Truthseeker3000 ago

You think someone personally involved has this much time to put into writing responses under different account names? He's also RWeSure. But hey, anythings possible at this point. There are definitely people out there with high IQs doing shitty jobs, it's a sign of the times. A couple months ago he and I had a go around and I wouldn't budge, he kept getting me to change my view, I held my ground and he his, it was relentless he wouldn't stop. It was like he HAD to have me change my view but I wouldn't and didn't. Fuckin sociopaths I can't stand them but I can sense them from afar. The question I have is why does he switch handles from AreWeSure to RWeSure? I mean come on, like we are the preschoolers he's after. Why not just stay on the one handle? He must be on Reddit too.

PQhonest ago

George Webb has been talking about Smith Mundt and he's getting hammered for it. Clear sign.

DarkMath ago

Yep. They're making it very easy to figure out what they're afraid of. If there's one conclusion Historians will make about this cluster fuck it's almost without fail the Deep State did the exact worst thing whenever it really mattered. First it was Hillary and her Basket of Deplorables. Now it's their clumsy online offensive against George Webb.The Deep State has all the elegance and sophistication of a cow falling out of a tree right now.

It reminds me of Adolf Hitler's last 2 years. Without fail he would snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The worst was the Battle of Kursk. Hitler might as well given control of the Wehrmacht over to Stalin and it would still have been more effective than under Hitler. Fascinating.

ASolo ago

Two words, it's a place, has a notorious mental facility nearby where Dr Green did mk-ultra experiments and where the movie Sleepers was filmed, Fairfield Hills, chronicling the now filled in underground tunnels (, this movie, too, being frought with molestation allegations like the nearby catholic diocese st rose of lima church, where Adam Lanza attended:

Sandy Hook

Truthseeker3000 ago

LMFAO!!!! Yup. A George and Alex Soros paid shill.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Just seeing a post about the Smith-Mundt act makes me miss hearing Santilli's show every day.

DeathTooMasons ago

Yes, this repeal happened around the Time of Sandy Hook. AreWeSure has benefited from this. IamSure.

DarkMath ago

"AreWeSure has benefited from this. IamSure"

Of that I am sure as well. And thank you DTM for not attempting to drill me a new ass hole in your comment. Maybe you're starting to get it.

I'm just like you just older. I thought Sandy Hook was real until this past Winter when the 2 months I had spent here convinced me there was more to the story at Sandy Hook.

And when I discovered the truth I was in shock for at least a couple of days. I could not believe it. Then I kept going trying to find out the Truth behind all the infamous conspiracies we all know and love. They all fell like dominoes. I felt the worst after finding out about 9/11. I almost vomited a couple of times thinking of the pure psychosis it took to kill 3500 Americans in cold blood.

You have said to me you thought I was a shill because I was pushing the argument this countries on the verge of a Civil War. You don't think so obviously but I do. You thought I was a shill sent here to stoke the flames of revolution so the government could justify declaring Marshal Law. Remember?

And I told you to go look at my submissions to learn my real objective here is to spread Salvation and Forgiveness. It won't take you long to discover that about me:

Duh, the Enlightenment

The Ends Justify The Means.........Always

I have to be here.

O' Sinners! Let's go down to the river to pray.

My take on Voat possibly closing

We are on the verge of a Civil War. You're giving a slowly improving economy and dropping rate of unemployment too much credit. The Civil War I'm talking about is when the American Public is told the truth about 9/11 and the equally disturbing "non-crimes" like Sandy Hook. Just those two alone will get several MILLION alpha males into a gun store to buy assault weapons. Mark my words.

The truth about 9/11 is coming out, at this point there's nothing the Deep State can do about it. They can try Dirty Bombs. They can try Martial Law. Nothing will work. The truth about 9/11 nullifies anything they can do. The horse done left the barn. When the average Joe wakes up they're going to see red and demand blood from the closest member of the Illuminati they can find.

The ONLY WAY TO STOP THAT is to remind that average Joe of his Christian roots. The irony of ironies is the Deep State did everything they could to kill God the past 20 years and that's a decision that's going to haunt them terribly.

