryl Mills, the secretary’s chief of staff and exec at the Clinton Foundation.

To ensure a smooth siphon of billions in earthquake relief funds, the 2010 State Department supported what the Kerry State Department would later call one of the most corrupt administrations in the country’s history. Haitians began learning about the inner-workings of the public-private corruption in the country only recently, although it had long been suspected.'

Talks about Rex TIllerson's involvement with Haiti and the scandals of the new President there. The founder and editor-in-chief of the Haiti Sentinel Samuel Maxime is an expat living in the U.S. Seems like a good resource for Haitian issues.

privatepizza ago

This info deserves a thread of its own imho. Needs to be shared big style.

sore_ass_losers ago


Clinton, Trump, and the Haitian Narco-State

privatepizza ago

Superb. Hope this really gets out. Im gonna meme it. Cheers !

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I swear to God, if those slimy Clintons have cut a deal...

Micheal84 ago

Im not sure if i can post this here, as im totally new to this. But i found something interesting wich contains the Clintons and "the family" some sort of cult. If im not supposed to put it here im sorry, please check it out for yourself.

Its a letter a guy wrote for the Clintons, telling them about a group of singers performing at the whitehouse, they where part of the bigger group "the family" a cult in which pedophelia was a common thing. Im thinking they new pretty good about them and maybe they offert more then just a singing band.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Looks like that Children Of God has evolved over the years:

This site has a crapload of info and they're a godforsaken sick bunch. Too much to link but here's a bit:

Family leadership, admitting only that some children were abused from 1978 until 1986, created policies prohibiting excessive discipline and sexual contact between adults and minors. Those found to have abused children after December 1988 are supposedly excommunicated, but their crimes are also allegedly often left unreported to the police. In a now-exposed secret directive, current leader Karen Zerby declared in 1993 that child-adult sex is not inherently wrong. She explained that although they were forced to show outsiders they were complying with the law, members should not lose sight of what they truly believe on the inside. To deny culpability and uphold its image makeover, The Family requires members to leave the group if they wish to report child abuse to a law enforcement agency, or pursue legal action against an alleged abuser within the group—as a result they can technically say that no members have reported any sexual crimes as of late. Founder David Berg, who initially lived with the first colonies (their early name for Communities or Homes), moved away to live in secret locations known only to top ranking leaders of the group. He communicated with his followers via Mo Letters—directives on a myriad of spiritual and practical subjects—until his death in late 1994, when his mistress Karen Zerby took over leadership of the Family.


Practiced since 1995 by members of the Children of God/Family International — both male and female members as young as 12, but more fully from the age of 14, are taught that Jesus literally desires to have sex with them. The "Loving Jesus revelation" calls on Family members to do three things: They are to visualise their sexual activity as happening with Jesus; They are called on to masturbate to Jesus — men are instructed to visualise themselves as women so that Jesus can make love to them; They are told to say "love words," or talk dirty, to Jesus as they are having sex. Karen Zerby has published a list of sexually explicit expressions that her followers could use when making love to Jesus

Areas active:

Areas where The Family International have remained active for many years and are generally active today include

Tateyama, Japan

Budapest, Hungary

Lima, Peru

Bangkok, Thailand

Washington, DC, US

sore_ass_losers ago

I'm happy to post it for you (and give credit) if it's too daunting or if indeed you aren't allowed to post as a newbie (I'm not up on the voat rules).

Micheal84 ago

If you want you can do your thing, im at work now and dont have much time. Feel free to post. The cult is lead by TFI or The Family International, didnt have time to dig into but will be doing so later on. Thanks for the reply btw.

sore_ass_losers ago

Well, I don't want to take away your points, credibility, or glory on this one. Anyway, I should get off Voat for now. I'll pitch in on your thread.

Micheal84 ago

I will check if i can post it later on, thanks for the help so far!

sore_ass_losers ago

Great find! This needs to be a top-level submission. I searched on "the family" and "children of god" and found nothing much yet.

Just copy what you wrote (minus the first sentence :) ), click the blue "Discuss" button at the top of the page, and paste it into place. You'll need a title also. How about something like "The Family/Children of God at the Clinton Whitehouse"?

Thanks! Really good stuff!

sore_ass_losers ago

An interesting twist in the Haiti Sentinel story, it mentions Pizzagate and says Glenn Beck tweeted:

"Big op going down in 2 hours. 20 plus kids. Youngest is 10 and has been filmed the last couple years in child porn videos. #rescueslaves".

The Sentinel links to a site which questions:

"So the timing, location, and number of kids were right. He tweeted about it before it happened. Why?

Was he warning his friends? Was he bragging? Will he participate in taking down the pedophiles?"

This quote is from a user /u/murphy212 on reddit.

libertyvs ago

I popped out of Beck yonks ago. Is he relevant ? Accurate?

sore_ass_losers ago

Apparently in this instance he was both relevant and accurate.

He has some involvement with an orphanage in Haiti and has promoted Operation Underground Railroad.

