Eleutheria ago

Just found out? Dang, how much rent were you paying for the rock you were living under?! This even made news on deddit at the time, despite Obama putting his name on it.

DarkMath ago

"the rock you were living under"

The rock was called Marriage. Long story, don't get me started........

Eleutheria ago

Ha, don't worry about it. I just found it weird that someone posting to a PG sub had only heard of this act now. You took a very unorthodox route to Pizzagate-dom if this wasn't already mentioned to you prior to the email release.

DarkMath ago

Don't be surprised. I'm just the tip of a very large Ice Berg. When 100,000,000+ million Americans start learning that the NDAA and Smith-Mundt authorized lying to the American Public the entire fraud around Sandy Hook will collapse.

Holy fuck this is going to blow people's minds.

Eleutheria ago

I've seen all of part 1, and some of part 2, of that documentary that made rounds after the shooting. The entire thing was very compelling, even though the narrator tended to circle back to previous points far too often.

Stuff like the shattered glass being on the outside, shotgun holes despite the shooter using an AR and pistol, that same pinhead walking around in three different uniforms then being a "parent". I've still got a small mental hurdle with wondering "Why would someone stage the death of children at the hands of a mass murderer?" But perhaps I'm looking at them as humans, which was my first mistake.

DarkMath ago

"I've still got a small mental hurdle with wondering "Why would someone stage the death of children at the hands of a mass murderer""

That's an easy answer. If you're in the Deep State and you are committing High Treason to quite literally destroy the very foundation of the United States and replace it with a Fascist Oligarchiatorship you really don't want piss off 100,000,000+ people with the right to own an assault rifle. 100,000,000+ means it the magazine's capacity doesn't matter if you catch my drift.

We caught these people in the act of High Treason. It makes my skin crawl thinking of how evil these mother fuckers were and are.