Thanks for listening and Peace my fellow Deplorable Brother.


@AreWeSure @are_we_sure @rWeSure

Fatsack ago

V____z and equineluvr are both shills carrying this shit out.

DeathTooMasons ago

No stupid. V___Z is no shill.

DarkMath ago

"V____z and equineluvr are both shills"

I know, it's so blatantly obvious.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

THANKS GOD someone if finally LUCID here. You are absolutely right : they are ELITE SHILLS.

Fatsack ago

It's funny to watch them though. They think they're so clever. Hope they aren't under penalty of pain with their deep state employers. Poor corrupt fucks.

srayzie ago

They sure are good at making the description seem innocent. Public diplomacy broadcasting? Lol. That doesn't sound so bad. It's ridiculous that they say we spread fake news. But, they get paid to do it. I'm so sick of the hypocrisy!

freeagent37 ago

Awesome thank you for sharing this.

DarkMath ago

"arewesure is a fucking joke"

That he is. But I can't decide if he's a shill or just so smart he couldn't park a bicycle.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Assuming this act does open doorways to deceive the US citizenry, ask yourself this. Has anything prevented agencies of the US government from lying to the public previously? That includes complete disinformation campaigns and coordination between agencies? I can't think of anything.

There are regulations in place that instruct intelligence agencies not to undertake certain activities in the US, limiting their actions to other counties. The CIA is not supposed to conduct any domestic operations. But they are also not accountable to any authorities. So they do as they wish and risk only a meaningless congressional investigation and hearings. All judicial actions can be shut down with simply citing national security.

The FBI is supposedly a domestic law enticement agency with no international authority. That didn't stop them from forming an international terrorism division.

There's also a massive loophole in the system that prohibits spying and harassment of US citizens by any US agency. Because of our 5-eyes relationship with Britain, Canada, Australia, and our admitted intelligence sharing, the countries contract with each other to troll their own citizens. It helps that they are all English speaking nations. This is one major reason why so many trolls online and here on Voat are British and Canadian.

As for events mentioned in this discussion like Sandy Hook, that's another matter that can't be smoothed over by extending authority to propagandize. Because those events involve things like financial fraud, misappropriation, criminal fraud, child abuse and even murder, they are subject to prosecution. It's even possible (some have theorized) that a deceptive event like Sandy Hook could be prosecuted under the False Claims Act because there was so much cross departmental fraud going on. But that act is geared for private corporations defrauding the government, not the government defrauding itself.

But hey , if anyone could identify that fraud and it was prosecuted they could earn 15-30% of the recovered funds.

DarkMath ago

"Has anything prevented agencies of the US government from lying to the public previously? "

Yes, the Constitution.

Don't worry, the NDAA and Smith-Mundt were built with great risk to the Deep State. They opened up the possibility the U.S. Government can be sued for things like Sandy Hook.

Everything was fine until Hillary Clinton lost. Now the house of cards is coming down. In the case of Sandy Hook the State of Connecticut will be paying millions of dollars in court settlements after they're sued down to a bloody stump.

Psalm100 ago

Back about 15 years ago, when the internet was a new thing, I remember reading an actual report, I think from the U.S. government but possibly from an NGO, which said the U.S. government would do things like this in the future. I thought it was part of the government's "Global Trends" series - in which experts say where things are heading 10 to 15 years in advance -but I haven't been able to find it. I thought, though, that even some alternative news site talked about it at the time.

The example given in this report was literally this: in the future there would be an incident with Cuba and a fake Fidel Castro video would be shown on t.v. He would be digitally created, and it would be the U.S. government behind it for the purposes of propaganda. And I remember this report so clearly stating: "and the target (for this fake Castro propaganda) wouldn't be the Cuban people, but the American people."

So 15 years ago they were already saying they would turn and use propaganda against America.

This is the Global Trends page. It's from the Director of National Intelligence.

The Castro scenario sounds like it's from Global Trends (which uses fictional scenarios) but I haven't been able to find it (yet) in old reports.

