victuruslibertas ago

Hmmm.. Interesting and noted. Thanks

FriesischShipping ago

Actually it's instead of 11, 9 and almost 7 years old. Gotta Correct The Record here, ya know?

Coloradical2 ago

I hope to hell they get the Clintons and are at least able to expose the royalty, heads of state, other elites involved in this, intelligence agencies, etc. All of these arrests won't mean a damned thing if they don't cut off the head of the snake.

Vic138 ago

33 is an odd number. 33 is an 'illuminati' number. JFK was killed in Dallas on the 33rd parralel. Pope John 1 was killed on the 33 day as Pope.

The 33rd day of Trump's presidency is Feb 22. Keep that date in mind. In fact, he should stay inside the WH and have his own security guard him that whole week.

Vic138 ago

According to Henry Vinson who wrote (co-wrote with Nick Bryant author of the Franklin Scandal) "Diary of a DC Madam" (Gay DC Madam that is), he said that about 70% of congress used his services. He offered mostly underage boys, but some underage girls.

party1981 ago

I've read the original FBIanon transcripts many, many, many times. This guy sounds exactly the same. I think this is real, which means this is VERY VERY good news, the best news we have had in a long time.

I think this is also one of the FBI insiders who is feeding George Webb information.

Trs0817 ago

Postal police is the enforcement arm and inspectors are investigators. I would assume they look into body parts and drugs being sent through the mail.

sunajAeon ago

A video based on A supposed interview with a supposed insider-rather meaningless

GloryoftheGodEmperor ago

Nail 'em up

JohnnySkidmarx ago

Oh crap, I was once 33 years old!

victuruslibertas ago

Dude.. I am NOT a click baiter,, I am a white hat. So NO to whatever you say next

P8prclip ago

I now understand how and why rino Republicans exist..."play ball or explain to your families and constituents why you like little children" all comes down to extortion for political gain!

FriesischShipping ago

is the goal post 3 yards off the ground and 11 yards wide as well?

AliensInParis ago

How are we sure this video is legit?

Poot_McGarvey ago

We aren't. keep digging. But there is a glimmer of hope here.

srayzie ago

I'm gonna be pissed if the arrests doesn't include the Podesta brother or James Alefantis because that's just obvious.


joe biden has many tells of fondling children during public appearances.

srayzie ago

Oh I know. So creepy

User890020 ago

srayzie ago

Ugh. See how it's like he's inching his hand towards the little girls chest?? I would have a gut feeling about him in about 1 second after meeting him. There was one where a politician was taking pictures with his family and Biden. When Biden reached down to touch his granddaughter, the grandpa sapped his hand away 👍🏻 So he must have known he was a pervert.

MysticMa ago

That was Jeff Sessions our new AG!!!

User890020 ago


srayzie ago

Really?? I had no clue!

shoosh ago

Yeah, I better be seeing a T.P. and B.C. . show up right about now.
And Weiner better not get a cushy plea deal either.

logjam ago

If we don't see those names included - we know it's an inside job yet again.

Weiner. I don't advocate his behaviour, but if he talked - I think it would be a good trade. Someone has to spill the beans and get off lighter.

ArthurEdens ago

Let them burn

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Nanci Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Anthony Wiener, Barney Frank, MB?, Tim Kaine, DF? , John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Richard Blumenthal?

crystalclearme ago

Really need make sure BOTH perps from BOTH parties are arrested or this is going to go over as a coup of a dictator. The media is going to play a helpful part in this or they will be ringing the last of the death knells of their existence and relevancy

4thDaGrymReaper ago

I don't think that matters, media could swing it as "anyone that disagrees with Trump goes to prison", MSM is a bunch of faggots that would do this type of shit day and day out.

MysticMa ago

There will be media moguls & pundents going down with the rest of the DC scum! Just wait & see...

Wolftrail7272 ago

Postal inspectors I believe. Yes, very good point. They do not mess around.

ScientiaPotentia ago

CES - Chuck Ellis Schumer?

NP - Nancy Pelosi

BF - Bernie Frank?

MB - Marion Barry or Michael Bloomberg?

TK - Tim Kaine?

DF - Diane Feinstein?

JM - John MaCain?

LG ?????

Freemasonsrus ago

Let's remember where the most activity takes place first. NY, DC, LA, ect and work backwards from there on names. He only gave a few initials. If he is correct, there are a lot more. Specifically he mentioned news and pundits as well. I don't think any of these are that hard to figure out when you look into who has been the most virulently anti-Trump.

Vic138 ago

Maybe instead of MB he had a slight case of dyslexia and really meant BM, in which case it would be Bob Menendez.

He was caught with underage girls in the Dominican Republic with a major donor a few years back under Obama and they used it to keep him in line. The charges went away, but everyone knew he was guilty.

carmencita ago

Right on Barnie Frank. Then Lindsey Graham. Barnie Frank was involved in some really kinky stuff decades ago. He lent his apt. For sex or something like that. He is slimy.

