smiter ago

He does seem to have become a bit unhinged, less coherent. Burnt out? Close to stress related mental breakdown?

VieBleu ago

Such a kind thing to say! Nicest thing I've heard in awhile actually. Keep strong and sensitive and evolving, just as you are. And no housework! lol

party1981 ago

The comments to the tweet are interesting.

We don't know for sure what the tweet is about, but I'm guessing that it's about melting steel at 9/11 WTC.

VieBleu ago

you are on it - so good you are open to alternative therapies, so many people aren't. hope you are feeling better soon.

VieBleu ago

That is great! ask your acupuncturist if they know of a LOW IMPACT chiropractor. That practice has changed a lot and now the good ones don't crunch your bones but do very precise tuning - may be worth looking into for your spine. : )

VieBleu ago

Hi - just saw this so answering 2nd. Don't worry about my questions, the last thing I want is any stress your way, especially on account of that. So sorry about your pain, I wonder if you have ever considered acupuncture? It can be really good for chronic conditions and is covered by most insurance. I've seen it do amazing things. at the very least, it can increase circulation around troubled and impacted areas, helping the blood to cleanse and heal, but it can do much more, "rewiring" your neural paths and unblocking them. But it takes several treatments usually over a few weeks. Just put whoever isn't afraid of needles in charge and go for it!

As far as the high level arrests, I am afraid for me it sounds way too good to be true. I don't think you haul in big fish like that the day after a new AG is sworn in, god I hope I am wrong. These high level types have layers and layers between them and the criminal enterprises they enable, and many of them are lawyers themselves like both the Clintons. They may have gotten sloppy but they are far from stupid. I honestly believe it would take an actual documented photo of them in the middle of ritual and or sex with their faces clearly showing to get them actually arrested and even then it would be considered "politically motivated" by a loud segment. I don't think that's what is going to happen and if it were, I don't think it would be this leaky all over the place. God I hope I'm wrong. There are good signs with new busts every day, and maybe they can work their way up some chains. I say have some skepticism and then if it happens it can be a great surprise.

VieBleu ago

It may very well have been him! his name seems to ring a bell for me, but I didn't actually pay attention to the moments when he was introduced. It was a show from about 4 or 5 days ago. Next time you go in, ask if he did a Coast 2 Coast interview with George Noory. So glad to hear about your aspirations, you'd be GREAT. Your traumas would be the mechanism to help heal others. Keep me posted. Warm warm wishes.

VieBleu ago

Hi - haven't heard from you in awhile - everything ok?

VieBleu ago

sometimes the coast to coast programs get swept off you tube as they are considered "bootlegged" though new shows are regularly put up there probably as marketing. sorry that one is gone.

Basically it was a Christian minister who was a serial ritual abuse specialist. He talked about how people can be split through family bloodlines to create personalities who will murder and do other acts uknown to the core personality, but he also talked about how a "demonic" entitiy through the ritual side of abuse can inhabit the person to give them unusual strength and powers as well. So he seemed to be comfortable with both the secular and the religious take on this phenomenon. He talked about globalism and how the globalist think this activity gives them power to dominate the earth, whether we believe in it or not. He said he had been threatened with harm to his own daughter early on when doing this work.

party1981 ago

Thank you!

Swissmiss ago

Trump must be aware of what is going on in Haiti and hopefully will clear things up: President Trump Announces Presidential Delegation to the Republic of Haiti to Attend the Inauguration of His Excellency Jovenel Moïse

party1981 ago

Oh wow this is amazing

micha_ ago

The headlines right now:

Human traffickers face cash crunch after Western Union probe

Slavery thrives in the gaps between our knowledge

India’s horrifying sex slave trade is thriving with impunity

party1981 ago

Yes this is all consistent with my theory, it's happening.

Birdzeyeview ago

  1. Venus aligns with Jupiter conjunct Saturn, this Thursday. 200 year event!!!!!!

  2. 'They' are all packing their toothbrushes for the stay in the Big House (secret pedo code for the Slammer) !!!!!

  3. my bung leg is aching just like it does when there's gonna be A Big. Storm. !!!!!!!

  4. Hillary's pacemaker is set to GO DARK ...also This Thursday, OMG the Polonium has Leaked Through!!!!!!

  5. NONE of the pedos or ELITES in the USA have bought Valentines as They are all gonna be SUICIDED or LOCKED UP by Valentine's day (pedo SECRET CODE for Valentine's day!!!!!)

