idontlikesalmon ago

Allright, thanks a lot! Always thought Gunderson was legit. I apparently understood the comment backwards.

idontlikesalmon ago

So you're saying Gunderson is disinfo? Not gonna read the whole thing...

Kill-Commies ago

Dont forget how the FBI BUILT the first WTC bomb that ended up killing americans, when the guy who was making it under fbi orders was told he'd have to use real explosives instead of an inert powder he got suspicious and started recording all of his instructions. This was even made it to MSM news where it got trivialized by a "the fbi MIGHT have known in advance, and COULD have stopped them" narrative while completely glossing over their role in killing our own people.

DarkMath ago

Thanks. I vaguely remember hearing that but it got tuned like you said by the MSM.

It's going to be tough watching a lot of these guys hang. As a Christian it breaks me heart to see anyone die guilty or innocent.

But Jesus also said in Matthew 22:21 "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". That means the clear separation of church and state. Those convicted face two punishments, one from the state and one from God and they don't always meet. Unfortunately for the hard core perps in this case that means "Let 'em hang.".


DarkMath ago

"What's crazy is how recently you have "red pilled" and how resistant you are to other red pills"

Tell me about it. I believed the government story hook, like and sinker for years. What changed? Hillary getting convicted child trafficker Laura Silsby out of jail in Haiti. That wasn't very Presidential. Silsby only had about a year left on her sentence. Hillary would never have risked damaging her reputation by getting a child trafficker out of jail for no reason.

That scared the fuck out of me right there. Why the fuck would Hillary risk it all. The only reason was that Silsby was guilty and knew too much. That confirmed every fear I had about Hillary Clinton being the Anti-Christ and everything fell apart almost immediately after that. That one tiny nugget of truth destroyed their credibility.

"You seem so sure of things, yet you have only been at this stuff for a year."

I'm a quick study.


DarkMath ago

I don't get it. Are you saying Daniel Lewin is still alive?

javierNelson ago

jet fuel cant melt steel beams

DarkMath ago

"jet fuel cant melt steel beams"

That's correct. That's why Marvin Bush and Mossad spent the 2 years leading up to 9/11 rigging the building with thermite and well placed explosives.

Please watch the video before responding:


OKythen ago

I knew a couple of guys who train air traffic controllers.

I asked them about 9/11. After the had both looked over their shoulders, they empathetically said no, it could not be done by a civilian pilot and then they went on to list the equipment it takes to get a qualified pilot down onto the runway.

Just saying...

DarkMath ago

OKythen please meet Field McConnell:

Field is a little "out there" but don't worry. He's Irish like me and we're all a little "out there", long story. Just remember the phrase Bowing Uninteruptable Auto-Pilot (BUAP).

That's how they "droned" those airliners. All Boeing aircraft made after 1996 are hijack proof due to the BUAP. So literally hijacking an airplane is impossible. UNLESS you're the Deep State and you want to "hijack" an airliner and then fly it into the World Trade Center.
