madhatter67 ago

This is true....For those that make it up the chain....Pretty sure many don't

privatepizza ago

Yep, that must be the price on the ground. The wholesale price. Imagine how much money they're making come the end of the line?

sore_ass_losers ago

Another thread here based on the Haiti Sentinel coverage:

2 days after Clinton Cuts ties to Haiti, Huge Child Sex-trafficking bust takes place..

Fateswebb ago

Right because you have it, but now you have to trafficking and find a buyer and you're risking prison in doing so.... still that's fucked up man. Sick people.

Fateswebb ago


Other nations on the list are Surinam, Myanmar, Djibouti, Papua New Guinea, Sudan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

0fsgivin ago

Last week, we received information that young girls were being sold for 300 dollars each

Am I weirdo because I find this to be the most disheartening part? I mean good fucking lord. You can buy a girl for 300 fucking dollars? That's how god damn high that the supply is that a PERSON a CHILD costs 300 fucking dollars. Do you know what kind of demand that must be for that to be the price? The volume of people going through distrubition as well.

You don't spend 300 dollars on a rarely purchased commodity. Just what the actual fuck. I gotta apologize to the guy who said "it's dumb to assume this has anything to do with clinton because of how many traffickers they are." I agreed there might not be a connection but that this shit isn't all that common. But fuck he was right. If the price is that fucking low for a person this shit's far more common than I thought.

sore_ass_losers ago

The Haiti Sentinel reports: "Investigators believe the syndicate was preparing to take the children over the Dominican Republic border to then leave the island."

So initially they are $300 (probably is a lot of money in Haiti), then the trafficker smuggles them off the island and I'm sure the price goes way up.

As far as the Clinton connection, for sure we have this already:

"Haiti, a continuously cited refrain during the presidential campaign, will eventually come up on Mr. Trump’s to-do list. Here, he will find a rising narco-state left behind by the failed Obama-Clinton foreign policy based on backing corrupt regimes, exploitation of Haitians’ ills, in order to siphon billions of aid to friends of Bill.


No where, but in Haiti, are the Clintons’ fingerprints so muddied the landscape. The Obama-Clinton support for the rise of criminal elements in the 2010 elections and throughout the years since, is no longer."

EndThePizza ago

I don't think it has to do with supply, I think it had more to do with the child being otherwise "worthless". If you get something for free, selling it for any amount of money is a profit

Fateswebb ago

Maybe someone was selling out their stock quickly and getting out of the area?

0fsgivin ago

Ah, that is a very valid point.

nitro169 ago

OMG, I can't believe they wrote this "Haiti has been placed on the US State Department's black list of nations where human trafficking has flourished, largely because of a failure to vigorously investigate, prosecute, convict, and sentence traffickers." LOL

So washington DC is blacklisting countries for failing to investigate traffickers????

This makes my head hurt.

EndThePizza ago

They're not "blacklisting countries", it's a list saying "these countries are disgusting (black) for not prosecuting this"

Freemasonsrus ago

So the investigation started three months ago. Hmm..what happened three months ago?? Oh ya! DJT was elected and the Clinton crime cartel was officially put on notice. But that's just a coincidence of course, along with the 474 people arrested in CA. After seeing Trump say that the U.S. isn't so innocent and has killers too, I am even more pumped to see the faces on these stupid journalists when indictments are handed down and the actual depth and breadth of evil is exposed.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

That statement was not off the cuff by any means.

Freemasonsrus ago

Nothing he says ever is. He's much more calculated than his style would have people believe.

Ocelot ago

"We found 33 girls, 20 of them minors, piled together in one room," Danton Leger, government commissioner for Port-au-Prince, told local radio.

How the hell is this not getting covered? This is abhorrent. Journalism is dead.

GunzRazorsKniiiivez ago

"We found 33 girls"

Of course they did, there's the magic 33 popping up yet again.

ListenUp ago

That seems to be a very low number, hopefully they will rescue more soon. Usually one investigation leads to another, let's hope it finds it's way to Hampstead too...

TigerCatcher ago

I find it amusing that this isn't being reported on - This should be the story of a century for an unbiased journalist, if those even exist anymore.

User890020 ago

Well no, it could hurt Hillary's chances!

FuckReddit69 ago

The MSM has been suspiciously silent amid these global/domestic rings coming to light.

DrumpfBTFO ago

Easier for them to yell fascism if/when the arrests happen.

derram ago | :

Haiti police rescue dozens, arrest 12 in human trafficking ring - News - Jamaica Observer Mobile

'Officials said the arrests took place Sunday at a tourist resort outside the capital Port-au-Prince after a three month investigation. '

'The raid took place at the Kaliko Beach Club, some 60 kilometres (37 miles) outside the capital. '

'PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AFP) — Police in Haiti over the weekend rescued dozens of women and girls on the verge of being sold, and placed 12 suspected human traffickers under arrest, authorities said. '

'"Last week, we received information that young girls were being sold for 300 dollars each," said Leger, who holds a post equivalent to government prosecutor. '

'"We found 33 girls, 20 of them minors, piled together in one room," Danton Leger, government commissioner for Port-au-Prince, told local radio. '

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