grantedrights ago

so here it is again the same picture:

kudos for painstakingly making those connections fleshed out .. BUT

if there is a flat tax on consumption ............

no more tax empt status given to foundations "charities" et al ..

and politicians obliged to make their revenue streams transparent you get 60-80 % of all corruption gone for good

PLUS these things should easily unite people over the false left right dichotomies and make the ordo ab chao games much

harder to be played on an unwitting populance ..

letsdothis3 ago

@think- re your comment on Eastern European trafficking and Epstein, this post may be of interest.

think- ago

Thank you!

letsdothis3 ago


For twenty years, Roy Cohn exchanged Christmas gifts with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The New York Catholic Archdiocese, led by his powerful friend Cardinal Spellman, received Roy’s free legal counsel. The Cardinal was given Cohn’s yacht for a ten-day holiday in St. Thomas and for charitable boat rides....

Legendary lawyer Roy M. Cohn was also a member of Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip’s pandas club. And the pandas club is not kind to Dr. King’s colored-kind...

A month after the inauguration of The Apprentice, The Telegraph reports exclusively the Royal Commonwealth Society, with the Queen’s backing, will establish an office in New York to one day return America as an “associate member” of the British Commonwealth. (“Exclusive: United States Could Become an ‘Associate Member’ of the Commonwealth.” The Telegraph, Feb 23, 2017). The letter was delivered to President Trump by former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage.

..The Royal Commonwealth Society shares premises with the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation. The Duke of Edinburgh, also known as Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Nazi ‘sympathizer’ Prince Philip is the co-founder of the pandas club with a Nazi Prince.

...Are the Mormons a CIA MK-ULTRA mind control project? A Turkish prosecutor made the charge that Mormons, Scientology, and the Fethullah Gulen Movement are founded by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. This is the CIA Gulen network in Turkey, which last July 2016 provided cover for a CIA-NATO-led failed coup against Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan; in the United States, Gulen runs more than 160 U.S. taxpayer-funded charter schools, one of the biggest charter school networks in the United States. Erdogan had entered into an alliance with Russia on Turkish Stream to provide energy to Europe. For the past 60 years, Turkey has been part of the NATO alliance and Turkey’s Incirlik airbase is the NATO base that stores US tactical nuclear weapons.

..The publicly funded charter schools — unofficially known as the Gulen charter — are thought to be operated by people, usually Turks, in or associated with the Gulen movement. Among the leading schools in the network are the Harmony schools in Texas, which have won millions of dollars in grants from the U.S. government and are among the highest achieving in their communities. (There is also a Harmony charter school in Washington.)


Another 'suicide', wife of pop artist Peter Max with connections to the Park West Foundation, partners of Michigan Department of Human Services and the Prince's Trust International -

Carte Blanche International CEO Zakiya Khatou-Chevassus and event host David Hryck Esq. address the attendees during the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award Luncheon hosted by Carte Blanche International at the Steven Weiss Studio on June 9, 2009 in New York City.

Mr. David M. Hryck, partner at Reed Smith LLP in New York,..Mr. Hryck advises clients on the tax and business aspects of structuring their investments for maximum profitability and has in-depth experience with cross-border investments and various licensing structures. He has represented and continues to represent, celebrities, entertainers, designers, global companies, individuals and international families. He has international proficiency with corporations as well as individuals across the globe, and he is recognized for his long track record of structuring transactions.

He serves on the board of directors of the Amy Winehouse Foundation, and is a board member of the Happy Hearts Fund, founded by fashion model Petra Nemcova. He is a World Fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award for Excellence Fund, founded by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and travels regularly to royal occasions around the world, advising on international interaction in Third World countries. David also served as a US member of the Duke’s Business Advisory Group, headed by HRH Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex. He is also a board member of the Lifeline Humanitarian Organization, founded by TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine of Yugoslavia.

He is on the board of The Nat King Cole Generation Hope, Inc. and also a Board Member of the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development, which was founded by Vuk Jeremic, President of the United Nations General Assembly for the 67th Session.

letsdothis3 ago

About ICF

Mounissa Chodieva is an experienced Private Equity and Wealth Management CEO, leading an active multi-industry global portfolio, primarily focused on the Natural Resources, Luxury Goods and Tech sectors. She is also Founder of Vault Couture, a wardrobe management and storage company.

Ms Chodieva is an active philanthropist, serving as a Director of the International Chodiev Foundation which promotes social mobility, education, health, the arts and culture, principally focused on children. Amongst her other philanthropic activities are support for Great Ormond Street Hospital and the British Fashion Council.

