survey_girl ago

I would like to remind everyone of Trump's visit to little Haiti in Miami during the campaign.... There are a lot of Hatians that hate the Clintons Notice how the "press" (fake news) flees around 14:30 when they don't like what they are hearing... I believe it was supposed to be an hour long - but they cut it off and stopped recording it.

Astrodreamer ago

Yet Clinton mole Omorosa is going down to Haiti supposedly with Trump's blessings on the new Clinton puppet president today? What's that all about?

sore_ass_losers ago

Hmm, not familiar with this Omorosa.

The original article was the Haitian ex-pats wishful thinking that Trump is going to kick some ass. But it's a delicate situation, this new, scandal-ridden President is in power, how does he deal with that? We'll see.

privatepizza ago

No where, but in Haiti, are the Clintons’ fingerprints so muddied the landscape.

This press report is PURE GOLD.

privatepizza ago

To ensure a smooth siphon of billions in earthquake relief funds, the 2010 State Department supported what the Kerry State Department would later call one of the most corrupt administrations in the country’s history.

THIS in the Haitian press? #itshappening

sore_ass_losers ago

Well it's English language Haitian press published by an expatriate. I imagine he's more free to criticize.

I didn't know Kerry turned around and called it this (and haven't fact checked that).

privatepizza ago

The political party in power in Haiti was backed by the Clinton State Department in 2010 in spectacular fashion, including riots funded by USAID and election results “changed”, according to the chief election official, by Cheryl Mills, the secretary’s chief of staff and exec at the Clinton Foundation.

The Clinton State Department under Hillary Clinton along with Cheryl Mills, cited as directly complicit? Isn't this what we've been looking for?

sore_ass_losers ago

More on this allegation:

'In fact, Pierre Louis Opont, who served as Director General of Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) in 2010 and then was appointed by the country’s elite to serve as CEP president for Haiti’s 2015 failed highly fraudulent highly violent elections, said in a July 2, 2015 interview (audio) [link in original] that it was Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s Chief of Staff at the State Department and “volunteer” executive at the Clinton Foundation, who changed the election results.'

Trump's Haiti Policy Looks Much Like Obama-Clinton's, Early

sore_ass_losers ago

I posted this as a comment on the following thread and @privatepizza suggested it would be a good thread on it's own.

2 days after Clinton Cuts ties to Haiti, Huge Child Sex-trafficking bust takes place..