letsdothis3 ago

Vorando https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vornado_Realty_Trust

In 1986, Interstate Properties and Donald Trump each bought approximately 20% of Alexander's, a failing retailer whose real estate holdings included a store that occupied the entire block between East 58th and 59th streets and Lexington and Third Avenues in Manhattan.[6] In 1988, they each raised their stakes to 27% of the company, but Trump pledged his interest as collateral for a personal loan from Citicorp and in 1991, Trump was forced to turn over his holdings to Citibank.

On February 15, 2001, the Port Authority announced that Vornado Realty Trust had won the bid for a 99-year lease for the World Trade Center, offering $3.25 billion.[11] Silverstein Properties was outbid by $30 million by Vornado. However, Vornado balked over lease terms and possible tax liabilities.

Uh huh...

Silverstein signed a lease for the World Trade Center in April 2001,[13] 5 months before the September 11 attacks.

Silverstein already owned Building 7. Hmmmm...

Silverstein Properties https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silverstein_Properties

SPI's portfolio includes:

Four Seasons Resort at Walt Disney World; Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences at 30 Park Place; Disney Campus 125 West End Avenue [19] Disney Campus 320 West 66th Street [19] Disney Campus 147 Columbus Avenue [19] Disney Campus 149 Columbus Avenue [19] Disney Campus 77 West 66th Street [19] Disney Campus 47 West 66th Street [19] Disney Campus 7 West 66th Street [19] Disney Campus 30 West 67th Street; Several projects in Washington, D.C., Poland, and mainland China

letsdothis3 ago

Just recently heard about Manhattanhenge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattanhenge

Manhattanhenge, also called the Manhattan Solstice,[1] is an event during which the setting sun or the rising sun is aligned with the east–west streets of the main street grid of Manhattan, New York City. The sunsets and sunrises each align twice a year, on dates evenly spaced around the summer solstice and winter solstice. The sunset alignment occurs around May 28 and around July 13. The sunrise alignment occurs around December 5 and around January 8. The best places for viewing Manhattanhenge are 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, and 57th Streets.

The term Manhattanhenge was coined by Neil deGrasse Tyson

Manhattanhenge. A New Season. Ascension Day! PR1DE Month. Fire in the SKYY!

Reference to the Four Seasons

letsdothis3 ago


Rothschild and Bronfman are members of a little-known pandas club.

What? @think-

letsdothis3 ago

For twenty years, Roy Cohn exchanged Christmas gifts with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The New York Catholic Archdiocese, led by his powerful friend Cardinal Spellman, received Roy’s free legal counsel. The Cardinal was given Cohn’s yacht for a ten-day holiday in St. Thomas and for charitable boat rides. Lewis Rosenstiel, founder and chairman of Schenley Industries – part of the Meyer Lansky, Samuel Bronfman consortium of bootlegged liquor underworld – and a client, gave $2.5 million to Cardinal Cooke for the Cardinal Spellman Foundation and $1 million to christen the Hoover Foundation (“Don’t Mess With Roy Cohn.” Esquire, Jul 13, 2016 reprint. Original print Dec. 1978; “Cardinal Spellman’s Dark Legacy.” NY Press, May 7, 2002; “Pedophile Rings Linked to Vatican: NY District Atty. Halts Investigation.” Arctic Beacon, Dec 21, 2010).

One person not part of the Cohn, Hoover, and Spellman blackmail gift-giving love fest was Dr. Martin Luther King. Hoover was on a mission of “national security” to discredit King as a civil rights leader. Martin Luther King received letters from Hoover’s FBI urging King to kill himself. King was assassinated a few years later. (“What an Uncensored Letter to M.L.K. Reveals.” NYT, Nov. 11, 2014)

Legendary lawyer Roy M. Cohn was also a member of Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip’s pandas club. And the pandas club is not kind to Dr. King’s colored-kind.