DonKeyhote ago

Cool story bro, now how many entire city blocks of pedo restaurants like in DC have you found today? Im up to 3

DarkMath ago

"Im up to 3"

Well then why are they still in operation? Why are you not down in DC right now making a citizens arrest of James Alefantis?

What the fuck is wrong with you.

DonKeyhote ago

Instagram isnt evidence in a court of they're still identified and confirmed to exist, unlike george webbs credentials Faggiiiiit

DarkMath ago

"Instagram isnt evidence in a court"

Actually it would be if it was evidence of a crime. Have you ever heard this idea: "Innocent Until Proven Guilty"?

V____Z ago

I have several times cited the removal of the ban on propaganda as evidence that Jason and George may be filming a school play, to create a false flag, to silence the truth community. And it would be totally legal, and it would look exactly as it does.

DarkMath ago

"I have several times cited the removal of the ban on propaganda as evidence"

That's ambiguous. Forget George and Jason for a second. Do you agree that Smith-Mundt and the NDAA should be immediately repealed because they're unconstitutional?

kazza64 ago

i hate the shills they are nothing but time wasters

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Ever wondered what a slide thread looks like? We already know about shills and the like.


DarkMath ago


I saw that FOIA as well. I'm glad you reminded me. Thank you for keeping it real.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

AreWeSure needs to give it up, we all know he was Commie Core Educated!

Are_we_sure ago

Now you're getting closer.

DeathTooMasons ago

You just gave credit to DarkMath. Birds of a feather. IamSure.

DarkMath ago

@SayWhatNOWAY writes: "he was Commie Core Educated!"

@Are_we_sure responds: "Now you're getting closer."

Of course, I get it! I finally understand. You'd like to see the United States be replaced by some Communist government or at the very least go pretty far down that road.

What a relief. It's like I was finally able to scratch that itch that's been bugging me since I met you AreWeSure.

I've got some really bad news for you though. Ever hear of Yuri Bezmenov? I'll paste in a Youtube search below. He describes the whole process in great detail. Trigger Warning! Ready? Here goes:

Yuri Bezmenov explains after the Revolution succeeds the first thing they do is gather up all you bleeding heart idealist, line you up in front of a wall and shoot you.

You been duped AreWeSure. Ever read any George Orwell? You might want to look into a book he wrote called "1984". He once said:

"There are some ideas so bad only an Intellectual could believe them."

Are_we_sure ago

No. You missed it by a million miles.

I don't think Common Core is Communist in any whatsoever. And I think people who believe that are raving lunatics. Like seriously bonkers.

But this a lot closer than you work for the government or the DNC or any of the other nonsense you folks fling to avoid dealing in the truth.

I also seem to be one of the few to distrust the exKGB agent who runs Russia. For a lot of y'all, he seems to be the only Intel guy you trust.

DarkMath ago

"he seems to be the only Intel guy you trust."

We've been over this before. I don't trust anyone in the American intelligence community because they couldn't figure out David Rockefeller and George H.W. Bush decided to play God on 9/11 and kill 3500 innocent human beings to justify 2 very unsuccessful wars in the Middle East. Of course anyone like you who believes 9/11 was carried out solely by 19 Muslim terrorists will consider us all wing nuts. And of course since you believe the government's story I think you're some sort of Idiot Savant that has figured out how to type things on the Interwebs but is unable to process the information and form rational conclusions.

But I believe you about not being a Communist. I'm now pretty sure you're a Democrat so we're making progress. And if you're a Democrat in possibly work in DC then you could be working for the SEIU which is obviously a union and would explain your "Now you're getting closer." comment.

I'd like to remind you that at this point I'm a fellow poor person like you. I believe in Unions provided they pull another Detroit. If I had my way I'd tax Wall Street out of existence and make everyone there go out and get real jobs. I detest Rich People with the heat of a thousand suns. And I'm not joking. Sometimes I fantasize about digging up David Rockefeller's cold corpse and burning it at the stake. In fact I'd like to separate the entire Rockefeller Family from its money by force of arms if necessary. I believe in Reparations for black people because of George H.W. Bush's lucrative crack cocaine business.. I'd also like to see all money removed from the campaign for all Congressional elections House and Senate. I can fill you in on details if you're curious. I could go on for hours. You get the point.