Ms Chodieva is a graduate of the Stanford University Executive programme and is currently studying for her PhD at MGIMO in the Russian Federation.

letsdothis3 ago

Trade mission to Uzbekistan? Could there be something about that? Doesn't sound like it, but you never know.

Trade? UK? Uzbekistan? Think Prince Andrew...

World leaders, mobsters, smog and mirrors INVESTIGATION: Who is the Kazakh-Turkish family behind so many football scandals? -

..The cause of the letter was a botched three-day, get-to-know-you meeting two weeks earlier. The board of the Qatari royals' venture firm, Qatar Investment & Projects Development Holding Co (QIPCO) had travelled to Turkey with a couple of billion dollars to invest and met with Arif Arif, a 27-year-old businessman and face of the Arif family's London-based trading companies, Doyen Capital and Doyen Sports. Arif - who is also known as Arif Efendi - promised the royals the highest-level meetings with government ministers and businessmen.

..This wasn’t bravado. Since setting up shop in Turkey, Tevfik had cultivated an impressive cabal of influential friends – and the list was growing. The dirty dealings of the Kazakh-Turkish Arif family, and their powerful friends, are exposed as the architects of the Doyen Group, the major subject of the Football Leaks data obtained by Der Spiegel and shared with EIC's media partners.

The millions of leaked internal emails, contracts and other company documents from the Doyen Group helped The Black Sea and EIC partners reveal the inner workings of a multi-billion Euro global enterprise founded in the toxic smog and violence of Kazakhstan's natural resources sector in the early 1990s.

..For a family who for decades had largely avoided unwanted publicity, the Savarona scandal in Turkey in 2010 was a dramatic coming out party. On 28 September 2010, officers from the Turkish gendarmerie stormed the deck of the Savarona, a luxury yacht once owned by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Turkish Republic. On board was Tevfik “Skip” Arif and a cabal of influential businessmen, mostly from Kazakhstan, being entertained by several young 'models' from Russian and Eastern Europe.

Months earlier, acting on a tip from an unnamed source, police began tapping the phones of a group of Turkish pimps and associates of Tevfik. Copies of transcripts contained in the Savarona indictment, obtained by The Black Sea, reveal that police first tracked Arif and his inner-circle when they arranged orgies with prostitutes, one of whom only 15 years old, at the Rixos Hotel Belek earlier in March. Then again as they prepared the bash on the Savarona.

After the police sting operation that morning in September, Arif was arrested on sex trafficking charges. For many in Turkey, it was the first time they had heard of the Kazakh-born businessman now accused of running a prostitution enterprise that included underage girls. The charges against him might have been ambitious, but the new fame was unwelcome and problematic. The sting had exposed Arif’s powerful, billionaire friends to the media spotlight.

..On board the yacht was the ‘Kazakh trio’, Alexander Mashkevich, Patokh Chodiev and Alijan Ibragimov. The three men, none of whom are from Kazakhstan, own the multi-billion Eurasian Natural Resources Company, a mining conglomerate with close ties to the President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

..When Arif was acquitted in 2011, the company hired UK firms, Bell Pottinger and Shillings, specialists in public relations and privacy, to cajole news organisation into removing references the Savarona affair. This was important for business. The Kazakh trio were seemingly crucial to the family's past and future success. It is a strange friendship that going back two decades to the early days of the post-Soviet Kazakhstan and the lucrative metals business.

..The men behind the Doyen are four secretive brothers from Kazakhstan: Refik Arif, Rustem Arif, Vakif Arif and Tevfik, born Tofic Arifov. Little is known about the other three, but Tevfik, an ethnic Turk born in Cambul, Kazakhstan in May 1953, earned an international relations degree from a university in Moscow. His first known job was in the USSR Ministry of Commerce and Trade in Kazakhstan in the late 70s, serving as the director of the department of hotel management.

..Over the next few years, The Cherneys and the Reuben Brothers spearheaded Trans World into a multi-billion-dollar behemoth in the natural resources sector, as it became the third biggest seller of aluminium in the world. To get to the top, the brothers played dirty - criminally dirty, say some.

It was during these years that the Arifovs likely crossed paths with the Kazakh trio. In an interview with EIC’s Belgium partner, Le Soir, Patokh Chodiev said that he, Mashkevich and Ibragimov first met the Reubens in Spring 1992. At the time, the trio were making billions selling copper on the international market through their British Virgin Islands company, Kazakhstan Mineral Resources Corporation, with the help of Kazakh officials.