Because any “explosive” dossier written by the ex-British MI6 intelligence agent about Trump’s alleged hotels romps/voyeurism with Russian prostitutes would be the least of Trump’s problems. After all, under the patronage of London and CIA Director Allen Dulles, pedophile trafficker Roy Cohn and Trump were regulars of Studio 54 in New York City. Trump recalls: “I would watch…well-known supermodels getting screwed, on a bench in the middle of the room. There were seven of them and each one was getting screwed by a different guy. This was in the middle of the room.” After the “explosive” Russian exposé mission, the ex-MI6 spy returns to work for a security firm.


Roy Cohn (in yellow jacket), Ed Kosner, who was the editor in chief of Newsweek, and Donald Trump hang out in the Seventies. Cohn was Trump's mentor. The two connected while trolling the city's hottest spots - 21 Club, the Four Seasons and Le Club, a members-only restaurant-bar-discotheque

...Much attention has been given to Henry Kissinger’s role in directing U.S. foreign policy (wars, drugs), but little known is how Kissinger serves the Queen of England even more, and at disposal, the U.S. military men as “dumb, stupid animals” to be used as pawns for foreign policy, says Kissinger. (Woodward & Bernstein. The Final Days, 1976, p.194). After all, the Council on Foreign Relations in New York is but an extension of the Chatham House (or RIIA) in London. More on this in a few Voodoo moments as black holes converge.

A month after the inauguration of The Apprentice, The Telegraph reports exclusively the Royal Commonwealth Society, with the Queen’s backing, will establish an office in New York to one day return America as an “associate member” of the British Commonwealth. (“Exclusive: United States Could Become an ‘Associate Member’ of the Commonwealth.” The Telegraph, Feb 23, 2017). The letter was delivered to President Trump by former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage.

..The Royal Commonwealth Society shares premises with the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation. The Duke of Edinburgh, also known as Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Nazi ‘sympathizer’ Prince Philip is the co-founder of the pandas club with a Nazi Prince.

..On the day of his inauguration, President Donald J. Trump and the United States of America were serenaded by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s Mormon Tabernacle Choir, just as President George Herbert Walker Bush and family had joined the Tabernacle choir in singing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” (“The Inauguration: The Bush Era Begins 41st President Proclaims, ‘We Have Work to Do.” Newsday, Jan 29, 1989).

Are the Mormons a CIA MK-ULTRA mind control project? A Turkish prosecutor made the charge that Mormons, Scientology, and the Fethullah Gulen Movement are founded by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. This is the CIA Gulen network in Turkey, which last July 2016 provided cover for a CIA-NATO-led failed coup against Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan; in the United States, Gulen runs more than 160 U.S. taxpayer-funded charter schools, one of the biggest charter school networks in the United States. Erdogan had entered into an alliance with Russia on Turkish Stream to provide energy to Europe. For the past 60 years, Turkey has been part of the NATO alliance and Turkey’s Incirlik airbase is the NATO base that stores US tactical nuclear weapons.


The publicly funded charter schools — unofficially known as the Gulen charter — are thought to be operated by people, usually Turks, in or associated with the Gulen movement. Among the leading schools in the network are the Harmony schools in Texas, which have won millions of dollars in grants from the U.S. government and are among the highest achieving in their communities. (There is also a Harmony charter school in Washington.)

think- ago

Pandas club - OMG.

letsdothis3 ago

Lord Richard Rogers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Rogers

Rogers is perhaps best known for his work on the Pompidou Centre in Paris, the Lloyd's building and Millennium Dome both in London, the Senedd in Cardiff, and the European Court of Human Rights building in Strasbourg. He is a winner of the RIBA Gold Medal, the Thomas Jefferson Medal, the RIBA Stirling Prize, the Minerva Medal and Pritzker Prize. He is a Senior Partner at Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, previously known as the Richard Rogers Partnership.

While studying at Yale, Rogers met fellow architecture student Norman Foster [here with Marina Abramovic] and planning student Su Brumwell.

After leaving Yale he joined Skidmore, Owings & Merrill in New York.[4] On returning to England in 1963, he, Norman Foster and Brumwell set up architectural practice as Team 4 with Wendy Cheeseman (Brumwell later married Rogers, Cheeseman married Foster).[7] Rogers and Foster earned a reputation for what was later termed by the media high-tech architecture.