Forgive the long response but I'm just trying to understand what makes you tick. As soon as you write something articulate and well researched you come out with some gem like calling Domestic Propaganda by the euphemism "Public Diplomacy Broadcasting".

Basically you're a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma for me. It's fun. I'm trying to solve the mystery behind AreWeSure.


Truthseeker3000 ago

Amazing. Love your flow of words, how true they are.

Imagine this though: AreWeSure is paid to sit at a desk and respond to posts ALL DAY. That is his job. Think about that for a moment. You gotta be some kind of broke or dedicated to want to do that, spreading lies and misrepresentation all fucking day long. Wow. Just wow. Oh and you know he's on other platforms too not just Voat. Almost feel sorry for him.... not!!

Dressage2 ago

Wow. He could be Smith-Mundt Deluxe sitting in that over stuffed chair.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Bingo DarkMath! A million and one upvoats!

DarkMath ago

"Commie Core Educated!"

"There are some ideas so bad only an Intellectual could believe them." - George Orwell


GrDec ago

And what bigger shill than DarkMath, Israeli / AIPAC apologist.. goes out of his way to make sure nobody ever says a bad thing about Israel and its agents (like George Webb Sweigert) ???

Thanks for confirming our suspicions that you are really a paid disinfo Israel Shill..

DarkMath ago

You can call me whatever you want. I'm just glad you agree with me that the NDAA and Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 need to be repealed.

A government can't be allowed to legally lie to its citizens. Agreed?

GrDec ago

It is only the US government, but your beloved Israel that is the biggest problem

DarkMath ago

"but your beloved Israel"

I'm not Jewish. I'm Irish. At least the part talking to you on the Interwebs right now is Irish.

I'm poor. 25 years ago I was kicked out of the American Aristocracy. During my brief 8 years living high off the hog I learned one thing: The American Aristocracy would love for you to blame "The Jews(tm)" and Israel for everything, especially this recently deceased Spawn Of Satan.

You know the idea for 9/11 started with David Rockefeller right? Please tell me you know that wasn't Israel's idea.


V____Z ago

You've openly defended Mossad at every turn. Fancy with words, you are. But we're on to you.

DarkMath ago

"You've openly defended Mossad "

No I don't. I've said here many times Mossad was involved in 9/11. George H.W. Bush hired Mossad demolition experts.

Mossad help carry out 9/11. They didn't plan it. David Rockefeller had the original idea which is a fact YOU KEEP FORGETTING.


equineluvr ago

So, you found the legislation that enables you to have your job?

DarkMath ago

"to have your job?"

I wish! Oh my lord, can you hook me up with people who will pay me? I only have one working toilet. I still owe my family $18,000 which is down from $20,000 three years ago.

I'm so poor I couldn't afford a staycation.


RweSure ago

I literally just learned this today.

And I immediately misunderstood it!

Do you really think someone posting on a message board equals materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors

How does this work. The person would have to run their reply by the State Department before hitting "Submit Commit?"

You can find some actual materials produced by the State Department here

This is particular was one of the reasons the for 2013 update.

DarkMath ago

"Do you really think someone posting on a message board"

Yes. Smith-Mundt Modernization and the updated NDAA allows any agent of the U.S. Government to come here and legally lie. This isn't even a question AreWeSure. Please read:


RweSure ago


oh boy.

That's funny. Smith Mundt only applies to the State Department. It's the law authorizing the public diplomacy broadcasting. It certainly doesn't apply to any agent of the US. Government. And it's about broadcast and print materials.

DUDE. You just linked to an article that doesn't mention SMITH MUNDT whatsoever. AND what is does discuss are documents produced by the British Government, not the US.

Come on.

seekingpeace ago

Don't waste your time trying to educate him. He only created this submission because George Webb mentioned it.

George's biggest problem as a "journalist" is lack of basic training. He doesn't know how to do basic research because he studied computer science and not a research based subject. GW just does not understand the concept of Primary Source.

