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0101buckyballs0101 ago

Podesta and Murdoch have ties to Azerbijan

"The Podesta Group, a D.C.-based lobbying and public relations outfit founded by Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta, the current special advisor to the Obama administration, has been the registered agent of the Azerbaijani Embassy for several years. On January 1, 2014, the group inked a new agreement to receive $50,000 a month from the embassy, plus expenses to provide "strategic counsel to Azerbaijan on strengthening its ties to the United States government and institutions." This agreement, which was signed by Elin Suleymanov, the Azerbaijani ambassador to the United States, and Anthony Podesta, the head of the Podesta Group, was amended on April 15, 2014, to encompass "additional services" defined as performing "public relations services for Azerbaijan." It is good through July 14, 2014.

"Enter Matthew Freud, the son-in-law of Rupert Murdoch and head of the London-based PR firm Freud Communications. Having reportedly rejected contracts from Libyan strongman Muammar al-Qaddafi 10 times, and from ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak five times, Freud was clearly more amenable to a request for representation by the Azeri dauphine. In 2011, he organized what the British satirical weekly Private Eye called "a caviar-rich London party" to "launch" Aliyeva in British high society. Guests at this soirée included Lord Peter Mandelson, Tony Blair's onetime political svengali; Freud's wife and Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth; Lord Browne, the former head of BP; Ed Vaizey, the current British culture minister; Stuart Rose, formerly the top man at Marks & Spencer; and Evgeny Lebedev, the Russian oligarch proprietor of the Independent and Evening Standard newspapers."

Murdoch yacht Rosehearty

"The Murdoch yacht is called Rosehearty. It flies the Portuguese flag."

Worth reading for extra context

Vertical info on "Freud"

Matthew Freud went to school in Hampstead

"Rupert Murdoch’s son-in-law never ate chalk at our Hampstead prep school in the 1970s. "

Freud's UK "roots" are in Hampstead

"Hampstead has a statue of Freud at the Tavistock Clinic; and the Freud Museum; and the Anna Freud Centre."

"Hampstead "just happens to be subject to a cover up

Jem777 ago

I am the poster who tied all these people together earlier regarding McCann. Freud Podesta Epstein Soros Kidman etc. I originally posted awhile back about the Tavistock Institute this is the key or a major key. Formed during the end of WW11 known to have a history involving experiments. Numerous psychoanalysts originated here or have history here I. E. Freud. Scientists from Germany during that time from here. After the war brought to the USA continued some work "monarch program'. Secret societies. My last post on this was removed. FBIanon said this was one of the motherloadsbthe Tavistock Institute it's connections to the elite what it does in secret what it has done historically. Soros is a big part of this.