Related post:

WWF, Toys R Us, Bain ebay, the Hampstead case, Prince Philip, 1001 Club

TrustTheTruth ago

This is why Frank Lloyd Wright is celebrated with a marked pathway to Racine, Wisconsin.

What special gift did Frank give to his wife?

Who did Marina Abramovic call her "daddy"?

Who gave legitimacy to the Art in Embassies program, and why?

Who is Carl Jung and why is a Russian adoptee with the same name being groomed as the next mayor?

What is the Global Interfaith Alliance?

letsdothis3 ago

What special gift did Frank give to his wife?

He had 4 wives. Which one do you mean?

Who did Marina Abramovic call her "daddy"?


Who gave legitimacy to the Art in Embassies program

The Johnsons https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2910807/15558832

What is the Global Interfaith Alliance?

Do you mean Global Aids Interfaith Alliance (GAIA)?

TrustTheTruth ago

Oglivanna was gifted a live-action dollhouse. What was the significance?

GAIA is one of many related arms connected to the Interfaith Alliance for One World Religion. Who are their partners and why?

What is Sustainability and how is it measured?

Health and education are key components of The Great Deception.

What is the Racine Interfaith Coalition?

What did Frank Lloyd Wright's father do?

What is Community Policing?

Why are Caron Butler and Mark Wahlberg such close friends?

Why did Mitt Romney select Paul Ryan as his running mate?

How are these connected to the I-94 Project?

What is Teen Mania?

What are the Voree Plates?

What is Wellstone Action?

Who is Naomi Long?

What is the Gamaliel Foundation?


What is the Racine Community Foundation?

What is the Johnson Foundation?

How are these groups connected to the Aspen Institute, Brookings Institution, Cato Institute and other related groups?

Why was Senator Paul Wellstone murdered?

What was The Truth that Paul Found?

What was The Truth that Jenny Moore Found?

Who controls the Food?

Who controls the Water?

Who controls healthcare, education and the "community"?

Who controls the Information?

Why did Warren Buffett gain control of the newspapers?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

Architect David Childs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Childs

David Magie Childs (born April 1, 1941) is an American architect and chairman emeritus of the architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.[1] He is best known for being the architect of the new One World Trade Center in New York City...Childs graduated from Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts, in 1959[1] and from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut in 1963.

His major projects include: in Washington, D.C., 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Four Seasons Hotel, master plans for the National Mall, the U.S. News and World Report headquarters, and the headquarters for National Geographic; in New York City, Worldwide Plaza, 450 Lexington Avenue, Bertelsmann Tower, and One World Trade Center; and internationally, the Embassy of the United States, Ottawa, and the Changi international terminal in Singapore.

Childs served as the chairman of the National Capital Planning Commission from 1975 to 1981 and he was appointed to the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts in 2002, serving as chairman from 2003 to 2005. He was the recipient of a Rome Prize in 2004; named a senior fellow of the Design Futures Council in 2010; and has served on the boards of the Municipal Art Society, the Museum of Modern Art, and the American Academy in Rome.

Four Seasons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Seasons_Hotel,_Washington,_D.C.

Bourbon Steak, the hotel restaurant, is overseen by head chef Michael Mina. The 5,400-square-foot (500 m2) restaurant has a capacity of seating of 144 people and a private dining room which seats 22.

In September 2015, King Salman of Saudi Arabia rented every single room at the Four Seasons Hotel in order to accommodate his entourage while he met with President Barack Obama. The hotel added an extensive amount of gold gilded furniture and laid red carpet in every hallway in order to meet the royal party's tastes.[9] In that same month, Strategic Hotels & Resorts sold itself to The Blackstone Group for $6 billion, giving the Four Seasons its first change in ownership.

Michael Mina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Mina

Michael Mina (born 1969) is an American celebrity chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author. He is the founder of the Mina Group, a restaurant management company operating over 40 restaurants worldwide. He is the executive chef at his two namesake restaurants in San Francisco and Las Vegas, which each have earned a star in the Michelin Guide.