Vic138 ago

Three names notably missing are: BC, HRC and JP

party1981 ago

Also Huma Abedin.

What is this? It looks to me like FBIanon's "plan B" arrest enough people to make a statement and shut it down, but don't cause a civil war.

ravensedgesom ago

Pelsoi has been on our radar for a while with her goat hill pizza restaurant

4thDaGrymReaper ago

From a post I remember from Anonymous5 Schumer and McCain were incest pedophiles, then maybe just regular pedos later. Here is a discussion from Anonymous5 here. 6th post from the topic by Anonymous5 on January 17, 2017.

Links to more archives.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Is Marion Barry dead? Would be hillarious if its Bloomberg, helps with setting up keystone pipeline though.

Jem777 ago

You got it with a Lindsay Graham to add

srayzie ago

Omg I would jump for joy if McCain is one of them. Damn trader. Shumer too! I'd like to see some real tears.Someone said yesterday that Amy Shumer is related to Chuck Shumer which is why she's freaking out!

TimesUp ago

Amy's father is Chuck Schumer's second cousin...

srayzie ago

Oh ok. So maybe their all freaked out

Arrvee ago

Or it could be...

CES - Consumer Electronics Show

NP - P/NP problem

BF - Best Fwiend

MB - Marlon Brando

TK - Technical Knockout

DF - Dumb Fuck

JM - @intelwire

LG - cheap monitors

Guessing is fun!

ScientiaPotentia ago

The subject is current standing or Obama era politicians in the US government. Now that you have the right boundary conditions please try again.

ArthurEdens ago

DF = Diane Feinstein

LG = Luis Gutiérrez

Tanngrisnir ago

Lindsey Graham?

party1981 ago

This is obvious. John McCain and LG are the most pro-war neocucks in the GOP who tried to destroy the God emperor.

ArthurEdens ago

That dude is sleeze

Jem777 ago

Also 1/3 of the fallen angels in the book of Enoch. There have been six sets of initials of high profile politicians released now in various leaks from sources all found to be credible through time. These initials correspond with the political opponents on the Dem and Reb who were and still are so outraged by Trump and tried stopping Sessions from becoming A. G. It all becomes clear now

Jem777 ago

This information was being provided by the FBIANON that first put it into 4 chan in July. For those not following the FBI was trapped they cannot prosecute they can only investigate. The DOJ was/is corrupted or compromised by HRC plants who themselves were linked to CP. The AG Lynch was a BC appointee and then Obama appointee. The DOJ would not allow for prosecution. FBI had to enlist the American people to help them. Patriots yes but more than that moral human beings who would stop at nothing to save innocent children and speak truth to power. That is all of us together.

salinaslayer ago

I'd never paid much attention to the FBI but these people amazing

shoosh ago

They got more than American help, they got global attention.

The public connections need to be global to clean up this world operation. We see the Clinton foundation lost its global $$ likely because of public awareness in each country.

35k marched in Belgium against the political pedo-web and it's still going.
One country alone can't do anything without the world uniting to stand behind every child anywhere within the world. According to the dark web traffick thread sellers and distributors can get and send kids from anywhere to anywhere. We need to keep spreading each news segment on global share and enlist The World to help them. In turn it will help each country.

idontlikesalmon ago

Actually it was 300k people marching. Nothing but cover ups afterwards.

unkyshaun ago

Pedogater from Australia here. I have communicated with peeps from all points of the globe. This is global make no mistake. Global pedophilia needs a global takedown. Proud of all if my fellow fighters for truth.

AreWeSure ago

Jon Benet Ramsey

Trs0817 ago

I work for USPS, there's not a chance in hell 1/3 of my coworkers are pedos. We have barely enough time to go to the bathroom when we're out working.

Sec137 ago

Co-signed from another agency--1/3 of the entirety of the U.S. government being party to one big criminal conspiracy, and a well-run one at that, is the stuff of movies.

chordwonder ago

...and the dragon (Draco) drew 1/3 of the stars in heaven & threw them down on the earth.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Wow there "33" again......

Billistics ago

It's the magic number!

EndlessWargasm ago

ITM slave!

Billistics ago

ITM. I'm a donor/producer. I made John's "I got ants" song.

common_sense ago

What's the significance of 33?

Aderville ago

Top level of freemasonry. They put it all over their stuff.

Coloradical2 ago

So they maybe they are communicating with other Freemasons? What do you think they are saying? Or are they just cryptically pointing out Masonic involvement? I think it's worth pointing out the US government has doubled in size since 911. Mostly intelligence, fusion centers, spying, undercover stuff, DHS, TSA, etc. Starting with the Bushes and knowing the evil shit they've been into, especially Bush Sr., you can bet they installed their own gatekeepers. A Swamp of Gatekeepers.

FriesischShipping ago

My personal favorite were the 33 Chilean miners, and the 33 children trafficked from Haiti (originally 40).

wankatanka ago

I suspect electees