He also makes the "undergraduate" error of coming up with a hypothesis and then finding evidence to support it.

DarkMath ago

"Smith Mundt only applies to the State Department."

"Smith-Mundt Modernization AND THE UPDATED NDAA"

I pasted in a link to the Glenn Greenwald Intercept article for a reason. Unless you're going to claim Greenwald made that up this isn't debatable. The U.S. Government now has the legal right to lie to the American people.

This wasn't always the case. We used to have a government that didn't have the right to lie. Remember those days AreWeSure? It was way back before Barrak Obama "fundamentally changed America".

You're the result. Actually I'm curious. Do you approve of the U.S. Government's right to lie to the American people?


RweSure ago

You're simply wrong

I pasted in a link to the Glenn Greenwald Intercept article for a reason. Unless you're going to claim Greenwald made that up this isn't debatable. The U.S. Government now has the legal right to lie to the American people.

Nothing in that Glenn Greenwald article applies to Smith Mundt. You can believe me or not, but you completely misunderstand what you are talking about. But that is article is wholly irrelevant, nothing in that applies to Smith Mundt.

You're wrong about Smith Mundt. You're wrong about the update in 2013. You're wrong that is applies to individuals on message boards.

It has to do with public diplomacy broadcasting, this is the type of stuff it does.

the link to the bill was posted above. It contains this language.

“(c) Application.—The provisions of this section shall apply only to the Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors and to no other department or agency of the Federal Government.”.

DarkMath ago

"public diplomacy broadcasting"

I prefer to call it by its other name: Propaganda or "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".

Don't try to bull shit me AreWeSure. You know damn well what "public diplomacy broadcasting" means. Stop playing dumb. It's annoying.


RweSure ago

you prefer to spout nonsense. This law you just discovered today has been in effect for 4 years.

Go find a single example of it doing what you claimed it does.

DarkMath ago

"This law you just discovered today"

Which law? I discovered two laws today: Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012/2013 and the updated NDAA. In fact I discovered another law after we last talked:

Since I haven't read the fine print having just learned about them TODAY. How about I ask you:

Are there laws anywhere on the books in the U.S. that allows the U.S. government to hire shills to spread disinformation and propaganda on the Interwebs? For example like on an internet message board like /v/pizzagate.


quantokitty ago

I know the ones you mean, and they're not worth the money ... NOT!!!!

meowski ago

Yea they're everywhere poisoning the public dialog. Sock puppets are a difficult problem. There are a few possible software solutions but all are difficult to implement.

DeathTooMasons ago

They aren't a problem for me. I love to beat up on shills. I would miss the dummies if they dissapeared. They have no game and are easy to clown. Their angle is fixed, so they are stuck taking losing arguments and resorting to ridicule.

Jem777 ago

There was also passage of a bil HR 6393 (I think Will have to look it up again) was passed sneakily into the new NDAA that gave government officials the right to determine what was Russia propaganda and wipe it from the Internet or order news media to not print it. This was slipped in at the last minute by Obama Administration as pizzagate was breaking after the election. It was none other than John Podesta himself who was in R-Devin Nunes office pressuring this to get passed because Russia was behind all the fake news about things like pizzagate.

I posted about this urgently at the time because it was obvious what they were doing. Shortly after the web began erasing history, youtube was demonetized, the ridiculous lying articles were posted.

Psalm100 ago

Yes that was very concerning. And I think the elites told us they'd do that years ago.

Back about 15 years ago, when the internet was a new thing, I remember reading an actual report, I think from the U.S. government but possibly from an NGO, which said the U.S. government would do things like this in the future. I thought it was part of the government's "Global Trends" series - in which experts say where things are heading 10 to 15 years in advance -but I haven't been able to find it. I thought, though, that even some alternative news site talked about it at the time.

The example given in this report was literally this: in the future there would be an incident, where a fake Fidel Castro video was shown on t.v. He would be digitally created, and it would be the U.S. government behind it for the purposes of propaganda. And I remember this report so clearly stating: "and the target (for this fake Castro propaganda) wouldn't be the Cuban people, but the American people."