Seeing a mutual interest, the Kazakh trio and the Reubens joined forces. They set up a network of offshore companies in the BVI, including one named KazChrome. It could not have hurt the fortunes of Tevfik, the Reubens or the Kazakh trio that Refik Arif, also born in Kazakhstan, in 1961, was from 1991 to 1999 senior manager at the Kazakh Ministry of Industry, and the “first point of contact for foreign investors wanting wishing to invest in phosphorous and ferroalloy”.

..Demirhan became useful almost immediately, during a scandal involving Sarah Ferguson, Britain's Duchess of York and former wife of Prince Andrew, brother of the heir to the British throne. In 2008, the Duchess took part in an undercover documentary on the shabby state of Turkey’s orphanages. In the film, disabled chidren were left in their own excrement and one, who was never let outside, had to lay in a corridor close to a window to feel the sunlight on his face.

The film prompted Turkey's Social Security and Child Services Authority and the Ministry of Family Affairs to lodge a criminal complaint against Ferguson for entering the country under false pretences, and claimed she was part of a “smearing campaign against Turkey by [those] opposing Turkey’s EU membership.”

The Ministry of Justice even issued an international arrest warrant. The Duchess turned to her friend in London, Arif Arif, and Demirhan, to defuse the crisis. Doyen drafted an apology letter for Ferguson addressed to Prime Minister Erdoğan explaining the misunderstanding. It is not clear if the letter was ever delivered, but the charges against Ferguson were eventually dropped.Aside from a little PR for former royals, Demirhan assisted Doyen in exploring education and gold deals in Turkey. But he also opened doors for Doyen.

Finally found some of the links between the USVI (Jeffrey Epstein) and BVI (Richard Branson)...

letsdothis3 ago

@theooeht see post

theooeht ago


letsdothis3 ago

@theooeth see post

letsdothis3 ago

About the International Chodiev Foundation

The Foundation’s work is based on three central pillars:

Education – Supporting The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Inter-cultural relations – Forging ties between Russia and Japan

Aiding children

The Foundation supports many children’s health charities, rehabilitation centers, orphanages, as well as foster homes.

The children’s health charities we support include one of Russian’s most famous charities “Podari Zhizn” (Gift of Life), founded by Russian actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun and Rusfond, Russia’s largest charity for sick children, among many others.

For more than 12 years we have also partnered with the Odessa Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Find out more about our work in Ukraine here.

We also support foster homes and orphanages for children with disabilities in different regions of Uzbekistan. Find out more about our work in Uzbekistan here.

Aiding Children in Uzbekistan

Specialized Boarding School No. 32 is located in Jizzakh and is home for 250 boys and girls with mental disorders and delayed development.

Muruvvat Foster Home, Karshi

Muruvvat was founded in 1976 and cares for 281 children between the ages of 4 and 18 suffering from various disabilities, including Oligophrenia, Cerebral Palsy, and Down’s Syndrome.

Renovating specialized Boarding School No. 19, Chirakchi, Kashkadarya Region

derram ago :

Oxford to receive biggest single donation 'since the Renaissance' | Education | The Guardian :

Juha Keskinen on Twitter: "Stephen Schwarzman's (CEO of The Blackstone Group) N113CS 2/6/19 Waterbury-Teterboro 2/7/19 Teterboro-Miami "TRUMP, KUSHNER, RUSSIA — AND THE BLACKSTONE MYSTERY Something More for Robert Mueller to Investigate?"…" :

Juha Keskinen on Twitter: "Interestingly, Jeffrey Epstein's N212JE and Sean Hannity's N329PK landed in Palm Beach less than half an hour apart about an hour ago. Stephen Schwarzman's N113CS landed there about five hours ago🤔 (tracker shows UTC times)…" :

Juha Keskinen on Twitter: "DeVos' (Amway/Spectrum Health) N253DV 2/7-2/8/19 Grand Rapids-D.C. (~1h landing)-Vero Beach DeVoses have a house in Vero Beach but could the flight be connected to Schwarzman, Hannity and Epstein's flight to Palm Beach today (2/8/19)?…" :

Juha Keskinen on Twitter: "Hamilton “Tony” James' (Executive Vice Chairman of Blackstone) N345XB 2/8/19 Teterboro-Disappeared from the tracker near Greenville, NC at 38,000ft Headed to Palm Beach to where Stephen Schwarzman, Sean Hannity and Jeffrey Epstein flew today?…"

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