In 2002, Michael Mina met Andre Agassi in Mina's restaurant in San Francisco;[3] they partnered to start The Mina Group and open concept restaurants such as Nobhill and Seablue in Las Vegas.

Voat post re Andre Agassi:

Kate Spade Dead :::

And check out the charities her brother-in-law, David Spade is associated with:

David Spade has supported the following charities listed on this site:

Andre Agassi Foundation for Education

Children Affected by AIDS Foundation

Make-A-Wish Foundation

Motion Picture and Television Fund Foundation

Stand Up For Gus

Stand Up To Cancer


Tony Hawk Foundation


Variety - The Children's Charity

And the website lists "Other supporters of the same charities & foundations" - Ready for this?

Angie Harmon  Ashton Kutcher  Ben Stiller  Brad Pitt  Christian Slater  Christina Milian  Derek Hough  Don Cheadle  Ellen DeGeneres  Eva Longoria  George Clooney  Jack Black  John Legend  Justin Timberlake  Matt Damon

letsdothis3 ago

More re Four Seasons:

What's wrong with this picture? by @kestrel9

Film based on Theodore Malloch�s Spiritual Enterprise airs at Yale

A new film based on the book Spiritual Enterprise by Yale Divinity School Senior Research Scholar Theodore Malloch will make its New Haven debut at a showing on Oct. 20, 5:30 pm...Isadore Sharp, president & CEO of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts


Harvard Divinity School is one of the constituent schools of Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States....Harvard Divinity School is among a small group of university-based, non-denominational divinity schools in the United States (the others include the University of Chicago Divinity School, Yale Divinity School, Vanderbilt University Divinity School, Wake Forest University School of Divinity, and Claremont Graduate University-School of Religion.

Related voat post:

About connections between the Military/Intelligence complex, Bain Capital, Toys R Us, eBay and pedophilia - oh, and James Alefantis too

Shimatsu's explanation will eventually lead back to the Harvard Divinity Group and the Baha'i, Lucis Trust and the UN



Scientology and Hubbard >> Noetic Society >> New Age transformation agenda >> Harvard Divinity School and "How we Gather" >> Alefantis and Dr Pong, Berlin (studies on youth culture and the Berlin wall) and DuPont Circle Underground tunnel art project (Artist who also worked on the set of the Exorcist commissioned to doa report on the art project for the tunnels), and of course Transformers DC).

I never really fully explained that.. need to do so.

letsdothis3 ago

There is a link with Santa Fe Relocations but I'm still trying to work through it (seems to have links with shell companies too) so throwing this down here, though it's not directly related to this post atm:

Santa Fe Relocation works with the British Chamber of Commerce. Examples:

https://www. facebook.com/britchamhu/posts/2418482061516100

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary is excited to announce that we are moving to a new location!

After a week of packing, the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary (BCCH) team, with the help of Santa Fe Relocation Services are making the move from their office at Bank Center to their new home located at 1051 Budapest, Sas Utca 18. on March 30...

British Chamber of Commerce Italy - Global Mobility Survey - News from Santa Fe Relocation Services

The Global Mobility Survey is the world's largest and most reliable study of Global Mobility programmes managed by organisations worldwide.

BCOC Kenya and Santa Fe http://bcckenya.org/index.php/members/view/341

BCOC Thailand and Santa Fe https://members.bccthai.com/BCCT/asp/corpdetail.asp?CorpID=76

Shanghai Santa Fe Relocation Wins " Destination Services Provider of the Year" Category at FEM APAC EMMAs 2018

and on and on..

One of the Voat posts re Santa Fe Relocation:

Santa Fe Relocation of the HAMPSTEAD case leads to Atlas Air, British Airways World Cargo and their charities Operation SMILE, aid flights to Haiti for Oxfam, the Red Cross and UNICEF

letsdothis3 ago

And who works with the British Chamber of Commerce? Prince Andrew..ahem..

