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letsdothis3 ago

Rothschild and Bronfman are members of a little-known pandas club.

What? @think-

letsdothis3 ago

For twenty years, Roy Cohn exchanged Christmas gifts with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The New York Catholic Archdiocese, led by his powerful friend Cardinal Spellman, received Roy’s free legal counsel. The Cardinal was given Cohn’s yacht for a ten-day holiday in St. Thomas and for charitable boat rides. Lewis Rosenstiel, founder and chairman of Schenley Industries – part of the Meyer Lansky, Samuel Bronfman consortium of bootlegged liquor underworld – and a client, gave $2.5 million to Cardinal Cooke for the Cardinal Spellman Foundation and $1 million to christen the Hoover Foundation (“Don’t Mess With Roy Cohn.” Esquire, Jul 13, 2016 reprint. Original print Dec. 1978; “Cardinal Spellman’s Dark Legacy.” NY Press, May 7, 2002; “Pedophile Rings Linked to Vatican: NY District Atty. Halts Investigation.” Arctic Beacon, Dec 21, 2010).

One person not part of the Cohn, Hoover, and Spellman blackmail gift-giving love fest was Dr. Martin Luther King. Hoover was on a mission of “national security” to discredit King as a civil rights leader. Martin Luther King received letters from Hoover’s FBI urging King to kill himself. King was assassinated a few years later. (“What an Uncensored Letter to M.L.K. Reveals.” NYT, Nov. 11, 2014)

Legendary lawyer Roy M. Cohn was also a member of Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip’s pandas club. And the pandas club is not kind to Dr. King’s colored-kind.

Because any “explosive” dossier written by the ex-British MI6 intelligence agent about Trump’s alleged hotels romps/voyeurism with Russian prostitutes would be the least of Trump’s problems. After all, under the patronage of London and CIA Director Allen Dulles, pedophile trafficker Roy Cohn and Trump were regulars of Studio 54 in New York City. Trump recalls: “I would watch…well-known supermodels getting screwed, on a bench in the middle of the room. There were seven of them and each one was getting screwed by a different guy. This was in the middle of the room.” After the “explosive” Russian exposé mission, the ex-MI6 spy returns to work for a security firm.

Roy Cohn (in yellow jacket), Ed Kosner, who was the editor in chief of Newsweek, and Donald Trump hang out in the Seventies. Cohn was Trump's mentor. The two connected while trolling the city's hottest spots - 21 Club, the Four Seasons and Le Club, a members-only restaurant-bar-discotheque

...Much attention has been given to Henry Kissinger’s role in directing U.S. foreign policy (wars, drugs), but little known is how Kissinger serves the Queen of England even more, and at disposal, the U.S. military men as “dumb, stupid animals” to be used as pawns for foreign policy, says Kissinger. (Woodward & Bernstein. The Final Days, 1976, p.194). After all, the Council on Foreign Relations in New York is but an extension of the Chatham House (or RIIA) in London. More on this in a few Voodoo moments as black holes converge.

A month after the inauguration of The Apprentice, The Telegraph reports exclusively the Royal Commonwealth Society, with the Queen’s backing, will establish an office in New York to one day return America as an “associate member” of the British Commonwealth. (“Exclusive: United States Could Become an ‘Associate Member’ of the Commonwealth.” The Telegraph, Feb 23, 2017). The letter was delivered to President Trump by former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage.

..The Royal Commonwealth Society shares premises with the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation. The Duke of Edinburgh, also known as Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Nazi ‘sympathizer’ Prince Philip is the co-founder of the pandas club with a Nazi Prince.

..On the day of his inauguration, President Donald J. Trump and the United States of America were serenaded by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s Mormon Tabernacle Choir, just as President George Herbert Walker Bush and family had joined the Tabernacle choir in singing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” (“The Inauguration: The Bush Era Begins 41st President Proclaims, ‘We Have Work to Do.” Newsday, Jan 29, 1989).

Are the Mormons a CIA MK-ULTRA mind control project? A Turkish prosecutor made the charge that Mormons, Scientology, and the Fethullah Gulen Movement are founded by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. This is the CIA Gulen network in Turkey, which last July 2016 provided cover for a CIA-NATO-led failed coup against Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan; in the United States, Gulen runs more than 160 U.S. taxpayer-funded charter schools, one of the biggest charter school networks in the United States. Erdogan had entered into an alliance with Russia on Turkish Stream to provide energy to Europe. For the past 60 years, Turkey has been part of the NATO alliance and Turkey’s Incirlik airbase is the NATO base that stores US tactical nuclear weapons.

The publicly funded charter schools — unofficially known as the Gulen charter — are thought to be operated by people, usually Turks, in or associated with the Gulen movement. Among the leading schools in the network are the Harmony schools in Texas, which have won millions of dollars in grants from the U.S. government and are among the highest achieving in their communities. (There is also a Harmony charter school in Washington.)