So 15 years ago they were already saying they would turn and use propaganda against America.

This is the Global Trends page. It's from the Director of National Intelligence.

"Every four years since 1997, the National Intelligence Council has published an unclassified strategic assessment of how key trends and uncertainties might shape the world over the next 20 years to help senior US leaders think and plan for the longer term. The report is timed to be especially relevant for the administration of a newly elected US President, but Global Trends increasingly has served to foster discussions about the future with people around the world..."

pizzaequalspedo ago

The MSM, big business/big banks and Deep State have basically joined forces to become the Federal government.

Until people on both sides realize that they're getting fucked by DC, no matter whether it's a D or R next to the name, nothing will change.

Dressage2 ago

I also think that is why these guys like the one that shot Scalise are supposedly Bernie supporters. I think they are trying to make sure the Trumpsters do not team up with the FeelTheBerners.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Good point. Certainly possible.

Jem777 ago

Exactly. That is why it was so sickening to watch John Podesta in R-Devin Nunes office helping him craft the legislation over "Russia" while pizzagate was exploding with his name on it. They save themselves. I think Devin Nunes has now been advised by a whistleblower though.

Silverlining ago

FBIAnon was heavily hinting at looking at who started the Russia narrative.

Are_we_sure ago

FBIAnon works on the third floor of a building in St. Petersburg. He works on the D wing and is paid much, much better than most because he lived over here for a while and his English is excellent.

Silverlining ago

So, the office next to yours!

Are_we_sure ago


DarkMath ago

"it was obvious what they were doing"

I believe you and I'm sure they thought it would help protect them but the Deep State fraud is massive. They can't hide this much longer. The truth will out, it always has and always will.

There's going to be a day coming up pretty soon where this thing goes viral and it's going to be the biggest shock in American History to many people.

DeathTooMasons ago

Wrong. The TV will always have sway over most sheeple. And you are not one of us, so don't include yourself in the group by saying you and I. Speek for your own species, not ours.

DarkMath ago

" Speek for your own species, not ours."

DTM I was kicked out of the Upper Class after I failed to secure employment on Wall Street up my graduation from Brown University in Providence RI. I've been falling ever since. I can assure you I'm not one of them.

I can assure you I grew up faaaaaaaarrrrrr poorer than you did:

I'm the real deal. The problem is I don't agree with you on everything. When you get older you'll realize that's actually a GOOD thing. The last thing anyone wants is to be among people who think exactly like they do.


PedoStomper ago

We can only hope that it will anger some people to the point of violent revolt.

eyeVoated ago

How about everyone wakes up to the truth, evil people are simply outed for the slimebags they are, and finally Nature is allowed to correct the wrongdoings of evil. No more bullshit. Just Natural order. How long do you think a child molester would last without the protection of "the law"? Just get rid of bullshit laws that protect evil people, and let True Freedom return to the planet.

DarkMath ago

I posted it there too:


Silverlining ago

Just look at those KEK numbers 8888 - perhaps approving the juxtaposition of Rudyard Kipling's IF

druhill007 ago

heyoooooooo 8888!!

Whtnoiz ago

I think it relates to this subverse. Thank you for posting.

MrPim ago

Not sure why theyd bother. You guys chase a thousand retarded 'leads' every day. Youre doing their work for them. OMG a pizza was delivered! WEW lads, smoking gun right there. But seriously lets talk about cookies iced w a spiral.

equineluvr ago

^^^^ Superb post.

Don't forget the PSY-OPs -- Seth Rich's "murder," the "deep state, election-stealing" BS, the George Webb crap, and the "shooting."


MrPim ago

$5 Hot and Ready is controlled op!

DarkMath ago

Horsefucker how about you put your money where your mouth is:

Do you think the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 should be repealed?


DarkMath ago

"Not sure why theyd bother. "

You don't live in America do you.


blackguard19 ago

HR 5736 was not passed until January 2013, sneakily, as part of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act.

So a law that legalized strategically contrived domestic media stories to dupe the population was hastily passed weeks after Sandy Hook.