So I suppose his getting news of the raid ahead of time could be innocent. Still it seems like a dumb idea to tweet it ahead of time (although actually he didn't specify the location was Haiti).

In response Twitter user Thomas Bernpaine quotes reddit user nesquik:

"Any private organization that's involved in children is suspect. Glenn Beck should not be trusted. He supports Yamie Chess. Yamie Chess being a kid's learning books front for an analytic company, even says so on their own website under 'our businesses.' This same company is attached to Todd & Clare, the dating site that was trying to frame Julian Assange with child pedophilia." Gives a reddit link.

Astrodreamer ago

The big question is: where were the girls going? Kalorama? tunnels? Arkansas landing strip?

r3dtr1x ago

"NEW YORK CITY, New York, USA ( – The Clinton Foundation announced, Saturday, that it was cutting its programs in Haiti, spinning them into separate entities according to news reports.

Because the foundation’s announcement came just a day, a day and a half, at most, of a Haitian police anti-child-trafficking raid which led to the rescue of 31 girls, minors, on Sunday, it has spurred conversation among internet sleuths, leery of the Clintons and the U.S. political establishment. It is from these sources the Haiti Sentinel was made aware of the foundation’s developments not previously reported by our news agency. However, The Sentinel has no reason to believe the two events are inherently linked."

---- riiiiiiiiiiiight

libertyvs ago

sounds like a name change.

party1981 ago

Right. So suspicious. This is like the 10th suspicious thing this week. First 4chan anon. Then FBIanon returns. Bust in PA. Amber Alert in SuperBowl. Bust in Haiti. Glen Beck tweeting about Haiti bust. California bust.

What else am I missing? We should make a full list.

micha_ ago

Amber Alert in Super Bowl?

party1981 ago

I thought about this, but it turned out to be a false alarm. However, someone else has said that there was another incident related to the Amber Alert, which was real. I don't fully understand what happened here?

DevilintheDetails ago

DHS human trafficking super bowl commercial with blatant pizza logo! I swear that was no coincidence. .

party1981 ago

This was released Jan. 3, so I am not including it in the week's events.

dookiehowzer ago

imagine the movies and documentaries that will come of this, and how connected and informed you will be when you watch

sore_ass_losers ago

That Tom Cruise character 'dookiehowzer', that was me! (Just kidding.)

ThePoorPeople ago

Off note, I'm so glad we helped find Alexis Weber; the shit that twisted fucker posted to brag was just vile.

party1981 ago

Don't know what that is?

ThePoorPeople ago

You may want a bowl nearby for the first meme he posts.

Goatinaboat ago

Looks like posts have been removed. Here is a link to the only archived snapshot of your link.

ThePoorPeople ago


Thrash57 ago

Could you please link me to the return of fbi anon. I must have missed it

party1981 ago

draegspir ago

No idea why you are being downvoted. That was a great read to catch me up to speed so far. Thank you!

party1981 ago

The downvoter was annoyed with me spraying links to my new thread. So I stopped.

Premeditated123 ago

Roseanne made several tweets!

party1981 ago

I don't think she has inside information, so I wouldn't count that.

See my new post:

JvbJvb ago

I mean she nows people in Hollywood corey feldmans talked about it

party1981 ago

I mean, I see your point, but I'm thinking that's not clear enough to add the list. It's kind of my own subjective judgment, I could be wrong not to include her. I want to show how strong the evidence is already with more concrete sources/claims.

srayzie ago

How do we know Clinton cut ties?

sore_ass_losers ago

If you go to the above Haiti Sentinel link, there's a headline on the right under Related Posts Clinton Foundation Quits Haiti.

That story says: "Because the foundation’s announcement came just a day, a day and a half, at most, of a Haitian police anti-child-trafficking raid which led to the rescue of 31 girls, minors, on Sunday, it has spurred conversation among internet sleuths, leery of the Clintons and the U.S. political establishment. It is from these sources the Haiti Sentinel was made aware of the foundation’s developments not previously reported by our news agency. However, The Sentinel has no reason to believe the two events are inherently linked."

(I see @r3dtr1x already posted this; anyway the link is right by the OP story.)

srayzie ago

Ok thank you!

party1981 ago

The_Invincible_Moose ago

Quit spamming links to your thread in someone else's unless you want a bunch of downvotes. We all know how to read the subverse index and will look at your thread if/when we want to.

privatepizza ago

It's useful to link to other posts, imho. A few threads cover the same subject and may have different useful info.

sore_ass_losers ago

Okay, now I see he posted it several times, see your point about spamming.

sore_ass_losers ago

I always put links to other threads, although I do try to remember to put a title also.

It's not an ego thing because they are not my threads. I think crosslinking the information makes it more useful, especially since people tend to post a multitude of threads at different times about the same topic.

Special bonus for linking to deleted threads.

I don't give a shit about downvotes.

JvbJvb ago

Clearly the guy just wanted to know

party1981 ago