A £1,200 a night hotel in Indonesia...and a rose petal massage from Ria

Prince Andrew enjoyed a sensual massage from a pretty young Indonesian woman in his £1,200-a-night hotel suite during his official trade trip last week.

The Prince relaxed under the hands of petite masseuse Ria at the five-star Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta, where his presidential suite boasted butler service and a built-in sauna. The Prince was on his first official overseas trip as a UK trade ambassador since the controversy over his friendship with the convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein had threatened his survival in the role.

..Speaking to The Mail on Sunday yesterday, masseuse Ria, 28, said it was the fourth time she had massaged the Prince. She gave him three massages – one a day – when he visited Indonesia in 2008 and stayed in the same hotel.

Malcolm Llewellyn, chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia, who had two meetings with the Prince, said technically only the president was entitled to a motorcade and road closures around Jakarta.

Post-Brexit, Gulf states eye free trade deal with UK

At the second Gulf-British Economic Forum in London which concluded on Thursday, Brexit was one of the topics discussed. The forum was organized by the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce with support of the GCC and UK Trade and Investment authority.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, who opened the Forum, praised the GCC-UK trade relations and stressed the importance of the Gulf states as trading partners of the United Kingdom

2018: Prince Andrew visits Hungary next week

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, will make an official two-day visit to Budapest next week, meeting government officials and participating in a range of programs, according to a press release sent to the Budapest Business Journal [Partners - BCCH British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary].

Prince Andrew will arrive in the Hungarian capital on Monday, September 10. He will meet Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, President János Áder, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó.

During the visit, the prince will also open the "Architect 200" conference, organized by the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers (MMK) at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA). The conference is organized as a tribute to the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), of which Andrew acts as patron.

The prince will also visit Suhanj! Fitness, Hungaryʼs first integrated gym, where people with disabilities can work out alongside sportspeople. He is also set to meet athletes who took part in the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London at the gym.

Before leaving the country on Tuesday, Andrew will also attend the first Hungarian finals of the "Pitch@Palace" international startup competition, which he himself established in 2014. The event will feature the 12 finest Hungarian tech and science startups presenting their business plans to an audience of mentors and investors, as well as offering the chance to meet the most successful U.K.-based Hungarian entrepreneurs.

letsdothis3 ago

Harry Cobb (partner to I.M. Pei) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_N._Cobb https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_N._Cobb

he was the chairman of the Department of Architecture at Harvard University from 1980 to 1985.[1] He has received honorary degrees from Bowdoin College and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.

Some notable buildings for which Cobb has been principally responsible include:

World Trade Center, Baltimore (1977); Johnson & Johnson World Headquarters, New Brunswick, New Jersey (1983); Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine (1983); Hyatt Center, Chicago (2005); International Monetary Fund Headquarters 2, Washington, D.C. (2005); Center for Government and International Studies at Harvard University (2005)

letsdothis3 ago

Re: Architect James Ingo Freed (partner of I.M. Pei) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Ingo_Freed

James Ingo Freed (June 23, 1930 – December 15, 2005) was an American architect born in Essen, Germany during the Weimar Republic. After coming to the United States at age nine with his sister Betty, followed later by their parents, he studied at the Illinois Institute of Technology, where he graduated with a degree in architecture.

In the late 1970s, he was a member of the Chicago Seven and dean for three years of the School of Architecture at his alma mater. He worked for most of his career based in New York, and went beyond the Internationalist and modernist styles. In partnership with I.M. Pei, in their firm known as Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, he worked on major United States public buildings and museums.

..He also taught at Cooper Union, Cornell University, the Rhode Island School of Design, Columbia University, and Yale University.

Freed's major works include the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, the San Francisco Main Public Library, and the United States Air Force Memorial in Arlington, Virginia next to the Pentagon, which was still under construction at the time of his death. He designed several major buildings in Washington, D.C.: the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

letsdothis3 ago

Voat posts on I.M. Pei:

Jeffrey Epstein and MIT Media Lab

..MIT Media Lab with funding from the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation,.. The Media Lab was founded in 1985 by Nicholas Negroponte and former MIT President Jerome Wiesner, and is housed in the Wiesner Building (designed by I. M. Pei), also known as Building E15. The Lab has been written about in the popular press since 1988, when Stewart Brand published The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T., and its work was a regular feature of technology journals in the 1990s. In 2009, it expanded into a second building.