RweSure ago

actually it was discussed throughout 2012.

blackguard19 ago

Introduced in May 2012 and passed in January 2013 as part of the NDAA, like I said.

Dressage2 ago

Ohhhh let's all guess who POTUS was? Let's not forget the crap 💩 about all the unmasking he rammed through just before he left office.

DarkMath ago

"Ohhhh let's all guess who POTUS was?"

Yep Obama really fundamentally transformed America alright. He turned America into a George Orwell Distopia.

Fortunately the jigs up on these Fascist Perp Nazis. When the average American citizen wakes up to this shit it's not going to be pretty.

PedoStomper ago

I always hear this yarn "Americans won't fight back, even if they find out about PedoGate, NSA spying, the works, they're too fat and lazy to do anything." While I do believe that they are pushing obesity on Americans to put them in exactly that state, I think even your average Southern fatass who guzzles Bud Light would having no issue picking up a rifle and shooting both Podesta Bros in the fucking face if PedoGate became a provable fact.

DarkMath ago

"Americans won't fight back"

Holy crap will they ever. This is the clearest case of Right vs Wrong I've ever seen in my life. I'm wondering if they're gonna bring back the Draw and Quarter. It's that fucking bad down there in DC.

carmencita ago

There are many black people living in DC and all those missing black children are theirs. I would not want to be in that town when they find out what happened to them all. And all the other missing children in our land. I am only afraid that the blood will be ours and not theirs. They have militarized the PDs of the country. Some even have mini tanks. We may be short of weapons. Also, remember there is the mafia and their MS-13. This will not be pretty.

Dressage2 ago

Sessions keeps taking out the MS-13s.I think in Long Island they just took out 40 from one area alone.

carmencita ago

There are thousands. It will take an army. We should call in the National Guard.

PedoStomper ago

That's why the "legalize kid fucking" agenda is going to go full-steam ahead, and pretty soon these ANTIFA fucks will be openly pro-pedo as well. They will spin the narrative into "what's the big deal" and try to get as many people as possible to have at least some level of "understanding" or "sympathy" for pedos.

DarkMath ago

"pretty soon these ANTIFA fucks"

As soon as they find out David Rockefeller thought up 9/11 Anti-Fa will come around.

DarkMath ago

It's scary they got away with that. I consider myself pretty well informed and I had NO IDEA that's what HR 5736 was.

No one knows about HR 5736 and how it justifies things like Sandy Hook. To prove Sandy Hook was a hoax all people need to see is the text in HR 5736.

I am totally blown away right now, absolutely flabbergasted.

Silverlining ago


To amend the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences, and for other purposes.

Seems fairly harmless on the face of it.

RweSure ago

DarkMath is completely wrong in his interpretation of this. Notice that it says it applies only the State Department and the work of the Broadcasting Board of Governors which do public diplomacy broadcasting mainly through news services. You can go here and see what it says

It does not apply to postings on message boards.

The 1948 bill never prevented Americans from gettting and using this material. If I had a radio station, I still could have asked for this material and licensed it to us on my radio station. if the broadcast used material from the AP or Reuters or other news services, I would need a license from them as well. In fact, the law says they should use public news sources wherever possible. The distinction is that you would have to make the request.

One of the arguments for updating this bill came about from fighting terrorism. If you look at the BBG website. The broadcasts are fairly niche, like VOA Somalia. This is because the law basically has a non compete clause. If private media is adequately covering a topic, the BBG is not allowed to create programming in that sphere. Recently people wanted to broadcast VOA Somalia to the Somali community in the US. The idea was this was the best news source on Somalia and would provide counterweight to the broadcasting/messaging done by the Al Shabab terrorist group which is one of the only news sources regularly available to Somalis. And the US is hugely influential to Somalia. Do you know what the President of Somalia's previous job was ? He worked in the Buffalo office of the New York Department of Transportation

DarkMath ago

"Seems fairly harmless on the face of it."

Yes it does doesn't it. It ain't harmless. It legalizes domestic propaganda, a.k.a. lying.

KennedysRevenge ago

one splinter...

carmencita ago

and scatter it into the wind.