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redditsuckz ago

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Art in Embassies links to Racine, Wisconsin and the beginnings of the Illuminati with Adam Weishaupt.

"Lest anyone start to think so highly of the Republican party – think again! It was started in the early 1850s by Horace Greeley and Charles Dana – both associated with the New York Tribune and regularly published the works of Karl Marx – at the Racine WI Communist Commune! The Racine Commune was one of 50 Communes started by the American Association of Unions – itself Communist, of course. Our present day Republican Party was not named in honor of our Republic but rather in honor of the first Republican party – Started by Violent Illuminist, known as Jacobins!"

"It really all begins in May of 1776 – in Bavaria where Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati Order. If you look up the planks of the Illuminati (a bit difficult to do because it is supposedly so secret as to not even exist – we all know the line from the movie “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”; “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince us he doesn’t exist.”) you will find that those planks mirror the planks of the communist manifesto. Since that set of “principles” came some 60 years before the manifesto, the truth is the Illuminati spawned the commies and Marx – if he actually wrote the manifesto actually softened the Illuminati planks."

Part of the Connection to Art in Embassies and Racine "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art ("The Johnson Museum") is an art museum located on the northwest corner of the Arts Quad on the main campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Its collection includes two windows[1] from Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin D. Martin House, and more than 35,000 other works in the permanent collection.[2] It was designed by architect I.M. Pei and is known for its distinctive concrete facade. President Deane Waldo Malott established the original University Art Museum in 1953. The A. D. White House was renovated to house Cornell's art collections.[3] The current museum, constructed in 1973, is named after its primary benefactor, Herbert Fisk Johnson, Jr., a Cornell Class of 1922 graduate, head of S.C. Johnson & Sons ("Johnson Wax"), and a former member of the university's Board of Trustees."

"In addition to continuing its support of individual exhibits of American art to foreign nations, the USIA and the Department of State also embarked on new programs designed to acquaint the world with American painting. One new initiative involved working more closely with U.S. businesses that owned large art collections in order to facilitate their exhibition overseas. More spectacularly, the State Department established the Art in Embassies program in 1964, which sought to turn U.S. embassies into small art galleries."

"In 1962, Edward R. Murrow, who was then director of the USIA, proclaimed a 'new and, I think, significant development' in terms of art patronage in the United States. This was the 'increasing interest of large corporations - Big Business as an institution, as opposed to the big businessman as an individual - in giving financial backing to our performing and creative arts.' As the 'interpreter of America to the rest of the world', Murrow was particularly excited by this development. 'The mere fact that profit-motivated corporations in a price-directed economy find good reason to subsidize the arts speaks eloquently against those who see in our system only the grossest materialism.'


So, in summary, Racine, Wisconsin is a main root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption across every aspect of the network that is directly tied through Art in Embassies, political parties, major industries, freemasons, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, Pilgrims Society and other groups involved at the highest levels around the world.

Racine is directly linked to the Council of 13 and Committee of 300 through Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Reynolds and Johnson blood lines with connections to British and Dutch royalty among others. This is why corrupt Boy Scouts Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus yield so much undeserved power. They are the front men along with others like Ashton Kutcher covering up the real true evils that we now know as Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

One of the main sources for this information is "Fall-Out Shelters for the Human Spirit: American Art and the Cold War" By Michael L. Krenn.

Jem777 ago

You are bringing in some names today...Council of 13 and Committee of 300 if everyone focused on that and we got the list of those names game over.

Konran ago

John Coleman did different things about the Committee of 300 in 2010.

Here is the list of names that he came up with.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This chart is accurate, and the layers run much deeper in the details. The weak point of their entire network lies in Racine, Wisconsin. This is how we should approach unraveling it instead of starting at some distant and undefinable top layer. We have definitive proof of the rigged system and extreme levels of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption in a small community, with direct links to the top layers of the entire world. We also have definitive proof that these crimes linked to Racine were covered up at the highest levels of enforcement in the U.S. including Loretta Lynch, Jim Comey, Andy McCabe, Peter Kadzik, and many others in the chain. Our system is absolutely broken beyond repair through the broken system.

This is the final battle of good vs evil. We need to attack their weak point before it is too late. We need everyone in the world to know how they use Racine as a root and model for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and then use Racine as the root and model to raze that entire corrupt system and restore order to the world. Their power is a facade built on lies. It is time the people pull back the curtain and take back the power.

Jem777 ago

This is the most significant document posted to this investigation I believe. I literally almost threw up reading the names. And that says a lot for me. On that list is world class bankers and leaders but literally the most shocking was Cold War Russian leader Mickail Gorbachev + George HW Bush + Henry Kissinger + Bill Clinton + Tim Geitner (who at that time was Obama economic secretary what a charade) & the royal family including Prince William (already) with the Saudi Arabian King & the Pope leading one world government. This is so sinister.