  6. what? oh, I forget the other 5,892 signs.....zzzzzzzz

unrealisthenewreal ago

The flight attendant news story is weird to me because last week in CA they arrested 474 people in relation to human trafficking, yet ZERO coverage of it anywhere. So why is this story that happened A WHOLE YEAR ago getting so much coverage now? Very strange. Maybe it's a special message to all the human traffickers out there that things have been compromised and that no one is safe? Just a theory...

party1981 ago

I agree with you that it is really weird.

Scirel ago

Larry Hagmann, in his interview with Alex Jones on Monday Feb. 6, related that Preet Bharara (US Atty, NY Southern District) now feels free to move forward with indictments.

party1981 ago

George Webb keeps saying that PB is probably compromised and involved in exrorting money from wall st, like with Martha Stewart. But Webb had made mistakes in the past.

crystalclearme ago

I agree- I also would suggest people look to their own state/local news to see what is going on. Also there is the story of a flight attendant that rescued a girl on a plane. The actual story is from 2011 .Is odd to me it was released yesterday

party1981 ago

You are correct. I added this to the list.

party1981 ago

I will have to check that out. You make a good point.

party1981 ago

This is a good point.

Vindicator ago

Nice summary post, OP. One hint: a really great way to include citations to your sources is to turn the mention of it in your text directly into an embedded hyperlink. It's really easy. You just highlight whatever key words of the text you want to turn into a blue link, go to the little tool bar that is right above the editing window, and click the third button, which looks like a piece of chain. That will create a little box, into which you can paste the url of your source. That way, you won't have to include a bunch of footnotes. :-)

NoBS ago

Thank you for adding value to this post while helping us tech-tards get an education. Not making fun of "our" ignorance is a nice touch. Enjoy ;-)

Vindicator ago

Hey man, this platform is NOT intuitive. Took me at least 100 comments to figure that out. It's nearly unworkable on a mobile device. :-)

educate_yourself ago

always wondered how to do this. ty

party1981 ago

Yes, that would have been easier. Thank you, mod!

VieBleu ago

Coast to Coast AM has not mentioned pizzagate or done a show on it for months now since it broke, (maybe a quick news item mention of the pizzagate shooter guy but that's it since it broke), but they just did a show now on "Ritual Satanic Abuse" and the guy ties it into the government and the military. Maybe they feel safer to talke about it now that there is a buzz that there will be some movement by law enforcement

party1981 ago

I hope so. That is a good sign!

fatjohn1408 ago

Ben Swann went dark on Feb 1. Stating, "it's all good, trust me." Consistent with David Seaman.

Alex Jones went and did the exact opposite going on the Joe Rogan show saying Trump was already "rolling up the rimfields"

draegspir ago

Thanks for the great summary! Going to be keeping an eye on this stuff.

party1981 ago

Thank you!

Phenomenonanon ago

Chavetz meeting with Trump tom

party1981 ago

This does not seem to be #pizzagate related, and in fact seems to be pro-Trump-impeachment, so I am inclined not to include it?

Phenomenonanon ago

No he got the go ahead from Trump to investigate investigate investigate. It has nothing to do with impeachment.

party1981 ago

The article I just linked to (above) says that they are probably talking about the Oversight Committee investigating whether Trump's DC hotel violates the lease.

r3dtr1x ago

That's an opinion piece. They have no better insight into the meeting than any of us do. However, I do know for a fact that the oversight committee also requested the data from Hillary Clinton's private email server from the FBI on Jan 27th.

party1981 ago

That's a great point. I hope you are right. Should I add the link?

r3dtr1x ago

nah I wouldn't. We don't know for sure, we can only speculate one way or the other.

party1981 ago

Ha, too late! I already did. :)

But I added a caveat.

Phenomenonanon ago

Guarantee that won't be the only matter discussed

party1981 ago

I hope you are right.

Phenomenonanon ago


party1981 ago

I think she is a supporter, like us, without insider knowledge, so I'm inclined not to include her.

But I agree that her Tweets were amazing.

HolyMoly0 ago

There's also this video from Homeland Security.

party1981 ago

That was released on January 3, so I wouldn't count it.

But when I saw it, it blew me away.

HolyMoly0 ago

Ah shit. Thought it came out when it was posted here the other day.

party1981 ago

I thought so too. Still mindblowing to see DHS make an obvious nod to #pizzagate.

HolyMoly0 ago

And still under Obama on Jan 3.

party1981 ago

This is a good point too. Makes you tend to think that the art/director/writer/contractor/low-level-DHS person did this without official approval from FBI/DHS leadership.

Or not... David Seaman said that his inside source at inauguration party was DHS.

derram ago :

Glenn Beck on Twitter: "Big op going down in 2 hours. 20 plus kids. Youngest is 10 and has been filmed the last couple years in child porn videos. #rescueslaves" :

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) | Twitter

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