Modern Art is at the Core of Pizzagate

Part of the Connection to Art in Embassies and Racine "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art ("The Johnson Museum") is an art museum located on the northwest corner of the Arts Quad on the main campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Its collection includes two windows[1] from Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin D. Martin House, and more than 35,000 other works in the permanent collection.[2] It was designed by architect I.M. Pei and is known for its distinctive concrete facade.

Herbert Johnson of SC Johnson : See posts related to SC Johnson

and see: Designed to Inspire: SC Johnson’s Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Administration Building; Wingspread: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Largest Prairie-Style House was Home to the Johnsons

SC Johnson Frank Lloyd Wright : https://www.scjohnson.com/en/search?text=Frank%20Lloyd%20Wright

One of the voat posts on Wright: Case Study: Ritual Abuse In Bartlesville, Oklahoma

letsdothis3 ago


The rise of designer outlets in the age of austerity - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/10047083/The-rise-of-designer-outlets-in-the-age-of-austerity.html

in 1993 Joey Kaempfer, an American construction boss with an MBA from Harvard, believed that there was a gap in the UK and Europe for shopping centres selling clothing that retailers had left at the end of a season.

A company called McArthurGlen had developed and operated a collection of so-called designer outlets in the US in the 1980s with relative success. So, Kaempfer bought the rights to create a new European arm of the company....Two years later, McArthurGlen opened Cheshire Oaks, the first outlet village in Europe.

..McArthurGlen says it has a number of retailers lining up to open outlet stores. As well as Abercrombie, which will be at the Ashford Designer Outlet, Links of London, Reiss and Lulu Guinness have opened new stores in the past year.

Abercrombie & Fitch is of course owned by Jeffrey Epstein's friend and mentor Leslie Wexner. And construction boss, you say?


In 2002, Kaempfer merged the Kaempfer Company, which he founded in 1977, with the New York-based Vornado Realty Trust. 

Voat post re Vornado:


Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior Presidenctial advisor, Jared Kushner, aquired 666 Fifth Avenue with financing from Vornado Reality Trust that also co-owned Trump's two largest properties. Vornado Realty is held by Rothschild-Bronfman, of Rothschild-British's 'cutout' bootlegged booze-turned-narcotis trafficking Bronfman fourtues protected by mafia gangster, Meyer Lansky, whos lead lawyer Roy Cohn would rear Trump to power.

letsdothis3 ago

All Stocks Held By Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P. - Holdings Channel https://www.holdingschannel.com/all/stocks-held-by-bronfman-e-l-rothschild-l-p/

letsdothis3 ago

More Vornado Realty posts:

Interesting original /pol/ dig on Abramovich, Djurdjevic and other pizzagate artists from November 5, 2016

Summary: Comet Ping Pong sign came from Comet Liquors was established by Oscar Gildenhorn in 1940. Oscar's son, Joseph B. Gildenhorn, was the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland from 1989-1993...He is co-founder of The JBG Companies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JBG_Smith

The company owns 69 properties and has 10 additional properties under construction, all of which are in the Washington metropolitan area, mostly inside the Beltway, and almost all of which are accessible by the Washington Metro.

The company has a history of developing sustainable buildings and is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council. It helped develop the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of green buildings, homes, and neighborhoods.... The first investment fund closed in 2002, and its first institutional investor was the financial endowment of Yale University....

In July 2017, the company merged with Charles E. Smith Companies, a subsidiary of Vornado Realty Trust that owned its assets in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The company changed its name to JBG Smith and was spun off into a public company.

In November 2018, the company sold land with 4.1 million developable square feet to Amazon and announced lease transactions with Amazon at National Landing as part of the Amazon HQ2 initiative.

The Yale connection is very important...

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see parent